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“If you turn your eyes away from sad things, they’ll happen again one day.

If you keep running

away, you’ll keep repeating the same mistakes. That’s why you have to face the truth straight
on.” – Riki Naoe (Little Busters)

This quotation pique my interest for it reminded me of some experiences I have encountered
before. Most people change or rather becomes someone else because of awful and depressing
things or experiences that had happened in their lives. Betrayal, is one of these situations that
mostly lead people to hatred and depression. Just like in the story about Leonardo da Vinci when
he painted the Last Supper. Wherein at that time, he had an argument with a fellow painter and
with that he despised him. As he painted the face of Judas Iscariot at the table of Jesus, he used
the face of his enemy so that it would be present for ages as the man who betrayed Jesus. But as
he worked on the face of the disciples, he often tried to paint the face of Jesus, but couldn’t make
any progress. He was frustrated and confused with this but in time he realized that his hatred was
holding him back from finishing the face of Jesus. In the end his realization made him complete
his masterpiece.

Hatred on our enemies leads us to anger and makes us hold a grudge to our neighbour. Other
than that, it makes us have a hard time to accept God’s forgiveness to our sins, why? Because we
ourselves can’t even forgive our fellowmen so even if God forgives us we can’t accept it fully,
for we still have this eerie feeling within our hearts. To be able to accept God’s forgiveness, we
must be pure at heart to forgive those who sinned against us just as to what this verse in the Bible
“If you forgive them when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
(Matthew 6:14-15)

“When you lose sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart.”
– Allen Walker (D.Gray Man)
This second quotation foretells the message of second story of Da Vinci wherein when one of his
friends commented on the painting, he was incredibly moved by the beautiful silver cup on the
table. Da Vinci got angry with the comment, he painted over the cup. All attention had to be
drawn to Him: anything that detracted from Him had to be removed. The second story of Da
Vinci tells us that we should focus our life into one thing, we should focus our path into one
passion. Also, if we focus our goals in life, we must never forget Jesus Christ as the top or as the
center of our lives. Our faith to Him and to God is our top priority and next to that is our family,
next is ourselves. These must be the top three priorities we must remember.
“Remember the lesson, not the disappointment.” – Holo The Wise Wolf (Spice And Wolf)
According to some researches, painful experiences are remarkable to girls rather than the happy
experiences. Personally, this is basically through even without research. Girls are more
emotional than boys, and these emotional aspects are basically part of us. Girls are more on
emotions, most of the time they their heart, not their mind that’s why most of the time hey ended
up crying in pain to their peers. Boys are emotional too but they often spoke about their painful
experiences. Some boys prefer to talk with their girl best friends in private, others talk to their
peers whenever they gather for a drink.
There are many ways on how to overcome these painful experiences but generally there are three
ways or rather stages, namely: Intra-Personal, Interpersonal and Transpersonal. Intra-Personal
means accepting and recognizing our strengths and limitations will help us get healed from our
painful past. The desire to get healed is also an important factor to lead us to healing.
Interpersonal means good support system from family, and classmates who understand and
accept who we are is also very important in the healing process. Transpersonal means
interconnecting our life experiences with God will give us hope that we will overcome our trials.
In sum up these three ways or stages, it simple means that first we must reflect within ourselves,
we must become one with our heart and mind. We must think positively that we can overcome
this pain that we are feeling right now. After reflecting, we can share this pain or this experience
to our family and friends so that they can share their insights and they can give encouragement to
us to live life. Lastly, pray to Him and have faith in Him. We can overcome these painful
experiences with God

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