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Reprod Dom Anim 45, 760–772 (2010); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2009.01345.

ISSN 0936-6768

Morpho-physical Recording of Bovine Conceptus (Bos indicus) and Placenta from

Days 20 to 70 of Pregnancy
AC Assis Neto1, FTV Pereira1, TC Santos2, CE Ambrosio3, R Leiser4 and MA Miglino3
Campus Experimental de Dracena, São Paulo State University, Dracena, São Paulo, Brazil; 2Department of Animal Science, Universidade Estadual
de Maringá, Maringá, Brazil; 3Surgery Department of School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Sao Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil;
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, German

Contents chorionic sac may grow from a few centimetres up to

The study is based on 141 pregnant Bos indicus cows, from 30 cm or even more (Winters et al. 1942; Chang 1952),
days 20 to 70 post-insemination. First, special attention was depending on the age and other embryo-related charac-
given to the macroscopically observable phenomena of teristics or external influences from the mother (Winters
attachment of the conceptus to the uterus, i.e. the implanta- et al. 1942). In addition, the tissue of the conceptus,
tion, from about days 20 to 30 post-insemination up to day 70, during this period, is very delicate to handle and cannot
and placentome development by growth, vascularization and be isolated from the uterus because of the enormous
increase in the number of cotyledons opposite to the endome-
extension inside the uterus to which it clings but is not
trial caruncles. Secondly, as for the conceptuses, semiquanti-
tative, statistical analyses were performed of the lengths of fixed (Winters et al. 1942). Other critical factors are the
chorio-allantois, amnion and yolk sac; and the different parts thinness and the high water content of this tissue (R
of the centre and two extremes of the yolk sacs were also Leiser unpubl. obs.).
analysed. Thirdly, the embryos ⁄ foetuses corresponding to Not much is known of the morphology of the embryo
their membranes were measured by their greatest length and during the implantation period from day 20 to about
by weight, and described by the appearance of external day 33 p.i. (Leiser 1975; King et al. 1980). Leiser (1975)
developmental phenomena during the investigated period like showed the sequential stages of precontact, apposition
neurulation, somites, branchial arcs, brain vesicles, limb buds, and adhesion between the uterus and the chorion,
C-form, pigmented eye and facial grooves. In conclusion, all ending in a microvillous interdigitation of the uterine
the data collected in this study from days 20 to 70 of bovine
epithelium and trophoblast in the caruncular and
pregnancy were compared extensively with corresponding data
of the literature. This resulted in an ‘embryo ⁄ foetal age-scale’, intercaruncular regions as well. During this period of
which has extended the data in the literature by covering the implantation, the conceptus can barely be flushed out
first 8 to 70 days of pregnancy. This age-scale of early bovine from the uterus for experimental use (Leiser 1975).
intrauterine development provides model for studies, even Gestation length varies among breeds, with Bos
when using slaughtered cows without distinct knowledge of indicus cows tending to have longer gestation lengths
insemination or fertilization time, through macroscopic tech- (284 days to more than 300 days) than do Bos taurus
niques. This distinctly facilitates research into the cow, which cows (generally 280 to 285 days) (Paschal et al. 1991;
is now being widely used as ‘an experimental animal’ for Chenoweth 1994; Wooding and Flint 1994; Cavalcante
testing new techniques of reproduction like in vitro fertiliza- et al. 2001); however, not much has been known
tion, embryo transfer and cloning.
regarding the differences, if any, in the placental
development between these two bovine species. In this
Introduction study, the periods of implantation and placentome
formation 20 to 70 days p.i. in B. indicus related to the
The bovine embryo, in recent times, after the advent of
chorion, including the developmental characteristics of
techniques like in vitro fertilization (Farin and Farin
amnion, yolk sac and allantois were investigated by
1995) and cloning (Hill et al. 2000; Smith and Murphy
photography and by measurements like length, width
2004), has become of more value. The bovine embryos
and weight measurements, and the amount of caruncles.
can be flushed out from the uterus relatively easily Specifically, systematic macroscopy was performed on
from the beginning of pregnancy up to several weeks
embryos and foetuses inclusive of placental membranes,
(Newcomb et al. 1978; Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003). The
which were flushed or cut out from uterus or manually
conceptus can be observed in situ after the excision of
prepared separately from the endometrium after having
the uterus from the cows killed in slaughterhouses or
cut open the uteri on their dorso-antimesometrial side.
they can be taken out from the uterus for further
experimental use (Leiser 1975; King et al. 1979).
The morphology of bovine embryos is particularly Material and Methods
well known up to day 8 post-insemination (p.i.) as long Sample collection
as the zona pellucida is intact (Winters et al. 1942),
This study was based on uteri of 141 pregnant B. indicus
allowing the embryo to be easily manipulated for cows. The samples were collected from the slaughter-
research (Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003). During the elon-
house at Dracena, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Immediately
gation phase of embryogenesis (Betteridge et al. 1980)
after the slaughtered of the cows, each uterus was
from day 12 to about 20 p.i., studying the morphology
removed and conceptus was separated for examination.
of the embryo and its membranes in toto is complicated
The experimental protocol (number 631 ⁄ 2005) was
(Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003). During this time, the

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Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes 761

authorized by the Bioethics Committee of the School of parameter from the number of cotyledons referring to
Veterinary Medicine, University of Sao Paulo (USP), the different gestational periods was analysed by ‘box-
Brazil. plots’. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed in
order to calculate the mean and standard deviation of
the length of the foetal membranes, and the GL and
Determination of gestational period weight of embryos ⁄ foetus.
The early gestational period between days 20 and 70 p.i.
of pregnancy was determined according to the exterior
characteristics of the embryo ⁄ foetus (Fig. 1) – greatest Results
length (GL; Winters et al. 1942); as well as develop- The ‘reactive appearance’ of the conceptus inside the
mental morphology of embryonal ⁄ foetal membranes uterus is distinctly different, depending on the stage of
(Table 1). Based on established criteria, the embryos pregnancy, which is evident when the uteri are opened.
and foetuses were included in six day-groups of preg- Because of this phenomenon, we were forced to collect
nancy: 20 to 25 (n = 26), 25 to 30 (n = 23), 30 to 40 and methodically handle the conceptuses differently
(n = 25), 40 to 50 (n = 24), 50 to 60 (n = 21) and 60 depending on the stage of pregnancy; hence the samples
to 70 (n = 22). are presented in three groups here.

