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1. Rewrite these sentences in REPORTED SPEECH

1. “I’m living in London now”, said Peter.

2. He said: “I don’t know what David’s going to do “

3. She told her mother: “Do l tell Ann when I see her?”

4. Sue reminded me: “Kate and William are getting married next week”

5. “I’ll be there in five minutes”, he promised.

6. My best friend said: “you can come and stay at my flat, whenever you are in London”

7. “Rick, why didn’t you arrive on time?” the boss said.

8. “Let’s go jogging”, suggested Henry.

9. “Pirates III is the worst of the series”, he said.

10. “Will you buy milk?” He asked

2. Join the sentences with a relative pronoun:

- A man has gone to prison. He shot two policemen (D)

- A bomb caused a lot of damage. It went off this morning (D)

- A scientist has won the Nobel Prize. He discovered a new Planet (D)

- A footballer has been banned from playing again. He took drugs. (D)

- Zara has 10,000 employees. It’s an international company. (ND)

- Natasha’s house was burgled. She spent the night at a Friend’s house. (ND)

- I usually travel on train. That is not the train. (D)

- I opened a letter. It wasn’t for me. (D)

3. Join these two sentences into one conditional sentence:

- You think Emma should book a seat on the train. The alternative is having to stand.
- You didn’t know how unpopular Jason was when you invited him to your party.

- Warn your friend not to put too many tins into a plastic bag or it’ll break.

- You haven’t got a pen, so you can’t write down the address.

- You should have started your project earlier. You are so far behind now.


1. Sarah took a beautiful picture of the Empire State

- Did they see their friends leave the school?

- Have these pupils understood the questions?

2. Sheila has an excellent job at a bank.
- He didn’t let her take the car.
3. The secretary did not bring the papers.
- You mustn’t lend your sister the computer.
4. John is setting a new carpet in the office.
- Who was booking the rooms?
5. My grandfather was milking the cows at the
- They saw her buy some clothes in the shop.

- The man in the shop will give you the instructions for
6. I will take a taxi after the meeting.
your new computer.

7. We are going to see the movie.

8. Susan has lost her glasses. - They should give young people more opportunities to
9. He had begun his studies in Boston.

10. The dog has bitten our neighbour.

- Mary heard her father shout in the office.


1. Mr Brown said:" I was watching TV last night."

2. Sandy explained:" I saw the accident at the corner of High Street."

3. Bob said:" We had a wonderful time at Peter’s party."

4. The farmer said:" I didn’t see her."

5. Will and Tim said:" We were very happy about the present."

6. Mr Jones said: As a young boy I collected stickers."

7. Peter reported:" We played a lot of tennis last year."

8. Mother said:" I have a headache."

9. The Clarks told us:" We drove right down to Athens last summer."

10. Helen said:" I’m watching the late night show."


1. Nobody was explaining the meaning to him. . They will not mention it again if it is solved at once.

2. They had done the cleaning for me. . Someone turned on the light in the hall and opened the
3. Will the people paint the house for them?
. The milkman brings the milk to my house but the
4. Somebody should make dinner for him. postman leaves the letters in the hall.

5. They are making a cake for him.

. They are cutting all the trees in the Amazonas; but they
6. Can anybody repair the car for you? are not replanting new ones.

7. Everybody has picked up some flowers for her.

. The BBC sent Peter to Australia.

8 . They have told the news to the press.

. People drink thousands of pints of beer every night in

1. Hurry up! You _______________________________ (miss) your bus.

2. Tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock I ______________________________ (study) in the library.
3. By the time Nicole finishes university, she _________________________ (learn) four languages.
4. _________________________________ (you / work) this summer?
5. I think she ________________________ (get) better marks this year.
6. Tell me about my future. ____________________________ (I / ever meet) the love of my life?
7. They _______________________________ (lie) on the beach at this time next year.
8. Are you sure of that? Then I ________________________ (go) to the party, too.
9. The concert _______________________ (start) at exactly 10 o’clock.
10. See you at the station! I _____________________________ (wear) a red jacket.
11. Don’t worry! I _____________________________ (not leave) without you.
12. Speak lower! You ___________________________ (wake) the baby up.

Students aren’t allowed to smoke in the canteen.
Students __________________________________________________________.
You can give the tour guide a tip but it`s not necessary.
You ______________________________________________________________.
It is wrong of you to take money from my purse without asking.
You ______________________________________________________________.
You’d better start looking for a job.
You ______________________________________________________________.
I’m certain Steve arrived in Dublin yesterday.
Steve _____________________________________________________________.
Perhaps he will stop on the way.
He _______________________________________________________________.
Maybe he travelled to New York.
He _______________________________________________________________.
It isn’t necessary for us to take the umbrella. It isn`t raining.
We _______________________________________________________________.
It isn’t necessary for him to call me today.
He _______________________________________________________________.
It isn’t necessary for her to wash the car because it isn`t dirty.
She ______________________________________________________________.
I`m sure Antonio is from Milan.
Antonio __________________________________________________________.
I`m sure Susan hasn`t worked overtime.
Susan ____________________________________________________________.

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