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វគ�បណុ� ះបណា �លវិជា�សេ�ង�ះ

First Aid Training Course


ៃថ�ទី ... ែខ .......... ឆា � ២០២៣

ិ ី Curriculum

Time Top Pice

8:00 – 9:30 − Complete profile បំេពញ្របវតិ� រូ
Chapter 1 : អំពីសេ�ង�ះបឋ About First Aid
− The Purpose េគាលបំណងវគ
− Rules of Rescuer តួនាទីអ�កសេ�ង�ះប
− Basic First Aid េគាលករណ៍រគឹះសេ្ �ង�
− Recovery Position ដំេណកសុ វត�ភ ិ ា
− Shock សភាពស�ុ

Chapter 2 : មូលដ�ន្រគឹះៃនករ្រទ្រទង់ Basic Life Suport (BLS)

− Unconscious បាត់ដង់ស�រត(សន�ប)់

9:30 – 9:45 ស្រម អហរស្រ

9:45 – 11:30 - CPR

- Choking ស�ក

11:30 – 13:00 ស្រម អហរៃថ�្រ

13:00 – 15:30 Chapter 3 : ករែថទំសេ�ង�ះ Emergency Care

− Wounds របួស
− Bleeding ករហូរឈ
− Broken Bones បាក់ឆ�ឹ
− Transport of Victim ករេលកដក់ និងករប ��ូនជនរងេ
15:30 – 15:45 ស្រម អហរស្រ

15:45 – 17:00 − Exam practice ្របលងអនុវត

− Evaluate courses
Chapter 1 អំពីសេ�ង‌�ះបឋមកា កបា
About Red Cross First Aid

The Purpose of learning Red Cross First Aid

េគាលបំណងវគ�សិក្សោសេ �ង�

Role of Rescuer តួនាទីអ�កសេ�ង�ះប

Basic First Aid Rules េគាលករណ៍សេ�ង�ះ

Recovery Position ដំេណកសុ វត�ភ

ិ ា

Shock សភាពស�ុ
េគា បំណងវគ�សិក្សោសេ�ង‌
The Purpose of learning FA

1. To save lives of the victims. េដម ្ បីសេ�ង�ះជីវិតជនរងេ្

2. To avoid more serious injury. បង�រកុំឲរបួសធ�ន់ធ�រែថមេទៀត

3. To make the victims confortable. And to maintain

strength in the victims.េដម្ បីឲ្យជនរងេ្រគាះមានទំនុកចិត� និងរក្សោ

4. Make sure victims receive medical care and help

doctors to treat easilier.េដម ្ បីឲ្យ្រគ�េពទ្យងយ្រស�លែថទំ
Rules of Rescuer

1. Reduce the Pain of victim. េដម ្ បីកបន�យករឺ

ឈ ច

2. Reduce serious situation of victim. កត់បន�យស�នភាពធ�ន់

3. Secondary accident prevention. ករពរេ្រគាះថា�ក់ជា២

4. Emergency declaration. ្របកអសន� និងរកជំនួ

5. Transportation of victim. Chain of Survival

កេលកដក់ និងករប� �
Basic principles of first aid

1-Protection :Secondary accident prevention.

ករពរ ៖ ករពរេ្រគាះថា�ក់២។

2-Observation : consciousness, breath, pulse, injuries,

bleeding, Poisoning , fractures
ិ ត្យ ៖ ស�រតី ដេង�ម ជីពចរ របួស ករហូរឈម ករពុ
ិ របួសបាក់

3-Emergency Declaration (Call to 119 and AED)

្របកសអសន� និងរកជំនួយ ៖ េហរថយន�សេ១១៩ ឬ ០២៣ ៧២៤ ៨៩១

4-Rescue : Check According to the situation of victims

សេ�ង�ះបឋម ៖ពិនិត្យេតមស�នភាពជនរងេ្
្របព័ន ្របស Nervous System

Nervous System
The nervous system is the control Center of the
human body. It is made up of the brain, Spinal cord,
and nerves. It receives and interprets stimuli and
transmits impulses to organs. Your brain uses the
information it receives to coordinate all of your
actions and reactions.
្របព័ន�្របសទ គឺជាមណ�ល្រត�តពនិត
ិ ្យប��ៃនរងកយម វបេង�តេឡងេដ
ខួរក្ប, ខួរឆ�ឹងខ�ង នង
ិ សរៃស្របស វទទួ នង
ិ បក្រស េហយប��ូនព័ត៌មានេ
ី ខួរក្បោលរបស់អ�កេ្រប្របាស់ព័ត៌មានែដលវ េដម្ បីស្រមបស្រ
ទំងអស់ៃនសកម�ភ នង
ិ ្របតិកម�របស់អ�ក
� Shock

