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The Tenses: The Future

 Future Simple

FORM: SHALL/ WILL + Vb. Short Infinitive

+ I/ we shall leave        - I/ we shan’t leave        ? Shall I/ we leave? (SHALL se foloseste la

persoana I singular si plural)

   You will leave               You won’t leave             Will you leave? (WILL se foloseste la persoana
a II-a si a III-a singular si plural)

   He will leave                 He won’t leave               Will he leave?


1. Future actions (actiuni viitoare):

Adverbs: NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (saptamana viitoare/luna viitoare/ anul viitor),

TOMORROW (maine)/ THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (poimaine), SOON (in curand)

E.g. They will come tomorrow. (Ei vor veni maine.)

        2.     Unpremeditated, immediate actions (on the spot decisions)(actiuni nepremeditate,

imediate/ deciziit luate pe loc):

E.g. We have run out of bread. I’ll go and buy some. (Am ramas fara paine. Ma duc sa

       The phone is ringing. I’ll answer. (Suna telefonul. Raspund eu.)

       3.     Used after verbs such as (Viitorul se foloseste dupa anumite verbe cum ar fi): think
(a gandi), believe (a crede), expect (a se astepta), doubt (a se indoi), hope ( a spera),
suppose (a presupune) or expressions like (sau expresii ca): I’m sure/ certain (sunt sigur), it’s
possible/ likely/ unlikely (e posibil/ e probabil/ e improbabil)

E.g. I hope it won’t rain. (Sper ca nu va ploua.)

I expect she will be late. (Ma astept ca ea va intarzia.)

I doubt whether she will come. (Ma indoiesc ca ea va veni.)

I think she will be angry. (Cred ca ea va fi manioasa.)

 Atata SHALL cat si WILL se pot folosi ca verbe modale avand diferite sensuri:

SHALL used as a MODAL VERB can express (SHALL folosit ca verb modal poate exprima):

Determination (hotarare): e.g. I shall pass this exam. (Eu sunt hotarat sa trec acest examen)

Promise (promisiune): e.g. I shall buy you a car, I promise. (O sa iti cumpar o masina, iti

Threat (amenintare) (2nd and 3rd person sg./ pl.): e.g. You shall be sorry! (O sa iti para rau!)

Offer (oferta): e.g. Shall I give you a hand? (Sa iti dau o mana de ajutor?)

Laws and regulations (legi si regulamente): e.g. Books shall be brought back in a week./
You shall not kill. (Cartile trebuie aduse inapoi intr-o saptamana./ Sa nu ucizi.)

Asking for advice (cerere de sfat): e.g. Shall I buy a Ferrari or a Bentley? (Sa cumpar un Ferrari
sau un Bentley?) 

Suggestions (sugestii): e.g. Shall we go in the park later? (Sa mergem in parc mai tarziu?)

WILL used as a MODAL VERB can express (Will folosit ca verb modal poate exprima):

Promise (promisiune): e.g. Your father will buy you ice cream. (Tatal tau o sa iti cumpere

Determination (hotarare): e.g. I will see this done. (O sa duc asta pana la capat)

Predictions (preziceri): e.g. She will make a good mother. (Ea va fi o mama buna)

Assumptions (presupuneri): e.g. The bell is ringing. That will be Jim at the door. (Suna la usa.
Trebuie sa fie Jim)

Refusal in the present (refuz la prezent): e.g. I won’t do it. (Nu voi face asta - refuz sa o fac)

Habit in the present (obiceiuri in prezent): e.g. She will drop things all the time. = She is in the
habit of dropping things. (Ea are tendinta sa scape lucruri din mana tot timpul)
Known facts (fapte stiute): e.g. We will miss the plane because we are caught in a traffic jam.
(O sa pierdm avionul pentru ca suntem prinsi in trafic)

Polite requests (cereri politicoase): e.g. Will you help me with this? (Vrei sa ma ajuti cu asta?)

Offers (oferte): Will you have some more cake? (Mai vrei prajitura?)

Invitations (invitatii): e.g. Won’t you have a seat? (Vrei sa iei loc?)

Possibility (questions)(Posibilitate in intrebari) : e.g. Will it rain, do you think? (Crezi ca e

posibil sa ploua?)

