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Maximizing Global Success: Leveraging Tangible and Intangible Resources Wisely

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Maximizing Global Success: Leveraging Tangible and Intangible Resources Wisely

Successful businesses recognize the need to manage their resources in the fiercely

competitive global business environment. These resources can be divided generally into two

groups: tangible and intangible resources. Intangible resources include intellectual property,

brand reputation, organizational culture, and human capital, whereas tangible resources are

tangible assets like machinery, equipment, real estate, and financial capital. To achieve a

sustained aggressive side and global success, it's essential to integrate and use each tangible and

intangible asset strategically. This essay examines how diverse resources affect an agency,

stressing their advantages and downsides.

Tangible Resources: The operations of any enterprise are constructed on tangible assets,

which are frequently less difficult to quantify and manage (TORRES-BARRETO et al., 2020).

These tangible assets aid in creating and distributing goods and services, permitting a business to

run successfully. The capability of tangible sources to offer a sturdy monetary foundation,

facilitating increase and growth, is certainly one of their principal advantages. For example,

accessing big economic assets enables businesses to spend on R&D, buy present-day technology,

and input new markets.

However, tangible assets also have weaknesses. They are susceptible to imitation or

duplication by rivals, potentially losing a competitive advantage. Additionally, they may lose

value over time, necessitating ongoing reinvestment and upgrades to maintain competitiveness.

Additionally, a firm's ability to efficiently respond to market movements may be constrained by

relying primarily on tangible resources in sectors undergoing rapid change.

Intangible Resources: The assets that drive a company's long-term success are

intangible resources, which are less obvious but no less important. For instance, a good brand

reputation can improve client loyalty, expand market share, and lessen price sensitivity.

Intellectual property, such as patents and copyrights, grants exclusivity, which prevents rivals

from quickly duplicating goods or services (Cuervo Carabel et al., 2021). Additionally, an

innovative workplace culture encourages employee involvement, which boosts productivity and

increases talent retention. The strengths of intangible resources to offer long-term competitive

advantages are closely related to their strengths. Because they are more difficult to duplicate than

tangible resources, intangibles give companies that use them wisely a distinct advantage.

Additionally, intangibles are less susceptible to economic downturns, allowing businesses to hold

onto their position even in difficult times.

Intangible resources, however, also provide difficulties. It can be challenging to value and

measure intangibles, which makes it challenging to pinpoint exactly how they contribute to a

company's performance. Furthermore, developing and utilizing intangible resources takes time

and effort, and results may be delayed. For instance, developing an innovative corporate culture

needs continuing commitment from top management and may take years of consistent effort to

establish a strong brand reputation.

Impact on Firm Success: Firms that successfully balance their use of tangible and

intangible resources succeed globally. Businesses can build a solid basis for development and

expansion by judiciously utilizing tangible resources, assuring operational effectiveness and

financial stability. In addition, by effectively utilizing intangible assets, businesses can stand out

from the competition, develop strong brand equity, and promote an innovative culture, all of

which contribute to long-term competitive advantages (Jawed & Siddiqui, 2019).

In conclusion, a firm's capacity to effectively manage its tangible and intangible

resources is crucial to its success on a worldwide scale. Intangible resources give businesses a

competitive edge that is challenging for rivals to imitate, while physical resources provide the

financial foundation and operational support. Businesses can position themselves for long-term

success in the fiercely competitive global market by comprehending and making the most use of

both resources. It is crucial to recognize that the advantages and disadvantages of these resources

call for critical thought, strategic planning, and ongoing adaptability to shifting market



Cuervo Carabel, T., Blanco González, A., & del Castillo Peces, C. (2021). Intangible assets and

business results of large companies. Intangible Capital, 17(2), 108-123.

Jawed, I., & Siddiqui, D. A. (2019). What matters for firms' performance: Capabilities, tangible

or intangible resources? Evidence from corporate sectors in Pakistan. Evidence From

Corporate Sectors in Pakistan (December 28, 2019).


(2020). Relationship between the tangible resources of companies and their capability of

knowledge absorption. Revista Espacios, 41(17).

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