 The Causes of Shock :Decrease in the blood volume,

Loss of fluid, Pain, Exhaustion, Lack of oxygen,
Excited, Heart failure, Expansion of the blood vessel
and Other.
មូលេហតុ ៖ កបាត់បងឈ, បាត់បងជាតិទ, ឈឺចប, អស់កល
ំ ំ, ខ�ះអុកសុ ី ែហ្ស, រំេភប
 ,
ឈឺេបះដូង, ករេឡងៃនសមា�ធ នងជំងឺ
ិ េផ្សង

 Signs of shock :Face color or pale, breating is slow

and quick, The pulse is weak and quick, The skin feels
clammy, and exhaustion.
េរគស� ៖ មុខ្រកហ ឬេស�កស �ំ ដេង�មយឺត ឬញាប ជព
ី ចរេដរេលឿន ឬយឺតែបកេញសសិ ត

ំ ំង
� Shock

Note :Shock is a sign that the individual`s life is in

danger, Even if the sick/injured individual is conscious,
continue to oberve him/her. If signs of shock appear, take
the individual to a medical facility immedialely.
ចំណា ៖ ស�ុកជាស��មួយស�ិតក�ុងស�នភាពេ្រគា េទះបីជនរងេ្រគាះដឹងខ�ួនក៏ ្រត�
អេង�តេមល នង
ិ ប��ូនេទកែន�ងសេ�ង�ះបនា�
Chapter 2 មូលដ‌�ន្រគឹះៃនការទ្រទង
The basics of life support (BLS)

1- Unconscious សន�បប
់ ាត់បង់ស�រ

2- Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation វបត�

ិ ក ិ ុ ងករដកដេង�
� ( CPR )
ឹ ...) (Fever, Heart attack, Drowning)
(ខ្យល់ គាំងេបះដូ លង់ទក

 CPR Adult មនុស្សេពញវ័

 CPR Children កុមា
 CPR Infants ទរ

3- Choking ស�ក
 Adult មនុស្សេពញវ័
 Children កុមា
 Infants ទរ
Unconscious Victim
 Protection: Check the situation around
ករព៖ ពិនិត្យស�នភាពជុំ
 Obervation: wounds, bleeding
ពិនិត្យ ៖ ស�មរបួស ហូរ................
Unconscious (no answer) ពនិ ត្យស�រត
ិ (គា�)
 Emergency Declaration (119)
្របកសអសន� ជំនួយ ៖
−breath(have Breath) ពនិ ត្យដេង�ម
ិ (មា)
 Rescue សេ�ង�ះបឋម
−Recovery Position
ដំេណកសុ វត�ភ
ិ ា
្របព័ន ផ�វ
� ដេង�ើម Respiratory System

Respiratory System
The Primary function of the respiratory system
is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the
blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body.
The respiratory system does this through breathing.
It consists of the nose , larynx, trachea, diaphragm,
bronchi and lungs.
មុខងរចម្បងៃន្របព័ន�ដេង�ម គឺេដម្ បីផ�ត់ផ�ងអុកសុី ែហ្សនេទក�ឈ នង

 ្ បីឲ្យឈមនាំអុែហ្សេទ្រគប់ែផ�កៃនរង ្របព័ន�ដកដេង�មវមុខ
ងរខងេតមរយៈករដកដេង� មាន្រចម បំពង់ក បំពង់ខ្យល សន�ះ្រទ�
ទងសួ ត នង
ិ សួ ត។

CPR Adult, Children, and Infants

 Protection:Check the situation around
ករព៖ ពិនត្យស�នភាព
ិ វញ

 Observation:Wounds, bleeding
ពិនត្យ ៖ ស�មរបួស ហូរ
ិ ..
− Unconscious (no answer)
ិ (គា�)
 Emergency Declaration 119 ្របកសអសន� ឬរកជំនួ

