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Encounter of the Brains

Grade 9 – Grade 10

1. Which ABO type is considered the universal recipient?
A. AB B. O C. A D. B
2. What hormone promotes the development of secondary female sexual characteristics such as
broad pelvis and enlarged breasts?
A. Testosterone B. Estrogen C. Melatonin D. Growth
3. If the liver cells of an animal have 24 chromosomes, its sperm cells would have how many
A. 12 B. 6 C. 48 D. 24
4. In animals, meiosis results in gametes, and fertilization results in:
A. Sporophytes B. Zygotes C. Clones D. Somatic cells
5. Which three planets are known as terrestrial planets because of their high density and rocky
A. Mercury, Venus, Mars C. Venus, Neptune, Pluto
B. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus D. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
6. What is the partially molten layer of the earth called?
A. Hydrosphere B. Lithosphere C. Biosphere D. Asthenosphere
7. All elements belonging to Group II A have _____ electrons(s) in its outermost shell.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
8. What do you call to the point of the Earth’s orbit when the Earth is nearest to the sun?
A. aphelion B. perigee C. perihelion D. apogee
9. What do you call the underground where an earthquake starts?
A. epicenter B. focus C. fault D. fault line
10. What natural occurrence is explained by the revolution of the earth around the sun with a 23.5-
degree tilt on its axis?
A. climate B. day and night C. four seasons D. weather

1. Which does not diffuse through the placenta from the mother to the fetus?
A. Oxygen B. Organic Nutrients C. Carbon dioxide D. Water
2. A 25 – year old pregnant woman is on her last month of pregnancy and has been experiencing
uterine contractions every 20 minutes. The hormone responsible for having this contraction is called:
A. Oxytocin B. Prolactin C. Cortisol D. Insulin
3. The point in the earth’s orbit when the earth is farthest from the sun is called:
A. Perihelion B. Aphelion C. Parallax D. Perigee
4. John is suffering from iron deficiency anemia which possibly means that there is a/an:
A. decreased RBC count C. abnormal clotting of blood
B. increased WBC count D. decrease WBC count
5. In biology, what is the term that describes the appearance of an organism without regard to its
hereditary constitution?
A. Genotype B. Values C. Beliefs D. Phenotype
6. Two different forms of the same gene and are located on homologous chromosome:
A. Alleles B. Gene C. Locus D. Chromatids
7. What BEST describes respiration?
A. Taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
B. Breathing in a mixture of different gases.
C. Breathing in and breathing out.
D. Taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.
8. Which of the following is TRUE about recessive genes?
A. Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a homozygous genotype
B. Have more superior phenotypic traits
C. Trait are inherited in discrete units, and are not the results of “blending”
D. Should be paired with a dominant gene in order to be expressed
9. Which is considered the master gland due to its influence on the activity of all the other glands?
A. Thyroid B. Adrenal C. Pituitary D. Parathyroid
10. What motion of the Earth causes the occurrence of night and day?
A. Revolution B. Rotation C. Solar translation D. Inclination axis

1. What is the main function of the peripheral nervous system?
A. communicates with the endocrine glands
B. regulates our heartbeat and breathing
C. controls our emotions and intelligence
D. connects central nervous system to all organs
2. Which parental pair could produce a colorblind female?
A. Heterozygous normal vision mother and normal father
B. Heterozygous normal vision mother and colorblind father
C. Normal vision mother and colorblind father
D. Homozygous normal vision mother and normal father
3. Which describes ABO blood group system?
A. Epistasis B. Multiple Alleles C. Polygenic traits D. incomplete dominance
4. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior?
A. cerebellum B. cerebrum C. medulla D. thalamus
5. Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called:
A. Centriole B. Centrosome C. Spindle fiber D. Chromatids
6. If trait is controlled by gene that is located in the X-chromosome, it is classified as
A. Genotype B. Gene-linked C. Sex-linked D. Phenotype
7. The funnel shaped opening through which the egg cell is released is the __________.
A. umbilical cord B. uterus C. fallopian tube D. tubules
8. Anatomically speaking, central nervous system is all about
A. brain and nerves C. brain and spinal cord
B. nerves and spinal cord D. nerves and spinal column
9. Goiter is associated with the improper functioning of which gland?
A. Pancreas B. Adrenal C. Thyroid D. Parathyroid
10. Which of the following organs do the pulmonary arteries service?
A. heart B. lungs C. lower trunk and legs D. all of the above

1. In what climate zone is the Philippines found? Tropic
2. Where does exchange of materials between the blood and the body tissues take place?
3. What chemical substance produced by the body regulates and coordinates the functions and
activities of bodily organs? Hormone
4. What type of blood vessel carries blood away from the heart? Artery
5. Who was the scientist who proposed the Continental Drift Theory? Alfred Wegener

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher OIC Executive Director/Principal
Encounter of the Brains
Grade 7 – Grade 8

