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IinT~l Designation: D 6927 - 05


Standard Test Method for

Marshall Stability and Flow of Bituminous Mixtures 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6927: the number immediately following the designation indicates the vear of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the lust revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 6926 Test Method for Preparation of Bituminous Speci-
I. I This test method covers measurement of resistance to mens Using Marshall Apparatus
plastic flow of 102 mm (4 in.) cylindrical specimens of
3. Significance and Use
bituminous paving mixture loaded in a direction perpendicular
to the cylindrical axis by means of the Marshall apparatus. This 3.1 Marshall stability and flow values along with density;
test method is for use with dense graded bituminous mixtures air voids in the total mix. voids in the mineral aggregate, or
prepared with asphalt cement (modified and unmodified), voids, or both, tilled with asphalt are used for laboratory mix
cutback asphalt. tar, and tar-rubber with maximum size aggre- design and evaluation of bituminous mixtures. In addition,
gate up to 25 mm (I in.) in size (passing 25 mm (1 in.) sieve). Marshall stability and flow can be used to monitor the plant
1.2 The values stated in Sl units are to be regarded as the process of producing bituminous mixture. Marshall stability
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information and flow may also be used to relatively evaluate different mixes
only. and the effects of conditioning such as with water.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.1 Marshall stability and flow are bituminous mixture
safety concerns. (f any, associated with its use. It is the characteristics determined from tests of compacted specimens
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- of a specified geometry. The Marshall Test can be conducted
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- with two different types of equipment: (1) Method A-using a
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. loading frame with a load ring and a dial gauge for deformation
or now meter (Traditional Method) or (2) Method B-using a
2. Referenced Documents load-deformation recorder in conjunction with a load cell and
?I ASTM Standards: 2 linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) or other auto-
C 670 Practice for Preparing Precision and Bias Statements matic recording device (Automated Method).
for Test Methods for Construction Materials 3.1.2 Typically. Marshall stability is the peak resistance load
D 1188 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density obtained during a constant rate of deformation loading se-
of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Paraffin-Coated quence. However, depending on the composition and behavior
Specimens ~ of the mixture, a less defined type of failure has been observed,
D 2726 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density as illustrated in Fig. I.· As an alternative method, Marshall
of Non-Absorptive Compacted Bituminous Mixtures stability can also be defined as the load obtained. when the rate
D 3549 Test Method for Thickness or Height of Compacted of loading increase begins to decrease, such that the curve
Bituminous Paving Mixture Specimens starts to become horizontal, as shown in the bottom graph of
D 6752 Test Method for Bulk Specific Gravity and Density Fig. I. The magnitude of Marshall Stability varies with
of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Automatic aggregate type and grading and bitumen type, grade and
Vacuum Sealing Method amount. Various agencies have criteria for Marshall stability.
3.1.3 Marshall now is a measure of deformation (elastic
plus plastic) of the bituminous mix determined during 'the
stability test. In both types of failure, the Marshall now is the
I This test method is under the jurisdiction or
ASTM Committee 004 on Road
total sample deformation from the point where the projected
and Paving Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D04.20 on
Mechanical Tests or Bituminous Mixtures. tangent of the linear part of the curve intersects the .r-axis
Current edition approved June 1.2005. Published July 2005. Originally approved (deformation) to the point where the curve starts to become
in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 6927 - 0 .•. horizontal. As shown in Fig. I. this latter point usually
o For referenced ASTM standards. visit the ASTM website. or
corresponds to the peak stability; however, as an alternative
contact ASTM Customer Service at For AI/IIIU11 Book ,!f'ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard's Document Summary page on when the failure condition is not clearly defined, it can be
the ASTM website. selected as the point on the curve which is six (0.0 I in.) tlow

Copyright © ASTM Internationat. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. PO Box C700, West Conshohocken. PA 19428·2959. United States.


