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Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba domestika.


7 ideas to continue
filling up your
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

Stop and sit down to observe everything that is happening

around you. Breathe.
Become aware of the feelings that each sense brings to you
and note it down in these boxes:


Connect with your senses one at a time. Stop wherever you

are and sit down to observe everything that is happening sound

around you. Fill out this table or replicate it in your notebook

and note down your feelings in each box. touch




From the book Usted está aquí (Aniko Villalba and Vero Gatti, 2019)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

Try out all available means of transportation and, while

you're in transit, record your experiences for each one.

2 Connect with your environment. Get on a different means of

transport, put your phone away, and focus on observing what
surrounds you. What do you see out of the window? What's
happening inside the vehicle? Take notes on your experience
and sensations.

From the book Mapa subjetivo de viaje (Aniko Villalba, María Luque, 2017)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

3 Connect with your identity. Who are you when you travel?
Who are you when you are in your city? Describe each version
of yourself separately. Make them interact. What can you learn
7. Our identity is not fixed. When you travel,
from each one? you may feel that you become a version of
yourself that is very different from the one
that you usually embody when you are in your
home city. Think about your traveling self and
your home self and describe them separately.
You can make a montage of each one, a
comparative table, a drawing, or even write a
dialogue between two facets of your

From the book Diario de viajes mágicos (Aniko Villalba, 2020, FERA)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

Dream fragments

Are you dreaming a lot? Write down what you

remember when you wake up.

4 Connect with your dreams. Write down what you remember

when you wake up, even if they are just vague images or
feelings. If you don't remember your dreams, write down the
first thing that comes to mind as soon as you wake up, even
if it's a nonsensical word or phrase.

From the book Mapa subjetivo de

(Aniko Villalba, Maria Luque, 2017)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

5 Connect with your beliefs. What do you believe in at this

6. We are made up of stories and beliefs. What do you
believe right now? Explore your beliefs (they don't have
point in your life? Write "Today, I believe in..." and complete to be religious) and put them in writing (you can make a
list entitled "Today I believe in..."). Next to that, write
the list. You don't have to focus on religious beliefs; instead, down what the people in the country you are in believe.
To find out, ask and/or investigate.
think about everything you believe and what is true for you.

From the book Diario de viajes mágicos (Aniko Villalba, 2020, FERA)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba

Look for a library nearby (it can be a bookstore, a public

library, or one in your host's home).
Pick up a book that attracts your attention for some reason.
Open it at any page.

6 Connect with a book. Find a nearby library, pick a book at

Read the second paragraph. Pretend it's an oracle and that it's
speaking to you.

random, open it at any page, and read the second

paragraph. Pretend that it is an oracle and it is speaking to
you. What does it have to tell you? Write down whatever
comes to mind based on its prophecy.

What does it have to tell you?

From the book Usted está aquí (Aniko Villalba and Vero Gatti, 2019)
Additional Resources / Aniko Villalba


Things that inspire me

Designate a section of your notebook–or a separate notebook–to collecting
things that inspire you. Start on this page.

7 Connect with what inspires you. Set aside a section of your

Record everything that resonates with you: make lists of the movies you watch
and the books you copied author quotes from, include photos that draw your
attention, save news items that prompt questions, write down phrases from songs,
write down the conclusions from a seminar that you found interesting. Rereading
notebook to collect everything that inspires you: quotes all that material will help you at times when you want to create and don't know
where to start.
from books, photos that resonate with you, news that
prompts questions, songs that transport you somewhere,
everything that makes you feel good.

From the book Rituales para una vida creativa (Aniko Villalba and Carolina Chavate, 2021, FERA)

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