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Assessment Submission Template

Qualification & Unit Details

Unit Code & Title BSBSTR802 Lead strategic planning processes for an organisation

Qualification BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Submission Details

Student Name

Student Number

Date of Submission Click or tap to enter a date.

Assessor Name

Assessment Details

Assessment Task Number Assessment Method Date of Completion

(Written Task, Case study, Project, Role-play, (Actual date of each task completion.
presentation etc.) This must be three different days)

Task 1 Written task – Questioning Click or tap to enter a date.

Task 2 Case study Click or tap to enter a date.

Task 3 Project Click or tap to enter a date.

Why you need to use this template?

The template provides consistency across all submissions, and you will not miss any assessment
activity. The purpose is to save your time preparing documents, increase efficiency, and reduce
potential errors by giving candidates detailed instructions on how to perform any task or project
using specific templates and space for answers and solutions.

This template provides the assessor to receive submissions with consistency and for compression of
candidates’ submissions for plagiarism, collusion, and irregularities of educational submissions.

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1


Define Length approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text
for each question.
Identify Write dot points of the number of items to identify according to the question.
Outline Summarise in a line or set of lines the required number of items or develop
appropriate meaningful answers according to the question but not in detail.
Identify and briefly Identify in dot points and provide a description of each with a minimum of 4
describe typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text for each question.
Describe Provide a description with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words, or 10 –
15 lines of handwritten text or appropriately described to provide a
meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length according
to the question.
Explain Explain the procedure with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words, or 10 –
15 lines of handwritten text or appropriately explain to provide a meaningful
answer with consistent knowledge application in length according to the
Distinguish / Distinguish means recognise or treat (someone or something) as different.
differentiate To differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are
compared. It simply means that they are not the same but does not qualify
them as being unique and possibly not related.
Length approximately 4 – 8 typed lines = 50 – 100 words, or 5 - 10 lines of
handwritten text for each question.
What? This is to assess your knowledge of something related to the subject area
asking you to specify one or more things related to what is being asked in the
question. This is generally asking for a short answer for which you need to
provide a short description answering the question where the reader
understands the answer to the question.
How? This method of question is to assess your ability to explain or describe the
ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process of something related to the
question being asked. You need to provide sufficient description of how
(ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process) it can be performed for the
reader to understand the ways or procedure.
Why? This question is to assess your knowledge of something and the purpose of it.
You need to provide sufficient description of why (the purpose/objective or
aims) it is used for the reader to understand why.

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Assessment Task 1
The following is a set of knowledge-based questions. Read the text section ‘introduction’ in the
learner workbook, refer to training undertaken and provide your answer solutions to the following
questions using your own words to demonstrate your consistent knowledge application.
1. Ensure you answer all the following questions using the length guidelines above and
quantity requirements applicable for the following relevant questions.
2. Provide references and give credit to authors you have consulted for their ideas in writing
your answers. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own
and which are someone else's and it shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting
evidence for your ideas, arguments, and opinions and allows others to identify the source
you have used.
3. The space below does not indicate the size of the answer length. Follow above guidelines
and keep typing and the space will expand as you type. If answers are recorded separate to
this document, they must be attached at the back of this document.


Question 1
What is organisational planning?

Organizational planning is the process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining the
steps that an organization needs to take to achieve those goals. It involves identifying the
resources needed, assigning responsibilities, and establishing timelines for completing tasks.
Organizational planning can be done at various levels within an organization, from individual
departments to the entire organization itself. Effective organizational planning helps to ensure
that an organization is working towards its goals in an efficient and effective manner, and can help
to identify potential challenges and opportunities.

Question 2
What are the three levels of organisational planning?

1. Strategic planning

2. Tactical planning

3. Operational planning

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Question 3
What is strategic planning?

Strategic planning is the process of defining an organization's long-term goals and objectives and
developing a plan of action to achieve them. It involves analyzing an organization's current
situation, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and evaluating opportunities and threats in the
external environment.

Question 4
What is the difference between strategic planning and business planning?

Strategic planning focuses on setting long-term goals and objectives for an organization,
identifying the actions needed to achieve those goals, and allocating resources accordingly. It is a
high-level planning process that typically involves senior executives and takes a broader view of
the organization's mission and vision. Strategic planning focuses on the big picture and considers
factors such as market trends, competitive threats, and emerging opportunities.

Business planning, on the other hand, is a more detailed planning process that focuses on the day-
to-day operations of the organization. It involves developing plans and strategies for individual
business units or departments to achieve specific objectives that are aligned with the
organization's overall strategy. Business planning is typically carried out by middle managers and
front-line employees who are responsible for executing the plans and achieving the objectives.

