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Assignment/Activity No.

I. Make a research on the following:
A. The meaning of Rizal’s name – Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo Realonda is Jose Rizal's complete name. Each letter in his name has
a distinct meaning:
 José, This is his first name; it has Spanish ancestry and is widely used throughout several
Spanish-speaking nations. Apart from having a given name, it has no other particular meaning.
This is his second given name, Protacio. The name "Protacio" is relatively unusual and was
probably chosen because of its significant relationship with the Greek word "protos," which
signifies "first" or "foremost." Rizal: This is his paternal family name, and using family names to
denote ancestry is customary in many cultures. It's probable that the name "Rizal" represents
concepts of growth, renewal, and a sense of connection to a particular area or heritage. "Rizal"
is derived from the Spanish word "ricial," which meaning "green field" or "young growth." It was
picked as a representation of fresh starts. Mercado y Alonzo Realonda: "Mercado" is the name
of his mother's family, "y" is the Spanish word for "and," "Alonzo" is a different given name, and
"Realonda" is a family name. His maternal lineage and the union of his parents' family names are
indicated by these components of his name.
B. Rizal’s Parents
Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos
- Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos was a wealthy woman in the Spanish colonial Philippines. She was
well known as the mother of the Philippines' national hero, Jose Rizal. Realonda was born in the Santa
Cruz area of Manila. She was also known for being a strict disciplinarian and a dedicated mother.
Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro
- Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro (May 11, 1818 – January 5, 1898) was Jose Rizal, the
Philippines' national hero. He was born in the Laguna city of Binan.
C. The Rizal Children

D. Rizal’s Ancestry
1. Rizal’s Paternal Side

2. Rizal’s Maternal Side

On his mother's side, Rizal's ancestry included Chinese and Tagalog. His mother's lineage can be
traced to the affluent Florentina family of Chinese mestizo families originating in Baliuag,
Bulacan.[15] He also had Spanish ancestry. Regina Ochoa, a grandmother of his mother,
Teodora, had mixed Spanish, Chinese, and Tagalog blood. His maternal grandfather was a half
Spanish engineer named Lorenzo Alberto Alonzo.
E. The Real Surname of Rizal
The real Surname of the Rizal family was Mercado, which was adopted in 1731 by Domingo Lamco; (The
paternal great-great-grandfather of Jose Rizal) Chinese immigrant from Fukien city of Changchow, who
arrived in Manila in about 1690. The Rizal family acquired the second name ''Rizal'' from the Spanish
Alcalde Mayor (provincial governor) of Laguna.
F. R.A. 1425: The Rizal Law
House Bill No.5561
Senate Bill No.438
Republic Act No 1425 -“An act to include in the Curricula of all Public and Private Schools, Colleges and
Universities courses on the Life,Works & Writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo,authorizing the printing and distribution thereof and for other purposes”.
Republic Act No. 1425, commonly known as the Rizal Law, is a Philippine law enacted on June 12, 1956.
The law requires all educational institutions in the Philippines to include in their curricula the life, works,
and writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines.
The law aims to promote patriotism and nationalism by ensuring that the younger generation is
educated about the life and contributions of Jose Rizal, who played a significant role in the country's
fight for independence from Spanish colonial rule. The law is particularly focused on Rizal's writings,
including his novels "Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," which are critical in understanding the
social and political landscape of his time.
II. Write a Reflection: Base on your own opinion

During Rizal’s time, what was the socio-political situation of our country? And correlate it to our present

During Rizal’s time, the Philippines was under Spanish colonial control during Jose Rizal's time, typified
by severe socio-political conditions. Economic exploitation, social inequality, and limited civil liberties
plagued the Filipino people. The Catholic Church wielded considerable power, and there was a chasm
between the ruling Spanish aristocracy and the local populace. Rizal's works, including "Noli Me Tangere"
and "El Filibusterismo," highlighted the inequities and corruption of the colonial government and
sparked a desire for reform and independence.

While the Philippines has achieved political independence, certain remnants of the previous socio-
political issues remain. Economic disparities, political corruption, and social injustice continue to plague
the country. Elements of historical colonialism can be seen in cultural views, while the Catholic Church's
influence continues to impact certain areas of public discourse. Modern Filipinos continue to seek
reforms and responsibility from their leaders, striving to confront contemporary concerns and establish a
more just and equitable society, just as Rizal's writings inspired a need for change.

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