Select peak stability point or

shift 6flow (0.01 in.) units
or 1.5 mm off best tangent line



~ Shift 6flow (0.01 in.) units

or 1.5 mm offbest tangent line

FIG. 1 Flow Determination for Two Types of Specimen Failure

Am~) 0 6927 - 05
points (or 1.5 mm) to the right of the tangent line. There is no direct the two segments together without appreciable binding
ideal value but there are acceptable limits. if flow at the or loose motion on the guide rods. A circular testing head with
selected optimum binder content is above the upper limit, the an inside bevel having dimensions other than specified in Fig.
mix is considered too plastic or unstable and if below the lower 2 has been shown to give results different from the standard
limit, it is considered too brittle. testing head.
3.1.4 The Marshall stability and flow test results are appli- 4.2 Compression Loading Machine - The compression
cable to dense-graded bituminous mixtures with maximum size loading machine (Fig. 3) may consist of a screw jack mounted
aggregate up to 25 mrn (I in.) in size. For the purpose of mix in a testing frame and shall be designed to load at a uniform
design, Marshall stability and flow test results should consist of vertical movement of 50 :': 5 rum/min. (2.00 :': 0.15 in./min).
the average~ of a minimum of three specimens at each incre- The design in Fig. 3 shows power being supplied by an electric
merit of binder content where the binder content varies in
motor. A mechanical or hydraulic compression testing machine
one-half percent increments over a range of binder content. The may also be used provided the rate of loading can be
binder content range is generally selected on the basis of maintained at 50 :': 5 mm/rnin (2.00 :': 0.15 in./min).
experience and historical testing data of the component mate-
rials. but may involve trial and error to include the desirable 4.3 Load Measuring Device-As a minimum. a calibrated
range of mix properties. Dense-graded mixtures will generally nominal 20 kN (5000 lb) ring dynamometer (Fig. 3) with a dial
show a peak in stability within the range of binder contents indicator to measure ring deflection for applied loads is
tested. Stability,flow, density, air voids, and voids filled with required. The 20 kN (5000 lb) ring shall have a minimum
asphalt binder, may be plotted against binder content to allow sensitivity of 50 N (10 Ib). The dial indicator should be
selection of an optimum asphalt content for the mixture. The graduated in increments of 0.0025 mm (0.0001 in.) or finer.
above test properties may also be weighted differently to reflect The ring dynamometer should be attached to the testing frame
a particular mix design philosophy. In addition, a mixture (see ring holding bar, Fig. 3) and an adapter (see ring
design may be required to meet minimum voids in the mineral dynamometer adapter, Fig. 3) should be provided to transmit
aggregate based on nominal maximum aggregate size in the load to the breaking head. The ring dynamometer assembly
mixture. may be replaced with a load cell connected to a load-
3.1.5 Field laboratory Marshall stability and flow tests on deformation recorder or computer provided capacity and sen-
specimens made with plant-produced bituminous mix may sitivity meet above requirements.
vary significantly from laboratory design values because of
NOTE I-A higher capacity ring dynamometer may be required for
differences in plant mixing versus laboratory mixing. This
high-stability mixes. These include mixes with harsh, crushed aggregate
includes mixing efficiency and aging. and dense gradation. as well as mixes made with very stiff binders.
3.1.6 Sicnificant differences in Marshall srabilit and flow
from one set of tests to another or from an average value of 4.4 Flowmeter Tears ta owme er consis 5 a a gut e
several sets of data or specimens, prepared from plant- sleeve and a gage (Fig. 4). The activating pin of the gage shall
produced mix may indicate poor sampling. incorrect testing slide inside the guide sleeve with minimal friction and the
technique, change of grading, change of binder content, or a guide sleeve shall slide freely over the guide post (see Fig. 4)
malfunction in the plant process. The source of the variation of the breaking head. These points of frictional resistance shall
should be resolved and the problem corrected. be checked before tests. Graduations of the flowmeter gage
3.1.7 Specimens will most often be prepared using Test shall be increments of 0.25 mm (0.0 1 in.) or finer. Instead of a
Method D 6926 but may be prepared using other types of flowmeter, other devices such as an indicator dial or linear
compaction procedures as long as specimens satisfy geometry variable differential transducer (LVDT) connected to a load-
requirements. Other types of compaction may cause specimens deformation recorder or computer may be used. These alternate
to have different stress strain characteristics than specimens devices should be capable of indicating or displaying flow
prepared by Marshall impact compaction. Marshall stability (deformation) to the required sensitivity. These devices must be
and flow may also be determined using field cores from in situ designed to measure and record the same relative movement
pavement for information or evaluation. However, these results between the top of the guide post and the upper breaking head.
may not compare with results from laboratory-prepared speci- 4.5 lM:,terBath-The water bath shall be deep enough to
mens and shall not be used for specification or acceptance maintain the water level a minimum of 30 mm (1.25 in.) above
purposes. One source of error in testing field cores arises when the top of specimens. The bath shall be thermostatically
the side of the core is not smooth or perpendicular to the core controlled 50 as to maintain the specified test temperature
faces. Such conditions can create stress concentrations in ::t 1°C (2°F) at any point in the tank. The tank shall have a
loading and low Marshall stability.
perforated false bottom or be equipped with a shelf for
4. Apparatus supporting specimens 50 mm (2 in.) above the bottom of the
bath and be equipped with a mechanical water circulator.
4.1 Breaking Head-The testing head (Fig. 2) shall consist
of upper and lower cylindrical segments of cast gray or ductile 4.6 Oven-An oven capable of maintaining the specified
iron. cast steel, or annealed steel tubing. The lower segment test temperature ::t 1°C (2°F).
shall be mounted on a base having two perpendicular guide 4.7 Air Bath-The air bath for mixtures containing cutback
rods or posts (minimum 12.5 mm ('12 in.) in diameter) asphalt binder shall be thermostatically controlled and shall
extending upwards. Guide sleeves in the upper segment shall maintain the air temperature at 25 :': 1°C (77 ::t 2°F).


