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Protoplasma (1990) 159:96-111

9 by Springer-Verlag 1990

Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective

R. M. Akers*

Lactation Physiology Laboratory, Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

Received August 7, 1990

Accepted August 17, 1990

It has been a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to prepare this paper in honor of Dr. Stuart Patton on his 70th birthday. Dr. Patton,
one of the founders of the Gordon Conference on Mammary Gland Biology, had the vision to bring together the variety of workers interested
in the mammary gland and drive to foster wide ranging collaborations.

Summary. Importance of peripubertal mammary development as a that drives the phases o f m a m m a r y development.
foundation for subsequent mammary growth and milk production Chemical engineers and venture capitalists seek a nipple
was discussed. Morphological differences in peripubertal mammary
that yields an exotic soup o f precious polypeptides.
growth in rodents and ruminants were described. The relevance of
tissue interactions and association with hormones and growth factors Finally, agricultural scientists p o n d e r the relevance o f
in mammary development were delineated. Data from specificstudies the rodent as a model for udders, dream o f glands that
with ruminant mammary parenchyma were outlined for comparison stop producing for the weekend, and aid the production
with rodent studies. It is concluded that the wholesale extrapolation o f the milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream all the others
of data from rodent studies to explain udder development is inap-
pick up at the store on the way h o m e f r o m the lab.
propriate. Lastly, recent data from experiments with culture of mam-
mary explants from bulls is described. Pragmatically, these data M y goal is to consider several aspects o f lactation that
suggest that responses of mammary tissue from bulls might provide have particular interest for dairy scientists, but which
a means for early selection of superior sires or provide a unique also address ideas which m a y influence thinking o f
model to study tissue interactions in udder development. other m a m m a r y gland biologists.
Keywords: Mammary growth; Ruminants; Hormones; Growth fac-
tors; Mammary cell culture; Morphogenesis.
The cow a calf becomes
Introduction While individual variation is often n o t as apparent
when studying lactation o f highly inbred laboratory
It is apparent from recent volumes and reviews (Rich
animals, a visit to a milking parlor makes it clear that
etal. 1986, Neville and Daniel 1987, Tucker 1987, For-
there are m a r k e d differences in milk p r o d u c t i o n a m o n g
syth 1989) that the m a m m a r y gland, its growth, dif-
cows (or sheep or goats for that matter). Even after
ferentiation, secretions and dysfunction provide an ex-
differences due to parity, stage o f lactation, nutritional
ceedingly rich substrate for a multitude o f scientists.
program, and reproductive status are considered dif-
T u m o r biologists, immunologists, and micro-biologists
ferences between individuals can be marked. While dif-
seek to unravel the puzzle o f breast cancer and mastitis.
ferences in p r o d u c t i o n potential likely do not change
Cell biologists, endocrinologists, and the "new com-
biological fundamentals, the economic impact o f better
ers" - the molecular biologists - scurry for the Rosetta
selection o f superior animals is enormous. F o r example,
Stone to explain the language o f the chemical milieu
a m o n g Holstein dairy cows average yearly p r o d u c t i o n
* Correspondence and reprints: Department of Dairy Science, Litton has been estimated to have increased 75 kg per year
Reaves Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA 24061, between 1960 to 1975 due to genetic selection. Available
U.S.A. estimates indicate Holsteins produce an average of
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology:a ruminant animal perspective 97

7,195 kg milk/year but half of these animals produce extend throughout, to the margin of the fat pad (Wil-
between 3,810kg/year and the mean (Powell etal. liams and Daniel 1983). From about 4 to 8 wks of age,
1977). Such variation is both a curse when designing endbuds grow through the fat pad and occasionally
experiments related to milk production and a source bifurcate to form new growth points. Elongation con-
of relevant research material. It may be that differ- tinues until the endbud reaches the margin of the fat
entials in milk production result from failure of the pad when elongation stops and the structure regresses
potential milk synthesizing cells to proliferate in low (Silberstein and Daniel 1987). The situation in rumi-
compared with high milk producing animals or that nants is much less clear. There is no compelling evidence
secretory cells in low producing animals fail to achieve that endbuds exist. Furthermore as ducts elongate in
an equivalent degree of biochemical differentiation. the rodent gland, epithelial cells are in physical contact
I believe that the tissue foundation created during the with adipocytes. Figure 1 illustrates the histological
peripubertal period in ruminants, modulates capacity appearance of mammary tissue taken from prepubertal
of the mammary gland to produce alveoli, and thus ewe lambs. The lambs were approximately 22 wks of
future milk production. Alterations in animal man- age at the time of slaughter, when explants of mammary
agement during this period clearly modify udder de- parenchyma were taken for incubation in medium 199
velopment. Declining milk price and increasing feed with tritiated thymidine (2 h at 37 ~ then fixed, sec-
costs frequently dictate a desire for more rapid rearing tioned and processed for autoradiography as described
of heifers to gain the benefits of more economic meat (Smith et al. 1989). Specifics related to nutritional treat-
and milk production, higher weaning weights and in- ments applied during the growth period (beginning at
creased numbers of offspring (due to earlier attainment 7 wks of age) and details of other udder measurements
of puberty). Modern labor-efficient heifer rearing sys- are given in McFadden et al. (1990 a, b). The data are
tems have increased rates of feed utilization such that unpublished micrographs from the same study. Nutri-
animals may gain 1 kg or more per day. However, as tional treatments had no consistent effect on histolog-
outlined in recent reviews (Foldager and Sejrsen 1987, ical appearance, thus differences indicate between and
Johnson t988), rapid gain during the prepubertal pe- within animal variation. Figure 1 A and B shows cross
riod can profoundly reduce future milk production sections of ducts with distinct areas of dense stromal
(--~25% loss). Thus, the prepubertal period of allo- tissue between ducts but the absence of adipocytes.
metric udder growth is sensitive to effects of overfeed- Figure 1 A shows that labeled cells are most often (but
ing, but rapid rearing during later stages likely enhance not exclusively) located at the periphery of groups of
udder development and subsequent milk yields. To ducts. Panel B illustrates the predominance of dense
what extent variation in prepubertal mammary growth fibroblast-like cells surrounding ductular profiles. Fig-
is responsible for observed milk yield differences in the ure 1 C and D demonstrates the presence of adipocytes
cattle population is unknown. Use of uniformly reared, near some areas of ducts. But it is evident that in the
homogenous rodents minimize such effects in experi- limited areas where there are adipocytes scattered in
mental animals, but certainly heterogeneous rearing of the parenchyma, that there is consistently a sheath of
humans may have important consequences for lacta- fibroblast-like cells separating the ducts and the adi-
tion success of future mtrsing mothers or propensity pocytes. Figure 1 E shows that even in the prepubertal
to develop tumors. gland there are groups of epithelial cells that show
evidence of limited secretory activity (presence of lipid
droplets and darkly stained luminal spaces) but that
Hormones, growth factors, and tissue interactions in DNA synthesis continues among the cells in such struc-
mammary growth tures. Figure 1 F shows the predominant histological
In rodents, neonatal mammary growth involves pro- appearance of the tissue. The ductular cells are densely
liferation and branching of a primary ductuIar network packed with little evidence of secretory activity and
within the mammary fat pad. During the altometric labeled epithelial cells appear randomly placed within
growth phase, ducts elongate and fill the fat pad with individual ductular structures. Histological study of
subsequent secondary branching to form this mam- mammary tissue from prepubertal heifers (Sejrsen et al.
mary duct network. Duct elongation involves penetra- 1986, Smith et al. 1986, Woodward and Akers unpubl.)
tion of the fat pad by a highly-specialized structure, indicate a similar appearance.
the terminal endbud. These 0.1 to 0.8ram diameter An experiment to determine the role of the ovaries in
structures form at the proliferating end of ducts and Prl and GH stimulation of mammary development in
98 R . M . Akers: Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective

