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Assessment Submission Template

Qualification & Unit Details

Unit Code & Title TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice

Qualification BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Submission Details

Student Name

Student Number

Date of Submission Click or tap to enter a date.

Assessor Name

Assessment Details

Assessment Task Number Assessment Method Date of Completion

(Written Task, Case study, Project, Role-play, (Actual date of each task completion.
presentation etc.) This must be three different days)

Task 1 Written task - Questioning Click or tap to enter a date.

Task 2 Choose an item. Click or tap to enter a date.

Task 3 Choose an item. Click or tap to enter a date.

Why you need to use this template?

The template provides consistency across all submissions, and you will not miss any assessment
activity. The purpose is to save your time preparing documents, increase efficiency, and reduce
potential errors by giving candidates detailed instructions on how to perform any task or project using
specific templates and space for answers and solutions.

This template provides the assessor to receive submissions with consistency and for compression of
candidates’ submissions for plagiarism, collusion, and irregularities of educational submissions.

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Define Length approximately 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten
text for each question.
Identify Write dot points of the number of items to identify according to the
Outline Summarise in a line or set of lines the required number of items or develop
appropriate meaningful answers according to the question but not in detail.
Identify and briefly Identify in dot points and provide a description of each with a minimum of
describe 4 typed lines = 50 words, or 5 lines of handwritten text for each question.
Describe Provide a description with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words, or 10
– 15 lines of handwritten text or appropriately described to provide a
meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length
according to the question.
Explain Explain the procedure with minimum 8 typed lines = 100 – 150 words, or
10 – 15 lines of handwritten text or appropriately explain to provide a
meaningful answer with consistent knowledge application in length
according to the question.
Distinguish / Distinguish means recognise or treat (someone or something) as different.
differentiate To differentiate is to show or find the difference between things which are
compared. It simply means that they are not the same but does not qualify
them as being unique and possibly not related. 
Length approximately 4 – 8 typed lines = 50 – 100 words, or 5 - 10 lines of
handwritten text for each question.
What? This is to assess your knowledge of something related to the subject area
asking you to specify one or more things related to what is being asked in
the question. This is generally asking for a short answer for which you need
to provide a short description answering the question where the reader
understands the answer to the question.
How? This method of question is to assess your ability to explain or describe the
ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process of something related to the
question being asked. You need to provide sufficient description of how
(ways, methods, manner, procedure, or process) it can be performed for the
reader to understand the ways or procedure.
Why? This question is to assess your knowledge of something and the purpose of
it. You need to provide sufficient description of why (the purpose/objective
or aims) it is used for the reader to understand why.

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Assessment Task 1
The following is a set of knowledge-based questions. Read the text section ‘introduction’ in the
learner workbook, refer to training undertaken and provide your answer solutions to the following
questions using your own words to demonstrate your consistent knowledge application.
1. Ensure you answer all the following questions using the length guidelines above and quantity
requirements applicable for the following relevant questions.
2. Provide references and give credit to authors you have consulted for their ideas in writing
your answers. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own
and which are someone else's and it shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting
evidence for your ideas, arguments, and opinions and allows others to identify the source you
have used.
3. The space below does not indicate the size of the answer length. Follow above guidelines and
keep typing and the space will expand as you type. If answers are recorded separate to this
document, they must be attached at the back of this document.

Question 1
Define the term ‘improved learning practice.’
Improved learning practice refers to the adoption of new or modified methods, techniques,
strategies, or approaches in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, or understanding. These
practices are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of learning, leading to better
outcomes, such as increased retention, comprehension, application, and transfer of learning.
Improved learning practices can be applied in various contexts, such as in formal education,
professional development, or personal learning. Examples of improved learning practices may
include active learning, personalized learning, feedback-based learning, gamification, and
technology-enhanced learning.

Question 2
Briefly describe adult learning practice.
Adult learning practice, also known as andragogy, is a field of study that focuses on how adults
learn, what motivates them to learn, and how best to facilitate their learning. Unlike children or
adolescents, adult learners have a wealth of experiences and knowledge that they bring to the
learning process. They are often self-directed and prefer to learn things that are immediately
applicable to their lives or work.