Question 5
Describe contractual requirements and implications for the business.

Contractual requirements are the terms and conditions that businesses agree to when entering
into a contractual agreement with another party. These requirements can vary widely depending
on the nature of the agreement, but typically include provisions related to the goods or services
being provided, payment terms, warranties, liability, and dispute resolution.

For businesses, contractual requirements are important because they can have significant
implications on their operations and finances. Failure to comply with contractual obligations can
result in legal action, loss of business relationships, and damage to the company's reputation. On
the other hand, meeting contractual obligations can result in positive outcomes such as increased
revenue, improved relationships with partners, and protection against legal claims.

It is essential for businesses to carefully review and negotiate contractual requirements before
entering into any agreement to ensure that they are able to meet the obligations and mitigate any
potential risks. This may involve seeking legal advice or consulting with subject matter experts to
fully understand the implications of the terms and conditions of the agreement. In some cases,
businesses may also need to invest in additional resources or modify their operations to comply
with contractual requirements, which should be factored into their decision-making process.

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Question 6
What are financial management requirements and processes of the business?

Financial management requirements and processes are essential for the success of any business.
These requirements and processes typically involve the planning, monitoring, and control of
financial resources to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. Some of the key financial
management requirements and processes of a business include:

1. Budgeting: Developing a financial plan that outlines the expected revenue and expenses
for the upcoming period.

2. Financial Reporting: Generating financial statements, such as balance sheets, income

statements, and cash flow statements to provide a clear picture of the company's
financial health.

3. Cash Management: Ensuring that the company has enough cash on hand to meet its
financial obligations, such as paying suppliers and employees, and avoiding cash flow

4. Investment Management: Managing the company's investments to generate returns and

ensure long-term financial stability.

5. Risk Management: Identifying and managing financial risks that could impact the
company's operations or financial performance.

6. Accounting: Maintaining accurate financial records and ensuring compliance with

accounting standards and regulations.

7. Tax Management: Ensuring compliance with tax laws and minimizing the company's tax

Effective financial management requires strong leadership, transparency, and accountability. It

also involves leveraging financial data and analysis to inform business decisions and drive
performance improvement. Businesses should regularly review their financial management
requirements and processes to ensure they are aligned with their goals and objectives, and are
consistently delivering value to the organization.

Question 7
What are the industry trends and practices of relevance to the organisation’s strategic direction?

1. Digital Transformation: The increasing use of digital technologies and data analytics to
transform business operations and create new opportunities for growth.

2. Sustainability: The focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues as a key
driver of business performance and competitiveness.

3. Customer Experience: The emphasis on delivering exceptional customer experiences as a

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key differentiator in a competitive marketplace.

4. Workforce Transformation: The need to adapt to changing workforce demographics and

skills requirements, including the use of remote work and the growing importance of
diversity and inclusion.

5. Industry Consolidation: The trend towards consolidation and mergers and acquisitions
(M&A) in certain industries, which can impact competition and market dynamics.

6. Regulatory Compliance: The increasing complexity of regulatory requirements and the

need to ensure compliance with local and international regulations.

7. Emerging Technologies: The rapid pace of technological change, including the growth of
artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain, which can create new
opportunities for innovation and disruption.

Question 8
Describe risk management processes.
1. Identify Risks: The first step in risk management is to identify potential risks that may
impact the project or organization. This can be done through brainstorming, risk
assessment workshops, or reviewing past data or reports.

2. Assess Risks: After identifying potential risks, the next step is to assess their likelihood and
impact. This involves analyzing the probability of each risk occurring and the potential
impact it may have on the project or organization.

3. Prioritize Risks: Once risks have been assessed, it is important to prioritize them based on
their potential impact and likelihood. Risks with a high likelihood of occurrence and a high
impact should be given more attention and resources.

4. Develop Risk Mitigation Strategies: Once risks have been identified and prioritized, the
next step is to develop strategies to mitigate or manage them. This may involve
implementing preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the risk occurring or
developing contingency plans to minimize the impact of the risk if it does occur.

5. Implement Risk Management Plan: The final step in the risk management process is to
implement the risk management plan. This involves communicating the plan to
stakeholders, monitoring the identified risks, and taking appropriate action if a risk occurs.

Question 9
Identify and briefly describe methods for conducting SWOT analysis.

1. Brainstorming: This involves bringing together a group of stakeholders to generate a list of

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the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

2. Surveys and Questionnaires: This method involves distributing a survey or questionnaire

to employees, customers, or other stakeholders to gather their input on the organization's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

3. Interviews: This method involves conducting one-on-one interviews with key stakeholders
to gather their input on the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

4. Data Analysis: This method involves analyzing data from various sources, such as market
research reports, financial statements, and industry trends, to identify the organization's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

5. Expert Panels: This involves assembling a group of experts in the organization's industry or
field to provide their insights on the organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats.

