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Th. Inl"n"l1~ MDliv"l.

d Trod" Port 1

You can,..... how "MY il is 10 l>eco"'" lrallred in the prison of a n~ga(i,'e

,..If.i,nage. Even if you tell yourself that you waHt It, he suc.cessful, you
are actually being motivated by unconscious anitudes and feehngs. If your
sel f-image ponraY" you as a victim , you "iU cotltinually view you"",lf as
nUl accountable for your happiness alld success. Luck and circu",-,tanc~
will always be in Ihe driwr"s""at and you will u"conse,ously M'{' YOUI>!Clf
as t h~ pa!;Senger who is n'~rt·ly along for Ih~ rid.·,

A trader named Ben was externally motivated but wanted to change the
source of his mUl,vation. Everytl""",, wru; go,,,",, well for Be" wlulltc Iurnc<l
SIX "nd SI"rtcd school He was raLSNl ill a happy and stable family, but
soon di".;o,wc,J Ihal his happy and shellere,J honle lif~ len him "nh!t.mble
to aUac ks and manipulations of a lrio of aggrt'SSive and unhappy elM....
mat"", These th,..,.. linle .ni'l{'rea.tll< hJt'k one look at the ~weet and in-
n'lCent kirl a.t,d instantly identlfll'd hi'" as their p ....y. For the next year,
they told him that he was fat. ugly, and slupid, They teased and tannte<!
him, umil this one<> happy and S<'1f.confident child could barely sland him-
&'If. Of CO"""', Ihe lrulh wru; tbm he was a vel)' intelligent. beauliful, and
sl .. ndN yuung child , nut , h,· did tlm ktlow Ihe fa~1S, lie ktl .. w only what
he was lold. Ilis parenls wenl to the school and pleade-d " 'ith the It'ael\~r
It, BtOI' Ihe atta~k.~ but they were ("ld tlla! th~1"f! wa.. nothing thai coulrl
be done,
If we fasl-fo",'aro thiny....,me years, we find !len tradmg al home. fight-
ing 10 stay ahead of Ihe bank, the tax man, and the bill colledor He is
slrugglmg wilh his lradlng and unable to undet><l"nd why he feels so po""
erl..s.s in his ~rrO"S to make headway. Whal Berl does nm u"dersland is
Ihal his "","Se of'-"'S, hoj'lt'lesstl..s.s, and pa%ivily a re a dire....t
result of his ""If.image, A brg~ p.~" of that image wa.~ forged tn the first
grade classroom and playground,
What Den wlls himselfintelleclually is Ihal he is working as hanl as he
~an and Ihal he is ~ommitled to becoming a lruly ~u ......essfullrader But,
Ben's hule "oice lei'" him lhat whelle"er somelhing "egati"c hap!>e"", thc
.... al caWlc of the woolen' is Ihat he is unworthy a.t,d ;rl cal'abl" of cr~ati"g
su(,Ct'&i. AS a rt"",u ll , he looks (0 (I'e oulsitie to find the Wluliotl.
Another result of Ik,"'s low self.image is that he is nOl certain why he
is trading, lie is cenainly not doing il for himself since he does nUl reaUy
enjoy Ihe process and does nUl believe thaI he should be successful. Pan
of him is doing it because he Ihinks it will please his wife and will gi"c her
bragging rights ",ilbin her social circle.

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