Fig. 1. Autoradiograms of mammary tissue from prepubertal ewe Iambs. Unpublished micrographs from study by McFadden etal. (1990).
A Illustration of frequently observed distribution of tritium labeled epithelial cells near periphery of clusters of ducts and presence of dense
arrays of fibroblast-like cells surrounding profiles of individual ducts. B Area with abundance of stromal cells around ducts and illustration
of irregular outline of cross sectioned ducts. C Area of tissue showing limited occurrence of adipocytes near ducts and D enlargement of
similar area. E Area of mammary parenchyma from prepubertal lamb with evidence of secretory activity and DNA synthesis. F Section of
tissue corresponding with usual appearance of mammary tissue from prepubertal cattle and sheep. S Stromal tissue; d ductular lumena; a
adipocytes; I~ tritiated thymidine labeled nuclei
R. M. Akers: Lactationphysiology:a ruminantanimal perspective 99

prepubertal mice (Wells and Akers unpubl.) had as a and his colleagues and recently reviewed (Kratochwil
goal to determine if prepubertal mice exhibit increased 1986). These tissue recombination and receptor studies
mammary growth in response to GH - as do ruminants confirm that sexual dimorphism of mammary devel-
(Sejrsen etal. 1986)-with the hope that mice might opment (in rodents) requires the appearance of andro-
serve as a model to study GH induced development. gen receptors in the mesenchyme surrounding the de-
Histologically, the appearance ofmurine mammary tis- veloping mammary rudiment but that receptors occur
sue shows some rather striking contrasts with the ru- only in the presence of the epithelial structure. Further
minant. Ducts are much more widely scattered and those studies showed that newly formed mammary buds in-
cut in cross-section usually present a rounded profile duced surrounding mesenchymal cells to elaborate an-
indicating a section through a simple tubular structure drogen and E2 receptors. In the male, the production
and the entire structure is suspended in a sea of adi- of testosterone results in activation of the androgen
pocytes interwoven with blood vessels and various leu- receptors and destruction of the epithelial bud (male
cocytic cells. As shown in Fig. 1, cross-sectioned ducts mice have no nipples) whereas in the absence of tes-
from the prepubertal ruminant gland usually demon- tosterone, subsequent development follows a female
strated a scalloped appearance, suggesting a more com- pattern. These studies have led to wide spread recog-
plex tubular structure with abundant outpocketing of nition that tissue and cell type interactions are likely
epithelium along the course of the ducts. This suggests critical in all phases of mammary development (Shef-
that in the ruminant, in contrast with rodents, the gland field 1988). Since it is the epithelial portion of the gland
is not filled in with elongated ducts during the pre- that determines milk production, it is easy to under-
pubertal period waiting for subsequent development of stand research emphasis on epithelial proliferation and
side branches. Furthermore, the periphery of the rum- differentiation but it is also clear that alveolar devel-
inant gland is devoid of epithelium. These morpholog- opment is intimately intertwined with stromal tissue
ical features suggest that the rodent model should not metabolism.
be assumed to accurately describe ruminant mammary As reviewed (Forsyth 1989), early results with growth
development. It is also evident that many hypotheses of isolated mammary cells were disappointing in that
related to mammary development have arisen from growth of cells on plastic was minimal and not always
observations from rodent studies. It remains to be seen associated with expected responses to known mam-
if these ideas apply equally well to other species. mogenic hormones. Moreover, serum addition (with
its unknown complement of growth factors and nu-
trients) was usually needed to maintain growth of cells.
Development of cell lines have allowed elucidation of
Culture experiments some specific biochemical features of cell metabolism
Even a casual observer is quick to realize that exper- but have been largely of unknown relevance since the
iments with large ruminants are more difficult and cells frequently exhibit "non-epithelial" and/or heter-
costly than those that might be done with laboratory ogenous morpholbgies and most often only limited ca-
animals or with strict in vitro procedures. Therefore, pacity to synthesize and secrete milk constituents. In-
it should not be surprising that the majority of mam- troduction of culture methods utilizing collagen and
mary related experiments have not been done with dairy other extracellular matrix proteins has revitalized cul-
animals. This means that most hypotheses concerned ture experiments particularly with primary cultures
with udder development are derived from model system (Bissell and Hall 1987), since such cultures exhibit
and extrapolated to dairy species. While many fun- growth and subsequent mammary specific differentia-
damentals of mammary development likely apply tion in serum-free media preparations. These systems
across all mammals, I believe wholesale extrapolation also promise the opportunity to better evaluate cell
is unwarranted. type interactions since co-cultures composed of various
Simple histological observations of mammary tissue proportions of cells can easily be prepared, In the case
confirm the fact that the tissue is composed of a variety of bovine mammary gland Hung and Turner (1990)
of cell types. Simplistically, mammary growth involves have produced a clonal line of SV40 large T antigen
an invasion of the underlying mesenchyme by surface transformed bovine mammary cells which grow well in
epithelium. The critical nature of interactions between culture but differentiate when subsequently transferred
the epithelium and the mesenchyme in fetal mammary to floating collagen gels. Studies with these cells may
development has been elegantly studied by Kratochwil well provide a unique model to study regulation of
100 R.M. Akers: Lactation physiology:a ruminant animal perspective