Question 10
Identify and briefly describe methods for conducting PEST analysis
1. Desk Research: This method involves gathering information from published sources such
as newspapers, industry reports, government statistics, and online databases.

2. Expert Panels: This method involves assembling a group of experts in various fields, such
as economics, politics, and technology, to provide insights into the external factors that
may impact the organization.

3. Surveys and Questionnaires: This method involves distributing a survey or questionnaire

to customers, employees, or other stakeholders to gather their perspectives on the
external factors that may affect the organization.

Question 11
Explain the strategic and operational planning processes.
Strategic planning process
1. Vision and Mission: Developing a clear vision and mission statement that outlines the
organization's purpose, values, and goals.
2. Situation Analysis: Conducting a thorough analysis of the organization's internal and
external environment, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT
3. Strategic Objectives: Developing specific, measurable, and achievable objectives that align
with the organization's vision and mission.
4. Strategy Development: Developing a strategy to achieve the organization's objectives,
including deciding on the resources needed, the target markets, and the competitive

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5. Implementation: Implementing the strategy through a range of activities and initiatives,
including marketing campaigns, operational improvements, and other activities.
6. Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluating the strategy to ensure it is working effectively, and
making any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired outcomes.
Operational planning process
1. Objectives: Establishing specific, measurable, and achievable objectives that support the
organization's strategic objectives.
2. Resource Allocation: Determining the resources needed to achieve the objectives,
including personnel, equipment, and financial resources.
3. Activity Planning: Developing detailed plans and schedules for the activities and initiatives
needed to achieve the objectives.
4. Implementation: Executing the plans and activities, including coordinating activities,
assigning tasks, and monitoring progress.
5. Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluating the results of the operational activities to ensure
they are aligned with the organization's strategic objectives and making any necessary
adjustments to achieve the desired outcomes.

Question 12
Briefly describe the following global environment and market:
a. Trends: Trends refer to the general direction in which a particular phenomenon is developing
or changing over time. In the global environment and market, trends can include shifts in
consumer preferences, changes in technology, evolving regulatory frameworks, and other
factors that can impact the behavior of businesses and consumers. Understanding trends is
important for companies that want to stay competitive and adapt to changes in the market.
By keeping abreast of trends, companies can identify new opportunities, anticipate future
challenges, and make strategic decisions to position themselves for success.
b. Best practice:
Best practices refer to the methods or techniques that have been shown to be effective and
efficient in achieving a particular goal or objective. In the global environment and market, best
practices can include approaches to marketing, supply chain management, customer service, and
other business functions that have been demonstrated to be successful. Companies that adopt
best practices are often able to improve their performance, reduce costs, and increase customer
satisfaction. Best practices can be learned from industry leaders, research studies, and trial and
error within an organization. By adopting best practices, companies can optimize their operations
and stay ahead of their competitors in the global marketplace.
c. Risks:
In the global environment and market, risks refer to the uncertainties and potential threats that
can impact the performance of businesses and economies. These risks can come from a variety of
sources, including economic downturns, political instability, natural disasters, cybersecurity
breaches, and other unexpected events. Understanding and managing risks is essential for
companies that operate in the global marketplace. By identifying and assessing potential risks,
companies can develop strategies to mitigate or avoid them, such as diversifying their operations,

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investing in cybersecurity measures, or developing contingency plans. Failure to manage risks can
lead to significant financial losses, damage to reputation, and even business failure. Therefore,
companies must continuously monitor the global environment and market for potential risks and
take proactive steps to manage them.
d. Opportunities:
In the global environment and market, opportunities refer to favorable conditions or situations
that businesses can capitalize on to achieve their goals and objectives. These opportunities can
come from a variety of sources, including technological advancements, changes in consumer
behavior, emerging markets, and other factors. Companies that are able to identify and capitalize
on opportunities can gain a competitive advantage, increase revenue, and expand their market
share. Examples of opportunities in the global market may include investing in renewable energy
sources, entering new international markets, or developing new products to meet emerging
consumer needs. Identifying and leveraging opportunities requires a deep understanding of the
global market and environment, as well as the ability to adapt and innovate in response to
changing conditions. Companies that are successful in capitalizing on opportunities can create
long-term growth and sustainability for their business.

