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© 2022 EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA Minerva Medica 2022 June;113(3):460-70

Online version at DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4806.22.07974-5


Mechanical ventilation and COPD:

from pathophysiology to ventilatory management

Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy
*Corresponding author: Carlo A. Volta, Department of Translational Medicine and for Romagna, University of Ferrara, Via Aldo
Moro 8, 44100 Ferrara, Italy. E-mail:

In the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung and chest-wall morphological alterations determine impor-
tant and peculiar approaches to mechanical ventilation. Lung emphysema and reduced elastic recoil increase expiratory
time, thus worsening dynamic hyperinflation, while airways chronic inflammation rises resistances and can determine
distal air-trapping. Muscle wasting and fast fibers prevalence can result in weakness and in an earlier onset of muscle fa-
tigue, prolonging the weaning process. In this narrative review, we explored the connection between altered pathophysi-
ology and necessity for respiratory assistance in COPD, focusing on non-invasive and invasive respiratory management,
lung monitoring and weaning difficulties.
(Cite this article as: Scaramuzzo G, Ottaviani I, Volta CA, Spadaro S. Mechanical ventilation and COPD: from pathophysiol-
ogy to ventilatory management. Minerva Med 2022;113:460-70. DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4806.22.07974-5)
Key words: Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive; Respiration, artificial; Positive-pressure respiration, intrinsic.

T he chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

(COPD) is a persistent respiratory disease
characterized by respiratory symptoms (i.e., dys-
Respiratory mechanics in COPD
Airway resistance and airflow obstruction
pnea, cough, and sputum production) and air- Airflow obstruction is a key characteristic of
flow obstruction.1 The anatomical modifications COPD patients. Increased airway resistance of
evolve at different rates and chronic respiratory both central and small airways occurs due to
symptoms may precede the development of air- bronchoconstriction, damage of the elastic tis-
flow limitation. Increased airway resistance, air- sue in the airways, and mucus hypersecretion
flow limitation and impaired elastic recoil can caused by irritation of the epithelium.2 Despite
determine differences in the lung mechanical airflow obstruction is usually diagnosed during
properties of these patients as compared to the a forced expiratory maneuver from total lung
non-COPD ones. In the exacerbation of COPD capacity (FEV1/FVC ratio below 0.7), it can go
(COPD), the sudden worsening of these symp- undetected when occurring in the small airways,
toms can determine severe airflow limitation, and patients with normal spirometry may have
gas trapping, dynamic hyperinflation, the devel- an increase in the small airways’ resistance.3
opment of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pres- During mechanical ventilation, the increased air-
sure (PEEPi) and acute respiratory failure requir- way resistance can affect both the inspiratory and
ing hospital admission and respiratory support. expiratory part of the breathing. On one hand,

