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Module 1 – Lecture 2

How to Write Chapters 4 and 5

Chapter 4 is the most important part of your manuscript. Most panel
members ask questions regarding the results of your experiment or data
gathering. That’s why its very important to write your chapter 4 very precise
and clear.

Chapter 4 answers all of the objectives of the study. It shows all numerical
and non-numerical results. If your doing capstone design, all details such as
plans, maps, calculations etc. must be shown in this chapter.
In order to improve your Chapter 4, follow these recommendations:
 The sequence of sub-topic should be based on how you write your
 Results from experiments/data gathering should be supported by
references specially those novel ideas
 Choose the proper platform in presenting your data (ex. Tables, graphs,
 If you have a ton of data, use appendix
 Proper numbering of tables and figures, start with:
 Figure 4.1 …….
 Table 4.1 …….
• All words in the table should be readable, Times New Roman and
Minimum of 10 (font size)
• If there are numerical values, use same number of decimal places.

Table 4.1 Mean Squared Error

M e a n S q u a red Error
Neuro n s B e s t Validation E p o ch Neu ro n s B e s t Validation E p och
3 2.6422 0 3 0.24864 0
4 7.8444 0 4 3.3025 0
5 4.5066 0 5 4.3473 0
6 2 3 .2 9 7 8 0 6 1 0 .1 4 6 7 0
7 3 4 .2 8 0 6 0 7 0.5268 0
8 1.8505 0 8 2.249 0
9 0.599 0 9 3.3042 0
10 0.23134 0 10 0 .6 3 3 2 2 0
• Choose the proper graph to
show the results of your
experiments etc.
• Use proper color in your
graph, figures and maps
(ex. Hot-red, cold-blue)
• If needed, assign values to the
Bar Chart Pie Chart
Line Graph Graph/Scattered Plot
Ideal for showing the Diagram
Ideal for showing the
Ideal for showing trend of percentage/impact of each
differences of result of
the results linearly Ideal for showing the trend
each factor factor
in non-linear behavior

Bar Chart Line Graph Pie Chart Y-Values

6 6 4
5 3
4 10% 2
23% 58% 1
3 2
2 0
1 0 1 2 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Chapter 5 is the conclusion part of your manuscript. It is the summary of all
results gathered in your research. Conclusion is the direct answer to all of
your objectives.

Conclusion must be short and precise. There are several readers of your
manuscript that directly go to the conclusion part. That’s why conclusion
must be written properly to depicts the knowledge provided by your
research. z
You may follow these recommendation in order to improve your Chapter 5:

 Follow the sequence of your objectives

 If you have 4 objectives, conclusion must have 4 separate paragraphs
 Each paragraph must answer each objective of the study
 Limit each paragraph to 3-5 sentences as much as possible
 Do not exceed your conclusion beyond the content of the research
 Properly choose your words
The models derived using Neural Network showed very-satisfactory predicting ability for both
flexural and compressive strength of concrete as described by highly correlated R values above 0.98.
The models were able to provide prediction results in good agreement with experimental values.
Compressive strength and flexural resistance are at the highest when the fiber content is at 1.8kg per
cubic meter of mix.

An increase of 29.79% and 51.43% were recorded for low and high flexural strengths corresponding
to an addition of 1 kg/m3 to 1.8 kg/m3 of fiber reinforcement.

An increase of 14.18% and 17.88% were recorded for high and low compressive strengths
corresponding to an addition of 1 kg/m3 to 1.8 kg/m3 of fiber reinforcement. The added compressive
and flexural strength of fiber in concrete may vary in its distribution throughout the mixture.
Chapter 5 ( Recommendations)
Chapter 5 is the recommendation part of your manuscript. Most student
researchers neglect this chapter. Recommendations must be properly
written to avoid confusion on the readers and probable next researchers.

Some Panel members look into this chapter. Improper recommendation may
lead to several questions from the panel members.
Chapter 5 ( Recommendations)
You may follow these recommendation in order to
improve you chapter 5:
 Do not use recommendations such as “The
researchers recommend to use other testing tools for
accurate results”, “The researcher recommend to add
more data for accuracy”

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