Question 13
Identify current and future demands of organisation and global markets.
1. Sustainability: There is an increasing demand for sustainable products and practices that
minimize environmental impact. Companies are expected to reduce their carbon
footprint, use eco-friendly materials, and implement sustainable practices throughout
their supply chain.
2. Digitalization: The global market is becoming increasingly digital, and companies need to
invest in technology to stay competitive. This includes developing digital marketing
strategies, optimizing e-commerce platforms, and adopting advanced analytics and
artificial intelligence technologies.
3. Customer experience: Customers are increasingly demanding personalized and seamless
experiences across all touchpoints. Companies need to invest in technologies and
processes that enable them to deliver personalized experiences and anticipate customer
4. Workforce diversity and inclusion: The global market is becoming more diverse, and
companies need to create an inclusive workplace culture that celebrates diversity and
fosters collaboration across diverse teams.
5. Globalization: The global market is becoming more interconnected, and companies need
to develop strategies to expand into new international markets and navigate complex
international regulations.
6. Health and wellness: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of health
and wellness, and there is an increasing demand for products and services that promote
health and wellness, such as fitness equipment, healthy food, and telehealth services.

Question 14
Identify and briefly explain at least two barriers to achieve goals.
1. Resource constraints: Resource constraints can include limited funding, staffing shortages,
and inadequate infrastructure. These constraints can make it difficult for organizations to

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invest in the necessary resources to achieve their goals, such as hiring additional staff,
investing in new technologies, or developing new products. Limited resources can also
lead to trade-offs and difficult decisions, such as choosing between investing in research
and development or marketing.
2. Resistance to change: Resistance to change can be a significant barrier to achieving goals,
particularly when it comes to implementing new processes, technologies, or strategies.
Employees may resist change because they are comfortable with existing processes, fear
job loss, or have doubts about the effectiveness of new initiatives. Overcoming resistance
to change often requires strong leadership, effective communication, and a focus on
building buy-in and support from stakeholders.

Question 15
Explain communication processes.
1. Sender: The sender is the person or organization that initiates the communication process
by sending a message.
2. Message: The message is the information or content that the sender is trying to convey. It
can be verbal, written, or visual.
3. Encoding: Encoding is the process of converting the message into a format that can be
understood by the receiver. This can involve using language, images, or other forms of
4. Channel: The channel refers to the medium through which the message is transmitted,
such as email, phone, video conferencing, or face-to-face communication.
5. Decoding: Decoding is the process of interpreting the message by the receiver.
6. Receiver: The receiver is the person or organization that receives the message.
7. Feedback: Feedback is the response or reaction of the receiver to the message. It helps
the sender to understand whether the message was understood correctly and whether
any adjustments are needed.

Question 16
Describe methods to develop strategic plan.
Developing a strategic plan involves a systematic process of defining an organization's goals,
determining the actions required to achieve those goals, and allocating resources to implement
the plan. Here are some methods to develop a strategic plan:
1. SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis involves identifying an organization's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis helps organizations to understand
their current position and develop strategies that leverage their strengths, address
weaknesses, capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.
2. Environmental Scanning: Environmental scanning involves analyzing the external factors
that impact an organization's operations, such as technological advancements, changes in
consumer behavior, or shifts in the political or economic landscape. This analysis helps
organizations to anticipate changes and adapt their strategies accordingly.
3. Goal-Setting: Goal-setting involves defining clear and measurable goals that align with an
organization's mission and vision. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable,

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relevant, and time-bound (SMART), and should provide a roadmap for achieving the
organization's strategic objectives.
4. Resource Allocation: Resource allocation involves determining the resources required to
implement the strategic plan, such as financial resources, personnel, and technology.
Organizations should prioritize the allocation of resources based on the goals and
objectives outlined in the strategic plan.
5. Implementation and Evaluation: Implementation and evaluation involve executing the
strategic plan and monitoring progress to ensure that goals are being achieved.
Organizations should establish metrics to measure progress, assess the effectiveness of
their strategies, and make adjustments as needed.

Question 17
What is a strategy map and how does strategy mapping help an organization?
A strategy map is a visual tool that helps an organization to articulate its strategic objectives and
define the relationships between them. It is a graphical representation of the cause-and-effect
relationships that exist between an organization's various goals and objectives. Strategy maps
typically include a series of interconnected "perspectives," such as financial, customer, internal
processes, and learning and growth, that highlight the different aspects of an organization's
Strategy mapping helps an organization by providing a clear and concise picture of its strategic
objectives and how they are related to each other. By using a strategy map, organizations can
align their goals and objectives with their overall mission and vision, communicate their strategy
to stakeholders, and track progress towards achieving their goals.
Here are some ways in which strategy mapping helps an organization:
1. Provides a comprehensive view of the organization: Strategy mapping provides a holistic
view of an organization's strategic objectives, including how they relate to each other and
to the organization's overall mission and vision.
2. Identifies cause-and-effect relationships: Strategy mapping helps organizations to identify
the cause-and-effect relationships between their various goals and objectives, which can
help them to prioritize their efforts and allocate resources effectively.
3. Aligns strategy with operations: Strategy mapping helps to ensure that an organization's
strategy is aligned with its operations, by clearly defining the goals and objectives that
need to be achieved in each area of the organization.

