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2020-Session 20

Agriculture of Bangladesh


Part-time Teacher
Human 1103 : Bangladesh Studies 1
Agriculture and Agricultural Work
G Agriculture means
the activities G Agriculture includes
relating to the such productive
production of works which are
vegetation and related to the
animal resources to production of
meet the daily crops, rearing up of
requirements of birds and animals,
human beings. fisheries, a
forestation etc.
Subsistence Agricultural and
Commercial Agricultural
Subsistence Agricultural
Subsistence agriculture is
a self-sufficiency farming
system in which the
farmers focus on growing The output is mostly
enough food to feed for local requirements
themselves and their with little or no
entire families. surplus trade.

Following features are seen in the
1) Subsistence farming 2) What ever the
is meant for the production is meant
survival of the to be consumed by
family only. the family only.

3) In this form of agriculture the farmers

engage only his family members, usually
hired laborer is not encouraged.
4) In subsistence agriculture
the owner himself has
direct participation.

5) The array of
production confined
to the consuming
pattern of the family.

Agricultural Activities for Commercial Purpose
When agricultural
production is Such agricultural
undertaken and activities are
products are sold in administered in such a
the market with the way that profits can be
objective of earning earned through selling
profits is called the markets.
agriculture for
commercial purpose.

Following features are seen in the
2.He engages
1.The owner himself laborer on hire for
does not take part in agricultural
agricultural activities. activities

3.In this TYPE of Basically for the sake

agriculture the main of commercial
thrust is on profit, purpose such
not consumption. agricultural activities
are conducted.
The comparative
discussion on
agriculture and
agriculture for
commercial Laxmipur farmers expect bumper yield of soya bean
 Production
 Risks
 Marketing of Products

Production Pattern
D. Under this
Subsistence Farmers …..
situation he is
A. Produce only to meet not in a position
the requirements of their to apply
family. developed
B. If there is small surplus, agriculture
he earns insignificant inputs in
income from their sale. production.
C. As a result his saving is E. Consequently
very low; due to lack of per acre yield
requisite security he becomes low.
cannot procure loan. 9/23
Production Pattern C. When the income is
Commercial Farmers ….. high, savings will be
high. These savings
A. There exists constant can be used by the
effort to produce for farmers for
earning profits. purchasing better
B. In this case production agriculture inputs
is undertaken on a and their use.
large-scale and farmer D. Consequently, per
earns sufficient profit. acre production
Risks Involved
In case of
agriculture the
farmer produce only In this circumstance if there is
for his survival. any natural calamity and loss of
product he faces the crisis.
In most cases
production of
agriculture depend
upon nature.

When the  The farmers produce one or two
agricultural crops of significant amount.
works are done  As a result the loss incurred
for commercial in case of one crop can be
production …. compensated by another.
From the view point of
 Besides he can save
risk, it can be said that
agriculture production on
commercial basis is far  He can overcome the
better than subsistence crisis if faced, with that
agriculture. savings.
Marketing of Produce In subsistence farming
The process through hardly there is surplus
which the product
from the agriculture As a result the farmer has
fields reaches to no urge to think over the
sale of products.
final consumers is
called marketing, if At a low price he sells the
marketing is perfect surplus at his door-step.
or well organized, Consequently, he is
the farmers get fair deprived of fair price of his
price of their product.
products. 13/23
-- as a result he earns
profit through proper
But for the marketing of his
Commercial product.
-- the farmer produces larger
quantity of any crop.
-- he always thinks about making
maximum profit at a minimum
Agriculture in Bangladesh
Agriculture is the
largest employment
sector in Bangladesh.
As of 2016, it
employs 47% of
the total labor
force and
comprises 16% of
the country's GDP.
Characteristics of Agriculture in Bangladesh
 Undeveloped Production Method
 Cultivation for Subsistence
 Low Productivity
 Subdivision and Fragmentation of Holdings
 Landless Cultivators
 Dependence on Rainfall
 Absentee Owners of Land
 Poor, Unhealthy and Illiterate Peasants
Importance of Agriculture in Bangladesh
 Main occupation
 Supply of food
 Supply of raw materials for industries
 Increase the tendency to establish
agriculture related industries
 Supply of cloths
 Supply of inputs for house making and supply
of fuel
 Establishment of medicine industry
 Main source of national production
 Helping the earning of foreign exchange
 Creation of markets for industrial products
 Rapid economic development

The economic development or

the overall development of our
country depends on the very
development of agriculture.

Constraints of Agriculture in Bangladesh
1. Agriculture is 4. Inadequacy of
dependent on the appropriate technology
nature and is risky. considering farmers
2. Availability of socio-economic
cultivable land is conditions.
decreasing. 5. Uncertainty of fair
3. Widespread poverty price of agricultural
among the commodities due to
population engaged underdeveloped
in agriculture. marketing system.
6. Agricultural
commodities are
rapidly perishable 7. Limited knowledge
and post harvest of common people
losses are too high. about the nutritional
value of agricultural
including vegetables
and fruits.

Causes of the backwardness of
Agriculture in Bangladesh

 Old Method of Cultivation

 Subdivision and Fragmentation of Holdings
 Unequal Distribution of Land Ownership
 Lack of Goods Seeds and Manure
 Lack of Irrigation facilities
 Natural calamities
 Decrease in the Fertility of Land

 Attack of pest and Insects and Crop Diseases
 Water stagnation and salinity of land
 Weak rural infrastructure
 Defective marketing system
 Poverty and illiteracy of the peasant
 Lack of subsidiary occupation
 Absence of proper organization
 Absence of well coordinated agricultural policy

That’s all folks

So, it is important to
generate, disseminate
and promote the use
of appropriate
technology that is
suitable for the agro-
climatic conditions in


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