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1. Discuss the initial imagery of Omelas (3-4).

The Omelas have a setting of a perfect city. It was drawn out to be a Utopia. Which is an
imaginary ideal world where laws and social conditions are perfect for everyone. Where
you can be part of what religion you choose, drink, smoke, and have sexual pleasure
without any human authority to say anything about it.

2. Discuss the varying ways happiness is described in the text.

Certainly, the mood of the story begins quite happily. It is the Festival of Summer in the
"bright-towered" Omelas. Certainly, the mood of the story begins quite happily. It is the
Festival of Summer in the "bright-towered" Omelas.

3.Why does everyone in the Omelas have to be reminded of the existence of the child?

I believe this part of the story was placed there to simply keep everyone in line. To make
sure everyone knows what is keeping them happy and what keeps this society “normal”.
They have to be reminded or informed of the reason why things are so great! This perfect
world wouldn’t be possible without the suffering of this child.

Happiness, then, as a mature individual is not possible without, at least, the knowledge of
unhappiness. Pleasure is not recognizable without knowledge of pain. Joy cannot exist
without misery. The child must suffer so that everyone else can realize happiness. It is sad
and cruel, but LeGuin develops happiness as something that can only exist when one
knows its opposite—when that opposite exists somewhere in the world.

4. Why do some people walk away from Omelas?

I think the ones who walk away are the ones who see society for what it is. They see past
the festival and happiness and they see the evil that lurks within. I think they feel horror
and disgust. They probably somehow feel dirty. Not physical dirt, but just emotionally and
mentally dirty.

5. Legal View of the story:

The people of Omelas are utilitarians. They view an ethical act as that which will be of
excellent good to the majority. In this case, the child’s suffering is ethical and a sacrifice for
the happiness, wellness, and prosperity of the people of Omelas. That is why Le Guin
mentions that these people do not have any guilt in them. Being utilitarians, the people of
Omelas believe that it is ethical for the child to suffer for the happiness of thousands.
Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on
outcomes.Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will produce the
greatest good for the greatest number.However, because we cannot predict the future, it’s
difficult to know with certainty whether the consequences of our actions will be good or
bad. This is one of the limitations of utilitarianism.Utilitarianism also has trouble
accounting for values such as justice and individual rights.

Class Discussion:

1. What are the physical aspects of the city of Omelas?

2. Describe the society of the city.

-It is a utopia.

3. What is a utopian story trying to tell you? What is the first question that comes to
mind when you hear the word Utopia? What is the reason why it is a utopia?

The Omelas have a setting of a perfect city. It was drawn out to be a Utopia. Which is an
imaginary ideal world where laws and social conditions are perfect for everyone. Where
you can be part of what religion you choose, drink, smoke, and have sexual pleasure
without any human authority to say anything about it.

4. How is the technology in the Omelas? Why don’t they have cars?
They do not have cars but rather, they have trains. The reason is that the people
there need to be equal. The level of happiness and wealth there are equal among the

5. Describe the child in the story.

It is so thin there are no calves toits legs; its belly protrudes; it lives on a half-bowl
of corn meal and grease a day. It is naked. Its buttocks and thighs are a mass of
festered sores, as it sits in its own excrement continually.

6. Why is the child saying "I will be good, " it says. "Please let me out. I will be good!"?
The child wants to run away, why?
The child understands the conception of cause and effect. ‘’May buot na siya’’By
calling out that it will be good, the child shows that it knows that its punishment is
cruel and unfair. It knows the difference between good and bad.
Happiness, then, as a mature individual is not possible without, at least, the
knowledge of unhappiness. Pleasure is not recognizable without knowledge of pain.
Joy cannot exist without misery.

7. Would you be okay, personally, about the situation of the child? Would you beat up
the child in exchange for having a ‘’good life’’?
8. Why did the people leave the city of omelas? What was their motivation?
9. Was leaving the only option?

Before,we need to step on other people in order to progress as a society. Right now, the
present law provides otherwise.We need to get rid of some people (criminals) in order to
progress. Who are ‘’legally’’ allowed to exploit people? Is it the poor or the rich? Who
decides what is fair?


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