Question 18
Outline key features of knowledge management systems
Knowledge management systems (KMS) are designed to manage an organization's knowledge
assets, such as tacit knowledge (expertise and experience) and explicit knowledge (documents
and data). Here are some key features of knowledge management systems:
1. Knowledge Repository: A knowledge repository is a central location where an organization
stores its knowledge assets. It provides a searchable database of knowledge resources
that employees can access and use.
2. Content Management: Content management involves creating, editing, and publishing

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knowledge content such as documents, videos, and audio files. KMS provide tools for
content creation and management, ensuring that knowledge assets are current, accurate,
and accessible.
3. Collaboration: Collaboration tools facilitate knowledge sharing and communication among
employees. KMS provide features such as discussion forums, wikis, and social networks,
enabling employees to collaborate and share knowledge across departments and
geographic locations.
4. Taxonomy and Metadata: KMS use taxonomy and metadata to organize and categorize
knowledge assets, making it easier for employees to search for and find relevant
information. Taxonomy refers to the classification of knowledge assets, while metadata
includes descriptive information about the knowledge asset, such as author, date created,
and keywords.
5. Analytics: Analytics provide insights into how knowledge is being used within an
organization. KMS use analytics to track user behavior, such as search terms and usage
patterns, to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for improvement.
6. Training and Development: KMS provide training and development resources to support
employee learning and development. These resources may include online courses,
webinars, and knowledge-sharing sessions.

Question 19
Describe the following two terms:
a. Financial key performance indicators:
Financial key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to evaluate an organization's
financial performance

b. Non-financial key performance indicators:

Non-financial key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics that organizations use to
measure their performance in areas other than finance. These KPIs provide insights into how
well an organization is meeting its strategic objectives, and can help to identify areas for

Question 20
Outline key features of annual operational plan.

---End of Written Task Activities---

Provide references to education materials you have used to develop your answers. A reference list

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lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list is to allow your
sources to be found by your reader (assessor). It also gives credit to authors you have consulted
for their ideas. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own and
which are someone else's, shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting evidence for
your ideas, arguments, and opinions. allows others to identify the sources you have used.

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Assessment Task 2-Case Study
Research and analyse information for strategic planning

Case Study (Skills and Knowledge Application)

Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix or your own workplace referring to
the scenario in the appendix as agreed by your assessor, provide solutions to lead the development
of high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission of an organisation.
Whatever the workplace you select, the policies and procedure manual of simulated workplace must
be used as the policies and procedures of the workplace to undertake the following task. In case you
select your own workplace or any other workplace you have access to information, provide a brief
description of the workplace such as the industry, operation, personnel, teams and must be
accompanied by a link to the reference for verification by your assessor.
Your role
You work as the manager for the simulated workplace with responsibility for ensuring an
organisation is positioned to conform its long-term viability and success and to consult with
stakeholders to lead the development of high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission
of an organisation.
Your Task - Research and analyse information for strategic planning
Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to lead the
development of high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission of an organisation:
Part A – Research and analysis (stage 1).
1. Access simulated (Tech Dynamics) workplace documents including business plan, policies
and procedures and use the relevant policies and procedures to undertake this task.

2. Read the case study in appendix including numeric information, above your role and analyse
information about the organisation and its environment to undertake development of
strategic plan to ensure establish strategic plan to achieve strategic goals. Identify
organisational vision, mission, and values.


Mission Statement:


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3. Conduct situational analysis of the workplace, determine, and develop a SWOT analysis
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) from information.

Strengths: Weaknesses:

Opportunities: Threats:

4. Review business plan including existing organisational strategic direction, identify gaps, and
improvement needs and opportunities available to reach goals.

Strategic directions:


Improvement Needs:

Opportunities available to reach goals:

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5. Conduct research and analyse market information and document your analysis as evidence
of undertaking research to the following a, b, c, and d:

a. political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) factors that can affect the organisation

b. Global environment and market, and identify at least two trends, one best practice, three
risks and two opportunities.

c. Current and future demands of global markets.

d. Barriers and risks to organisational goals and potential strategies to overcome barriers.

6. Identify at least three stakeholders you need to consult to develop and review strategic plan
and two staff to help you in the planning process.

7. Develop a communication plan (a simple table that includes, objective, audience, method,
medium, message and timeline).