Macroscopic and morphometric analysis External morphological characteristics of embryo ⁄ foetus

The whole macroscopical preparative process of the and corresponding membranes (Table 2)
material in this study was photographed for recording Conceptuses of days 20 to 30 of pregnancy
the structural characteristics. The photographic camera Single bovine embryos were identified, faintly shining
used was Leica (Model MDa; Ernst Leitz, Wetzlar, through the embryonic membranes located in one of the
Germany). Illumination was provided by photoflood- opened uterine horns. The chorion – wrinkled, trans-
light (250 W) from upward to downward and blue parent, and ending in two thin processes–extended
counterlight (40 W) from downward to upward through throughout the whole uterine lumen at day 23 of
a glass container, which contained the specimen pregnancy (Fig. 2). But at its largest part the chorion
immersed in water. The uteri were collected and the enclosed the embryo which, together with the amnion
uterine horns opened as well as dissected at their dorso- surrounding it tightly, marks the embryonic zone in the
antimesometrial line in order to expose the embryo- so-called ‘pregnant uterine horn’ (Fig. 2). The allantois
nal ⁄ foetal membranes. The chorionic membrane or was separated from the chorion, but its stalk leading
gestational sac was carefully cut together with the ventrally out from the embryo was well visible at day
allantois, amnion, and yolk sac inside, which were 23 p.i. and later (Figs 2–4). An initial vasculature was
measured using a paquimeter. The variables of mea- obvious, particularly along the mesometrially oriented
surement of all these membranes were the lengths border of allantois from about day 26 p.i. (Figs 3 and 4).
(cranio-caudal), and the width as concerning the The yolk sac which arises from the ventral part of the
amnion. Of special interest, in addition, was the number embryo (Fig. 3) was prominent and composed of a
of cotyledons on the chorion. Finally, the GL of embryo central part with two slender peripheral projections of
and foetus was determined and their weight estimated different lengths (Figs 3 and 4; Table 3), both of which
using an analytical scale (0.001 to 200 g). The measure- diverge into the extremes of the chorionic sac. The
ments were ascertained after the specimens were fixed in embryo shows the typical C-shaped body form during
10% formaldehyde in order to solidify the tissue, and this period (Figs 4 and 6).
for histological use (in a different study).

Conceputses of days 30 to 50 of pregnancy

Statistical analysis
During this time the conceptus appears sausage-like in
The analyses were conducted by STATISTIC-R software the dorsally opened uterine horn. The chorionic surface
(R Development Core Team 2006: A Language and appears smooth with no macroscopically detectable
Environment for Statistical Computing). The qualitative

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. (a) Bovine embryo viewed

from left and presented in this
study as a model to show external
characteristics. 1.2 cm GL (greatest
length), 32 days. (b) Schematic
drawn of the embryo: legends to A:
GL = dashed line, 1, forebrain; 2,
pigmented eye; 3, cranial neural
pore; 4, branchial arcs; 5, cervical
flexure; 6, somites; 7, tail; 8, bud of
foreleg; 9, bud of hindleg; 10,
heart; 11, liver. Scale bar 0.5 cm

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Table 1. Age ⁄ greatest lengths1 timetable of bovine development at days 8–70 with respect to distinct external morphological characteristics of conceptus and foetal membranes 762

Greatest Length or
Approximative Lengths of maximal
time of Embryo ⁄ elongation of Insemination
pregnancy Foetus, mm1 chorion, cm External characteristics of bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus membranes Authors method used

