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0 Customer Avatars/ Buyer Personas

1. Go to
2. Use prompts:
a. Create the three main avatars for a premium natural sleep supplement
b. Now provide the age, gender, relationship, financial and education
demographic of each
c. Now provide each of their frustrations/fears
d. Now provide each of their wants/aspirations
e. Now provide each of their key purchase drivers
f. Now create a before and after state for each, regarding what they own
g. Now create a before and after state for each, regarding how they feel
h. Now create a before and after state for each, regarding what their average
day looks like
i. Now create a before and after state for each, regarding how their status is in
j. With all of this information now create three hooks for each
3. Transfer the information into the template for ease of reference in the future
Avatar Example

Avatar #1: Corporate Colin/Kate

● Age:
● Gender:
● Family Status:
● Financial Situation:
● Education Level:


Key purchase drivers (what persuades them to buy from you specifically)

Before/After states
Before After

What do they have?

What are they feeling?

What’s an average
day like?

What’s their status?


2.0 Competitor Research
1. Use BigSpy to search for competitor ads (10% OFF code: cameron10)
a. Filter country you will advertise in
b. Search product keyword, filter by impressions or comments
c. Search competitor websites, filter by impressions or comments
d. Filter by video/image if required
e. Take the copy and creative examples and add into a table

Creative Copy Impression


2. If you struggle to find design inspiration use (20% OFF code:
3.0 Write Ad Copy

1. Write using chat CPT, directing it to use one of your hooks and include your product
a. “Write me facebook ad copy for a [INSERT PRODUCT] using the AIDA
format with the hook "[INSERT HOOK]" and mention product USPs: [INSERT
2. Repurpose your competitors copy structure

Copy Hook/Angle
4.0 Campaign Strategy
Only use Facebook Ads to run traffic to your top performing products that bring in 20% of
your business revenue, it is not worth advertising other products directly so instead use your
website, email and social media to sell these to the new traffic you have generated

● Campaigns
○ x1 Sales campaign(manual) per product, per country with Advantage
Campaign Budget
○ Budget of each campaign should ideally be 7x goal CPA, but can get away
with 3-5x CPA
○ Targeting BROAD (living in location, age, gender only) with no exclusions
○ Optional: x1 Sales campaign with all product catalogue ads, if you have lots
of SKUs

● Charley T’s 3-2-2 method setup

○ Campaign Advantage Campaign Budget
■ Adset 1 - Dynamic Creative Testing Images
● Targeting BROAD
● 3 images, 2 copy, 2 headlines, 2 CTA’s (x1 specific hook)
■ Adset 2 - Dynamic Creative Testing Videos
● Targeting BROAD
● 3 videos, 2 copy, 2 headlines, 2 CTA’s (x1 specific hook)
■ Adset 3 - Top Post IDs Winners
● Targeting BROAD
● Up to 5 ads live at anytime
5.0 Optimisation
1. x2 per week check your account (I do Monday & Thursday) and make optimisations -
don’t do more than this, changes need time to take effect
2. If a test ad set is performing, grab the post ID of the top ad and move it to the
winners ad set and leave the test running until it eventually stops performing
3. If a test ad set is underperforming turn it off and replace it with a new test
4. If your winners ad set is under performing, turn off the specific ads in it with bad
5. If the business overall is getting a good return on ads, increase your FB budget 15-
6. If the business overall is underperforming in return on ads, and you can’t rely on
optimisations, reduce your FB budget 15-20% (unless you are already at base

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