Objective Audience Method Medium Message Timeline

8. Determine and assign actions to relevant staff for developing planning process.

Actions to be taken Responsible staff

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9. Identify and describe at least three types of resources you need to develop strategic plan.

10. Develop a planning process that includes direction of strategic plan.

Part B – Consult and determine strategic direction (stage 2).

11. Organise a role-play as agreed by your assessor for consultation meeting with your CEO
(assessor) to discuss strategic direction and elements of strategic plan.
Role-play - Plan financial management approaches
This activity refers to Activity 11 of your task
This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your
assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with
Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being You undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral
observed communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant manager.
Assumptions to be made Your assessor plays the role of CEO
Persons involved You as the manager and the assessor as the CEO
Timing for the role-play: 7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional
time required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform
Conditions under which Skills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by
the observation is assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those
conducted in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:
1. Workplace or simulated workplace policies and procedures
2. relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codes
3. Workplace documentation and resources relevant to required
performance evidence.
Observable behaviour  Leads discussions using active listening and questioning to seek the
views and opinions of others
 Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration,
demonstrating high-level influencing skills, focusing and shaping
awareness, and engaging and motivating others

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12. Lead discussions using active listening and questioning to seek the views and opinions of
CEO (assessor) regarding long-term strategies.
13. Actively discuss and seek feedback from CEO (assessor) on direction of strategic plan to
establish organisational goals and priorities.
14. Discuss parameters for planning process, discuss and determine financial forecast and
budgets for strategic plan.
15. Present your recommendations to the CEO (assessor) for feedback and make changes when
you develop strategic plan in activity 18 according to feedback received.

Part C – Develop strategic plan (stage 3).

16. Develop a strategy map according to feedback received from your CEO (assessor).

Strategy Map


Mission Statement



Strategic objectives



Controls &

17. Develop at least one goal and two strategic objectives including key performance indicators.

Goals Objectives Key Performance indicators

18. Develop a 3-4-page strategic plan using above collected information. Include in your
strategic plan the following elements:

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a) Strategic direction including vision, mission, vales, (ensure you align the strategic plan to
the vision, mission, and key goals of the organisation)
b) Goals, objectives including KPIs,
c) Strategies, Tasks, and activities including KPIs,
d) Budget including KPIs,
e) Timelines including KPIs,
f) Roles and responsibilities
g) Evaluation and monitoring strategies.

Financial Plan for strategic plan

Revenue Forecast FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025
Sales $6,880,000 $7,200,000 $7,600,000 $8,360,000 $9,196,000
Total Revenue $6,880,000 $7,200,000 $7,600,000 $8,360,000 $9,196,000
Direct Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Total Direct Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Gross Profit $6,880,000 $7,200,000 $7,600,000 $8,360,000 $9,196,000
Gross Margin % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Operating Expenses
Salary $3,060,000 $3,180,240 $3,280,980 $3,445,029 $3,617,280.45
Employee Related Expenses $260,160 $260,944 $261,754 $266,989 $272,328.86
Marketing & Promotions $380,880 $400,800 $421,200 $429,624 $438,216.48
Rent and Outgoings $200,760 $220,000 $240,000 $244,800 $249,696.00
Utilities $360,000 $380,000 $400,000 $408,000 $416,160.00
Office Supplies $60,000 $60,400 $60,800 $62,016 $63,256.32
Insurance $20,200 $20,600 $20,800 $21,216 $21,640.32
Server and Software Expenses $1,280,000 $1,320,000 $1,380,000 $1,407,600 $1,435,752.00
Total Operating Expenses $5,622,000 $5,842,984 $6,065,534 $6,285,274 $6,514,330.43
Profit before tax $1,258,000 $1,357,016 $1,534,466 $2,074,726 $2,681,669.57
Interest Incurred $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Depreciation and Amortization $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Income Taxes $377,400 $407,104 $460,340 $622,417.78 $804,500.87
Net Profit $880,600 $949,912 $1,074,126
4 $1,877,168.70
Net Profit to Sales Ratio 13% 13% 14% 17% 20%

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19. Ensure you make changes and adjustments to your strategic plan according to feedback
received from your CEO (assessor) applying identified improvements.

20. Develop a 2-3-page annual operational plan to facilitate implementation of long-term

strategic plan considering key performance indicators, budget, timeline, and resources.