ruminant mammary cell function without the "nui- substratum and that presence of metabolically active
sance" of large animal variation associated with prep- fibroblasts in close contact with the epithelium is re-
aration of primary cultures. quired for estrogen induction of epithelial proliferation.
Levine and Stockdale (1984) reported growth of iso-
Importance of substratum lated mammary cells was stimulated if cultured on a
The critical nature of the extraceUular matrix for ep- feeder layer of adipocytes. Subsequently, Weins et al.
ithelial cell differentiation (Aggeler et al. 1988) has been (1987) observed that mammary epithelial cells cultured
repeatedly confirmed and biochemical details eluci- on adipocytes from the 3T3-Li cell line grew, formed
dated as a consequence of the report of Emerman and branching ductular systems and secreted caseins and
Pitelka (1977) describing maintenance of lactating alpha-lactalbumin if the cultures were exposed to lac-
mammary cell function when the cells were cultured togenic hormones. In a related experiment, Beck and
on floating collagen gets. Parry et al. (1990) have dem- Hosick (1988) reported that growth of mammary ep-
onstrated that establishment of membrane domains, to ikhelial cells on or in collagen was stimulated if exposed
create polarity of epithelial cells in non-confluent cul- to conditioned media from cultures of isolated adi-
tures, also depends on composition of the substratum pocytes or explants of epithelial free mammary fat
and have suggested that elaboration of vitronectin re- pads. Since it has been shown that dietary fats can alter
ceptors in the basolateral membranes is necessary. Le- mammary tumor growth (Ip 1986) as well as normal
vay-Young et al. (1990) have shown epithelial cells from development (Carrington and Hosick 1985, Welsch and
virgin mice induced to grow by either hormonal or O'Connor 1989) and that cells can be stimulated by
nonhormonal stimulation in collagen gels produce certain free fatty #cids (Imagawa et al. 1986), it might
daughter cells capable of synthesizing milk constituents be suspected that effects of adipocyte co-cultures reflect
with subsequent exposure to lactogenic hormones. lipolysis and availability of growth promoting fatty
However, they suggest that the culture systems appar- acids. Further characterization of conditioned media
ently favor the proliferation of lumenal cells and/or (Beck et al. 1989) showed that both saturated and un-
selectively promote evolution of cells with lumenal ep- saturated fatty acids were present in the media. Further
experiments confirmed that oleate-, arachadonate-, or
ithelial characteristics rather than ductular (based on
tinoleate-induced mammary cell proliferation. These
absence of secretory capability). This is relevant since
authors suggested that the data support a rote for fatty
starting material for the cultures is tissue from virgin
acids in proliferation but do not rule out the possibility
mammary glands and should yield primarily ductular
that other growth factors or elements important for
biomatrix formation are also produced by the adipose
McGrath (1987) has described use of the collagen gel
tissue surrounding mammary ducts.
culture system with attached gels to allow growth
Of course the question is how do these observations
(within the collagen matrix) of epithelial structures iso-
apply to mammary growth in ruminants? Although
lated from pregnant, non-lactating cows, and prolif-
there is very little data, as cited above, mammary frag-
erative responses of epithelial structures isolated from
ments from prepubertal calves and pregnant heifers
udders of prepubertal calves Shamay et al. (1988). Since
grow when cultured inside collagen gels. Moreover,
the stromal cells elaborate at least a portion of the
Shamay et al. (1988) showed that fragments from heifer
extracellular material surrounding the ducts it is rea-
calves grew in response to IGF-I or pharmacological
sonable to associate changing stromal cell metabolism
concentrations of insulin but not in response to Prl or
with epithelial proliferation.
GH in serum free media. However, maximal responses
were only 25-40% of that in medium supplemented
Role of non-epithelial cells
with 10% fetal calf serum. We (Furumura et al. 1990)
Halsam (1988 a) recently reviewed a series of in vitro also have observed marked proliferation of mammary
experiments to study interactions between mammary organoids prepared from udders of midpregnant Hol-
fibroblasts and response of mammary epithelial cells stein and Angus heifers over nine days of culture in
with respect to induction of proliferation and proges- collagen gels in the presence of serum. Examples of
terone receptors. Data from these co-culture experi- autoradiograms of sectioned profiles of mammary or-
ments suggest that presence of fibroblasts enhance es- ganoids exposed to tritiated thymidine during the last
trogen-dependent increases in epithelial cell progester- 24 h of culture (harvested on day 9 of culture) are shown
one receptor via fibroblast production of a collagen in Fig. 2. Tissues were prepared from udders of preg-
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective 101

