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Product Design

It is defined as the overall look of the products, the company has created and the
appearance we (as a customer) see during the purchase of the products.

Steps of product design

1. Imagine, Define and Visualize Product

The first step towards creating a successful product design is to brainstorm
yourself with the possible ideas to develop a new product. Here, product designers
usually undertake two approaches, beginning with proposing an idea for a product
and then troubleshooting.

2. User Research
Before you start working on your product design, it is important to undertake
proper user research or survey. This involves analyzing the competition in the
market, customer threshold, market demand, and possible market for your product.

3. Sketching and Prototyping

The next step to narrowing your approach and increase focus when designing a
product is to create potential sketches for your product. After this, it requires
completion and analysis of various product layouts, editing, and refinement.
Designing a perfect prototype is the best option for you since it gives you a three-
dimensional idea of your product design itself.

4. Specifications
Now that your product layout is ready enumerating your product specifications is a
major step before you put your product into production. This involves details about
the overall estimated costs, deadlines, and delimitation of responsibilities. This step
focuses on collecting, creating, and organizing all the required documents for
product design and production.

5. Sample Testing
The next step towards product designing is the creation of a pre-production sample
essential for testing and monitoring before placing a bulk order. Once a sample is
created, it is put to testing on various grounds, enabling the production managers to
identify risks and claws in your product design and rectify them.

6. Commence Production
Once you have a complete set of technical specifications and product design, you
can start your product manufacturing and development operations. Divide the
production process into smaller divisions to carry out different operations and
assign duties to fellow employees.

7. Provide Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is carried out during the entire production process. Every step of
production needs to be carefully supervised in order to ensure higher quality
standards for a safe, reliable, and futuristic product design. This can involve pre-
release testing, regular inspection, and assessment of quality standards.

Process of Product Design

1) Brainstorming: Gathering ideas to create products and services. Also,

brainstorming is used to solve problems that are seen in society, day-to-day life etc.
as those problems can be used as an innovative/unique business ideas to create
such products/services that would help to resolves such issues.

2) Defining the Product: After brainstorming, when all the viable ideas for the
future product are chosen, you need to highlight a certain number of general
expectations (requirements) for its implementation.

3) Conducting the User Research: Research implies several aspects: market

research to define the presence of competitors, the definition of trends, the
assessment of the product’s prospective longevity, etc.

4) Finding out Funds requirements: Any large project with a significant budget
will only benefit from the creation of sketches. Need to find out from where, how
much funds will be required, how will it be collected etc.

5) Creating Prototype before final release: A prototype (simple visualization of

the product to test the concept) should be/is created so that before release it is
provided to insiders (employee/ other testers) to use it and to tell the company is
anything is lacking behind in the product. If any defect or lack features etc.
anything wrong is seen it is aimed to rectify / modify before public release of the

6) Compiling Specifications: Creation of a list of specifications is, in fact, the

process of the above-mentioned requirement specification’s elaboration. It allows
reviewing all the requirements for the finished product and possible solutions in
maximum detail.

7) Producing the Factory Samples: Manufacturing the pre-production samples

will help you understand whether the core idea of the product would be viable and
attractive to the real users or if, perhaps, it’s worth to shift the activity vector to
other key points.

8) Sample Testing: Testing samples allows you to timely identify the flaws of the
product or inconsistencies with the requirements. That is before you even begin an
expensive (as a rule) procedure of its implementation. Manufacturing and testing
the samples can be iterated as much as needed until they correspond to all the
requirements and gain enough of the positive feedback from customers.

9) Starting the Production/Development: Now, it’s Showtime!! After defects,

additional features etc. are decided and complete verification is done regarding the
product viability as a business growth to the company. Time to do actual making of
the product for the consumers.

10)  Providing Quality Assurance: In fact, quality assurance activities cover all
stages of product development, including release and further maintenance.
Nevertheless, their main responsibilities lay in ensuring the quality of the finished

Value Analysis (VA)

In simple words VA is defined as the way to reduce expenses, without

compromising the quality of the products/ services. Steps of Value Creation are
defined below:-
1) Familiarization to gain information

2) Analysis to identify problem areas

3) Innovation

4) Evaluation and Selection

5) Implementation, Monitoring and Corrective Actions.

Standardization & Simplification

Standardisation refers to the process of setting standards for every business

activity; it can be standardisation of process, raw material, time, product,
machinery, methods or working conditions.

Simplification aims at eliminating unnecessary diversity of products. It results in

savings of cost of labour, machines and tools.

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