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The Numeral
1.      1. The cardinal numeral (Numeralul cardinal)

0 – zero/ nil (folosit in football, ice hockey, etc.)/ love (folosit in tenis)/ duck (folosit in cricket)/ naught

1 – one

2 – two

3 – three

4 – four

5 – five

6 – six

7 – seven

8 – eight

9 – nine

10 – ten

11 – eleven

12 – twelve

13 – thirteen (intre 13 si 19 se adauga terminatia -teen)

14 – fourteen

15 – fifteen

16 – sixteen

17 – seventeen

18 – eighteen

19 – nineteen

20 – twenty

21 - twenty-one (se pune cratima)

30 – thirty

40 – fourty -> forty (40 se formeaza din four si terminatia -ty dar il pierde pe "u")

50 – fifty -> five se schimba in fif + -ty

60 – sixty

70 – seventy

80 – eighty

90 – ninety

100 – one hundred / two hundred/ three hundred(nu se pune -s daca avem numar in fata)

1,000 – one thousand/ two thousand

1,000,000 – one million/ two million (no –s)

Hundreds of people (se foloseste –s daca nu este numar in fata) -> sute de oameni

Two of them (number + of + pronoun/ noun) (doi dintre ei)

They came in tens, but then in hundreds of thousands. (Ei au venit cu zecile, dar apoi cu sutele de

They entered in twos. (insemnand grupuri cuorinzand numarul dat) (Ei au intrat cate doi.)

She seems to be in her early thirties. (Ea pare sa fie la inceputul varstei de 30 de ani. - adica are 31,
32, 33 sau 34 de ani.)

She seems to be in her mid thirties. (Ea pare sa fie la mijlocul varstei de 30 de ani. - adica are 35 de

She seems to be in her late thirties.(Ea pare sa fie la finalul varstei de 30 de ani.-adica are 36, 37, 38
sau 39 de ani)

Your 4’s are very well written. (plural for numbers: number+’s) (Cifrele tale de patru sunt bine

Gate three/ chapter five/ bus 23 (numeralul cardinal se foloseste pentru prti, capitole si autobuze.)

Expresii :

He went down on all fours. (El a mers in patru labe.)

This crew are all at sixes and sevens (= confused) (Tot acest echipaj este confuz.)

They were dressed up to the nines (= smartly/ elegantly) for the party. (Ei erau imbtacati foarte
elegant pentru petrecere.)

He is ten times better than you. (El este de zece ori mai bun ca tine.)

She was talking nineteen to the dozen. (= talk rapidly and energetically) (Ea vorbea foarte repede.)

He was having his forty winks.(=sleeping) (El dormea.)

The hundred and one problems of the company were solved. (Cele o suta unu probleme ale
companiei au fost rezolvate.)

I have a thousand and one things to look after. (Trebuie sa am grija de foarte multe lucruri.)

Send a thousand thanks to Mary. (trimite-i mii de multumiri lui Mary.)

All five of us were afraid. (Ne era teama la toti cinci dinte noi.)

A boy of seven (a 7-year-old boy) was playing outside. (Un baiat de 7 ani se juca afara.)

I am twenty-one/ twenty-one years old/ one and twenty. (Am 21 de ani.) -> in limba engleza varsta se
poate exprima spunand doar cifra sau adaugand la cifra years old sau punand revers, DAR nu se
poate spune doar cu years fara old. I am twenty-one years)

Cut the cake in four. (Taie prajitura in patru.)

She was a lovely girl in her teens (in her aloscence). (Ea era o fata draguta in adolescenta.)

A four (= a boat rowed by four) (O barca vaslita de patru oameni.)

There is a 32 (= a bus 32) (Iata ca vine {autobuzul} 32.)

The two of trumps (in card games) (Doiul de trefla.)

He hit a four (in cricket) (A inscris patru puncte.)

!! Ten dollars is a lot of money for a child. (folositi verbul la singular pentru a va referi la intregul

!! Pentru a exprima aproximatia se foloses cuvintele “about”, “or so”, “some”, “odd”:

e.g. I want about twenty kilos. (Vreau cam douazeci kg.)

There was a theft some three years ago. (A fost un furt cam acum trei ani.)

The book has two hundred odd pages. (Carte avea in jur de 200 de pagini.)

I will be busy in the next four hours or so. (Voi fi ocupat in urmatoarele patru ore sau cam asa ceva.)

2.     2. The Ordinal Numeral (Numeralul ordinal)

The first – 1st  

The second – 2nd

The third – 3rd

The fourth – 4th

The fifth – 5th

The sixth – 6th

The seventh – 7th

The eighth – 8th

The ninth – 9th

The twelfth  – 12th

The twentieth – 20th

The twenty-first – 21st

The thirty-second – 32nd

The forty-third – 43rd

The fifty-fourth – 54th

Expressing dates:

              7th February 2014/ the 7th of February 2014/ February 7th, 2014/ February the 7th, 2014


Every second day/ every third day (din doua in doua zile/ din tri in trei zile.)
After the twenty- somethingth attempt I decided to give up. (Dupa a nu stiu cata incercare am decis
sa renunt.)