460 Minerva Medica June 2022

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during inspiration, narrowed airways produce a failure or in critically ill patients under mechani-
high resistance to flow that can result in higher cal ventilation,6 postoperative respiratory failure
peak airway pressures (Ppeak). Despite much of and in the acute respiratory distress syndrome
this pressure is dissipated in providing gas flow (ARDS).9 In these cases, EFL is mostly related to
through obstructed airways and therefore does increased airways resistance due to physiological
not directly over-distend distal alveoli, the het- changes with age, body position11 but also to oe-
erogeneous distribution of airflow obstruction, dema, fluid overload, use of muscle relaxant and
seen in most airway diseases, can transiently ex- sedatives.12 Cumulative fluid balance seems to
pose the less obstructed alveolar regions to high- contribute to flow limitation occurrence in criti-
er pressures and thus to the risk of injury.4 On cally ill patients, probably due to small airways
the other hand, increased airway resistance may damage edema, and 17% of patients not affected
impair expiration and determine the phenome- by EFL becomes flow-limited during the first 72
non of expiratory flow limitation (EFL).5 EFL is h of intensive care unit (ICU) stay.6 Several tools
characterized by the presence of a reduced expi- exist to assess the presence of EFL. In sponta-
ratory flow which is insensitive to the increase of neously breathing patients, the application of a
expiratory driving pressure.6 Applying an appro- negative expiratory pressure to the mouth (NEP)
priate level of positive end-expiratory pressure could predict dyspnea and the risk of exacerba-
(PEEP) may reduce both inspiratory and expira- tion13 and worsening of dynamic hyperinfla-
tory resistances by stabilizing the small airways. tion.14, 15 In patients undergoing mechanical ven-
tilation, EFL can be assessed performing a PEEP
EFL and airway closure test, by increasing the expiratory driving pressure
EFL is a dynamic condition in which an increase through a sudden reduction of PEEP.16 The PEEP
in expiratory driving pressure and / or expiratory withdrawal determines an increase of expiratory
muscle activity does not increase the expiratory driving pressure, since in the first expiration af-
flow, that has already reached its maximum value ter PEEP reduction an extra amount of volume
(and therefore is “limited”). This condition can must be exhaled (corresponding to the cmH2O of
worsen dynamic pulmonary hyperinflation, in- pressure reduction). Hypothetically, if the patient
crease muscular load, and impair hemodynamic does not have EFL, the expiratory flow in the
stability.7 In mechanically ventilated COPD pa- first act after PEEP reduction should increase. On
tients, EFL is common for both the increase of the contrary, when EFL is present, the expiratory
expiratory airway resistance and the reduction curves of the two acts (before and after PEEP re-
of the lung elastic recoil. The reduction of expi- duction) overlap on the flow-volume loop.17
ratory time, due for example to tachypnea, will Lung compliance, emphysema, and hyperinfla-
amplify this phenomenon, and increase dynamic tion
hyperinflation. Therefore, the end-expiratory
lung volume can increase proportionally to re- For the elastic fibers disruption and the conse-
spiratory rate and tidal volume and inversely to quent emphysema, lung compliance in COPD is
expiratory time.8 The main mechanism causing usually higher than expected and the increased
EFL is the increase of airway resistance which lung compliance leads to a re-setting of the respi-
can be furtherly enhanced by the dynamic airway ratory system’s relaxation volume to a higher lev-
narrowing during expiration. When intrathoracic el than in age-matched healthy individuals.18 This
pressure equals intrabronchial pressure (equal phenomenon has been called “static” hyperinfla-
pressure point, EPP or “chock point”) airways tion. Furthermore, a decrease of the elastic recoil
downstream could be compressed if they lost determined by the alveolar walls’ destruction will
their rigidity. In this situation, when the pressure reduce also expiratory flow and increase the time
outside the airways is higher that the pressure in- needed to complete expiration. When expiration
side, the airways collapses, leading to airway clo- is not complete, the end-expiratory lung volume
sure9 and determining distal air-trapping.10 EFL can increase (“dynamic” hyperinflation)19 until
can occur also in during postoperative respiratory the increased elastic recoil determined by an in-