,dOT~) 0 6927
<!lHW - 05

~------_--J_._ .J

~-~ .1
mm in.
A 148.6 to 149.2 5.850 to 5.875
B 101.6 to 101.7 4.000 to 4.005
C 23.4 to 23.7
0.923 10 0.935
D 76.2 to 76.5 3.000 to 3.010
E 0.0 to 0.05 0.000 to 0.002
F 34.8 to 35.1 1.370 to 1.380
G 41.28 to 41.33 1.625 to 1.627
H 19.0 to 19.1 0.748 to 0.752
J 2.03 to 2.13 0.080 to 0.084
K 8.9 to 9.1 0.350 to 0.358
L' 101.5tol01.7 3.995 to 4.005
L 152.3 to 152.5 5.995 to 6.005
M Stresses transmit1ed through one spherical and one flat surface.
N Geometry of guide system optional but must be appreciably free of both play and binding.
One test for binding is to lift or lower head by a single guide bushing.

FIG. 2 Testing Head Dimensions

4.8 Thermometers-Calibrated thermometers for water and 5.3 Specimens can be conditioned for testing as soon as they
air baths shall cover the temperature range specified and be reach ambient room temperature. Testing shall be completed
readable to 0.2°C (O.4°F). within 24 h after compaction. Bring specimens prepared with
5. Procedure asphalt cement, tar. or tar-rubber to the specified temperature
by immersion in the water bath 30 to 40 min, or placement in
5.1 A minimum of three specimens of a given mixture shall
be tested. The specimens should have the same aggregate type. the oven for 120 to 130 min. Maintain the bath or oven
quality, and grading; the same mineral filler type and quantity; temperature at 60 ± 1°C (140 ± 2°F) for asphalt cement, 49 ±
and the same binder source, grade and amount. In addition, the 1°C (120 ± 2°F) for tar-rubber specimens. and 38 ± O( 100 ±
specimen should have the same preparation, that is, tempera- 2°F) for tar specimens. Bring specimens prepared with cutback
tures. cooling. and compaction. asphalt to temperature by placing them in the air bath for 120
5.2 Specimens should be cooled to room temperature after to 130 min. Maintain the air bath temperature at 25 ± 1°C (77
compaction. During cooling they should be placed on a ± 2°F).
smooth. flat surface. Bulk specific gravity of each specimen
NOTE 2- Temperature variation will affect test results. A dummy
shall be determined by Test Methods D 2726, D 1188, or
specimen with a thermocouple can be used to monitor temperature.
D 6752. The bulk specific gravities of replicate specimens for
each binder content shall agree within ±0.020 of the mean as 5.3.1 Thoroughly clean the guide rods and inside surfaces of
noted in Test Method D 6926. the test head segments prior to conducting the test. Lubricate
5.2.1 Measure specimen thickness according to Test Method guide rods so that the upper test head segment slides freely
D 3549. over them. The testing head shall be at a temperature of 20 to

eft 0 6927 - 05

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FIG. 3 Compression Machine

FIG. 4 Example of Flowmeter (Used in Method A)