For the umpteenth time she did “Swan Lake”. (very many) (Pentru a nu stiu cata oara ea a jucat in
"Lacul lebedelor".)

To have a second sight (clairvoyance) (A fi clarvazator.)

To have a sixth sense (A avea al saselea simt.)

I know it from a third party. (Sti asta de la altcineva.)

To be in the seventh heaven. (A fi in  al saptelea cer.)

He is the second youngest son. (El este al doile cel mai tana fiu/ penultimul fiu.)

It is the third largest city in the world. (Este al treilea mare oras din lume.)

India is the second most popular tourist attraction. (India este a doua dintre cele mai populare
atractii turistice.)

3.    3. Numeral adverbial

Once (odata)

Twice (de doua ori)

Three times/ thrice (de trei ori)

Four times (de patru ori)

Five times (de cinci ori)

Expressions: She will pay four or five times more if she has to. (Ea va plati de patru sau cinci ori mai
mult daca trebuie.)

                        Two times three is six. (2X3=6)

                        They do this twice a week. (Ei fac asta de doua ori pe saptamana.)


4.      4. Fractiile

Numeralul cardinal -> numerator SI Numeralul ordinal -> denominator + (s)

E.g. Two thirds (dua treimi)/ three eights (trei optimi)/ one third (o treime)/ one tenth (o zecime)

A quarter (un sfert) = one fourth (o patrime)

Half = 1/2 (jumatate)

!! Expresii:

Half naked (jumtate dezbracat)

Half a gale (masuratoare pentru vant)

Half baked (jumatate copt)

A two-thirds majority ( fractions keep the plural when used as adjectives) (O majoritate de doua

A three-quarter majority (quarter is not in the pl.) (O majoritate de trei sferturi.)

Two miles and a half/ two and a half miles (2 mile si jumatate)

5.     5. Numerele colective:

They express the numerical idea of plural under the form of singular:

!!! ATENTIE: se considera ca sunt numere si ca atare nu primes -s atunci cand au cifra in fata


- couple = 2 – a couple of hours (doua ore)

- pair = 2 – a pair of shoes (o pereche de pantofi)

- brace = 2 two brace of duck (patru rate) (a brace of quail - doua potranichii) -> folosit cu pasari

- dozen = 12 -> I want to buy two dozen eggs. (Vreau sa cumpar doua duzini de oua.)

- score = un grup de 20 - folosit adesea cu un numeral cardinal: fourscore–> There were fourscore of

people in the yard. (Erau 80 de oameni in curte.)

- yoke = 2 – a yoke of oxen (o pereche de boi)

- span = 2 - o pereche de anumale (de exemplu: mules = catari, horses = cai) care arata la fel: e.g. a
span of horses (doi cai)

    6. Numeralul multiplicativ/ distributiv

- exprima de cate ori ceva este facut sau de cate ori ceva s-a marit:

E.g. fourfold (impatrit), tenfold (inzecit), single (singur), double (dublu), triple (triplu)

- Numeralele distributive exprima distributia in grupuri egale:

E.g. One at a time (unul odata)

       By tens (cu zecile)

       Two by two/ three by three (doi cate doi/ trei cate trei)

       By the dozen (cu duzina)

       In twos/ in fours/ in tens (cate doi/ cate patru/ cate zece)

Expresii: Let’s try to solve the problems one at a time. (Hai sa incercam sa rezolvam problemele una
cate una.)

               First they came in twos, but later in tens.  (La inceput au venit cate doi, dar mai tarziu cate

6.     Folosirea semnelor de punctuatie:

-        se foloseste o virgula atunci cand avem numere:

1,000,000/ 2,000/ 1,500

-        se foloseste punct atunci cand avem :

5.50/ 1.25/ 0.58 grams

$ 3.40 – 3.40 dollars

€ 5.25 – 5.25 euros

-        se foloseste apostrof pentru contragerea anilor sau pentru a pune anii la plural:

1974 -> ’74 (in '74 -> in anul 1974)

I was born in the early 1970’s. (M-am nascut in prima parte a anilor '70) (se poate face plural pentru
ani si fara apostrof: 1970s)

-        se foloseste cratima de la 20 al 100:

Twenty-one = 21

7.     Concordanta verbului:

-        Termeni de masura la plural se folosesc cu verbul la singular of measurement in the plural

take the singular of the verb:

Nearly thirty pounds was paid for a bag. (Aproape 30 de lire s-a platit pentru o geanta.)

Four years seems a long time. (patru ani pare un timp lung.)

Here is five shillings. (It refers to the amount) (cu verbul la singular cand se refera la cantitate)

Here are five shillings. (It refers to the coins) (cu verbul la plural cand se refera la monede luate in

Twenty divided by five equals four. (20 impartit la 5 este egal cu 4.)

Three plus three equals (are) six.(3 plus 3 este egal cu 6.)

Three times three is (are) nine. (3 x 3 = 9)

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