Vol. 113 - No. 3 Minerva Medica 461

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creased lung volume will allow a complete ex- conventional O2.22 This can be explained by the
piration. The increase of expiratory lung volume “braking effect” of HFNC, which is removed
determined by dynamic hyperinflation will deter- when bypassing the upper airways. This mecha-
mine the presence of an intrinsic positive end-ex- nism is confirmed by the restore of the benefic ef-
piratory pressure, called intrinsic PEEP or auto- fects of HFTO when an expiratory resistance was
PEEP.7 This means that, while in healthy subjects added to the device.30
the alveolar pressure at the end of expiration is
zero, in patients with dynamic hyperinflation the Non-invasive ventilation
alveolar pressure remains positive throughout the NIV can be considered the first line treatment in
entire expiration. This will determine important patients with COPD requiring ventilatory sup-
consequences in both passively ventilated and port. NIV can be delivered through nasal-mouth
assisted patients. In passive patients, dynamic interface, total face mask or helmet and is use-
hyperinflation leads to an increase of static strain ful in reducing respiratory muscle load, fatigue
and therefore to an increased risk of barotrauma and improving gas exchanges.31 Indeed, NIV can
and hemodynamic instability while in assisted unload the respiratory muscle and relieve breath-
patients, it will increase the force needed to trig- lessness, thus reducing CO2 production and dy-
ger the ventilator and therefore the occurrence of namic hyperinflation. The improvement in alveo-
patient-ventilator dyssyncrony.20 lar ventilation and gas exchanges results in a pro-
gressive improvement of neurological and respi-
Oxygen support ratory function without the detrimental effects of
and ventilatory strategies endotracheal intubation. The noninvasive treat-
ment of hypercapnic respiratory failure patients
High flow nasal oxygen
started in the late 1980s32 and quickly demon-
High flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) provides high strated its superiority to endotracheal intubation
flow, humidified and heated oxygen mixture in supporting these patients.33 Indeed, several
through nasal cannula (HFNC)21 or tracheostomy RTCs demonstrated its usefulness in decreasing
(HFTO)22 with a flowrate that generally goes from mortality, need for invasive mechanical ventila-
30 L/min to more than 60 L/min. HFNC can be tion, hospital stay, and pulmonary complications
used to support patients affected by exacerbation compared to standard therapy.33-35 Furthermore,
of COPD (COPD) not requiring immediate ven- the failure of NIV and the subsequent intubation
tilatory support. HFNC therapy at 30 L/min has does not increase the mortality risk as compared
shown to improve oxygenation, reduce respira- to patients in which intubation as the first line of
tory rate and inspiratory effort.23 Lee et al.24 ran- treatment.36 Usually, noninvasive ventilation is
domized 88 patients with moderate hypercapnic used as a first step in COPD needing ventilatory
respiratory failure due to COPD to receive either support, but it can be supplied also after extuba-
non-invasive ventilation (NIV) (N.=44) or HFNC tion. When used immediately after the patient’s
35L/min (N.=44) and found no differences in in- extubation,37 NIV has been shown to reduce
tubation rate, respiratory failure and 30 days mor- the re-intubation rate and increase the weaning
tality and the same result was confirmed by other success. Despite NIV has changed the outcome
retrospective analysis.25 HFNC benefit effect can of COPD patients in the last decades, there is a
be determined by an increased secretions clear- considerable variation among different centers,
ance,26 carbon dioxide (CO2) washout27 and may due to different ventilatory strategies and inter-
have a small effect on end-expiratory lung vol- faces.38 Education strategies are fundamental to
ume.28, 29 Nevertheless, the advantages of HFNO improve the uptake of noninvasive ventilation
are still debated when used through a tracheos- and may homogenize outcomes among differ-
tomy. In a recent trial on tracheostomized patients ent centers. An ongoing trial (NCT04206735) is
at high risk of weaning failure, HFTO did not evaluating if online education can be comparable
improve neuro-ventilatory drive, work of breath, to interprofessional education in NIV training.39
respiratory rate and gas exchange compared with Finally, NIV can be used to relieve dyspnea and