8d 0.196 Hamilton and Laing 1946

8 d 14 h Hatching of embryo or disappearance of zona pellucida Winters et al. 1942 a
9 d 19 h Germ disc visible Winters et al. 1942 a
10 d 0.3 Betteridge et al. 1980 c
11 d 0.385 Chang 1952 d
0.818 First stage of chorion elongation Betteridge et al. 1980 c
12 d 2.78 Betteridge et al. 1980 c
13 d 2.8 Last unhatched embryo observed Betteridge et al. 1980 c
14 d 0.1–0.44 0.5–1.9 Amnion folding Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003 c
5.7 Betteridge et al. 1980 c
14 d 14 h Chorion extension in 2 ⁄ 3 of pregnant uterine horn2 Winters et al. 1942 a
15 d 13.5 Betteridge et al. 1980 c
16 d 0.62 Blastocyst like ribbon Chang 1952 d
15 Enormous logarithmic elongation of chorion Betteridge et al. 1980 c
17 d 16 Primitive streak observable, beginning of neural folding to neural groove Chang 1952 c
17 d 14 h Extension of chorion throughout the whole pregnant uterine horn2 Winters et al. 1942 a
18 d Beginning of implantation (days 16–18) Greenstein et al. 1958 a
with apposition phase of materno-foetal microvillous interdigitation Leiser 1975 b
19 d Amnion complete Evans and Sack 1973
19 d 14 h 2.35 Embryo shows head fold, extension of chorion starting into ‘‘unpregnant’’ Winters et al. 1942 a
uterine horn
19 d 19 h Neural folds closed in mid-region, five somites Winters et al. 1942 a
20 d 14 h Eight pairs of somites (somites grow very fast) Winters et al. 1942 a
21 d 2.86 (0.78–5.89) 30 Neural tube complete, 14 somites, allantoic bud Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003 c
22 d Implantation with adhesion phase ending in the embryo zone of uterine horn Leiser 1975 b
Yolk sac distinct in three parts: vitelline duct, centre, 2 projections Rüesse et al. 1992
22 d 16 h 5.18 Torsio of embryo, optic and otic vesicles, first branchial arc, heart prominence, Winters et al. 1942 a
distinct development of allantois
23 d 40 Allantois stalk distinct, chorion in both uterine horns Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
24 d Chorion in top of ‘‘unpregnant’’ uterine horn Chang 1952 d
24 d 16 h 3.713 Winters et al. 1942 a
25 d 3.5 Jost and Prepin 1966
Three brain vesicles, bud of forelimb, second branchial arc Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
Embryo C-shaped, third branchial arc Evans and Sack 1973
26 d Fourth branchial arc, hindlimb bud Evans and Sack 1973
26 d 16 h 5.58 Winters et al. 1942 a
27 d Implantation by adhesion phase finished throughout both uterine horns Leiser 1975 b
27 d 14 h 9.73 Winters et al. 1942 a
28 d 8 Jost and Prepin 1966
29 d 14 h 9.7 44.3 Melton et al. 1951
30 d 10 Jost and Prepin 1966
10.5 First very fragile cotyledons observed Melton et al. 1951
Olfactory pits forming, eyes pigmented, hand plate present Evans and Sack 1973
30 d 11 h 12 Winters et al. 1942 a
31 d 11 Jost and Prepin 1966

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AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino
Table 1. (Continued)

Greatest Length or
Approximative Lengths of maximal
time of Embryo ⁄ elongation of Insemination
pregnancy Foetus, mm1 chorion, cm External characteristics of bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus membranes Authors method used

31 d 10 h 10.3 38.4 Melton et al. 1951

32 d 9 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
12 Jost and Prepin 1966
Beginning of placentome development (Leiser this study) by attachment of Zietzschmann 1924
chorionic villi in the endometrium (villous indentation)
32 d 12 h 12.4 45 Melton et al. 1951

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32 d 14 h 11.9 Winters et al. 1942 a
33 d 12.5 Jost and Prepin 1966
First distinct foetal villi of cotyledon in placentome King et al. 1979
33 d 12 h 14.6 50 Fragile materno-foetal attachment on placentome Melton et al. 1951
34 d Facial clefts closed, grooves betw. forelimb digits Evans and Sack 1973
34 d 13 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004
35 d 13.5 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
35 d6h 15.2 61.2 17–25 cotyledons Melton et al. 1951
36 d 14 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes

36 d 18 h 14.7 71.3 25 cotyledons Melton et al. 1951

19 Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004 b
37 d 3 h 18.26 Extension of body wall to the umbilicus Winters et al. 1942 a
38 d 17 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
Eyelids forming, genital tubercle present, grooves between hindlimb digits Evans and Sack 1973
38 d 12 h 18.7 81.1 33 cotyledons Melton et al. 1951
39 d 18 ⁄ 19 Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
40 d 2 h 22.8 Winters et al. 1942 a
Sexual differentiation Wrobel and Suess 1998 b
43 d 20 Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004 b
45 d 25 ⁄ 34 Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004 b
30.8 Beginning change from embryo to foetus Winters et al. 1942 a
Tongue visible, digits separated distally Evans and Sack 1973
50 d Eyelids begin to cover eyes Evans and Sack 1973
35 Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004 b
38.5 Elongation of neck and rotation of head 90 at the line of neck to head axis Winters et al. 1942 a
53 d 42 75 This study
55 d 46.7 Winters et al. 1942 a
60 d Eyelids fused, external genitals differentiated, hoofs forming, horn buds appear Evans and Sack 1973
66 Winters et al. 1942 a
Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004 b
70 d 94 Distinct changes of body proportions Winters et al. 1942 a

The method of insemination used by the authors: a, natural mating under control; b, instrumental insemination; c, superovulation; d, from abattoir without control of insemination.
Greatest length = greatest diameter of conceptus head and rump together.
Length of uterine horn 30–40 cm.
Because of C-formation of the embryo the greatest diameter becomes reduced.
A slow process!
Definition: Embryo = sprouting, forming; Foetus = proportioning of body form.

Table 2. Macroscopic morphology of bovine embryonic ⁄ foetal membranes during the days 25–65 of pregnancy

Days of pregnancy

Parameters assessed 25 days 30 days 37 days 45 days 50 days 65 days

GL (mm) 0.71 ± 0.17 1.23 ± 0.13 1.90 ± 0.27 2.79 ± 0.19 3.76 ± 0.52 6.75 ± 0.66
Chorion and Absent Absent Present only at Present throughout Present throughout Present throughout
allantois areas around the membranes and easily membranes not membranes not separable
membranes embryos separable easily separable
Allantois and Absent Absent Present only at the Present Present Present and prominent
amnion lateral part of the
membranes amnion
Chorion and Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Starting gelatinous connection
Development Absent Absent1 Discrete in embryo Present around the Present around the Present throughout the GS,
of cotyledons region embryo and absent embryo and discrete villous substructure visible
on the GS extremities on GS extremities
Allantois Discretely Near embryo Not visible in the GS Present, but more Present and prominent Present and prominent
vascularization present mesometrially areas of peripheral distinct mesometrially (not in chorionic tips)
mesometrially distinct and thirds (of uterine horns)
near embryo antimesometrially
Chorion Absent Absent Absent and discrete Absent and discrete Present Present and prominent
Amnion2 Absent Absent Absent Present and discrete Present Present and prominent
Yolk sac Prominent in Distinctly developed No growth in relation to No growth (involution) Macroscopically barely Macroscopically not detectable
development all parts: duct, in relation to embryo embryo to see (involution)
centrum, 2 projections,
in total 4.5 · length
of embryo

GL, greatest length; GS, gestational sac: it fully occupies both uterine horns in the period investigated.
Histologically beginning of placentome development.
Amnion: distinct throughout the whole period investigated. Tight to embryo up to day 40, then distinct growth.