1. All the elements belonging to Group II A have _____ electron(s) in its outermost shell.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
2. What do you call a mixture that scatters light passing through it?
A. Solution B. Colloid C. Suspension D. All of them
3. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the level of organization from lowest to highest?
A. Cells-system-organs-tissues C. Cells-tissues-organs-system
B. Systems-organs-tissues-cells D. Tissues-systems-cells-organs
4. The word atom is from a Greek word meaning:
A. small B. indivisible C. unseen D. visible
5. What is the smallest biological unit that can evolve over time?
A. ecosystem B. cell C. population D. individual
6. The properties of metals include all but which one of the following?
A. conductors of heat C. ductile – you can stretch it in strings
B. malleable – you can bend and mold it D. breaks easily
7. Which of this is NOT a multicellular organism?
A. Bird B. Amoeba C. Human D. Fish
8. The application of energy is called?
A. Inertia B. Kinetics C. Work D. Simulation
9. The solidified lava of a volcano belongs to which rock family? Is it:
A. igneous B. metamorphic C. sedimentary D. fossilized
10. The type of digestion that occurs in the mouth:
A. Both mechanical and chemical C. Chemical digestion alone
B. Mechanical digestion alone D. Neither mechanical nor chemical digestion

1. Because these rocks are formed from molten or partly molten magma, they will most likely be
found around Mt. Pinatubo and Mayon Volcano.
A. Metamorphic B. Sedimentary C. Organic D. Igneous
2. An airplane travels east for 2 hours at a rate of 500 km/hr. Which of the following quantities is a
A. the time of travel C. the displacement
B. the distance traveled D. the speed of the plane
3. How do solutions differ from compounds?
A. Solutions are heterogeneous mixtures; compounds are homogeneous.
B. Solutions vary in composition; compounds have definite composition.
C. Solutions have definite composition; compounds vary in composition.
D. Solutions are formed in chemical reactions; compounds combine physically.
4. Which of the following statements best defines the weight of an object?
A. it is equal to the inertia of the object.
B. It is the same as the mass of the object.
C. It is the quantity of matted in an object.
D. It is the result of the gravitational force acting on the object.
5. Which is NOT TRUE about cell theory?
A. Cells arise from pre-existing cell.
B. Cell is the basic functional unit of organism.
C. All living organism are made of cells.
D. Cells undergo series of cellular division.
6. In which rock layer are remains of aquatic organisms commonly found?
A. igneous B. sedimentary C. metamorphic D. granite
7. Which type of fault is formed in the regions where the strong compressional forces push the rocks
together, moving the crust vertically apart?
A. normal fault B. reverse fault C. transform fault D. strike-slip fault
8. What do you call the underground where an earthquake starts?
A. epicenter B. focus C. fault D. fault line
9. What instrument is used to detect and record the strength and duration of vibrations brought by
an earthquake?
A. seismogram B. seismograph C. barometer D. anemometer
10. What do you call a tropical cyclone formed in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, affecting Southeast
Asia, the west Philippine Sea and mostly Japan?
A. hurricane B. cyclone C. typhoon D. cyclonic storm

1. Susan pushes against a 100-kilogram rock with a force of 5 Newtons, but the rock doesn’t move.
The force the rock exerts on Susan is __________.
A. 0 N B. 5 N C. 20 N D. 100 N
2. What is the difference between plant and animal cell?
A. Osmosis is only true in plant cell. C. Cell wall is present only in plant cell.
B. Spindle fibers only form in animal cell. D. Vesicles are only present in plant cells.
3. The cell wall of plant is made of?
A. lipids B. cellulose C. glycolax D. chitin
4. To change matter from a solid (like ice) to a liquid (like water), you need to apply:
A. air B. water C. heat D. the freezer
5. What is the symbol for Mercury?
A. Me B. M C. Hg D. Hy
6. A suspension is ______________.
A. a heterogeneous mixture, can filter, and separates into layers
B. a homogeneous mixture, can filter, and separates into layers
C. a heterogeneous mixture, cannot filter, separates into layers
7. Which of the following is a characteristic of a colloid?
A. a homogeneous mixture C. particle settle out
B. scatters light D. can be separated by filtration
8. What instrument is used to measure force exerted by an object?
A. spring scale B. metric scale C. platform balance D. triple beam balance
9. What phase change in matter explains the disappearance of moth balls on a cabinet?
A. evaporation B. melting C. sublimation D. condensation
10. When you jump off a small rowing boat into the water, you will push yourself forward towards
the water. The same force you used to push forward will make the boat move backwards. Which law
of motion explains this scenario?
A. Law of Acceleration C. Law of Gravity
B. Law of Action – Reaction D. Law of Inertia

