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Assignment 1

1 “Can machines think?”_ Explain your reasons both for agreement and Co1 BT2
2 Assess the limitations of Depth-First Search and Breadth-First Search in CO1 BT5
terms of their time and space complexity. How can these limitations
affect the performance of these algorithms for large-scale problem
3 Evaluate the A* algorithm and the AO* algorithm in terms of their CO1 BT5
performance and optimality. Explain how they incorporate heuristics to
improve search efficiency and solution quality.
4 Compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the A* algorithm in finding the CO2 BT4
shortest path in a weighted graph, considering different heuristic
functions and graph structures. “Justify your conclusions based on
empirical evidence and theoretical analysis.”
5 1. Assess the effectiveness of different evaluation metrics for a specific CO2 BT4
machine learning problem and justify your choice.

6 Compare and contrast the effectiveness of z-score normalization, min- CO1 BT4
max scaling, and robust scaling in achieving the main objectives of data
7 Analyze the impact of data augmentation on different types of machine CO1 BT4
learning models and discuss the potential benefits and limitations.
8 Analyze the challenges and opportunities in applying natural language CO1 BT4
processing techniques to AI systems, considering factors such as
accuracy, scalability, and language understanding.
9 Compare and contrast the scope and limitations of supervised and CO1 BT4
unsupervised machine learning algorithms.
10 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different hypothesis functions CO1 BT4
used in machine learning models.
11 Can you provide an example of how the Depth-First Search algorithm can CO1 BT4
be applied in an AI problem-solving scenario?
12 How can you apply data normalization and data augmentation techniques CO1 BT3
to improve data quality and model performance?

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