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AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino
Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes 765

Fig. 2. Embryo 0.56 cm CR, E
23 days. The chorionic sac (C), AM
probably extending in full length AL
inside the uterus (44 cm), slightly is
constricted at half of its length
(arrow) which corresponds to the
area of corpus uteri. The embryo is
located on the largest part of
chorion which marks the area of
‘pregnant uterine horn’. Inside the E
chorion, the embryo (E) is sur-
rounded by the amnion (AM) and
linked to the allantois (AL) as
specifically shown with the small-
illustrated preparation and the
drawing. Note the two chorion tips
corresponding by location to the
extremes of uterine horns. Scale
bar 2 cm

Table 3. Length (cm) of yolk sac in bovine placenta with central part,
longer and shorter projections, from 20 to 70 days, characterizing
specifically also the involution of this membrane

C Yolk sac length (cm)

period Longer Shorter
(days) Central projections projections Total

20–25 0.76 ± 0.24 5.14 ± 2.88 3.17 ± 1.60 9.08 ± 4.45

25–30 0.67 ± 0.16 3.90 ± 1.50 2.20 ± 1.10 6.76 ± 2.15
30–40 0.71 ± 0.18 3.01 ± 1.80 1.90 ± 1.40 5.53 ± 3.14
YP YC 40–50 0.60 ± 0.15 0.60 ± 0.80 0.33 ± 0.45 1.53 ± 1.33
50–60 0.46 ± 0.10 – – 0.46 ± 0.10
60–70 0.30 ± 0.09 – – 0.30 ± 0.09
Fig. 3. Embryo 0.6 cm CR, 26 days-surrounded by the faint amnion
(arrow), shows the yolk sac with a central part (YC) from which two
thin peripheral projections (YP, only one visible) diverge into the
chorion (C, here back reflected to the embryo). The allantois clearly
develops first blood vessels particularly along its mesometrial border
(arrowheads). Scale bar 1 cm


YP YP Fig. 5. Embryo 1.03 cm CR, 30 days. Allantoic blood vessels, shining

through the sausage-like chorion (C), by bundles extend along the
mesometrial side of conceptus (arrows). They contain branchings
Fig. 4. Embryo 0.76 cm CR, 27 days (with the chorion and the which ramify by right angles (arrow heads) running to the
amnion removed). The yolk sac is distinct with a central (YC) and two antimesometrial or dorsal side of embryo. The chorion does not show
projecting (YP) parts. Two allantoic blood vessels, arising from the any cotyledons. Scale bar 1 cm
embryo caudally of the yolk sac (arrow), mark the mesometrially
oriented border of allantoic sac (arrow heads). Scale bar 1 cm
allantoic vascularization (Figs 7–9). Cotyledonary for-
mation spreads out progressively from the chorionic
connection to the uterine caruncles before about day 37 surface of the embryonic zone to the chorionic tips, but
of pregnancy (Figs 5 and 7). Later, however, cotyledons does not build up a tight chorio-endometrial connection
get more and more visible by increasing in number, size until day 50 p.i. at least (Table 2). Visible through the
and thickness (length of chorionic villosity); they transparent chorion, the amnion, separated by its fluid-
become more reddish in colour because of the increased filled cavity from the embryo, only slowly increases in

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766 AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino

run into the allantamnion, being macroscopically visible

for the first time on day 45 p.i. (Fig. 11). Allantoic blood
vessels help to understand when the outer side of the
YP allantois fuses to the inner side of the chorion: on day 30
p.i., even though fusion is evident by histology (see
section ‘Discussion’) macroscopy is not adequate to
show fusion when, after opening of the chorion, these
YC vessels can be observed to be distinctly belonging to the
allantois (Fig. 7). However, from about day 37 p.i.,
these vessels can be found to be a part of the inner side
of chorion after careful manual separation of the weakly
fused chorion and allantois (Fig. 7). From day 40 p.i.
onwards, this fusion becomes progressively solid from
the embryo zone peripheral to the tips of the gestational
Fig. 6. Embryo 1.25 cm CR, 33 days is uncovered from the amnion, sac. When the eyes of the embryo begin to acquire
allantois and chorion (below). The yolk sac in full extension is visible pigmentation at about day 30 p.i., the bundle compris-
with central part (YC) and two projections (YP). Allantoic vessels, ing the allantois, the yolk sac and the ventral amnion
particularly bundled in mesometrial location of the embryo (brackets), wrapping them, becomes longer, thereby forming the
originate by umbilical arteries (the left one clearly visible). Note the
beginning pigmentation of eye (arrow). Scale bar 1 cm umbilical cord (Figs 6, 8–11), which also can been seen
macroscopically (Figs 8 and 9). The yolk sac is most
evident with its central part and two projections on day
size in relation to the embryo during the beginning of 33 p.i. (Fig. 6); it becomes smaller progressively after-
this period (Figs 5 and 7), but growth is more distinct wards (Figs 10 and 12).
from day 40 of pregnancy (Figs 8, 9 and 11). The
allantois is also visible through the chorion thanks to its
blood vessels, which begin to progressively branch in the Conceptuses of days 50 to 70 of pregnancy
mesometrial direction from the mesometrially located Around day 50 p.i. the conceptus changes slowly from
vascular bundle to form the chorioallantoic vessel embryo to foetus (compare Figs 10 and 12), the latter
system (Figs 5–9). From this system the vessels also being typical with an elongated neck and the axis of the

