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“What we see unlocks what we cannot see.

“What we see unlocks the invisible ties and bonds of sympathy.”
These are excerpts from the talk of UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown about wiring a web for
global good. Prime Minister Brown points out the technology of today’s generation, specifically
the use of internet. Nowadays, the web is in a blast for it interconnects people from around the

On the video, Pime Minister Brown showed pictures from all over the world. The pictures
showed the suffering of many individuals; suffering from war and poverty. These pictures is a
symbolism of sympathy, as a human being upon seeing these pictures, it’s as if you were
putting yourself on the situation. These pictures were shared on the internet almost everyday,
as it circulates on the web, more and more people sees it and sympathize with it. They are
being awakened, their moral sense is being awakened. Moral sense means that their
conscience are being tested. Wherein they share the pain with the people they meet on the

The web is widely used today, more people are engaged into it. So sharing thoughts and
feelings are easier in here. Most people use social networking sites in engaging with other
people from all over the world. Young adults are specifically the audience of today’s social
media sites. But upon using the web for good purposes, there are somw peoplw who use it just
for fun and this “fun” sometimes go beyond personal matters.

Few years ago, bullying was one of the problems of the society specially young adults. Now,
bullying went on the internet, it is now called “cyberbullying.” Cyberbullying is like that of
bullyimg but it uses words or phrases that might hurt the feelings and emotions of a person.
Cyberbullies usually attack people by means of discrimination, either racial, gender, or even

Even so, most people still use the internet for good, they use it as means of communication by
creating a global society. A society wherein people can be theirselves, wherein people can help
each other. Prime Minister Brown shared stories wherein communication became a lifesaver of
the people. He shared the story of the people power revolution here in the Philippines wherein
the people texted each other about the corruption of the administration, after that they started
to make a coup de etat to bring down the corrupt environment.
Prime Mininster Brown pointed out on the speech the significance of communication to one’s
life. Before it was through text that we communicated but now we can communicate through
the web and we can even share our opinions and ideas about the current issues of the world.
From what Prime Minister Brown said, I conclude that communication serves as a strong bond
of cammarederie between us filipinos and all the countries in the world. We are all united to
face all the problems, we should help each other. We should not bully other people because of
their culture or race. Remember, we are all human beings. Even if we have different races;
different cultures; even if we are from different countries; even if we are male or female; gay or
lesbian, we are still humans and we live in one world. The best thing we could do is to be one
with our fellow citizens. We should be one with the society, and this will lead into a peaceful
and prosperous world.

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