Operational Performance Target/Key

function/ standards Performance Person/Team
Timeframe Budget
strategy Indicators Responsible

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Note: The following checklist is for you to confirm your work completion as well as performance and
demonstration of skills. Ensure you carefully check, and tick as completed and performed before
submitting written evidence and while demonstrating skills during performing the task.
Assessment Task Activity

Part A – Research and analysis (stage 1). Yes No

1 Access simulated workplace (Tech Dynamics) documents including business ☐ ☐
plan, policies and procedures and use the relevant policies and procedures
to undertake this task.
2 Read the case study in appendix including numeric information, above your
☐ ☐
role and analyse information about the organisation and its environment to
undertake development of strategic plan to ensure establish strategic plan
to achieve strategic goals. Identify organisational vision, mission, and
3 Conduct situational analysis of the workplace, determine, and develop a ☐ ☐
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) from
4 Review business plan including existing organisational strategic direction, ☐ ☐
identify gaps, and improvement needs and opportunities available to reach
5 Conduct research and analyse market information and document your ☐ ☐
analysis as evidence of undertaking research to the following a, b, c, and d:
a. global environment and market, and identify at least two
trends, one best practice, three risks and two opportunities.
b. current and future demands of global markets.
c. Barriers and risks to organisational goals and potential
strategies to overcome barriers.
6 Identify at least three stakeholders you need to consult to develop and ☐ ☐
review strategic plan and two staff to help you in the planning process.
7 Develop a communication plan (a simple table that includes, objective, ☐ ☐
audience, method, medium, message and timeline).
8 Determine and assign actions to relevant staff for developing planning ☐ ☐
9 Identify and describe at least three types of resources you need to develop
☐ ☐
strategic plan.
10 Develop a planning process that includes direction of strategic plan.
☐ ☐
Assessment Task Activity

Part B - Determine direction, develop, and execute strategic plan (stage 2). Yes No
11 Organise a role-play as agreed by your assessor for consultation meeting with your ☐ ☐
CEO (assessor) to discuss strategic direction and elements of strategic plan.
12 Lead discussions using active listening and questioning to seek the views and ☐ ☐
opinions of CEO (assessor) regarding long-term strategies.

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13 Actively discuss and seek feedback from CEO (assessor) on direction of strategic ☐ ☐
plan to establish organisational goals and priorities.
14 Discuss parameters for planning process. ☐ ☐
15 Discuss and determine financial forecast and budgets for strategic plan. ☐ ☐
Part C – Develop strategic plan (stage 3).
16 Develop a strategy map according to feedback received from your CEO (assessor). ☐ ☐
17 Develop at least one goal and two strategic objectives including key performance ☐ ☐
18 Develop a 3-4-page strategic plan using above collected information. Include in ☐ ☐
your strategic plan the following elements:
a. Strategic direction including vision, mission, vales,
b. Goals, objectives including KPIs,
c. Strategies, Tasks, and activities including KPIs,
d. Budget including KPIs,
e. Timelines including KPIs,
f. Roles and responsibilities
g. Evaluation and monitoring strategies.

19 Ensure you make changes and adjustments to your strategic plan according to ☐ ☐
feedback received from your CEO (assessor) applying identified improvements.
20 Develop 2-3-page annual operational plan to facilitate implementation of long- ☐ ☐
term strategic plan considering key performance indicators, budget, timeline, and

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Assessment Task 3 - Project
(Includes interaction with others)
Execute and monitor strategic plans
Project (Skills and Knowledge Application)
This project assessment is an alternative to assess that allows you to engage with your learning in
more concrete and practical ways. This task is more than application of theory and a hands-on task
for you to apply what you have learned in a real workplace or simulated workplace environment.
Your role
You work as the manager for a simulated workplace with responsibility for ensuring an organisation
is positioned to conform its long-term viability and success and to consult with stakeholders to lead
the development of high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission of an organisation.
You have developed the strategic plan in assessment task 2. In this task, you undertake to execute
and monitor strategic plan.

Your Task
Using the developed strategic plan in assessment task 2, complete the following workplace activities
to execute and monitor high-level strategic plans that serve the vision and mission of an
1. Use the strategic plan developed in assessment task 2 and read the case study information in the
appendix and identify and list human resources required to execute strategic plan and develop
succession strategies that confirm long-term business viability.

2. Develop at least two strategies to develop skills of above teams and individuals to implement
the strategic plan.

3. Identify at least three individuals of the simulated workplace to take roles and responsibilities
for strategic plan execution.

Roles and responsibilities for strategic plan execution Responsible staff

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
4. Write an email to identified individuals and assign responsibilities to execute and monitor
strategic plan and explain how you assist them in the execution of strategic plan.


Dear Team,

Thanks, and Regards

5. Determine and develop knowledge management systems to capture team progress, insights,
experiences, and learnings during implementation of strategic plan.

6. Identify and list at least two financial performance indicators and two non-financial performance
indicators to monitor progress.

7. Develop mechanism to monitor progress against timeline and key performance indicators.

8. Read the case study and identify at least three areas of progress that has not been made
according to timeline and key performance indicators.