Fig. 2. Autoradiograms of sections of mammary organoids from pregnant Holstein heifers following culture for nine days in rat tail collagen
in the presence of 10% fetal calf serum and 1 gCi tritiated thymidine for the final 24 h of culture. In each panel arrowheads illustrate labeled
epithelial cells. A Portion of a profile through an alveolar-like structure, labeled epithelial cells are numerous and an apically positioned lipid
droplet is indicated (fwith arrow). B Section through profile with ductular and alveolar-likeregions. C Section through alveolar-likestructure
with bud-like, epithelial structures appearing to branch from the periphery (b with arrows). 1 Lumenal space. D Enlargement of area with
bud-like structures. Unpublished micrographs from study by Fumumura et al. (1990)

n a n t Holstein a n d A n g u s heifers a n d cultured essen- ithelium); duct-like with l o n g i t u d i n a l a p p e a r a n c e or

tially as described by M c G r a t h (1987). Profiles o f sec- solid a n d bud-like. C o u n t i n g o f labeled epithelial cells
tioned organoids were: alveolar-like (as evidenced from in profiles o f alveolar or duct-like structures showed
a p p a r e n t l u m e n a l space, a n d generally single layer ep- that 42 to 58% of the cells were labeled a m o n g cultures
102 R.M. Akers: Lactationphysiology:a ruminantanimalperspective

maintained in presence of 10% fetal calf serum. Figure those surrounded by stromal tissue were evaluated as
2A shows an enlarged area of a single alveolar-like were adipocytes (rarely observed and never in close
structure, labeled cells are abudant and an apical lipid apposition to the epithelium) and endothelial cells. Re-
droplet is indicated. Figure 2 B and C shows larger por- sults are illustrated in Fig. 3. The essential finding is
tions of single structures. In particular, Fig. 2 C shows that E2 acutely increased the labeling of epithelium and
what appears as buds branching from the outer rim of that the increase in labeling preceded changes in fibro-
a single layered epithelial structure and Fig. 2 D an blast labeling. It is also clear that effects of E2 were
enlargement of the area. These data demonstrate that dramatic but that P4 had no effect and that the com-
organoids from mammary parenchyma of pregnant bination was less effective than E2 alone. These data
cattle can be maintained and proliferative responses suggest that mechanisms for early proliferation of
induced following culture in collagen gels. The data mammary ducts in the prepubertal mouse do not mirror
also suggest that growth responses of organoids from those in ruminants and thus emphasize the need for
Angus heifers (a beef breed) is reduced when compared further studies directly with ruminants.
with those from dairy heifers (Holstein). Thus, part of A role for adipocytes in mammary proliferation in rum-
the genetic potential for milk production in cattle may inants is very difficult to support with apparent mor-
depend on differences in high and low production an- phological differences between species. This makes it
imals' capacity to response to growth promoters during unlikely that acute associations between epithelial cells
mammogenesis. The data are unpublished micrographs and adipocytes are critical in ruminants. This would
from Furumura et al. (1990). of course not rule off the possibility that production
Winder et al. (1989) have also observed dose response of specific growth factors or fatty acids produced by
related proliferation of mammary organoids from non- the mammary or other fat cells could influence mam-
pregnant and pregnant ewes in response to IGF-I and
mary development. However, once the rumen becomes
insulin following culture on collagen gels. These data
functional, biohydrogenation would certainly limit the
indicate that ruminant mammary epithelial cell frag-
potential effects that unsaturated fatty acids in the ra-
ments grow in or on collagen gels in a manner anal-
tion could have on udder development. However, given
ogous to rodent mammary cells. Thus, in this respect,
that factors early in the neonatal period can alter sub-
rodent derived data suggesting the importance of the
sequent development, it is interesting to speculate that
extracellular matrix for morphogenesis would seem to
supplemental dietary lipids might stimulate udder de-
also apply to ruminants. But what about specifics with
velopment if given to suckling calves. In fact, we have
regard to cellular interactions?
recently reported that feeding protected unsaturated
As deduced from autoradiograms oftritiated thymidine
fat to ewe lambs stimulates growth of the mammary
uptake by mammary tissue (Shyamala and Ferenczy
parenchyma as well as the mammary fat pad
1984) it has been suggested that steriod induction of
(McFadden et al. 1990 a) and increases numbers of GH
mammary epithelial proliferation in virgin mice de-
receptors in the liver and Prl receptors in the mammary
pends on a wave of proliferation in the stromal tissue
parenchyma (McFadden et al. 1990 b).
which precedes epithelial growth. This supports the
While classic endocrine ablation experiments have es-
idea that E2 stimulates the epithelium in a paracrine
tablished the need for pituitary, ovarian, and adrenal
fashion and thus the notion that the stromal tissue
hormones in mammary growth and differentiation in
modulates epithelial proliferation. We (Woodward,
whole animals (Akers 1985) it is only with the use of
Akers, and Beal unpublished) have recently completed
cell culture (particularly the collagen methodology)
a similar experiment with prepubertal heifers. In brief,
that it has been possible to determine if these hormones
each of three heifers were treated with E2 (0.1 mg/kg),
have direct effects on mammary tissue. The techniques
P4 (0.25mg/kg) or the combination for four days.
also have been critical in identification of a variety of
Mammary biopsies were taken 24 h before then, 24,
peptides capable of altering mammary function. In the
48, and 96 h after start of treatments. Mammary tissue
next sections I will review recent results related to clas-
explants were incubated for 2 h in M 199 supplemented
sic hormones and growth factors.
with 1 [sCi/ml tritiated thymidine. Thereafter tissue
samples were fixed, embedded, and serial sections pre-
pared for autoradiography. Proportions of labeled cells
were determined for epithelial cells located in the ap- Estrogens
parent blunt end of ducts or along the longitudinal axis It has been known for years that estrogens are potent
of ducts. Fibroblasts immediately adjacent to ducts or mammary mitogens when injected, but direct effects
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective 103