−Breath ( No ) ពិនត្យដេង�ម
ិ (គា�)
 Rescue
−CPR:Repeat 100 to 120 Chest Compression (1 minutes)
CPR=Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
CPR ៖ សង�ត់១០០ ដល់ ១២០ដង កុ ងរយៈេពល
� ១នាទ

Note :Stop CPR when victims have action, Doctor arrives , you save fatigue and move place.
ន ឈា Circulatory System

Circulatory system
This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels
and lymphatics.
It is the body’s delivery system, concerned with circulating
blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every part of
the body.
ឈ សរៃសឈមនង ិ បណ ា�ញផ�ូវទឹករៃង វគឺជា្របព
ែចកចយឈមៃនរ ែដលនាំអុកសុីែហ្
ិ រធា ច��ឹ
ិ មេទែបងែចដល់េកសិក�ុង
សា Choking

Signs of Choking :
 Pain, Cannot speak, Abnormal sounds, dizziness, Breathing is
Shallow and Quick, The pulse is weak and quick, the skin feels
Clammy, Cool tingling in hands , feet, and thirsty

 ឈឺចប, មនិ អចនិយ, សេម�ងមន ិ ធម�ត, វលមុ

ិ ខ, ដេង�មយឺត ឬញាប, ជីពចរេដរយឺត ឬ
េលឿន, ែបកេញស, ្រតជាក់ចុងៃដចុងេជ
សា Choking

 Cannot Cough, Speak, Breathe

1-Method for victims cough: វធិ ឲ្យជនរងេ្រគាះ

• First victims cough 5 times ឲ្យជនរងេ្រគាះក៥ដង
• Continue to implement (Back slap method and Abdominal
thrust method). បន�គកខ់ �ង់ និងរុញសង�ត់េព
2-Give 5 Back Blows: វធិ ី គកខ់ �ង
• Give 5 Back blows between the shoulder with one hand.
គក់ខ�ង់ ៥ ដង េនចេនា�ះស� េហយដក់មួ
3-Give 5 Abdominal Thrusts: វធិ រី ុញសង�ត់េព
• The middle of the person’s abdomen. ដក់ៃដពក់កណា�ល
• Cover your fist with your other hand. ៃដមួយ្រគបពីេលៃដមួ
• Give 5 quick, upward abdominal . រុញេគាះេឡេល
សា‫ �ﳌ‬Choking

 Procedures to remove an object from the airway barrier



Chapter 3 កា រែ ថទា
Emergency Care

Wounds របួស
Bleeding ករហូរឈ
Broken bones ករបាក់ឆ�
Transport of a victim ករេលកដ នងករប��ូ

Chapter 3 របួស Wounds

Divided into two injuries ( minor and serious injuries )

 Minor injuries : Minor skin scrapes , blood or no blood .
របួស្រសល ៖ រលត់ែស្បកបន�ិចបន�ួច និងមានឈម

 Serious injuries: Large, deep , near natural hole , stacking

objects , abdomen broken with intestine.
របួសធ�ន់ ៖ មានទំហំធ, េ្រ, ែក្បររន�ធម�ជា, មានវត�ុជង់ជា, និងធា�យេពះេវៀ

Rescue :
 Cleaning in to out សំអតពីក�ុងមកេ្
 Bandages virus protection រុ ំរបួសេដយគា�នេមេ
 Do not let the victims know the size of injury កុំ្របាប់ពីទំហំរប
Chapter 3 របួស Wounds

Sharp injuries. របួសេដយវត�ុជុងជា

 Note : Dont take out objecct, stop bleeding , balance when have injury ,
take to hospital. ហមដក់េច, រុ ំឃាត់ឈ, ទប់ឲ្យមានលំន, ប��ូនេទកន់មន�ីរេពទ
Chapter 3 របួស Wounds

Abdomen broken with intestine របួសធា�យេពះេរ

Don’t push intestine into abdomen or push out.
កុំដក់េពះេវៀនចូលវិញ ឬទញេចញមក

1. Let victim lie daun on back with bent knee ដក់ជនរងេ្រគាះឲ្យេដក រួចប�្ឈរ
2. Support cotton scarf from below waist of victim ដក់្រកមាេ្រកមជនរ
3. Prepare a water bowl with added salt សំអចជាមួយទឹកអំប
4. Wash hands and wear gloves លងៃដ និងពក់េ្រស
5. Take wet cloth with salt water and absorb to intestine softly
ឹ អប
ំ ិលផ�ិតសំអច ពីេលមុខរបួស