400C (70 to lOO°F). If a water bath is used, wipe excess water

5.3.2 Remove a specimen from the water, oven, or air
from the inside of the testing head segments.
conditioning bath (in the case of a water bath remove excess

a '1111

lFIG. 5 Example of Assembly Using Compression

water with a towel) and place in the lower segment of the

Machine with LVDT and Plotter (Typical of Method B)

Stability is defined as the load corresponding to the flow. This

testing head. Place the upper segment of the testing head on the procedure may require two people to conduct the test and
specimen. and place the complete assembly in position in the record the data. depending on the type of equipment and the
loading machine. If used. place the tlowmeter in position over arrangement of dial indicators. Depending on chart speed,
one of the guide rods and adjust the llowmeter to zero while Marshall flow may be read directly from the load-deformation
holding the sleeve firmly against the upper segment of the chart or be determined after convening the chart reading with
testing head. Hold the flowmeter sleeve firmly against the an appropriate factor.
upper segment of the testing head while the test load is being
6. Calculation
5.4 The elapsed time from removal of the test specimens
from the water bath to the final load determination shall not 6.1 Laboratory molded specimens shall satisfy the thickness
exceed 30 s. Apply load to the specimen by means of the requirement of 63.5 ± 2.5 rnm (2.50 ± 0.10 in.). Specimens
constant rate of movement of the loading jack or loading within the thickness tolerance may be corrected based on
machine head of 50 :t 5 mrn/rnin (2.00 :t 0.15 inJmin) until specimen volume or thickness. Stabilities determined on field
the dial gage releases or the load begins to decrease. cores with large variation in volume or thickness shall also be
5.5 In Method A. release the flowmeter sleeve or note the corrected. However, results with larger corrections should be
micrometer dial reading. where used. the instant when the load used with caution. Correction factors (correlation ratios) are
decreases. or in Method B, stop the test when the load cell given in Table I. The correlation ratio is used in the following
indicates that the incremental rate of loading. which is driving manner.
the constant rate of deformation, has begun to decrease. The A=8XC (I)
Marshall flow is the total sample deformation from the point
where the projected tangent of the linear part of the curve where:
intersects the .r-axis (deformation) to the point where the curve A ::: corrected stability,
starts to become horizontal. As shown in Fig. I. the termination
B ::: measure of stability (load). and
C ::: correlation ratio from Table I.
of Ilow usually corresponds to the peak stability; however, as
an alternative when the failure condition is not clearly detined.
7. Report
it can be selected as the point on the curve which is six (0.0 I
in.) flow points (or 1.5 mrn) to the right of the tangent line. The 7.1 The report shall include the following information:
flow value is usually recorded in units of 0.25 rnm (0.0 I in .): 7.1.1 Type of sample tested (laboratory mixed sample. plant
for example. 0.12 in. is recorded as a flow of 12. The Marshall mixed sample, or pavement core specimen).