Willingness (vointa): e.g. The doctor will see you in a minute. (Doctorul o sa va vada intru-un

 WILL ca Verb Modal se poate folosi in Conditionale de tipul 1 cu urmatoarele sensuri:

1. willingness  (vointa)

            E.g. If you want to come to the party, I’ll be glad. (Daca vrei sa vi la petrecere, voi fi

                   If you will come to the party, I’ll be glad. (Daca vrei sa vi la petrecere, voi fi

       2. refusal (refuz)

            E.g.  If you refuse to help us, I’ll get upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

                   If you won’t help us, I’ll be upset. (Daca refuzi sa ne ajuti, ma voi supara.)

        3. polite request (cerere politicoasa)

             E.g.  If you are kind enough to wait here, I’ll announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa
asteptati aici, va voi anunta.)

                    If you will wait here, I’ll announce you. (Daca sunteti dragut sa asteptati aici, va
voi anunta.)

        4. habit/insistence (obicei/ insistenta)

             E.g. If you insist on/ keep on smoking so much, you’ll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti
sa fumezi/ continui sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

                    If you will smoke so much, you’ll get lung cancer. (Daca insisti sa fumezi/
continui sa fumezi atat de mult, o sa faci cancer la plamani.)

Future Continuous


+ I/ we shall be leaving        - I/ we shan’t be leaving        ?  Shall I/ we be leaving? (SHALL se

foloseste la persoana I singular si plural)

You will be leaving                   You won’t be leaving              Will you be leaving?(WILL se

foloseste la persoana a II-a si a III-a singular si plural)

He will be leaving                     He will be leaving                 Will he be leaving?


1. Action in progress at a certain point in the future (actiune in progres la un moment

dat in viitor):

Adverbs: THIS TIME NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (saptamana trecuta/ luna viitoare pe
vremea asta/ anul viitor pe vremea asta), AT 5 TOMORROW (maine la 5), SOON (in curand),
IN 10 YEARS’ TIME (in zece ani)

E.g. I will be sleeping at five tomorrow. (Eu voi dormi maine la cinci)

      They will be travelling this time next week. (Ei vor calatori saptamana viitoare pe vremea

      2.    Action which will follow naturally one in the present (actiune care va urma in mod
natural uneia din prezent):

E.g. The clouds are gathering. It will be raining soon. (Norii se aduna. O sa ploua in curand)

      3.    Polite questions about somebody’s future intentions (intrebari politicoase despre

intentiile de viitor ale cuiva):

E.g. Will you be staying here long? (Veti sta mult aici?)

       4.   Events which are going to happen anyway (evenimente care se vor intampla

E.g. I won’t fix a time to talk because we will be meeting anyway. (Nu o sa aranjez un timp sa
vorbim pentru ca oricum o sa ne intalnim)

      5.    Fixed arrangements and plans for the future (aranjamente si planuri fixe de viitor):

E.g. The band will be performing in London this summer. (Trupa va canta in Londra vara

       6.   Routines (activitati de rutina):

Adverb: AS USUAL (ca de obicei)

E.g. I will be meeting the girls in town as usual. (O sa ma intalnesc cu fete in oras ca de obicei)

Future Perfect Simple


+ I shall have left                         - I shan’t have left                     ? Shall I have left?

You will have left                           You won’t have left                Will you have left?    

He will have left                             He won’t have left                  Will he have left?   


Action that will happen in the future before another action or point in the future (actiune
care se va intampla in viitor inainte de o alta actiune sau de un alt moment din viitor):

Time markers:

Se foloseste Viitor Perfect in Principala si Prezent in Secundara introdusa prin BY/ BY THE
TIME (pana atunci)/ BY THIS TIME NEXT WEEK/ MONTH/ YEAR (pana saptamana/ luna/ anul
viitor pe vremea asta)/ WHEN (cand)/ BEFORE (inainte)

BEFORE (+ Present Tenses)
E.g. We will have left by the time you arrive. (Noi vom fi plecat pana tu vei sosi)

       She will have eaten when they call her. (Ea va fi mancat cand o sa o sune ei)

Future Perfect Continuous


+ I shall have been reading                  - I shan’t have been reading                     ? Shall I have
been reading?

You will have been reading                   You won’t have been reading                Will you have
been reading?    

