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01 02 Overview of Computer System


The computer system structure consists of various components that work together to perform tasks and
execute programs. Here is an overview of the parts and how they fit together:

Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is the core component responsible for executing instructions and
performing calculations. It fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and executes them.

Device Controllers: These are specialized hardware components that control specific devices or
peripherals, such as disk drives, USB devices, printers, etc. Each device has its own controller, which
communicates with the CPU through the operating system.

Common Bus: The common bus provides a communication pathway for data transfer between the CPU,
memory, and devices. It allows concurrent execution of CPUs and devices, enabling them to share
memory cycles.

Shared Memory: The shared memory is a region of memory accessible by both the CPU and
input/output (I/O) devices. It facilitates data transfer between the CPU and devices.

Device Drivers: Device drivers are software programs that enable communication between the operating
system and device controllers. They provide an interface for the operating system to interact with the

Interrupts: Interrupts are signals generated by devices to gain the attention of the CPU. When a device
needs to communicate with the CPU, it raises an interrupt, temporarily pausing the CPU's current
execution to handle the interrupt request. Interrupts can be generated by hardware events (e.g., a
printer running out of paper) or by user requests (e.g., pressing a key combination).

Interrupt Service Routine: When an interrupt occurs, the CPU transfers control to the interrupt service
routine (ISR) associated with that interrupt. The ISR handles the specific interrupt request and performs
the necessary actions, such as data processing, error handling, or notifying the user.
System Calls: System calls are functions provided by the operating system that allow user programs to
interact with the hardware and perform privileged operations. They serve as an interface between user
programs and the underlying system resources.

Input/Output (I/O) Operations: I/O devices, such as keyboards, mice, printers, etc., can execute
concurrently with the CPU. The CPU initiates I/O operations by sending requests to the device
controllers. The device controllers transfer data between the devices and the main memory through the
system bus.

Interrupt Driven I/O: In interrupt-driven I/O, the CPU initiates an I/O operation and continues executing
user programs while waiting for the completion of the I/O. Once the I/O operation is complete, an
interrupt signal is generated, and the CPU switches its attention to handle the interrupt before resuming
the execution of the user program.

Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O: In synchronous I/O, the CPU waits for the completion of the I/O
operation before proceeding with the execution of the remaining code. In asynchronous I/O, the CPU
resumes the execution of the user program without waiting for the I/O completion, allowing concurrent
processing of I/O and other tasks.

Overall, the computer system structure involves the coordination of CPU, memory, device controllers,
interrupts, and operating system components to facilitate efficient and concurrent execution of
programs and interactions with I/O devices.

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