c6 06927-05
TABLE 1 Stability Correlation Factors" 8. Precision
Volume of Thickness of Specimens Correlation 8.1 Criterion for judging acceptability of the Marshall
Specimen, cm3B mm in. Ratio
stability and flow test results using this method are as follows:
200 to 213 25.4 1.00 (1) 5.56 8. \.1 Marshall Stability- Criteria for judging acceptability
214 to 225 27.0 1.06 (1'/'6) 5.00
226 to 237 1.12 (1 v.) 4.55
of Marshall stability test results obtained by this test method
238 to 250 30.2 1.19 (1'1'6) 4.17 are given in the following table. One test result is considered to
251 to 264 31.8 1.25 (1 V4) 3.85 be the average of tests on three specimens. The large accept-
265 to 276 33.3 1.31 (10/,.) 3.57
277 to 289 34.9 1.38 (1%) 3.33
able range of two test results between-laboratories indicates
290 to 301 36.5 1.44 (F/16) 3.03 that this test should not be used for material acceptance
102 to 316 38.1 1.50 (1 V2) 2.78 programs that compare between-laboratory results.
~17 to 328 39.7 1.56 (19/16) 2.50
329 to 340 41.3 1.62 (1%) 2.27 Coefficient Acceptable Range
Test and
341 to 353 42.9 2.08 of Variation of Two Results
1.69 (1"/'6) Type of Index
354 to 367 44.4 1.75 (1%) 1.92 (% of rnsan)" (% of mean)"
368 to 379 46.0 1.81 (1"/'6) 1.79 Within-Laboratory Precision 6 16
380 to 392 47.6 1.88 (1%) 1.67 Between-Laboratory Precision 16 43
393 to 405 49.2 1.94 (1'5/'6) 1.56
AThese numbers represent, respectively, the (ts %) and (D2s %J limits, as
406 to 420 50.8 2.00 (2)
described in Practice C 670.
421 to 431 52.4 2.06 (2'/'6) 1.39
432 to 443 54.0 2.12 (2V.) 1.32 8.1.2 Marshall Flow-Criteria for judging acceptability of
444 to 456 55.6 2.19 (2'/'6) 1.25 Marshall flow test results obtained by this test method are
457 to 470 57.2 2.25 (2'/4) 1.19
given in the following table. One test result is considered to be
471 to 482 58.7 2.31 (2¥'6) 1.14
483 to 495 60.3 2.38 (2'¥a) 1.09 the average of three samples. The large acceptable range of two
496 to 508 61.9 2.44 (27/'6) 1.04 test results between-laboratories indicates that this test should
509 to 522 63.5 2.50 (2'12) 1.00
110t be used for material acceptance programs that compare
523 to 535 65.1 2.56 (29/'6) 0.96
536 to 546 66.7 2.62 (2%) 0.93 between-laboratory results.
547 to 559 68.3 2.60 (2";;6) 0.89 Coefficient Acceptable Range
560 to 573 69.8 2.75 (2%) 0.86 Test and
of Variation of Two Results
574 to 585 71.4 2.81 (213/'6) 0.83 Type of Index
(% of mean)" (% of mean)"
586 to 598 73.0 2.88 (2%) 0.81 Within- Laboratory Precision 9 26
599 to 610 74.6 2.94 (215/'6) 0.78 Between-Laboratory Precision 20 58
611 to 626 76.2 3.00 (3) 0.76

A The measured stability of a specimen multiplied by the ratio for the thickness A These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s %) and (02s %) limits, as
of the specimen equals the corrected stability for a 2'12 in. (63.5 mm) specimen. described in Practice C 670.
B Volume-thickness relationship is based on a specimen diameter of 4 in. (101.6 8.2 The above precisions are based on specimens com-
pacted with mechanical and manual hammers. They also
represent dense graded mixtures with limestone and gravel
7.1.2 If available, the nature of bituminous mixture, includ- aggregates. using the peak method for determining stability
ing aggregate type and grading. binder grade. and binder and flow. Different asphalts were also used. These results do
content. not include application of the density limitation in Test Method
7.1.3 Individual and average specimen bulk specific gravi- D 6926.
7.1.4 Height of each test specimen in millimetres (or inchc ) NOT~ 3-Data for thi precision statement comes from the AASHTO
Material, Reference Laboratory program. Data utilized was from AMRL
to the nearest 0.25 rnm (0.0] in.).
Hot Mix Asphalt Design Proficiency samples 29 to 36. The coefficients of
7.1.5 Individual and average values of Marshall stability
variation and acceptable range of two results are the average or the four
(uncorrected and corrected if required) to the nearest 50 N (or ets of proficiency samples. This data involved test results from between
10 IbO. 313 and 436 laboratories testing 102-l11m (4-in.) diameter specimens
7.1.6 Individual and average value of Marshall flow in units prepared with 75 blows and 3 to 5 '70 air voids. These results are given in
of 0.25 !TIm (Om in.) or in units of mm directly, where Flow percent so that they apply to various levels of Marshall stability and Ilow.

(Om in.) = 4 x Flow (rnm). as well as the method used for

determining flow (peak or tangent offset). 9. Keywords
7.1.7 Test temperature to the nearest 0.2°C (O.4°F). 9.1 bituminous mixtures: Marshall: plastic flow: stability


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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700. West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
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