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First, Lapu-Lapu is known as the Chieftain in Mactan, who killed Magellan in 1521.

For a long
time, people thought that during the combat, Lapu-Lapu murdered Magellan. I remember
during our history class when I was in Elementary. This is what was always taught to us that
Lapu2 killed Magellan, plus a matching picture of the duel between Lapu2 and Magellan. In
addition, according to my research, it is hard to say whether Magellan died at the hands of
the Datu, and there is no evidence to back that claim to this day. According to research,
Magellan was 41 years old at the conflict and outmatched Lapulapu, who was supposed to
be 70 years old at the time. Some even said because of the age of Lapu2, he might not have
actually been in the battle. He might probably stood back and watched the conflict unfold
from afar. Nevertheless, despite of the many claims about this historic battle, what is
certain is that Magellan died on April 27, 1521, it might not be Lapu2 who killed him, but it
was the movement of Lapu2 that led him to his death.

A hero represents goodness. Rizal used kindness to give us freedom. Jose Rizal became a
national hero in the Philippines because he battled for independence in a quiet but effective
manner. Instead of using force or hostility, he conveyed his love for the Philippines via his
books, essays, and articles.

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