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Activity: Think, Pair, and Share

Four Stages of Description Example (Language

Development Learning)

Sensorimotor Stage The initial stage of a Children typically use their

child's cognitive reflexes (0-2 months) They
development is the start to engage in behavior that
sensorimotor stage.
satisfies the way their body
Children primarily
learn about their feels or their needs. (1-4
surroundings months) Children’s behavior
throughout this period becomes more goal-oriented
through their senses (8-12 months) children try new
and motor activity. behavior and action to achieve
different results (12-18 months)
Children start to rely upon
abstractions to solve problems,
using gestures and words (18-
24 months).

Preoperational Stage Children begin to • Children tend to develop

employ mental their mental imagery.
representations rather • Children understand
than the actual look of causality and identity.
items or people when • Children begin assigning
they are two years old symbols to objects.
when they reach the
preoperational stage.

Concrete Operational In this stage, the The children in this stage

Stage child's development would probably be more likely
of systematic and to go to school since they will
logical thinking occurs believe that the more they go
which is during the to school, the more they can
seven to eleven-year- able to learn new languages,
old age range. enhance their knowledge in the
field of their desired language
to learn, and enhance their
interaction skills. Whereas
youngsters might believe that
the more they go to school, the
more opportunities they will
have to make new friends and
engage in play activities.

Formal Operational The ability to Ana struggles to speak English

Stage understand more clearly, but she is excellent at
abstract and writing and structuring words
theoretical thoughts and sentences into precise
as well as the paragraphs in the absence of
expansion in scientific grammar errors, despite her
reasoning begins to lack of fluency in the language.
emerge during this She, therefore, put her English-
final stage of speaking skills into practice by
cognitive speaking to herself in the
development. mirror, talking with her younger
nephew who only speaks
English, and following the
instructions of the YouTube
video she searched about the
steps to becoming a proficient
English speaker.

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