He will have been reading                     He won’t have been reading                  Will he have been


Action that will happen in the future for a period of time before another action or point in
the future (actiune care se va intampla in viitor pentru o perioada de timp inainte de o alta
actiune sau de un alt moment din viitor):

Time markers:


o BY (NOON/ 5 o’clock)/ BY THE TIME/ WHEN/ BEFORE (+ Present Tenses)

E.g. I will have been reading for three hours by the time dinner is ready. (Eu voi fi citit de trei
ore cand cina va fi gata)

      She will have been sleeping since noon when they arrive from the airport. (Ea va fi dormit

de la pranz cand ei vor sosi de la aeroport)

      They will have been working all day before the guests come. (Ei vor fi muncit toata ziua
inainte ca oaspetii sa soseasca)



I shall have eaten                                  by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi

mancat pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating for an hour      by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi
mancat de o ora pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating since 2 o'clock by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi
mancat de la ora doua pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

I shall have been eating all morning      by the time you arrive home from work. (Eu voi fi
mancat toata dimineata pana ajungi tu acasa de la munca.)

e.g. My aunt ... the house by the time you call on her. (by the time asks for Future Perfect but
you choose Simple because the duration is not given)

      Matusa mea va fi curatat casa pana o vizitezi tu. (by the time cere Viitor Perfect Simplu
pentru ca durata nu este data)

       a) will have cleaned

       b) would be cleaning

       c) will have been cleaning

       d) shall be cleaning

     They ... for three hours by the time they reach their destination. ( choose Future Perfect
Continuous because of BY THE TIME + DURATION -> for three hours)

     Ei vor fi condus de trei ore pana vor ajunge la destinatie. (Se foloseste Viitor Perfect
Continuu pentru ca este data durata iar by the time cere un Viitor Perfect)

      a) will have driven

      b) will have been driving

      c) are driving

      d) will be driving

Other ways of expressing future actions

(Alte modalitati pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare)

Present Simple:

-          Timetables/ schedules/ previous arrangements (orare/ arenjamente anterioare):

E.g. The train leaves at 5 p.m. tomorrow. (Trenul pleaca la 5 supamiaza maine.)

-          Fixed events which are not simply the wish of the speaker (evenimente fixe care nu sunt
dorinta vorbitorului):

E.g. Tom retires in three years. (Tom se pensioneaza in trei ani.)

-          Calendar reference (referiri calendaristice):

E.g. Christmas is on Tuesday next year. (Craciunul este marti saptamana viitoare.)

-          Time Clauses/ IF Clauses (Subordonate temoprale si conditionale):

E.g. When we get there, we will have dinner./ If we have time, we will go to the movies. (Cand

von ajunge acolo, o sa cinam./ Daca vom avea timp, vom merge la film.)

Present Continuous:

-          Future personal plans/ fixed arrangements (planuri personale de viitor/ aranjamente


E.g. I am seeing Tom tomorrow. (Ma vad cu Tom maine.)

-          Used with JUST to describe something on the point of happening (folosit cu JUST pentru
a descrie ceva pe punctul sa se intample):

E.g. The train is just leaving. (Trenul tocmai pleaca.)


TO BE ABOUT TO - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. The film is about to begin. (Filmul este pe punctul sa inceapa.)

TO BE ON THE VERGE OF + Vb.-ING - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. The plane is on the verge of crushing. (Avionul este pe punctul sa se prabuseasca.)

TO BE ON THE POINT OF + Vb.-ING - a fi pe punctul sa (near future - viitor apropiat):

E.g. Mary is on the point of crying. (Maria este pe punctul sa planga.)

TO BE TO (used to describe  formal arrangements - folosit pentru a descrie aranjamente


E.g. All students are to assemble in the hall at five. (Toti elevii trebuie sa se adune in hol la

TO BE DUE TO (used to refer to scheduled times which are not necessarily fixed events):

(se foloseste pentru a se referi la orare care nu sunt neaparat evenimente fixe)

E.g. The play is due to start in five minutes./ The baby is due (to be born) in May./ The train is
due to arrive at 5, but it is a little late.

(Piesa de teatru trebuie sa inceapa in cinci minute./ Copilul trebuie sa se nasca in mai./ Trenul
trebuie sa soseasca la ora 5 dar este in intarziere.)


-          Intention (intentie): E.g. I am going to buy a car next week. (Intentionez sa cumpar o
masina saptamana viitoare.)
-          Future action which will happen due to a present event (actiune viitoare care se va
intampla din cauza unui eveniment din prezent):

E.g. You are driving too fast. We are going to have an accident. (Conduci prea repede. O sa ai
un accident.)

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