462 Minerva Medica June 2022

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to manage breathlessness in patients with ad- the physician can set the ratio between inspiratory
vanced COPD in the palliative care setting.40 and expiratory time (I:E) and therefore the time
available for expiration before a new respiratory
Invasive mechanical ventilation act starts. The expiratory flow curve can be used to
Endotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical assess an incomplete expiration and therefore the
ventilation (IMV) is indicated when NIV ven- need for expiratory time adjustments. In mechani-
tilation is not feasible (e.g. unconscious patient) cally ventilated COPD patients with PEEPi due to
or as a secondary step when NIV fails (e.g., for flow limitation, PEEP levels exceeding the 85% of
severe respiratory acidosis, severe dyspnea with PEEPi (Pcrit) can cause further hyperinflation and
tachypnea, muscular fatigue, compromised neu- compromise hemodynamics and gas exchange.48
rological status, hemodynamic instability). The Therefore, an assessment of PEEPi is fundamental
early aim of IMV is not to normalize blood gases to set PEEP. Indeed, PEEP can increase static elas-
but to prevent the complications related to dy- tance in both the respiratory system and the chest
namic hyperinflation and maintain an acceptable wall, reduce cardiac index and affect hemody-
pH.41 Endotracheal intubation requires the use of namics and gas exchange. Therefore, while titrat-
muscle relaxant, and therefore a variable time of ing PEEP it is fundamental to evaluate Pplat and
controlled (passive) mechanical ventilation is in- stop increasing PEEP if Pplat increases, since this
evitable. Since controlled mechanical ventilation could be an initial sign of overdistension. Finally,
(CMV) requires the continuous administration of PEEP can interact with the occurrence of EFL,
muscle relaxant and/or high dosages of sedatives, and this phenomenon must be evaluated as well
which can contribute to muscle atrophy42 and pro- (see “PEEP test”). Since the presence of EFL has
long the weaning process, it must be as short as been associate to the occurrence of complications
possible. In CMV, tidal volume (VT), respiratory in patients admitted to the ICU, selecting PEEP to
rate (RR), I:E ratio (i.e., inspiration to expiration reduce EFL may improve the ventilatory strategy,
time) and PEEP must be chosen cautiously; each despite final evidence is still missing.6
of these variables has impact, indeed, on dynamic
hyperinflation, expiratory flow limitation and Assisted mechanical ventilation
overdistension and can therefore determine and/
or increase lung damage (ventilator induced lung When COPD patients restore spontaneous inspi-
injury [VILI]).43-45 Ventilation with a tidal volume ratory activity and thus trigger each mechanical
of 6 mL/kg of ideal body weight has shown to de- breath, the expiratory time is not constant. This
crease VILI.46 However, the acceptable tidal vol- implies that VT can change and induce a differ-
ume depends on the underlying disease. In severe ent degree of dynamic hyperinflation. During
ARDS with low lung compliance, tidal volume assisted mechanical ventilation, the presence of
should probably be lower than 6 mL/kg while in auto-PEEP can increase the work of breathing.
less severe conditions and in higher compliance, When starting the inspiration, the patient needs
VT can be set between 6 and 8 mL/kg.47 The com- to generate an appropriate negative pressure to
pensation of low tidal volume with respiratory rate counterbalance the effects of auto-PEEP and to
must be pursued carefully, since the increase in generate a detectable trigger. In particular, the
RR can increase mechanical power and therefore amount of set PEEP should compensate the au-
the risk of VILI itself. Moreover, by increasing to-PEEP due to flow limitation, thus decreasing
the respiratory rate, it becomes difficult to allow the inspiratory effort needed to start the assisted
enough time to expiration and keep Ppeak low, breath and reducing the total work of breathing.
therefore leading to an increased risk of ventila-
Pressure support ventilation
tion inhomogeneity and dynamic hyperinflation.
For the reduced elastic recoil and the increased ex- Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) is the most
piratory resistance that characterize COPD, expi- popular assisted mode used in the process of
ratory time tends to be prolonged. This time can- weaning patients from mechanical ventilation,
not be set directly, since expiration is passive, but whose goal is to provide an unload of the pa-

