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Organizational Leadership Individual Project






Organizational Leadership Individual Project

My dilemma is arranging work for a person we hired last year in the sales department. I work in a
manufacturing company dedicated to copper processing as the general manager of the sales
department. We buy raw copper materials and draw them into copper strands and wires, selling them
to cable companies such as power and data cables. The business is solely a B2B model, meaning we do
not face the customers as a material suppliers, participating in part of the supply chain. The market has
been booming since the early 2000s when China joined the WTO. In recent years, since 2013, we have
started upgrading our equipment to compete in the broad market. We faced a tremendous challenge
since competitors have already started upgrading new machines since 2003. A few significant suppliers
have already primarily carved up the know-how and market shares. To tackle new business
opportunities and to master the know-how of the new equipment, we were in search of a talent who
has both knowledge of the product and knowledge of the markets.

After a few months, we hired Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue is a hard-working sales guys in his mid-30s, and he has
been working as a sale for his company for almost 3 years, and because of some disagreements with the
management team, he left the company, and before this sales job, he was a technician for a company
for almost 20 years. Both 2 of his previous companies are our competitors. He is undoubtedly a man
with ambitions not satisfying with his working conditions and demanding more income. His joining us
would undoubtedly bring many customer resources. However, he wants things done his way, such as
implementing his own set of rules for sales and prioritizing his customers. This could potentially harm
our existing customers and company values, which is to grow and work with all mid-size customers and
achieve high co-dependence. He is likewise forcing our personnel to choose sides and to follow his way
of accomplishing business. This has triggered a division among the sales team and a decline in team

Mr. Xue's technique for sales also differs substantially from the setup practices of our employer. He
focuses totally on large customers and neglects the smaller debts that have inspired our business. This
has led to a loss of sales from our loyal customers who experience not noted and undervalued. His
insistence on imposing policies and dismissing organization rules has created chaos within the sales
department. Consistency in sales strategies leads to clarity among personnel and a disorganized
approach to client management.

Moreover, Mr. Xue's demanding nature and constant pressure on personnel to choose sides have
created a hostile work environment. The team individuals feel forced to align themselves with Mr. Xue
or the existing team, inflicting anxiety and conflict within the department. This not just affects employee
satisfaction but hampers teamwork and collaboration. As the overall supervisor of the sales department,
I am confronted with the dilemma of a way to cope with this situation. Mr. Xue's actions harm the
business enterprise's values, customer relationships, and team dynamics. Finding a resolution that
guarantees the achievement of our business while maintaining a positive work environment is crucial.

Analyzing the dilemma

In analyzing the dilemma presented in the case, several course concepts can help provide insights into
the problem and potential solutions. Let us examine each concept and how it relates to the situation:

Leadership Styles

Leadership styles refer to the approaches and behaviors of leaders in influencing and managing their
teams. In this case, Mr. Xue's leadership style can be characterized as a combination of directive and
transactional leadership. Directive leadership involves providing specific instructions and closely
monitoring performance, while transactional leadership focuses on rewarding or punishing based on
performance. Mr. Xue's desire to implement his rules and prioritize his customers reflects a directive
leadership approach. He wants things done his way and expects others to follow suit.

On the other hand, the existing leadership style within the company emphasizes empowering
leadership. Empowering leaders to delegate authority, encourage collaboration, and foster a sense of
ownership among employees. The corporation values high co-dependence and operating with mid-size
clients, which suggests a collaborative and inclusive approach. However, Mr. Xue's actions towards this
established leadership style disrupt the harmony within the sales department.

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and norms that shape people's behavior
within an organization. It impacts how employees engage, make decisions, and approach their work. In
this situation, the organizational culture of valuing all clients, reworking with mid-size companies, and
promoting extreme co-dependence sometimes aligns with Mr. Xue's desired approach. The company's
culture emphasizes retaining solid relationships with small and large clients. By neglecting smaller
accounts and focusing solely on large customers, Mr. Xue disrupts the inspiration of the organization's
commercial enterprise model. This misalignment creates conflict and negatively impacts team morale
and consumer relationships (Hartnell et al. 2011).


Self-management is the ability to control emotions, behavior, and decisions. Mr. Xue's demanding
nature and pressure on personnel to pick out sides suggest a need for more self-management. Effective
self-management calls for individuals to consider the effect of their actions on others and the overall
employer. Mr. Xue's movements create adversarial work surroundings and hinder teamwork, as
personnel feels pressured to align themselves with Mr. Xue or the present crew. On the other hand, the
existing group of individuals who align with the organization’s values and prioritize collaboration show
better self-management skills.


