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Group 2

Case Analysis



Pertamina oil spilled into the sea on April 30, 2018 in Balikpapan Teluk.


The cause was the rupture of the Pertamina RU V Balikpapan pipe which was caught by
the anchor of the MV Ever Judger which was loading 74,808 metric tons of coal from the PT.
Perkasa Pratama Pier (Balikpapan Coal Terminal). The rupture of the pipeline resulted in the
leakage of 44 thousand barrels of crude oil into the sea or the equivalent of 6,995,441 liters.


The Balikpapan teluk Oil Spill Concern Community Coalition filed an appeal against the
decision of the East Kalimantan High Court (Kaltim) regarding the oil spill case. The appeal was
made after the East Kalimantan High Court rejected the coalition's appeal.


The PR of Pertamina responsible for this case is committed to dealing with the oil spill.
Pertamina will also intensify communication with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, local
governments, and agencies related to efforts to handle the oil spill and its development to the
governor and the mass media.


Public talks on social media and the initial mass media coverage of events did not focus
on efforts to "handle an emergency." There are many statements regarding the need for
environmental harm evaluation or law enforcement. Of course, these two things are not wrong,
but in a situation like this, discussion and countermeasures should take precedence.


What we have learned from PR (public relations) is the case of the Pertamina oil spill in
Balikpapan Bay. This should be handled first by Pertamina's PR. This is an important role for PR
to clarify, apologize, and provide promises for handling the oil spill. Furthermore, Pertamina
must keep the promise given by PR so that the promise is realized immediately.

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