Vol. 113 - No. 3 Minerva Medica 463

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tient’s respiratory muscles. During PSV, once ing, patient discomfort and thus endotracheal
the patient triggers the ventilator, airway pres- intubation. For this reason, some authors sug-
sure rises to a preset level, regardless of patient gested that a reduction of rate of patient ventila-
effort. Thus, PSV provides a fixed level of in- tor asynchronies should improve the rate of NIV
spiratory muscle unloading. An increase of level success. The neurally adjusted ventilator assist
of pressure support induces a decrease in trans- (NAVA) and non-invasive NAVA (NIV-NAVA),
diaphragmatic pressure, while tidal volume in- guided by electrical activity of the diaphragm,
creases and respiratory rate decrease. Generally, are a mode of assisted ventilation that improve
the pressure support level is adjusted, at bedside, patient-ventilator interaction, both in terms of
to the lowest level providing comfortable breath- timing and responding to increased demand, re-
ing. More evidence in literature suggests that the gardless of leaks.55, 56 Using a dedicated nasogas-
most appropriate pressure support level results in tric tube, the signal of electrical activity of the
a respiratory rate of 25-30 breaths/minute. This diaphragm (EAdi) that activates the diaphragm
goal is achieved with large inter-individual vari- is proportional to the output signal from the re-
ation of pressure support. The breathing pattern spiratory center and it is not influenced by flow
can be influenced by the mechanical properties limitation or intrinsic PEEP.57 The NAVA can be
of the respiratory system, the characteristics of used as initial mode of NIV for management of
a single breath and the function of the ventila- acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in patients
tor. Indeed, different levels of PSV may induce with COPD. NIV-NAVA can synchronize the as-
different respiratory patterns and gas exchange, sistance to inspiratory effort in COPD patients,
since a support levels that improves blood gases whereas PSV does not ensure an appropriate
may result in asynchronies (ineffective efforts) patient-ventilator interaction.58 A recent study
if external PEEP is not applied. A level of PEEP demonstrated that NIV-NAVA may determine
not higher than auto-PEEP, can reduce the dia- patient-ventilator interactions and a reduction in
phragmatic work with no detrimental effects of the severity of asynchrony in aeCOPD.59 These
gas exchange.49 Moreover, the patient-ventilator results have been confirmed in a study that use
interaction can be improved by adjusting the the NAVA through a helmet compared with pres-
inspiratory trigger sensitivity, the expiratory cy- sure support through a face mask, improving the
cling,50 the pressure support level (avoiding high comfort, the triggering performance, and patient-
VT and hyperinflation),51 reducing the inspira- ventilator synchrony.60 The patients with COPD
tory pressure rise time and decreasing resistance exhibit an increasing dead space and decreasing
to airflow. During PSV, the evaluation of auto- ventilation efficiency. To overcome these prob-
PEEP is cumbersome and required an invasive lems, the NAVA mode offers, by downregulation
simultaneous recording of esophageal pressure of the EAdi signal, a reduced risk over-assis-
and airflow, visualizing the changes in esopha- tance, showed a better heterogeneous ventilation
geal pressure before the start of inspiratory flow. distribution and decreasing dead space compared
This method is valid only if the expiratory mus- to PSV in in patients with COPD.61 Further larg-
cles are relaxed but COPD patients frequently er studies should clarify the use of NIV-NAVA
exhibit an expiratory muscle recruitment.52 The to evaluate its beneficial effects on clinical out-
airway occlusion pressure (P 0.1), measured comes regarding the rate of NIV failure, the
from the airway pressure during the triggering length of ICU or hospital stay and mortality.
phase of assisted mode of ventilation, seems to
be able to evaluate the effects of external PEEP Proportional assist ventilation
in patients with auto-PEEP.53 Proportional assist ventilation (PAV) mode
Neurally adjusted ventilator assist represents an alternative approach to respira-
tory muscle unloading, designed on physiologi-
Patients with COPD showed an increased risk cal basis. With PAV, there is no target of flow,
of patient ventilator asynchrony54 and it can volume, or pressure. Rather, the physician sets
result in NIV failure, increased work of breath- a pressure gain applied by the machine on the

