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ECS3366 International Finance Coursework 1: Short answer questions

Answer the following 4 questions in your own words for each question. Point form
answers will not be accepted. The word limit is two 2-sided A4 page. Use one A4
page to answer one question. Marks will be deducted if word limit is exceeded or
not met. Submission deadline is 20 th January 2023 by 5pm London time. Use font
size 11 and 1.15 line spacing.

3. (a) What is the meaning of Interest rate parity and how could it help determine
the change in exchange rates theoretically? (5 marks)

(b) By looking at Turkey and UK’s current situations based on the Financial Times
news articles, do you think this theory is applicable in the real world? Why or
why not? Explain. (20 marks)

4. What are the main contributory factors to Sri Lanka’s rapid fall in its exchange
rate against the US dollar? Explain. (25 marks)

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