Adult learning practices are designed to meet the unique needs and characteristics of adult learners.
They emphasize relevance, practicality, and applicability to real-life situations, as well as providing
opportunities for self-reflection, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Adult learning practices
also recognize that adults have different learning styles and preferences, and they offer a variety of
instructional methods and techniques to accommodate these differences. Examples of adult learning
practices include experiential learning, self-directed learning, collaborative learning, and blended
learning, which combines online and face-to-face instruction.

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Question 3
Identify and briefly describe contemporary policy and approaches to vocational learning and
Contemporary policy and approaches to vocational learning and assessment aim to equip learners
with the skills and knowledge required to enter and succeed in the workforce. Two main policies
and approaches to vocational learning and assessment are:

1. Competency-based training (CBT): This approach is centered on the development of skills

and knowledge that are relevant to the industry or occupation. CBT involves the
identification of industry-specific competencies, which form the basis of training and
assessment. Learners are required to demonstrate their competence through practical tasks
and assessments that are directly related to the workplace.

2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): This approach acknowledges the skills and
knowledge that learners have acquired through their previous education, training, work,
and life experiences. RPL involves the assessment of a learner's existing skills and
knowledge against the requirements of a qualification or competency standard. If the
learner can demonstrate that they meet the required standard, they can receive recognition
for their prior learning without the need for further training.

Both CBT and RPL approaches to vocational learning and assessment emphasize the importance of
workplace relevance, practicality, and flexibility. They also recognize the diversity of learners'
backgrounds and experiences, and aim to provide opportunities for all learners to achieve their full
potential in the workforce.

Question 4
Outline the content and requirements of the relevant delivery and assessment strategies.
The delivery and assessment strategies used in vocational learning are designed to ensure that
learners acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of the industry or
occupation. The following are some of the key content and requirements of these strategies:

1. Delivery Strategies:

a. Blended Learning: This approach combines online and face-to-face learning, providing learners
with the flexibility to complete their training at their own pace and convenience.

b. Workplace Training: This involves on-the-job training, which allows learners to apply their skills
and knowledge in a real-world setting.

c. Simulation: This involves creating a simulated work environment that replicates the conditions
and requirements of the industry or occupation.

d. Classroom Training: This involves traditional classroom-based instruction, where learners

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receive theoretical knowledge and practical skills training.

2. Assessment Strategies:

a. Competency-Based Assessment: This involves assessing learners' competence against industry-

specific competency standards, using a range of assessment methods, such as observation,
questioning, and project work.

b. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): This involves assessing learners' existing skills and
knowledge against the requirements of a qualification or competency standard, using a variety of
assessment methods, such as interviews, workplace assessments, and portfolio assessments.

c. Authentic Assessment: This involves assessing learners' skills and knowledge in a real-world
context, such as through workplace projects, case studies, and workplace assessments.

d. Formative Assessment: This involves providing learners with feedback throughout the learning
process, enabling them to improve their skills and knowledge continuously.

The content and requirements of delivery and assessment strategies may vary depending on the
industry or occupation, the level of the qualification, and the needs and characteristics of the
learners. However, all strategies should be designed to ensure that learners acquire the necessary
skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of the industry or occupation and succeed in the

Question 5
Identify the content of learning resources and learning materials.
The content of learning resources and learning materials varies depending on the subject, level of
education, and the target audience. Generally, learning resources and materials include any
information, tool, or media that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or understanding.
Here are some examples of the content of learning resources and materials:

1. Textbooks and manuals: These contain written content that provides learners with a
comprehensive overview of a subject or topic. They may include explanatory text,
examples, diagrams, and charts.

2. Multimedia resources: These include videos, animations, podcasts, and interactive media
that provide learners with a more engaging and interactive learning experience.