5, 5 84
4, I ~ 96 HOURS 4 84 96 HOUR~
a D
w W
._J _.1
W 3 W
m m
3 3


1 48 HOURS
4- Fig. 3. Summary of labeling percentages of mammary ductal epi-
a thelial cells and fibroblast adjacent or non-adjacent to ducts in mam-
W mary tissue of prepubertal heifers before, then 24, 48, and 96 h after
W 3- exogenous estradiol, progesterone or both. A Labeling index for
5 ductal epithelial cells. Effects of estrogen are pronounced (P < 0.01).
The combination of moderate influence (P < 0.05) and progesterone
without effect on labeling index (compared with pretreatment). B
Labeling index of fibroblasts adjacent (within a radius of 50 gin) to
mammary ducts. Responses are small relative to epithelial cells but
follow similar tends. Importantly, there is no significant change in
~_|B~ n~__ ~_|~ labeling with exogenous estradiol before 96 h. C Labeling index of
fibroblasts not adjacent to ducts, Only minimal iabeling observed,
no time or treatment effects. Data from unpublished study by
C Woodard et al.

were usually difficult to demonstrate even with the estrogen(s) on the mammary gland (local vs systemic)
collagen cultures (Imagawa etal. 1986). On the other and that mechanisms are variably operative depending
hand E2 directly stimulates some breast cancer cell lines on physiological state. Of course demonstration of local
and there is evidence that E2 induces such cells to stimulation (in the gland or in explants) does not rule
elaborate factors which act as "second messengers" for out the possibility that effects are autocrine or paracrine
the mitogenic effect (Dickson et al. 1986). Winder and in nature. Considering the variety of effects, perhaps
Forsyth (unpublished, cited in Forsyth 1989) have also it is prudent to suggest that any of a number of pos-
shown direct effects of E2 on DNA synthesis in ovine sibilities could explain E2 action in a particular cir-
mammary explants if cultured in phenol red free me- cumstances. Current proposals are: (1) E2 acts directly
dium. This indicates that failure to demonstrate E2 as a mitogen on target cells, (2) E2 acts indirectly via
effects in culture may in some cases be due to effects local (paracrine or autocrine) or systemic production
being masked by presence of phenol red. Haslam (1988) of growth factors (the estomedin hypothesis; Sirbasku
also demonstrated that local implantation of E2 in the 1978) or (3) that E2 induces a release from inhibiton
mouse mammary gland induced localized proliferation (the estrocolyone hypothesis; Soto and Sonnenschein
of endbuds in the immature virgin gland independent 1987).
of any systemic effects. However, local implantation There are limited cellular data for effects of E2 in pre-
had no effect on formation of side branches in glands pubertal ruminants but our data (Akers and Purup
of mature virgin mice but systemic increases in E2 unpubl.) suggest E2 has little direct effect in mammary
stimulated proliferation. These interesting results in- explant cultures, although administration of E2 in vivo
dicate that there are at least two modes of action for induces acute specific increases in DNA synthesis in
104 R.M. Akers: Lactation physiology:a ruminant animal perspective

