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In this essay I am going to explain why young people enjoy life more than older people.

In first
place, health condition influences how much someone will enjoy and activity. For example, one of
the things that we all like the most is traveling because you go to new places, but even if it is
awesome and interesting, it´s a tiring activity, so if you want to fully enjoy the trip it´s necessary to
be in good physical condition and this is a characteristic that most old people lack while the young
people have it. So probably the younger ones will enjoy the trip more.

Another point is that young persons have enough energy to do everything, they can do as many
activities as they want, and in consequence this allows them to have a fast lifestyle. Unlike old
people, that even if they want to do something or go somewhere, they can’t do it because they
probably will get tired very fast, so most of the times these persons just stay at their homes all
day, and that is boring.

And the last point is that usually old persons confess that there is no comparison between how
their life was and how it´s now, they also say how much they miss those times. To explain this
better I’m going to give an example. My grandma always tells me that youth was the best part of
her life because she did all she wanted, went to visit a lot of tourist places and in general had a lot
of great moments in those years. In short, she tells me how much she enjoyed her youth because
she and most of the persons of her age believe that when you are old for a lot of factors you can´t
do the same things as before, and because of that life seems not very enjoyable.

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