Fig. 7. Embryo 1.88 cm CR,

37 days. The chorion easily can be
manually separated (C) from the
allantois (dashed janus-arrow).
However, by this, the allantoic
blood vessels ‘stick’ to the chorion
inner (mesenchymal) side (arrows).
Cotyledons (foetal part of placen-
tomes) in stage of beginning
development on the outside of
chorion can be seen shining
through the allantois (dashed
circles). The amnion is small here
(AM), therefore located very
tightly to the embryo. Scale bar
1 cm

Fig. 8. Embryo 2.17 cm CR,

41 days. Central part of conceptus
with embryo and amnion sac
(AM), viewed from the stretched
chorionic outer surface which
shows some cotyledons (dashed
circles). Note the allantoic vascu-
lature, with origin from the umbi-
licus (*), is bundled along the
mesometrial or ventral side of
conceptus giving off a rather dense
network of tributary vessels to the
dorsal side of allantochorion
(dashed arrow). Scale bar 1 cm

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Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes 767

Fig. 9. Embryo 2.77 cm CR,

45 days. In comparison to Fig. 8
the amnion is larger, and the
cotyledons are better visible
(dashed circles) because of
increased vasculature and irriga-
tion by blood. Scale bar 1 cm

Fig. 10. Embryo out of Fig. 9. The chorioallantois and the amnion
have been manually deplaced to the bottom of figure. The relatively
small yolk sac with its central part (arrow) arises from the cranial part Fig. 12. Foetus 4.4 cm CR, 54 days. The umbilical cord is distinct by
of umbilical cord. Scale bar 1 cm allantoic duct (not visible here) and blood vessels (arrowhead: an
umbilical artery). The yolk sac in stage of involution barely is visible
(arrow). Scale bar 1 cm

by a distinct constriction which mirrors the uterine body

between the ‘pregnant’ and the ‘non-pregnant’ horns
(Figs 13 and 14). The chorioallantois, in this period, by
progressive increase of tissue mass, loses its transpar-
ency (Figs 13 and 14); this phenomenon is specifically
caused by the cotyledons, which become bigger and
more numerous in a negative gradation from the foetal
zone to the tips of chorioallantois. Both tips end in thin
chorionic projections which degenerate physiologically
because they are not supplied by allantoic vasculature
Fig. 11. Embryo 2.72 cm CR, 45 days being by age comparable to the from inside (Figs 13 and 14). Most allantoic vessels are
embryos of Figs 9 and 10. Note the distinct allantoic vasculature with observed near the foetus and progressively become
origin out of the umbilicus running along the mesometrial border thinner towards the gestational sac extremities – the
of chorioallantois (below). It gives rise to the first blood vessels
macroscopically visible in the (allant-) amnion (arrow). Scale bar 1 cm
mesometrially oriented vessel bundle being the most
evident (Fig. 13). On day 70 p.i., the allantoic vascula-
ture ‘stains’ the chorionic villi so distinctly that the
neck bent by about 90 to the axis of the head. The substructure of the largest cotyledons near the foetus
formation of a long foetal splanchnocrane is conspicu- becomes macroscopically visible (Fig. 15). This phe-
ous in bovine species. nomenon can not only be observed in chorioallantoic
The chorioallantois is fixed inside the opened uterus, cotyledons but also in amniochorionic cotyledons
but can be manually separated between the cotyledons (Fig. 15). The amnion does not change in size in relation
and caruncles of placentomes, quite easily around day to the foetus from days 50 to 70 p.i. (Figs 13–15). The
50, which can be more difficult at around day 70 p.i.. umbilical cord is now as long as the hind leg (Fig. 15),
Taken this way out from the uterus, the sausage-like with the umbilical vessels (allantoic arteries and veins)
chorioallantoic sac filled with allantoic fluid shows being evident. A very small (involutive) yolk sac is
distinct asymmetry by length and width, i.e. a longer observable at this time, being located near the cranial
wider part and a shorter narrower part, both separated umbilical artery ramification (Fig. 12).

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768 AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino

Fig. 13. Foetus 4.2 cm CR,

53 days with drawing of the
sausage-likely chorioallantois sac
with extension of full length
(75 cm) inside the uterus. The
constriction of allantochorion is
corresponding to the corpus uteri
(arrows) and marks, on one side,
the larger part of this sac with the
amnion vesicle surrounding the
foetus in the so-called pregnant
uterine horn and, on the other, the
smaller and shorter part in the
unpregnant horn. Both parts end in
* thin chorionic projections which
degenerate because they have not
been supplied by allantoic vessels
from inside (*). Cotyledons best
* are developed on the zone of
chorioallantois near the foetus,
whereas towards the tips of gesta-
tions sac, they yet are gradually
smaller in number and size. Note
the distinct, mainly mesometrially
located allantoic vasculature not
yet fully reaching to the allanto-
chorionic tips. Scale bar 2 cm



Fig. 15. Foetus 10 cm CR, 70 days. Two bundles of blood vessels

from each side of chorioallantois extremes (arrows) meet in the
umbilical cord (triangle) to form the umbilical arteries and vein. The
distinct cotyledons show the substructure of villosity. ALC, chorio-
allantois with corresponding cotyledons; AMC, amniochorion with
corresponding cotyledons. Scale bar 2 cm