mammary ducts (Fig. 3) (Woodward et al. unpubl.). mary growth as they show that local implantation of
Historically, it has been suggested that E2 effects on GH in male rat mammary glands induces morphoge-
the mammary gland were mediated by Prl since E2 is nesis of mammary ducts. They also cite a paper by
implicated in the control of Prl synthesis and secretion Lincoln et al. (1990) purporting the expression of GH
in a variety of species (Labrie et al. 1980). However, in receptor in the proliferating rat mammary gland. To
pubertal heifers Beck et al. (1976) found no differences my knowledge this is the only report of a true soma-
in serum Prl in untreated, ovariectomized heifers com- totrophic receptor in the mammary gland; i.e., binding
pared with ovariectomized heifers given E2, P4, or the of hGH clearly may be to lactogenic receptors (Akers
combination. Furthermore, Haslam (1988 b) cited un- and Keys 1985). Regardless, these data would not rule
published data indicating that local implantation of Prl out the possibility that GH effects may be paracrine
had no effect on mammary ducts in rodents and Sha- in nature, perhaps mediated by local production of
may etal. (1988) showed that Prl had no effect on IGFs (see Funder 1990, for a view of descriptions of
proliferation of mammary organoids cultured in col- cellular communication). Relevance to ruminants is
lagen gels. also unknown as there is no evidence for direct effects
of GH or presence of somatotrophic receptors (see
Growth hormone
Older endocrine ablation/replacement experiments Growth factors
(Forsyth 1989) demonstrated clearly that E2 and GH The number of reviews in the past few years (Oka and
were the essential hormonal requirements to stimulate Yoshimura 1986, Salomon et al. 1986, Dembinski and
mammary ductular growth. However, a host of recent Shiu 1987, Forsyth t989) serve to illustrate the explo-
papers provide compelling evidence that GH effects on sion in information regarding mammary active growth
mammary function are indirectly mediated via IGF-I. regulators. As suggested above, revitalization of culture
First there are no detectable somatotrophic receptors methods for mammary tissue, particularly successful
in mammary tissue from prepubertal (McFadden et al. growth in serum free media, has been critical in iden-
1990 b), pregnant (Ename et al. 1986, Smith et al. 1989) tification of these factors. A second critical boost has
or lactating (Gertler et al. 1984, Akers and Keys 1985, been production of some of these factors via recom-
Kazmer et al. 1986) ruminants. Secondly, addition of binant DNA technology such that materials formally
GH to explant cultures (in contrast with stimulation available only as extracts or in very limited quantities
of milk production in vivo) has no effect on milk con- to selected researchers are easier to obtain. It is not my
stituent biosynthesis (Gertler et al. 1983). Third, IGF- goal to extensively review the plethora of mammary
I induces dose response increases in DNA synthesis for active growth factors but rather to emphasize data rel-
mammary tissue from prepubertal heifers (Shamay ative to ruminants.
etal. 1988, 1990), pregnant cows and sheep (Baum-
rucker and Stemberger 1989, Winder and Forsyth Insulin-like growth factor I and II
1989), and lactating cows (Baumrucker and Stemberger There is growing evidence (see section above') that IGFs
1989). are important regulators (perhaps primary) of both
These data and characterization of IGF-I and II bind- mammogenesis and galactopoiesis in cattle and sheep.
ing sites in mammary membranes from cattle (Dehoff It seems apparent that elucidation of gene structures
etal. 1988, Hasdell etal. 1990) and sheep (Disenhaus and molecular biology of the IGFs (Daughaday and
et al. 1988, Winder and Forsyth 1987) also support the Rotwin 1989) will eventually lead to a comprehensive
contention that mitogenic effects attributed to addition view of secretion, synthesis, and mechanisms of action
of pharmacological concentrations of insulin in mam- for the entire family of insulin and insulin-like growth
mary tissue cultures are essentially explained by the factors.
capacity of insulin to cross react with IGF receptors.
It is also likely relevant that mitogenic effects of IGF- Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
I are induced at concentrations similar to those ob- First isolated from submaxillary glands of male mice,
served for blood levels of IGF. EGF effects on mammary tissue were apparently first
On the other hand, if confirmed, the data obtained by reported by Turkington (1969), and since then a variety
Kleinberg et al. (1990) may require some modification of experiments have suggested EGF can modulate
of the notion that GH has no direct effects on mare- mammary growth and lactogenesis in rodents. For ex-
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology:a ruminant animal perspective t05

ample, Edery etal. (1985) demonstrated the presence could be practical to determine effects of EGF on udder
of specific receptors for EGF in mouse mammary gland development and subsequent milk production.
and that receptor content appeared to change in cor-
Transforming growth factors (TGFs)
respondence with proliferative activity. Imagawa et al.
(1985) showed direct proliferative effects of EGF on As described (Salomon et al. 1986), transformation of
mm~ne mammary cells grown in collagen and Coleman epithelial cells usually reduces the requirements of the
etal. (1988) showed that local implantation of EGF cells for specific growth factors and cause loss of an-
induced formation of endbuds, increased ductual di- chorage-dependent proliferation. TGFs make up a
ameters and reinitiated epithelial cell DNA synthesis family of peptides which have been isolated from con-
in growth quiescent mammary glands of ovariectom- ditioned media and cellular extracts of tumors. Sub-
ized mice. However, EGF effects are subject to complex sequent studies have shown that these peptides also are
regulation, since Coleman and Daniel (1990) have re- found in a variety of normal tissue including bovine
cently reported that EGF induced reversible inhibition mammary gland (Eckert et al. 1985). Two variants have
of ductal growth in endocrine intact virgin mice. Thus, been described. TGF-(x has been shown to induce acute
EGF effects apparently are subject to extreme modu- local increases in mammary duct growth in mice (Von-
lation by physiological state of the treated animal. Re- derhaar 1987) although the interaction of TGF-a with
lationships between EGF receptor and oncogene EGF receptors make it difficult to distinguish effects
expression (Velu 1990) further hint at the complexity of the two peptides. However, it is reasonable to spec-
of EGF modulation of proliferation. ulate that local tissue production of TGF-a could elicit
It is unclear whether EGF might be normally important EGF effects. This nicely would explain the relevance
in ruminants. I am unaware of any reports of isolation of EGF receptors in the bovine mammary gland in the
or characterization of specific ovine or bovine EGFs. presumptive absence of EGF (see above). TGF-[3 has
been shown to be a reversible inhibitor of epithelial
However, specific receptors for EGF have been de-
proliferation in mammary ducts as demonstrated fol-
scribed for plasma membranes prepared from mam-
lowing local implantation in murine mammary glands
mary tissue from pregnant and lactating cows (Spitzer
(Silberstein and Daniel 1987) but to have little effect
and Gross 1987) and we (Akers and McFadden un-
on proliferation of lobulo-alveolar structures during
publ.) have detected specific binding of EGF in mem-
pregnancy (Daniel etal. 1989). Rasmussen and Ra-
branes from udders of prepubertal ewes and observed
praeger (1988) have also shown that TGF-~3 alters the
apparent EGF activity in homogenates of ovine sali-
proteoglycan strucuture of the surface of mammary
vary glands based on competition of binding of iodin-
cells, suggesting that TGF associated inhibition may
ated murine EGF with its specific antibody. In addi-
involve blocking of surface receptors for positive stim-
tion, Shamay etal. (1988, 1990) reported that EGF
stimulated DNA synthesis of mammary organoids
The presence of TGFs in normal tissues suggest the
from calves and that EGF produced a synergistic in-
possibility that they may have a role irrespective of
crease when added with IGF-I. We (Furumura et al.
carcinogenesis. The endocrine hypothesis of estrogen
1990) also have observed that EGF appears to enhance
action-based on the finding of increased growth of
the capacity of the combination of insulin, E2, P4,
mammary tumor cells when incubated with other tis-
hydrocortisone, and Prl in serum free media to stim-
sues (pituitary, kidney, and uterus) previously exposed
ulate DNA synthesis in mammary organoids from
to E 2 - m a y ultimately be linked to estrogen induced
pregnant heifers. Sheffield and Yuh (1988) demon- production of TGFs, FGF or close relatives (see be-
strated that E2 + P4-induced DNA synthesis of bovine low). Liscia et al. (1990) have shown that during preg-
mammary tissue xenografted into athymic nude mice nancy and lactation, levels of TGF-a mRNA in mam-
was reduced in sialodectomized (a major source of mary ducts and alveolar cells increase two- to three-
EGF) mice but was restored in mice given exogenous fold. This supports a possible role for TGF in normal
EGF. Furthermore, Collier and McGrath (1988) mammary development as well as in the growth and
showed that intramammary injections of human EGF transformation of human mammary cells (Bates et al.
stimulated local udder development. Thus, it is un- 1990).
known if EGF plays a normal role in udder develop-
ment in ruminants but mouse or human EGF is capable Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs)
of stimulating udder development in vivo and in vitro. As outlined (Gospodarowicz et al. 1987), two types of
If EGF becomes available in sufficient quantities it FGFs have been isolated. A basic form (bFGF) was
106 R.M. Akers: Lactationphysiology:a ruminantanimalperspective

