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Title (título)

Todos los articles deben de llevar un título. Puede ser desde una pregunta a un
proverbio o un idiom. El título tiene que llamar la atención del lector, que
cuando lo vea quiera leer de qué va el texto.
Introduction (introducción)
Hay que tener en cuenta que esto no es un essay. No hay que explicar al
principio del texto de qué vamos a hablar. Podemos empezar el article con una
pregunta retórica o directamente hablando del tema sin mucho detalle.
Personal opinion (dar tu opinión)
Este segundo párrafo es el más importante. Aquí es donde vamos a desarrollar
nuestra opinión, dando ejemplos o contando anécdotas personales que ilustren
el por qué.
Talk to your reader (hable con tus lectores)
En este tercer y último párrafo, concluimos el texto dirigiéndonos al lector. Un
párrafo con un estilo directo, donde podemos volver a utilizar la pregunta y
siempre haciendo que el lector recapacite.

Ejemplo de redacción de un article para el B2 First

You see this announcement on an English-language cooking website.
Articles wanted.
The most delicious dish I have ever eaten.
What is the most delicious dish you have eaten? What makes it special? Which
country is the dish originally from?
Write us an article answering these questions.
The author of the best article chosen by our readers will be invited to a live
cooking show.

The Most Delicious Food In The World
If anyone is looking for a new delicious dish, I have a suggestion. Aubergine in
tomato sauce. It’s easy to make and really yummy.
It’s special in different ways. For me personally, it reminds me of my first
holiday with my girlfriend last year. It was the best holiday I’ve ever had and
every time I cook it, we remember how much fun we had. We tried it for the
first time when we were in Rome and then ordered it wherever we went to see
where they make the best one. It originally comes from the north of Italy, but
you can eat it all over the country now. My vegetarian friends love it. I was
always a little nervous when they came around because I have little experience
cooking without meat or fish, but this is something everyone can enjoy.

All you need is tomatoes, basil, garlic, aubergines, olive oil and some
parmesan cheese. Just look up the recipe on the Internet. It’s not hard to make
so even if you’re not an experienced cook, you can prepare something healthy
and delicious for you and your friends.

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