3. Digital resources: These include e-books, online courses, and learning management
systems that offer learners the flexibility to access learning materials at any time and from

4. Assessment resources: These include past exam papers, sample questions, and assessment
rubrics that help learners to prepare for assessments and understand the standards and
expectations of their performance.

5. Supplementary resources: These include reference books, case studies, research papers, and
articles that provide additional information and insights into a subject or topic.

The content of learning resources and materials should be accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the

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learning outcomes and objectives. They should also be presented in a format that is easy to
understand and accessible to all learners, regardless of their learning preferences and abilities.

Question 6
What are the design and management of learning objects and content
Design and management of learning objects and content refers to the process of creating and
organizing educational resources, tools, and media in a structured and coherent manner that
supports effective teaching and learning. The following are some key considerations for the design
and management of learning objects and content:

1. Learning objectives and outcomes: All learning objects and content should be designed
with clear learning objectives and outcomes in mind. This ensures that the content is
relevant and useful to learners, and that it aligns with the curriculum and educational

2. Accessibility and usability: Learning objects and content should be designed to be

accessible to all learners, regardless of their abilities or learning preferences. This may
include features such as adjustable font sizes, color contrasts, and screen reader

3. Interactivity and engagement: Learning objects and content should be designed to be

engaging and interactive, promoting active learning and learner participation. This may
include the use of multimedia, simulations, and interactive quizzes.

4. Organization and structure: Learning objects and content should be organized and
structured in a logical and coherent manner that makes it easy for learners to navigate and
find the information they need. This may involve the use of tables of contents, menus, and

5. Assessment and feedback: Learning objects and content should be designed to provide
opportunities for assessment and feedback. This may include the use of quizzes, exams,
and assignments, as well as feedback mechanisms such as peer review and self-assessment.

In terms of management, learning objects and content should be regularly reviewed and updated to
ensure that they remain relevant and up-to-date. They should also be stored in a central location
that is easily accessible to educators and learners, and that supports collaborative content
development and sharing. Finally, effective management of learning objects and content requires
the use of appropriate technology and infrastructure to support delivery, tracking, and evaluation of
learning outcomes.

Question 7
Briefly describe the following different learning styles, and how to encourage learners:

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Theoretical learners Theoretical learners: These learners prefer to learn through analysis
and logical reasoning. They enjoy exploring ideas and concepts and
are interested in understanding the underlying principles. To
encourage theoretical learners, provide them with opportunities to
explore concepts in-depth, offer challenging problems to solve, and
encourage them to think critically.
Pragmatic learners Pragmatic learners: These learners prefer to learn through practical
experience and experimentation. They enjoy hands-on learning and are
interested in applying their knowledge in real-world situations. To
encourage pragmatic learners, provide them with opportunities to
work on real-world projects, allow them to experiment and apply their
knowledge in practical situations, and encourage them to ask questions
and seek feedback.
Activist learners Activist learners: These learners prefer to learn through involvement
and participation. They enjoy working with others, are interested in
taking on challenges and trying new things. To encourage activist
learners, provide them with opportunities to collaborate with others,
allow them to take ownership of their learning, and encourage them to
participate in group activities and discussions.
Reflective learners Reflective learners: These learners prefer to learn through self-
reflection and observation. They enjoy taking time to think and
process information before acting on it. To encourage reflective
learners, provide them with opportunities to reflect on their learning,
encourage them to keep a learning journal or diary, and provide them
with quiet spaces for thinking and reflection.
Kinaesthetic learners Kinaesthetic learners: These learners prefer to learn through physical
activity and movement. They enjoy hands-on learning and are
interested in using their bodies to express themselves. To encourage
kinaesthetic learners, provide them with opportunities to engage in
physical activities, use movement and gestures to reinforce learning,
and encourage them to use manipulatives or other tactile tools.
Audio learners Audio learners: These learners prefer to learn through sound and oral
communication. They enjoy listening to lectures, discussions, and
presentations. To encourage audio learners, provide them with
opportunities to listen to lectures and discussions, provide them with
audio recordings of lectures and presentations, and encourage them to
use text-to-speech tools.
Visual learners Visual learners: These learners prefer to learn through images and
visual aids. They enjoy watching videos, looking at pictures, and using
visual aids such as diagrams and charts. To encourage visual learners,
provide them with opportunities to watch videos and view images, use
visual aids to reinforce learning, and encourage them to create visual
representations of their learning.
Tactile learners Tactile learners: These learners prefer to learn through touch and
manipulation. They enjoy hands-on learning and are interested in
using their hands to create or manipulate objects. To encourage tactile
learners, provide them with opportunities to use manipulatives or other
tactile tools, encourage them to create physical representations of their
learning, and provide them with hands-on activities and projects.
Left and right brain Left and right brain learners: These learners are often associated with a