1. Name the person who developed a table of elements which revealed regularities in elemental
properties. Dmitri Mendeleev
2. What is the mass of a 60-kilogram astronaut in space, far from any planets? 60 kg
3. Which organelle is referred to as “the powerhouse of the cell”? Mitochondria/Mitochondrion
4. What do you call a group of organisms that live together in a particular location? Population
5. What is the term used to describe an object’s change in position with respect to a reference point?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher OIC Executive Director/Principal
Encounter of the Brains
Grade 5 – Grade 6

1. Jaycee is 27 years old. According to human structure how many bones he has?
A. 201 B. 217 C. 206 D. 106
2. Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas?
A. CO2 B. NO2 C. HS D. CH4
3. The funnel-shaped opening through which the egg is released is the _____.
A. umbilical cord B. uterus C. fallopian tube D. tubules
4. Which is an example of a chemical change?
A. boiling water C. nails turns into rust
B. melting of butter D. dissolving salt in water
5. Because these rocks are formed from molten or partly molten magma, they will most likely be
found around Mt. Pinatubo and Mayon Volcano.
A. metamorphic B. sedimentary C. organic D. igneous
6. What kind of bone marrow is responsible for blood cell production?
A. red marrow B. yellow marrow C. white matter D. gray matter
7. The all-embracing term referring to the field of science dealing with planet Earth is _________.
A. Genetics B. Earth Science C. Ecology D. Geology
8. The type of digestion that occurs in the mouth:
A. both mechanical and chemical C. chemical digestion alone
B. mechanical digestion alone D. neither mechanical nor chemical digestion
9. The bones that protects the lungs is the _______.
A. backbone B. hipbone C. ribs D. skull
10. Of physical properties of matter, which is the amount of matter in an object, e.g. 144 g of
A. mass B. volume C. density D. physical state

1. Which hormone promotes the development of secondary female sexual characteristics such as
broad pelvis and enlarged breasts?
A. testosterone B. estrogen C. secretion D. relaxin
2. Which protein is responsible for the production of our skin pigment?
A. collagen B. keratin C. oxytocin D. melanin
3. In which rock layer are remains of aquatic organisms commonly found?
A. igneous B. sedimentary C. metamorphic D. granite
4. Which of the following is a hermaphrodite?
A. human B. earthworm C. fungi D. bacteria
5. Clavicle is commonly known as:
A. shoulder blade B. chest bone C. Knee cap D. collar bone
6. What is the flap-like structure that prevents the food from going the wrong way during
A. epiglottis B. larynx C. esophagus D. pharynx
7. What do you call the finger-like folds on the inner linings of the small intestine?
A. villi B. appendix C. rugae D. cecum
8. Where does fertilization of human eggs most often takes place?
A. vagina B. uterus C. oviduct D. ovary
9. In animals, meiosis results in gametes, and fertilization results in:
A. sporophytes B. zygotes C. clones D. somatic cells
10. Which of the following is an example of a renewable energy source?
A. oil B. natural gas C. coal D. solar power

1. Muscles are composed of:
A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. vitamins D. fats
2. What is the term used to describe the release of mature egg cells from the ovary?
A. menstruation B. implantation C. copulation D. ovulation
3. How do solutions differ from compounds?
A. Solutions are heterogeneous mixtures; compounds are homogeneous.
B. Solutions vary in composition; compounds have definite composition.
C. Solutions have definite composition; compounds vary in composition.
D. Solutions are formed in chemical reactions; compounds combine physically.
4. What do you call a mixture that scatters light passing through it?
A. solution B. colloid C. suspension D. all of them
5. Which of the following statements best defines the weight of an object?
A. It is equal to the inertia of the object.
B. It is the same as the mass of the object.
C. It is the quantity of matter in an object.
D. It is the result of the gravitational force acting on the object.
6. You can turn your head without turning your body because your _________.
A. Pivot joint connects the skull to the neck
B. hinge joint connects the skull to the neck
C. Gliding joint connects the skull to the neck
D. Ball and socket joint connects the skull to the neck
7. To change matter from a solid (like ice) to a liquid (like water), you need to apply:
A. air B. water C. heat D. the freezer
8. Matter is:
A. Anything that has mass and takes up space
B. the reason you feel sad, e.g. what’s the matter?
C. The amount of mass an object has
D. How fast molecules run around
9. The three states of matter are:
A. hard, fluid, air C. particles, molecules, volume
B. solid, liquid, gas D. happy, sad, excited
10. Which of the following is an example of friction?
A. switching on a light C. sleeping
B. rubbing hands against each other D. none

1. __________ is a kind of force that makes moving things stop. Friction
2. What is the term given to a solid that has the ability of a solid to be hammered into a thin sheet?
3. The measurement of the hotness and coldness of the air is called __________. Temperature
4. What mineral is needed by our bones? Calcium
5. What is the term used to describe an object’s change in position with respect to a reference point?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher OIC Executive Director/Principal

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