Fig. 14. Foetus 7.9 cm CR, 60 days. The chorioallantois sac by its
increased tissue mass is less transparent by light than before. Easily to
see are only the allantoic vessels along the mesometrial line of sac as 105 16
Chorioallantois and amnion length (cm)

Chorioallantois Amnion Yolk sac

well as caruncles, which manually can be separated from the uterine
caruncles. Remnant of chorionic sac (arrow). Scale bar 2 cm 90 14

Yolk sac length (cm)

Morphometrical evaluation of embryo–foetal membranes 10
related to external characteristics of corresponding 60
embryos and foetuses 8
Lengths of chorioallantois and amnion 6
The length of chorioallantois reveals slow and gradual 4
development within evolution of gestational period from 15 2
days 20 to 70 p.i. (Fig. 16). It is about 40 to 75 cm
during this time. However, these lengths are discretely 0 0
by slower growth from days 50 to 60 of gestation, in 20 – 25 25 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70
Days p.i. of pregnancy
relation to that one in the subsequent period from days
60 to 70. The length of amnion shows gradual growth Fig. 16. Lengths (cm) of placental membranes in bovine placenta from
until 40 to 50 days of gestation. However, there is a 20 to 70 days of pregnancy

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Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes 769

tendency of faster growth from days 40 to 70 p.i. 80 16

Greatest length of conceptus (mm)

(Figs 8, 9 and 16). Greatest length (mm)
70 14

Weight of conceptus (mm)

Weight (g)
60 12

Length of yolk sac 50 10

The bovine yolk sac, which is about 9 cm on day 25 p.i., 40 8

decreases in total length permanently during this study. 30 6

In most cases, the yolk sac disappears completely from 20 4
days 50 to 70 p.i.; however, in some cases, vestiges of the
10 2
central part of this sac can be observed during this time
(Figs 12 and 16; Table 3). 0 0
20 – 25 25 – 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70
Days p.i. of pregnancy

Number of cotyledons Fig. 18. Greatest lengths ( ) and weights (¤) of bovine embryos
The cotyledons are not macroscopically observable compared in periods during 25 to 70 days of pregnancy
until about day 37 of bovine gestation. Initially, from
37 to 40 days p.i., a maximum of 20 cotyledons are Discussion
present on the chorionic surface in the embryo. From
day 40 to 50 p.i., the number of cotyledons triples. In Why is an ‘embryo ⁄ foetal age-scale’ needed in early
the subsequent duration, i.e. up to day 70 p.i., the bovine development?
number increases gradually, averaging about 80 The literature on the intrauterine development of the
(Fig. 17). conceptus and its external membranes in bovine species is
rather voluminous but intriguing with respect to the exact
timing of the age of the embryo ⁄ foetus. The only way to
Greatest length and weight of conceptuses obtain this information on the age of the conceptus is by
The GL of conceptus specifically increases from 20 to 25 insemination under time control by natural mating or
and from 60 to 70 days of gestation, in total, from 0.3 to artificial means. There are rather few studies of this
70 cm. The mean weight of the conceptus is 0.25 g on information as shown in Table 1, which helps in getting
day 20 and increases relatively slowly until 40 days up to an applicable scale. The age of the conceptus is deter-
0.77 g. Then, the weight progressively increases dis- mined by the many typical morphological characteristics
tinctly up to 5.90 g at day 60. Finally, there is a steep that it shows. Part of the morphological studies presented
increase up to 14.53 g on day 70 p.i. (Fig. 18). here by the investigation of the bovine conceptus and
related membranes during day 20 to 70 of pregnancy may
enhance the value of this age-scale.
Two facts make this scale so important: (i) of late, the
cow is being extensively used as an ‘experimental
animal’ for studying new techniques of reproduction
like in vitro fertilization (Farin and Farin 1995), embryo
transfer (Bertolini et al. 2002) and cloning (Smith and

Murphy 2004). (ii) The cow is an expensive experimental

animal, excluding a reasonably great number of animals
of exactly known pregnancy age needed for those

experiments. However, there is a large and relatively

easily available pool of pregnant cows from slaughter-
Number of cotyledons

houses, the pregnancy age of which is unknown. This

pool was used for deriving the embryo ⁄ foetal age-scale

of the study presented here, which is confirmed by

relevant literature and complemented by our data
relating to exterior macroscopical morphology of con-


How precise can the embryo–foetal age-scale be in early


bovine development of conceptus?

It is obvious that even if we carefully control and select
statistically improved data from the literature and from
results of this study, the embryo ⁄ foetus age-scale pro-

posed here cannot be used without including consider-

30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 –70 able variability of the macroscopical appearance. This
Days p.i. of pregnancy variability is mostly due to biological reasons. Winters
et al. (1942) state that the actual time of fertilization or
Fig. 17. Numbers of cotyledons on bovine placenta from 30 to ovulation cannot be exactly determined in bovine
70 days of pregnancy species. In addition, two types of factors influence the