first identified by its capacity to stimulate fibroblast the action of tissue (but not species) specific growth
proliferation as the name would imply. A second va- inhibitors referred to as chalones. The essential feature
riety, with an acidic isoelectric point (aFGF), was being that a tissue chalone would act to control the
shown to stimulate myoblasts and later rediscovered mature size of an organ. This idea is perhaps most
as a consequence of its ability to stimulate endothelial easily envisioned for the liver. Removal of a section of
cells. The FGFs share similar structures such that they liver, for example, wotfld lower tissue concentration of
interact with the same receptor. However, aFGF has the chalone allowing replacement of lost tissue until
a restricted cellular distribution in comparison with size (and presumably concentration of the chalone)
bFGF. Following structural characterization of aFGF returned to pre-surgery levels. A number of years ago,
and bFGF and cloning of the gene, it became clear Gonzaley and Verly (1976) reported the isolation of a
that many of the growth factor activities associated presumptive peptide from lactating bovine mammary
with fractions isolated from many tissues were one of gland that exhibited many of the characteristics of a
the FGFs. For example, tumor angiogenesis factor, mammary chalone and Knight and Peaker (1982) dis-
macrophage growth factor, and uterine derived growth cussed the concept relative to the mammary gland.
factor are among the more than 16 synonyms which Ervin etal. (1989) have isolated and characterized a
have existed for bFGF. Similarly, more than 8 syn- tissue specific mammary growth inhibitor from con-
onyms exist for aFGF. The FGFs apparently have been ditioned media from cultures of normal human mam-
very welt conserved through evolution in that bovine mary cells. Mammastatin as it is called, inhibits the
and human bFGF differ in only 2 of 146 amino acids proliferation of a wide variety of human breast cancer
and avian and bovine forms have the same amino acid cell lines, and normal mammary cells but has no effect
composition and likely equivalent sequences, bFGF is on proliferation of at least 11 different nonmammary
an especially potent mitogen for mesoderm-derived cell lines. The tissue specific nature of the inhibitor and
cells as illustrated by the finding that it triggers pro- biochemical evaluations indicate the material is inde-
liferation of endothelial cells at concentrations as low pendent of TGFs or FGFs. Bohmer et al. (1987) have
as 2pg/ml, with maximal effects at about 140pg/ml. isolated a second tissue specific inhibitor from bovine
Given the intimate association between mammary ep- mammary gland which has close sequence homology
ithelial growth and the surrounding mesoderm derived with a family of hydrophobic ligand-binding proteins,
stromal tissue, it is reasonable to speculate on a role but relationships of the hydrophobic binding site and
for the FGFs in preparation of the mammary stromat inhibitory action is unknown.
for invasion by growing epithelium. It may be that
estrogen induced mammary growth may be linked to
Tissue--tissue communication
paracrine production of FGFs. As discussed above, we
recently have found that exogenous E2 not only pro- Aside from growth factors, many experiments over the
motes an acute increase in tritiated thymidine labeling past ten years point to the likelihood that there is com-
of mammary ductular cells in prepubertal heifers but plex regulation of biochemical processes between tis-
also elicits ,-~20-fold increase in labeling of endothelial sues and organs to support the predominant physio-
cells by 48 h after injection. Progesterone had no effect logical state of an animal-the homeorhesis concept
on endothelial cell labeling and the combination of (Bauman and Currie 1980). More narrow in scope, the
E2 + P4 only a moderate effect (Woodward et al. un- synlactin hypothesis suggests that mitogenic effects of
publ.), bFGF has been shown to stimulate growth of Prl on target cells are mediated by interaction of Prl
human breast cancer cells (Dembinski and Shui 1986, directly and Prl induction of a somatomedin-like mol-
for review) and Levay-Young et al. (1989) have shown ecule (called synlactin) produced by the liver. Media
that bFGF stimulates growth of virgin mouse epithelial from incubations of liver slices from pregnant and lac-
cells cultured in collagen. tating rats increased DNA synthesis in mammary ex-
plants and Prl-responsive pigeon crop sac tissue but
Growth inhibitors
media from liver slices of male or nonpregnant rats
were not effective (Nicoll et al. 1985, 1987). In further
Ultimately, cell proliferation is most likely controlled experimentation these workers (English etal. 1990)
by a balance of positive and negative regulators. It is have shown that intrahepatic infusion of Prl stimulated
also possible that growth occurs simply as a result or mammary development in hypophysectomized rats but
release from inhibition. This is in fact a simple view of that infusion of the same dose of prolactin into the
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective 107