Mindfulness is the state of being aware and present in the contemporary moment. It entails paying
attention, non-judgmental, and open-minded (Jon, 2020). In this case, the present crew members who
adhere to the organization’s values and prioritize all customers reveal mindfulness. They know the
potential adverse effects of Mr. Xue's approach and the significance of preserving a positive work
environment. Mindfulness can help people apprehend their own biases, emotions, and reactions, taking
into account more thoughtful decision-making and communication. By training mindfulness, the general
manager and the sales group can approach the situation with a more incredible experience of empathy
and understanding, which is crucial for finding a decision that benefits each organization and its

Fairness in Leadership Styles

Fairness means acting justly, reasonably, and independently. It involves treating people and businesses
without preference, bias, or discrimination (Colquitt et al., 2013). It is a crucial thing in management
patterns. The existing team contributors perceive Mr. Xue's technique of prioritizing big customers and
forcing employees to pick out sides as unfair. Fairness includes treating all employees and customers
equitably and considering their needs and contributions. Leaders must aim for fairness in their decision-
making and actions to promote a tremendous work environment and maintain team cohesion. To
address the dilemma, the general manager must take a proactive approach and apply these course

Action Plan

The following is a comprehensive action plan to address the issues identified in the analysis and resolve
the dilemma:

Conduct a Difficult Conversation with Mr. Xue

The first step in resolving the dilemma is for the general manager to schedule a one-on-one meeting
with Mr. Xue (Douglas et al., 2018). The manager will create a conducive environment for open
conversation and expertise during this conversation. The supervisor must articulate the effect of Mr.
Xue's actions on the team, clients, and the organization’s values. By emphasizing the significance of
collaboration, equity, and keeping relationships with all customers, including mid-size accounts, the
manager can assist Mr. Xue in apprehending the need for alignment with enterprise values and inspire
him to adopt a more inclusive approach.

Facilitate a Team Meeting

Organizing a team meeting with the sales department is crucial to deal with the division and declining
morale in the team. The cause of this meeting is to foster open dialogue and rebuild a sense of cohesion
among team members. The manager must encourage team members to share their concerns, ideas, and
suggestions for enhancing collaboration and customer management. Emphasizing the significance of
working together and valuing all customers, regardless of their size, will assist in realigning the team's
focus. Through this team meeting, the manager can rebuild trust, foster cohesion, and encourage a
customer-centric approach among the sales team.

Implement Training and Development Programs

Investing in training and improvement applications for the sales team, including Mr. Xue, is critical to
deal with any knowledge gaps and enhancing their competencies and information. The education
programs must focus on regions that include client relationship management, effective communication,
and valuing all clients. The organization can ensure a consistent and consumer-centric method across all
accounts by providing the sales team with the necessary tools and knowledge. These education
applications enable team individuals to understand the new equipment and market dynamics better.

Establish Clear Sales Guidelines and Processes


To promote consistency and a cohesive method of consumer management, the general manager must
set up clear sales guidelines and tactics that align with the employer's values and goals. These guidelines
emphasize the importance of working with all clients, preserving consistency, and prioritizing
collaboration within the sales team. The suggestions must be communicated to all sales team members,
including Mr. Xue, and their adherence must be monitored. Establishing clear guidelines and processes
will create structure, minimize confusion, and enable the team to work harmoniously toward the
company's goals.

Evaluate Performance and Provide Feedback

Regular evaluation of the income team's overall performance, including Mr. Xue, is crucial to ensure
development toward the established guidelines and objectives. The manager should conduct objective
performance evaluations, considering individual and team contributions. Feedback sessions should be
prepared to provide constructive feedback and identify areas for improvement. By presenting regular
feedback and evaluation, the manager can promptly reinforce behaviors, address any issues, and foster
continuous growth and development within the sales team.

Potential Risks and Weaknesses

While enforcing the action plan, there are potential risks and weaknesses. Mr. Xue may resist the
feedback and changes, which can result in further conflicts and disruptions within the sales department.
Some personnel may also need help adapting to the new recommendations and processes, requiring
more support and training. Additionally, efforts can be needed to rebuild trust and enhance
relationships with present customers who felt neglected by Mr. Xue.

To manage these risks, the general manager must ensure open communication channels, provide
ongoing support and training, and continuously monitor and address emerging issues. Regular
communication with the sales team and a dedication to preserving a positive work environment may be
critical for achieving the action plan. By implementing this comprehensive motion plan, the general
manager can successfully deal with the issues identified within the analysis, enhance a positive work
environment, align the team with enterprise values, and improve customer relationships and overall
sales performance.


Colquitt et al, (2013) Organizational Leadership: Leadership Styles. HKU-Fudan IMBA Summer 2023 _ 2
Leadership Styles STUDENTS (1)

Douglas S. Bruce P & Sheila H. (2018). Organizational Leadership: Difficult Conversations and Teams:
HKU-Fudan IMBA Summer 2023 _ 3 Difficult Conversations and Teams STUDENTS

Hartnell et al. (2011) Organizational Leadership: Organizational Culture and Change: HKU-Fudan IMBA
Summer 2023_ 4 Organizational Culture and Change STUDENTS

Jon Kabat-Zinn (2020). Organizational Leadership: Individual Differences: HKU-Fudan IMBA Summer
2023 _ 1 Individual Differences STUDENTS.

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