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
9. Write another email to communicate to those individuals about progress that has not been
made according to timeline and key performance indicators and point out required actions.


Dear Team,

Thanks, and Regards

10. Meet with your CEO (assessor) in a role-play and explain the progress and ask for feedback on
execution of strategies.
a. Note down the feedback to document feedback received for future development of
strategic plans.
b. Refine your strategic plan to respond to changed conditions and reproduce the final
strategic plan adapting to changes.
c. Ensure you include above documented feedback received with your submission of
assessment work as evidence of activity.
Role-play - Plan financial management approaches
This activity refers to Activity 10 of your task
This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your
assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with
Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being You undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral
observed communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant manager.
Assumptions to be made Your assessor plays the role of CEO
Persons involved You as the manager and the assessor as the CEO
Timing for the role-play: 7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional
time required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform

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Conditions under which Skills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by
the observation is assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those
conducted in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:
4. Workplace or simulated workplace policies and procedures
5. relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codes
6. Workplace documentation and resources relevant to required
performance evidence.
Observable behaviour  Leads discussions using active listening and questioning to seek the
views and opinions of others
 Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective collaboration,
demonstrating high-level influencing skills, focusing and shaping
awareness, and engaging and motivating others


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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Note: The following checklist is for you to confirm your work completion as well as
performance and demonstration of skills. Ensure you carefully check, and tick as completed
and performed before submitting written evidence and while demonstrating skills during
performing the task.
Assessment Task Activity
Role-play - Preparation written work Yes No
1 Use the strategic plan developed in assessment task 2 and read the case study ☐ ☐
information in the appendix and identify and list human resources required to
execute strategic plan and develop succession strategies that confirm long-
term business viability.
2 Develop at least two strategies to develop skills of above teams and ☐ ☐
individuals to implement the strategic plan.
3 Identify at least three individuals of the simulated workplace to take roles and ☐ ☐
responsibilities for strategic plan execution.
4 Write an email to identified individuals and assign responsibilities to execute ☐ ☐
and monitor strategic plan and explain how you assist them in the execution
of strategic plan.
5 Determine and develop knowledge management systems to capture team ☐ ☐
progress, insights, experiences, and learnings during implementation of
strategic plan.
6 Identify and list at least two financial performance indicators and two non- ☐ ☐
financial performance indicators to monitor progress.
7 Develop mechanism to monitor progress against timeline and key ☐ ☐
performance indicators.
8 Read the case study and identify at least three areas of progress that has not ☐ ☐
been made according to timeline and key performance indicators.
9 Write another email to communicate to those individuals about progress that ☐ ☐
has not been made according to timeline and key performance indicators and
point out required actions.
10 Meet with your CEO (assessor) in a role-play and explain the progress and ask ☐ ☐
for feedback on execution of strategies.
a. Note down the feedback to document feedback received for
future development of strategic plans.
b. Refine your strategic plan to respond to changed conditions
and reproduce the final strategic plan adapting to changes.
c. Ensure you include above documented feedback received
with your submission of assessment work as evidence of

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
(For task 1, 2 & 3)
A reference list lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list is
to allow your sources to be found by your reader (assessor). It also gives credit to authors you have
consulted for their ideas. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own
and which are someone else's, shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting evidence for
your ideas, arguments, and opinions. allows others to identify the sources you have used. For
example, you can use any of the following styles,
Harvard Style
1. Website with an author - Author surname, initials (Year), article title, website name, Available
at: http://website, accessed 10 March 2021.
2. Website without author and no date - Article title (n.d.), website name, Available at:
http://website, accessed 10 March 2021.
3. Book with no author - Title of book, edition (edn), Volume number or number of volumes,
Publisher, Place of publication, page number(s) if applicable.
4. Book with one author - Author, A (Year), Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication.
5. Book with two or three authors - Authors, AA, Author, BB & Author, CC (Year), Title of book,
Publisher, Place of publication.
APA Style
1. Website with an author – Murray, G. (2005). A duty of care to children and young people in
Western Australia: Report on the quality assurance and review of unsubstantiated allegations of
abuse in care: 1 April 2004 to 12 September 2005. Western Australia, Department of Child
2. Website without author and with date - Australia. Department of Health and Aged Care. (2000).
National youth suicide prevention strategy.
3. Whole Internet Site - Goldberg, I. (2000). Dr. Ivan's depression central.
4. Book with an author - Wells, A. (2009). Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression in
psychology. Guilford Press.
5. Book with no author - The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology. (1991). Blackwell.

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List all references used for assessment task 1, 2 and 3 below (if any)

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