external jugular was ineffective. Furthen-nore, the ef- it is clear that mammary proteins are capable of en-
fects appeared not to be mediated by changes in serum tering serum. For example, we showed that serum con-
IGF-I concentrations. In a similar study, Hoeffier and centrations of cz-lactalbumin followed a pattern indi-
Frawley (1987) identified a liver lactogenic factor cating a two-stage evolution of lactogenesis, that it was
(LLF) from lactating rats that mimiced the lactogenic acutely increased at calving and during hormonal in-
action of Prl and subsequently (Frawley etal. 1988) duction of lactation (McFadden etal. 1987). Subse-
that the LLF was a more potent inducer of casein quent study showed acute increases with non-bacterial
secretion than native Prl and that LLF acted in a po- induction of leucytosis and close correspondence with
sitive feedback fashion to increase pituitary cell pro- somatic cells counts in milk (McFadden etal. 1988).
duction of Prl mRNA and secretion of Prl. We have observed also that serum concentrations are
We (Akers et al. 1986) also have observed that mam- acutely increased during milking (Akers and Mc-
mectomy of pregnant primiparous heifers reduced in- Fadden unpubl.) and appear to change in lymph (Akers
duced secretion of Prl during the periparturient period. and Capuco unpubl.). Therefore it is logical to suggest
This suggests that the mammary gland has some ca- the possiblity that the mammary gland may produce
pacity to modulate its endocrine environment. Further, regulators that drive other organs to change their me-

Fig. 4. Autoradiograms of sections of mam-

mary parenchymal explants from Holstein
bulls after incubation for 96h in medium
199 supplemented with insulin, hydrocor-
tisone, estradiol, triiodothyronine, and pro-
lactin. A Multilayered nonsecretory epithe-
lial cells on the surface of a large duct (ar-
rowheads) and apparent invagination of the
epithelium to form pockets with evidence
of secretory activity (c with arrows). B Sec-
ond crypt region with alveolar-like struc-
ture and evidence of secretory activity
(small vacuoles - assumed to be fipid drop-
lets; and staining of lumenal spaces) also in
evidence are several tritiated thymidine la-
beled epithelial cell nuclei. Data are un-
published micrographs from a study by Fi-
lep and Akers (1990)
108 R.M. Akers: Lactation physiology:a ruminant animal perspective

tabolism to insure the success of lactation. This notion formed invaginations into the underlying mesenchymal
seems especially satisfying in an evolutionary sense. tissue. This is better illustrated at higher magnification
Taken together, this variety of data illustrates the po- in Fig. 4 B. Cells in these areas appear to from single
tential for complex regulatory interactions between tis- layer surfaces with lumenal spaces which presumably
sues and organs to determine the relative success of lead to the exterior surface. Some of these cells acquire
events during mammogenesis, lactogenesis, and gal- a secretory appearance (presence of small vacuoles,
actopoiesis to optimize milk production. At a minimum staining of lumenal spaces) especially when incubated
there is no compelling reason to think of the mammary with prolactin. These observations suggest that most
gland only as a target tissue. of the lactogenic response of mammary tissue from
bulls depends on this isolated population of cells in
these crypts. In selected cases these areas take on a
Lactation in males distinct alveolar-like appearance. This suggests not
In a final section, I would like to discuss some novel only a potential practical application of such cultures
data concerned with lactogenic responses in mammary (sire selection) but also that these tissues may provide
tissue from bulls. The practical background for such an interesting model for morphogenesis.
study concerns attempts to identify and select animals
with superior genetic potential for milk production. Future prospects
Sire selection based on production records of daughters Without doubt the continued application of molecular
is the foundation of the marked genetic progress biology techniques to problems of mammary gland
achieved through artificial insemination in dairy cows. proliferation and function will fuel an information ex-
However, procedures for proving young sires require plosion. Much of the lead will come from basic research
several years and are costly. Thus, a mechanism to concerned with breast cancer, largely as a consequence
select potential sires earlier in life would be of economic of funding differentials to study problems perceived as
benefit. Our initial study on this topic considered three health oriented compared with milk secretion and dairy
questions: (1) do explants from bulls secrete milk pro- production. There is also likely to be a shortage of new
teins in culture, (2) are responses altered by lactogenic researchers capable or willing to apply these technol-
hormones, and (3) do beef compared with dairy bulls
exhibit differential responses? Results of this study with
tissue from prepubertal bulls primed with estrogen and
progesterone (McFadden etal. 1988) were encourag-
ing. Explants secreted casein and a-lactalbumin, re-
sponses were increased in the presence of prolactin and
beef and dairy bulls exhibited significantly differei~t
responses. In a subsequent experiment, reported in ab-
stract form, we (Filep and Akers 1990 a, b) studied the
ability of mammary tissue from mature bulls to exhibit
lactogenic responses in culture. The experiment in-
volved bulls whose daughters were high yielding com-
pared with bulls whose daughters were low production
but all bulls were Holsteins from the same herd. These
data demonstrated that tissue from bulls in the high
line secreted significantly more casein than tissue of
low line, that pretreatment of the bulls with E2 + P4
enhanced responses in culture but was not necessary
t o distinguish genetic lines. Surprisingly, tissues pro-
duced only minimal amounts of a-lactalbumin. The
histological appearance of mammary explants after
96 h of culture in the presence of prolactin is illustrated
in Fig. 4. Figure 4 A shows an area with a multilayered Fig. 5. Electron micrograph from section of mammary tissue from
epithelium, typical of the gland cistern in the udder, as a lactating Holstein cow. Shown is a surprisingly novel profile
well as areas where the epithelium appears to have through a cytoplasmicdroplet in the alveolarlumena, x 24,500
R. M. Akers: Lactation physiology: a ruminant animal perspective 109

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