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770 AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino

growth of an embryo: (i) embryo-related factors like elongation, this three-phase implantation process, being
individuality or genetic constitution (Evans and Sack observable only by transmission electron microscopy,
1973), breed (McGeady et al. 2006) and sex; and (ii) extends up to day 27 p.i. from the embryo zone along
mother-related factors like age, nutrition and uterine the surface of the chorion to the extremes. When
environment. The growth rate can also vary enor- arriving at this process, the implantation is complete.
mously, relating to just one specific phenomenon only, With the exception of the embryo and its surrounding
e.g., the length of the chorionic sac during the elonga- amnion, the embryonal membranes are barely visible in
tion phase (Betteridge et al. 1980; Betteridge and the open uterus from day 20 to about 27 p.i. (Leiser
Fléchon 1988; Wrobel and Suess 1998). Other param- 1975; this study). However, the chorion, when fixed with
eters are more ‘stable’ and related to age, particularly formaldehyde becomes wrinkled and opaquely trans-
those taken from the embryo ⁄ foetus exterior, like parent, with a relatively weak implantative attachment
neurulation, somites (McGeady et al. 2006), C-form of to the uterus, and can be detached from it carefully, and
embryo body, branchial arcs, pigmentation of the eye the whole conceptus taken off from this organ (Fig. 2;
and legbud formation. The weight of the conceptus is Leiser 1975).
helpful; however, it is critical if it is not being measured On about day 30 p.i., the conceptus is typically
under similar circumstances. The most used age crite- sausage-like (Melton et al. 1951; this study) and the
rion is the length of embryo ⁄ foetus. After Winters et al. chorion, evidently under pressure, tends to slough out
(1942), we preferred the ‘greatest length’ (greatest from the cut uterus, by this obviously detaching the
diameter of conceptus, head and rump together) to the implantation-related embryo–maternal connection. This
crown–rump length (Noden and Lahunta 1985; McGe- pressure is obviously built up by the allantoic fluid,
ady et al. 2006), because the former is more stable when which is produced in a fairly large amount in a relatively
comparing the different ages, particularly during the short time (see Figs 3 and 4 in Melton et al. 1951); it
C-form period of the embryo. Even with the uncertain- enables the chorion to cling narrowly to the endometrial
ties of the embryo ⁄ foetus age-scale mentioned here, this caruncles and to form chorionic villi from day 31
scale can be a very valuable tool in experimental work (Melton et al. 1951; Greenstein et al. 1958) up to 33 p.i.,
with early bovine conceptuses not only from cows which are only microscopically detectable at first, clearly
controlled by pregnancy time but also from uncon- penetrating the caruncular septa (Melton et al. 1951;
trolled pregnant slaughterhouse animals. King et al. 1979). Leiser et al. (1998) showed that cows
exhibit a relatively firm placental anchorage based on
the elaborate villous cotyledons of the placentomes. This
Macroscopical morphology of early bovine conceptus– placentome development process, which macroscopi-
maternal interrelationship – no more an enigma? cally becomes first visible at about day 37 p.i. when the
Why did we start the age-scale with about day 8 p.i.? allantois vasculature of the chorionic villi is a substantial
Before this time, the bovine embryos can be harvested part of them, spreads out from the embryo zone to the
relatively easily, be it by superovulation with numer- tips of gestation sac up to day 50 p.i. This totals to a
ously enhanced germs or by in vitro fertilization, maximum of 40 placentomes, but this materno-foetal
followed by flushing from the uterus (Maddox-Hyttel connection cannot prevent the gestational sac from
et al. 2003). But, after this time, which represents the forcing its way out from the uterus. On about day 70
logarithmic elongation growth phase, the conceptuses p.i.; however, the placentome develops firm enough that
show striking variability in size (Betteridge et al. 1980) the conceptus stays inside the uterus after being cut
with, e.g., the length of the chorion extending two-thirds open, a fact confirmed by Chang (1952). This connec-
of the pregnant uterine horn on day 14 p.i. (Winters tion, which can be detached quite easily manually, was
et al. 1942). Chorion of this length is an obstacle for incorrectly taken to be implantation in the bovine
flushing out the embryo from the uterus, because of the (Kingman 1948; overview by Leiser 1975). The bovine
mechanical difficulties in handling the blastocyst (Bette- placentomes of the concepto-maternal attachment
ridge et al. 1980). Therefore, after about day 15 p.i., become improved by continuous growth in number –
experiments which require morphological visualization up to day 70 p.i. about 80 – in size, and in progressively
of the conceptus or tissue probes from it can be more mushroom-like form accompanied by interior
performed only on the uterus from the slaughtered cow. remodelling, as histologically investigated by Bjoerkman
In additional to the mechanical problems of handling (1954, 1969).
the conceptus, giant cells first appear in the trophoblast
of chorion of day 16 to 18 p.i. embryos (Greenstein et al.
1958), which is a distinct sign that preparations for What is macroscopically visible of the development of
implanting the chorion to the uterine epithelium take earliest bovine blood vasculature?
place, as interpreted by Leiser (1975) as the ‘precontact The first real blood circulation in the bovine is linked to
phase’. Implantation (Leiser 1975) then, at days 18 ⁄ 19 the development of the yolk sac (see below). The blood
p.i., develops a corresponding apposition between tro- vessels of the yolk sac are not directly visible macro-
phoblast and uterine epithelial microvilli which, 2 days scopically but the specific red colouration of the blood
later, interdigitate each other, characterizing the adhe- or erythrocytes therein is evident. The intensity of this
sion stage of implantation. This is the firmest morpho- colouration corroborates with the activity of erythro-
logical materno-embryonal interrelationship of poiesis which probably culminates between days 25 and
implantation possible in bovine species. While the 30 p.i. (Figs 3 and 4), a fact, which should be improved
chorionic sac reaches the tips of both uterine horns by upon histologically, however.

