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On a freezing New Year's Eve a poor young girl, shivering and barefoot, tries
to sell matches in the street.
She is afraid to go home because her father will beat her for failing to sell any

She stopped in the nook and lights matches to warm herself.

In the flame of the matches she sees a series of comforting visions like delicious
foods, a holiday feast, and a magnificent Christmas tree.
She lights more matches to continue seeing wonderful things.

In the flame of the next match she sees her grandmother, the only person to
have treated her with love and kindness.
To keep the vision of her grandmother alive as long as possible, the girl lights
the entire bundle of matches.

When all the matches were consumed, the girl dies because of extreme cold
and her grandmother carries her soul to Heaven.

The next morning, passers-by found the frozen body of the girl. They have no
idea about the wonderful visions she had seen before she faced death.


There was an abandoned garden beside a progressive village. There lived a 13-
year old girl named Marica. She was naughty and stubborn that she always
disobeyed her parents.
One day her father could not bear it no longer that she was punished by
kneeling in the salt.
Because she could not endure the pain, she ran away from home. She ran and
ran until she reached the abandoned garden.
She stopped in a beautiful garden and saw beautiful flowers and picks it.

Suddenly, a fairy appeared and she was so angry because Marica picks the
flowers without her permission and tell her that she will be punished by
kneeling on the salt forever. She don’t know what to do. She just cried and

Marica asked forgiveness to the lady and the lady said that she would only
forgive Marica unless she will ask forgiveness from her parents and promise to
change her ways.
Marica then rushed to their home and immediately ask for forgiveness to her
parents and promised to be good from that day onwards.

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