6. Cover wet cloth with salt water on intestine យកៃស្បេសមជាមួយទឹកអំបិល្រគប់ពីេ

7. Cover bowl on wet cloth and then bandage it with cotton scarf.
យកចនេគាម្រគបពីេលៃស្ប រួចយក្ររបួស

8. Transport victim to hospital by keeping stable.ប��ូនជនរងេ្រគេទមន�ីេពទ្

Chapter 3 របួស Wounds

Abdomen Broken with intestine

Chapter 3 របួសេដ‌យរល
Wounds of Born
Injured by burns :Watering , remove jewelry , gently mist veil wrapped
before being taken to hospital.
របួសេដយរលក ៖ េ្រស, េដះេ្រគ�ងអលង, េផ្សមៃស្បស�តរុំថ�មៗ មុននឹងប ��ូនេទកន់មន�ីរ

Note :Do not break blisters , or don’t use honey, salt ...
កុំបំែបកពង់ទឹក, ឬលបទឹកឃុ, ទឹក្រតី អំបិ
្របព័ន Integumentary System

Integumentary System
This system consists of the skin, hair, nails,
and sweat glands. Its main function is to act
as a barrier to protect the body from the
Outside world. It also functions to retain body
fluids, protect against disease, eliminate waste
products, and regulate body temperature.
្របព័ន�េន មានែស្ សក់ ្រកច នង
ិ ្រកេពញេញស វមានមុខងរសំខន់
ករពររងកយពីឧបសគ�ខ េហយវមានមុខងរសំខន់ក�ុងកររកស

ក�ុងរងកយ្របឆាំងនឹង, លបប
់ ំបាត់កកសំណ នងរ
ិ ក្សោលំនឹងសីតុណ�
Chapter 3 របួសេដ‌យរល
Burn Wounds
Chapter 3 របួសេដ‌យរល
Burn Wounds
Chapter 3 កា Bleeding

 In human blood ឈមក�ុងខ�ួ ( weight x 0.08L )

 Medical blood 4 ( A, B, AB, and O ) ្របេភទឈA, B, AB, និងO
 Bleeding into 3 ករហូរឈម៣
-External bleeding ហូរឈមខងេ
-Internal bleeding ហូរឈមខងក�
-Bleeding from the natural ហូរឈមតមរន�ធម�ជ
Chapter 3 កា Bleeding

1-External bleeding ករហូរឈមខង

 The direct control bleeding ករឃាត់ឈមេដយ
Note: If there is an object stuck. Don’t stress, Don’t pull
out. េបមានវត�ុេដតជាប់សង�ត់ ឬ ទញេច

 Remote control bleeding ករឃាត់ឈមពីច

Chapter 3 កា Bleeding

2-Internal bleeding ករហូរឈមខងក

 Symptoms : Anemia, rapid breathing, rapid pulse, sweating,
tingle in cold hands and feet, thirsty of water.
ស�� ៖េស�កស ំ
� , ដេង�មញាប, ជីពចរញាប, េខ្ស, ែបកេញសចុងៃដចុងេជង

 Rescue :
-Lie on back victim. ដក់ជនរងេ្រគាះឲ្
-Put feet higher than the heart កល់េជងខស
� ់ជាងេបះដូ
-Cover with blankets ដណ� ប់ភយ

Chapter 3 កា Bleeding

2-Bleeding from the body oriface

 Bleeding nose : ឈម្រចម
-Victim sitting ឲ្យជនរងេ្រគាះអង
-Head down forward េអនក្បោល
-Finger squeezing the nose and បិទ្រចមុះ និងដកដេង�មតមមា
breathing through the mouth
-Every 5 minutes check, do not sweat or breathe
chrougl nose.បិទម�ង៥នាទ, ហមេញស ឬហឺ
-If more than 15 minutes send to hospital.
១៥នាទីមិនបាត់ប� �ូនេទកន់មេពទ្
Chapter 3 កា Bleeding