464 Minerva Medica June 2022

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patient’s measured or estimated compliance •  end-inspiratory airway pressure at zero flow

and resistance. This allows for a compensation (P1), which the fist value of pressure recorded
by the ventilator of an increase in either one or after the end of inspiratory flow;
both components. It has been demonstrated that •  plateau pressure (Pplat), which is the pressure
PAV could improve arterial blood gas and alveo- recorded at the end of the inspiratory pause and
lar ventilation as well as unload the respiratory therefore after air redistribution within the lungs.
muscles in both acute62 and chronic patients.63 The difference between these pressures can
In intubated COPD patients, PAV improved min- provide important information about the resis-
ute ventilation, decreased dyspnea, and reduced tances and the compliance of the respiratory sys-
work of breathing, while preserving the physi- tem. Specifically, the resistances of the respira-
ological breath-by-breath VT variability better tory system (Rmax,rs) can be divided into intrin-
than PSV. Despite these favorable effects, PAV sic resistance (Rmin,rs) and additional resistance
can be difficult to be used in the clinical setting. (ØR,rs) being the latter as the result of viscoelas-
Indeed, knowledge of the patients’ elastance and tic pressure dissipations within the pulmonary
resistance, a prerequisite for the correct titration and chest wall tissues. These 2 components can
of their compensation by PAV, is most often un- be calculated as follows:
available to the clinician. Therefore, arbitrary •  Rmin,rs = (Ppeak-1) / inspiratory flow;
levels of compensation are often used, which, if •  ØR,rs = (P1-Pplat) / inspiratory flow;
inappropriately chosen, can increase inspiratory •  Rmax,rs = Rmin,rs + ØR,rs.
effort in some patients. Although physiological COPD patients are usually characterized by
advantages of PAV, a potential role for PAV could high levels of both intrinsic and additional re-
be further explored. sistance, which results in high total resistances.
Rmin,rs are high for the occurrence of broncho-
constriction and airway collapse while and ØR,rs
Monitoring in mechanically are increased for the presence of heterogeneity in
ventilated COPD patients inspiratory time constants and for the pendelluft
Inspiratory/expiratory hold maneuvers phenomenon.65 Furthermore, the expiratory hold
maneuver, which is usually performed before the
During controlled mechanical ventilation, it can inspiratory hold one, allows to detect the pres-
be possible to estimate the different components ence of PEEPi. The pressure measured after the
of the respiratory system by performing an end- 4-seconds expiratory maneuver is the total PEEP
expiratory and an end-inspiratory hold maneu- and the difference between the total PEEP and
ver. Modern ventilators allow to perform this the extrinsic PEEP (i.e., the one set on the ven-
maneuver easily. To obtain reliable measures, tilator) is defined intrinsic PEEP, or auto-PEEP.
the maneuver must be long enough to allow air Finally, the difference between Pplat and PEEPt
redistribution within the lungs but not too long, is called driving pressure (DP)66 and gives infor-
since stress relaxation of the chest-wall and dis- mation about the dynamic strain of the lung tis-
tal air reabsorption would reduce pressures pro- sue. By diving the tidal volume for the DP, it is
gressively. In general, 0.5–2 seconds can provide possible to calculate the compliance of the respi-
a good compromise64 but a higher time could be ratory system (Crs=VT/[Pplat-PEEPt]), which is
necessary when the lungs are very heterogeneous. usually higher in COPD patients for the presence
When the patient is ventilated in controlled mode of lung emphysema.
with a constant flow (square flow waveform), an Electrical impedance tomography
inspiratory hold will provide 3 important pres-
sures called, in the order of appearance: Electrical impedance tomography is a non-
•  peak pressure (Ppeak), which is the maxi- invasive monitoring technique that allows the
mal pressure reached during inspiration and is continuous and bedside evaluation of regional
determined by both intrinsic resistances and ad- ventilation distribution without exposing the pa-
ditional resistances; tient to radiations.67, 68 Moreover, using EIT it is

