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Research Title: Learning Difficulties and Errors of BSED Math Students in Solving Algebra

Rationale of the Study

Mathematics composed different domains including algebra found in many chapters which students must
learned in academics. Learning algebra must be an essential material which helped students to think
critically, analytically and systematically. However, several studies mentioned difficulties of students in
understanding algebra that consist concepts in solving arithmetic, understanding algebraic equations and
knowing the meaning of symbols and variables, problem solving procedures, identifying relationship
between quantities and structure (Pramesti, T.I.,and Retnawati H., 2019). Similar research in algebra sub-
material straight line equations also showed students’errors in understanding the concept and procedural
errors. Students errors in problem solving can also be attributed to a lack of undertanding the concept (Jupri
A., Drijvers P and van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M, 2014). Additionally, in the study of (Sugiarti, L and
Retnawati H, 2019) concluded that there were difficulties in solving different problems. Some were related
to the principle and others are related to the concept. The study showed each student had faced individual
difficulties in working algebraic problems.

Pramesti, T.I., and Retnawati H.

(2019). Difficulties in Learning Algebra: An analysis of students' errors. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2.

Jupri A, Drijvers P and van den Heuvel-Panhuizen M. (2014). Difficulties in initial algebra learning in Indonesia.
Math.Educ. Res. J. 26, 638-710.

Sugiarti, L. and Retnawati, H. (2019). Analysis of student difficulties on algebra problem in solving in junior high
school. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 7.

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