 Eye injuries Ears injuries Head injuries

 Genital injuries ករហូរឈមតម្របដប់ប

• Let victim lie on his side. ដក់ជនងរេ្រគាះឲ្យេដក រួចប�្ឈ
• Transport victim to health center immediately ប��ូនេទកន់មន�ីរេព
• If pregnant woman has suffered from bleeding from genital, do
not hesitate to discuss with doctor or midwifery immediate. េប
�សី មានៃផ�េពះហូរឈមតម្របដប់បន�ពូជ វជានិច
� �ក, កុំស�ក់េស�រក�ុងករពិភាក្សោជាម
បណ�ិ ត ឬឆ�បជាបនា�
Chapter 3 បាក់ឆ�ឹBroken Bones

We can know about broken bones through seriously injury, can

not move, Swelling and Unusual.
េយងអចដឹងពីករបាក់ឆ�ឹង៖ ឈឺចប់, មន
ិ អចកំេរ, េហមេបា៉, ខុសទ្រមង់េដម។

Rescue :
 Don’t move. ហមកំេរ
 Passive joints and arthritis. អកម�សនា�ក់េល េ្រ
 Cut off the victim cloths before
broken place become swollen.
 Binding minimum balance
 Transport victim to health center.
េ្រគា Skeletal System

Skeletal System
The skeletal system provide the shape and
form for our bodies in addition to supporting
and protecting our bodies, allowing bodily.
Movement producing blood cells, and storing
mineral. This system consists of bones, cartilage,
and joints.
េ្រគឆ�ឹង គឺជាករបង �រូបរ នង
ិ បេង�តគេ្រមរូបរ
គាំ្ នងក
ិ រពររងកយរបស់េ េដម្ បីេធ�ចលន, ផលិតេគាលិក,
រក្សោទុកសរធាតុែរេ្រគាងឆ�េនះរួមមា ឆ�ឹង ឆ�ឹងខ�ី នង
ិ សនា�ក់
Chapter 3 បាក់ឆ�ឹBroken Bones
Chapter 3 បាក់ឆ�ឹBroken Bones

Broken Backbone : Sping be careful gentle, can not move our

legs and numb feet and hands.
Rescue :
 Don’t move.
 Support the victim head from below
 Need assistance in order to lift a victim onto wooden board.
 Tie the victim body with palanquin by support from below
head and throat.
 Transport victim to health center or hospital.
Chapter 3 បាក់ឆ�ឹBroken Bones

Arthritis : seriously injury, can not move, swelling, convex, Xinjiang

Rescue :
 Don’t move.
 Binding minimum balance.
 Transport victim to health center
or Hospital.
Chapter 3 បាក់ឆ�ឹBroken Bones

Entrepreneurs and Xinjiang injuries : seriously injury when

action, swelling, convex, Xinjiang
Rescue :
 Relieve pain by ice
 Binding minimum balance.
 Transport victim to health center
or Hospital.
Chapter 3 ការប� ��នជនរងេ្
Transport of Victim
Rescuer plays an important role when eransporting victim to
health center or hospital if the ambulance has not arrived yet.

 If First Aider one transmission : Victims dizziness, anemia, and

can not walk,
Chapter 3 ការប� ��នជនរងេ្
Transport of Victim
If First Aider two transmission : Victims can sit, broken, injuries,
Injured by burns.

If First Aider three transmission :

Note : unconscious victims, fracture forces, spine fractures, Fractures

pelvis, thigh fractures, the first aider sending in a state of sleep on
boards to hospital.
សន�ប់ ្របកអសន
Unconscious Declaration

• ពិនិត្យែភ� Eyes មានកំេរ ក

• ដេង�ម Breathing Actions
• ជីពចរ Pulses Check Breathing
• ពណ៌ៃផ�មុខ របួស Wound

Face Colors
• កំេរកៃដេជង
សំអត រុំClean មានhave គា�នNot
Action Hand and Feet
and Wrap

Bleeding ដំេណកសុវត�ិភាព
សភាពស�ុក Recovery Position

ឃាត់ឈមេដយផា�ល់ និង្
Stop direct Blood and Indirect Bloods CPR
បាក់ឆ�ឹង សង�ត់ ១០០ ដល់ ១២០ដង /ក�ុង១នាទ
Broken Burn Compress 100 to 120 /1 minute

ចងអប ទប់ កល់ រក្សោលំនឹង មុនេធ�កប� រ

Tie, Hold, Maintain balance, before transport the victims

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