Vol. 113 - No. 3 Minerva Medica 465

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possible to calculate the differences in lung me- matic activity can be useful to assess diaphrag-
chanical properties (regional compliance) and in matic disfunction and therefore the probability
the distribution of lung ventilation and perfusion of NIV or weaning failure.83, 84 The two indexes
in different areas of the lung.69 In heterogeneous more commonly used are the diaphragmatic dis-
lung diseases, like ARDS or COPD, by showing placement (DD), which expresses the movement
the regional differences in the lung mechanical of the diaphragm and is considered normal if >10
properties,70 EIT could potentially help setting mm, and the thickening fraction (TF), which is
PEEP, tidal volume71 and provide an appropriate the difference in thickness between inspiration
estimation of transpulmonary driving pressure.72 and expiration and is expressed in percentage.
The expiratory time constant (τ) corresponds to A thickening fraction >30% is considered nor-
the time needed to exhale 2/3 of the tidal volume mal and associated to an increase probability of
and can be calculated by multiplying compli- weaning success.85 Another interesting index is
ance (Crs) and resistance (Rs) of the respiratory the diaphragmatic rapid shallow breathing index
system. When its value increases, the occurrence (D-RSBI), which is the ratio between respiratory
of dynamic hyperinflation increases as well. In rate and the ultrasonographic evaluation of dia-
COPD patients, EIT has been used to describe phragmatic displacement has been found to be
the heterogeneous distribution of expiratory time superior to the classical rapid shallow breathing
constant73 and regional ventilation delay (RVD), (RR/VT) in predicting weaning failure, also in
which can be related to the phenomenon of air- COPD patients.86, 87 Finally, the evaluation of
way closure.74 The advantage of EIT monitoring extra-diaphragmatic muscles (e.g., intercostal
is feasibility at the bedside, the possibility of lon- muscles, parasternal muscles) is feasible and can
gitudinal assessment of the patient – and there- provide additional information on the capacity
fore to evaluate the response to treatment75, 76 load in patients affected by acute respiratory fail-
– and the real time evaluation of the interaction ure.88 The ultrasound evaluation of the abdomi-
ventilator-patient. nal muscles started to also get attention since an
abnormal activity of them has been associated to
Lung and muscle ultrasound a high risk of reintubation, with higher predic-
Point of care ultrasound can be used at the bed- tive performance as compared to the isolated dia-
side to assess both lung patterns77 and muscular phragmatic assessment.89
function.78 Lung ultrasound can evaluate both Weaning from mechanical ventilation
artifactual images of normal/pathologic lung (re-
spectively A-lines and B-lines) and real images Most mechanically ventilated patients are easily
of pathologic conditions (e.g., lung consolida- weaned from the ventilators; however, for the
tions, pleural effusion).79 The Lung Ultrasound others, the time needed to wean can be consider-
Score (LUS) have a good correlation with lung able. One of the factors that explain a prolonged
aeration measured at CT scan, but a poor one duration of the weaning process is the presence
when assessing quantitative lung recruitment.80 of COPD. Indeed, an occurrence of dynamic hy-
The LUS can be used to assess the entity of pa- perinflation can play a pivotal role to determine a
renchymal involvement and the evolution of the weaning failure in COPD patients with respirato-
disease, but the assessment of the inner part of ry failure90 and more that 50% of COPD patients
the lung, which can have distinctive clinical and can be defined difficult-to-wean.91 Decreasing
pathophysiological characteristics,81 can be lim- the breathing load by reducing airway resistance
ited. In COPD, the respiratory muscles, and espe- and intrinsic PEEP can provide an improving of
cially the diaphragm, are subjected to high load respiratory muscle strength and endurance and
and maximal activation during tidal breathing. contribute to successful weaning. The occurrence
The composition of the muscular fibers can also of respiratory muscles dysfunction due to weak-
change as adaptation to fatigue, with an increase ness, atrophy determined by drug induce myopa-
in in the slow-twitch characteristics of the mus- thy (corticosteroids and neuromuscular blocking)
cle fibers increase.82 Monitoring the diaphrag- may further worsen the respiratory pump perfor-

466 Minerva Medica June 2022

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Conflicts of interest.—The authors certify that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material
discussed in the manuscript.
Authors’ contributions.—All authors equally contributed to the manuscript, read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
History.—Manuscript accepted: February 14, 2022. - Manuscript revised: February 9, 2022. - Manuscript received: December 22,

470 Minerva Medica June 2022

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