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Macroscopy of Bovine Embryo ⁄ Foetus and Membranes 771

The second and definitive blood vascular system is The yolk sac in the bovine? Yes, it is macroscopically
generated by the allantois, which for the first time can be evident!
observed at days 20 to 21 p.i. as a bud (Fléchon 1978; The yolk sac in the bovine develops from days 18 to 23
Maddox-Hyttel et al. 2003), and is more prominent p.i., when the embryo converts from a flat trilaminar disc
1 day later (Zietzschmann 1924; Winters et al. 1942) into a cylindrical body (Wrobel and Suess 1998). On day
with a distinct allantoic stalk (Wrobel and Suess 1998). 22 p.i., it is composed of three parts: a broad vitelline
The first macroscopically visible allantoic vasculature, connection to the intestine of the conceptus, a centre and
sprouting peripherally from the ventral side of the two projections, of which the projections reach into the
embryo and following a mesometrially oriented line chorionic ends (Rüesse et al. 1992). We found that at
(Figs 3 and 4), appears at day 26 p.i., as confirmed by about day 25 p.i., the yolk sac is macroscopically evident
Greenstein et al. (1958). These authors show histolog- by the vitelline duct, a centre and two projections (Figs 3
ically that capillaries are situated along the trophoblast and 4), which has a total length of about 10 cm. This
of the chorion 3 days later, thus proving that a fusion of dominance may explain the importance of the yolk sac,
the vessel-bearing allantois and the chorion has already particularly during this time, as an organ for generating
taken place. This fusion was also confirmed by Chang the primordial germ cells (Jost and Prepin 1966; Wrobel
(1952) and Schlafer et al. (2000) on day 30 p.i. However, and Suess 1998; Kritzenberger and Wrobel 2004) and
by macroscopy, this fusion cannot be ascertained to for erythropoiesis, i.e. development of blood islands
have taken place before day 36 p.i. That is, this becomes into the vitelline circulatory blood system, as a first
visible when the part of allantois showing allantoic transport system for metabolites between the mother
vessels sticks to the chorion and both of them can be and the embryo or between the periphery and centre of
separated by manipulation. This fusion, on day 36 p.i., the conceptus (Rüesse et al. 1992; Kritzenberger and
must have become distinctly firmer than before, because Wrobel 2004). On day 30 p.i. of pregnancy, the yolk sac
for the first time cotyledons on the chorion become is smaller than before, about 6 cm in length, because the
macroscopically evident, a fact which is explainable by a tips of projections degenerate (32 day p.i.; Zietzschmann
distinct amount of blood in the cotyledons, ‘staining’ 1924). This is a regressive process, and the yolk sac can
them distinctly red (Fig. 7). This phenomenon, after be macroscopically found on day 55 p.i., at the latest, as
about day 60 p.i., is striking; the roundish cotyledons a spindle-shaped rudiment being barely visible and
which are contrasting because of their red colour have located cranially of the umbilical cord. In our study,
increased to an average diameter of about 2 cm in which we described for the first time in B. indicus, the transition
even the substructure of chorionic villi is visible because period of the choriovitelline placenta (McGeady et al.
of their vascular blood content (Fig. 15). On day 45 p.i., 2006) until it was replaced by the chorioallantoic
a very faint allantoic vasculature is macroscopically placenta.
evident on the amnion, indicating the fact that an
allantamnion has developed. As concerns the fusion of
the amnion with the chorion, it is not yet evident if Conclusion
amniochorionic cotyledons, being evident at around day In conclusion, all the data collected in this study were
70 p.i. (see also Schlafer et al. 2000), are linked with compared extensively with the corresponding data of the
such a process. Because no fusion by mesenchyme layer literature. This resulted in an ‘embryo ⁄ foetal age-scale’
has been observed so far, the amniochorionic cotyledons which, combined with data from this study, has been
are ‘just’ allantochorionic cotyledons which have been extended, covering the time of 8 to 70 days p.i. By using
developed on the location where the fusion between this age-scale of early bovine intrauterine development,
amnion and chorion will be established later, an macroscopic identification of the stages of embryonic
observation definitely stated on day 98 p.i. by Weeth development becomes possible even when using embryos
and Herman (1952). from slaughtered cows without distinct knowledge of
The development of the allantochorion from the insemination or fertilization time. This distinctly facili-
embryo ⁄ foetus zone to its extremes is macroscopically tates research into the cow, which is fast becoming ‘an
well traced out by its vascularization. This starts from experimental animal of choice’ for testing new techniques
the main vessels of the umbilicus, which is clearly visible like in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and cloning.
on day 33 p.i. From this day on, vessels become smaller
and less densely ramified by branching (Fig. 13), but
gradually grow towards the end of the gestation sac by Acknowledgement
distinctly reaching it up to day 70 p.i. of pregnancy as This study was supported by Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do
shown in our study. However, this vascular system with Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Process number 02 ⁄ 00233-0 and
inclusion of the cotyledons is distinctly better developed 06 ⁄ 53009-1 and also to Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES). The authors thanks Dr. Ricardo da
in the ‘pregnant’ uterine horn than in the non-pregnant Fonseca for help with the statistical analysis.
horn. Both gestation sacs end abruptly, obviously filling
the uterine horns completely. This is explainable by the
fact that the allantois, which has penetrated the chori- Author contributions
onic sac as far as possible, to widen for a firm contact to Dr Antonio Chaves de Assis Neto and Dr Maria Angelica Miglino
the uterus and to form the placentomes for attachment chiefly carried out the research. Antonio C.A. Neto, Flávia T.V.
and nutrition of the conceptus. The chorion not used Pereira, Tatiana C. Santos and Carlos E. Ambrosio harvested and
that way is visible as degenerating necrotic tips in processed material; Antonio C.A. Neto, Prof Rudolf Leiser and Prof
Miglino analysed data and made descriptions of results.
Fig. 13.

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772 AC Assis Neto, FTV Pereira, TC Santos, CE Ambrosio, R Leiser and MA Miglino

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