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learners preference for analytical and logical reasoning (left brain) or creative
and intuitive thinking (right brain). However, recent research suggests
that this distinction may not be as clear-cut as previously thought. To
encourage left and right brain learners, provide them with a variety of
learning activities that engage both analytical and creative thinking,
encourage them to explore and experiment with new ideas, and
provide opportunities for self-reflection and feedback.

Question 8
Briefly describe learning strategies, teaching, and assessment methods
1. Learning strategies: Learning strategies are techniques or methods that learners use to
improve their understanding and retention of information. Examples of learning strategies
include note-taking, summarizing, using mnemonics, and self-testing. Effective learning
strategies should be tailored to individual learners' needs and preferences and should be
used consistently over time.

2. Teaching methods: Teaching methods are the techniques or approaches that teachers use to
impart knowledge and facilitate learning. Examples of teaching methods include lecture-
based teaching, discussion-based teaching, project-based learning, and flipped learning.
Effective teaching methods should be aligned with the learning objectives and should be
adapted to meet the needs and preferences of individual learners.

3. Assessment methods: Assessment methods are the techniques or approaches that teachers
use to evaluate learners' knowledge, understanding, and skills. Examples of assessment
methods include quizzes, exams, essays, projects, and oral presentations. Effective
assessment methods should be aligned with the learning objectives and should provide
meaningful feedback to learners that can help them improve their performance.

Overall, effective learning, teaching, and assessment methods should be tailored to individual
learners' needs and preferences, should be aligned with the learning objectives, and should be used
consistently over time to ensure that learners can develop their knowledge, skills, and
understanding effectively.

Question 9
What research are available relating to:
a. Pedagogical theory and practice,
b. Learner interests and changing learning styles, and
c. Application of information and communications technology (ICT) to learning and teaching

Learning Available research

Pedagogical theory There is a wealth of research available on pedagogical theory and

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and practice, practice, covering a wide range of topics such as teaching methods,
assessment practices, curriculum design, and instructional design.
Some key areas of research include:
 Constructivist learning theory and its application to
instructional design
 Inquiry-based learning and its impact on student engagement
and achievement
 Differentiated instruction and its ability to meet the needs of
diverse learners
 Feedback and its impact on student learning and motivation
 Project-based learning and its impact on critical thinking and
problem-solving skills
 Flipped classroom models and their effectiveness in
promoting student-centered learning.

Learner interests and Research in this area focuses on how learners' interests and
changing learning preferences influence their learning experiences and outcomes. Some
styles, and key areas of research include:
 Learning style theory and its application to teaching and
 Student motivation and engagement and their impact on
learning outcomes
 Personalized learning and its ability to meet the needs of
individual learners
 Differentiated instruction and its ability to accommodate
diverse learning styles and interests
 Student-centered learning and its effectiveness in promoting
student engagement and achievement.
Application of Research in this area focuses on the use of technology to enhance
information and teaching and learning experiences. Some key areas of research
communications include:
technology (ICT) to
 Blended learning and its effectiveness in combining face-to-
learning and teaching
face instruction with online learning
 E-learning and its impact on student learning outcomes and
 Mobile learning and its ability to provide learning
opportunities anytime, anywhere
 Gamification and its effectiveness in promoting student
motivation and engagement
 Learning analytics and its ability to provide insights into
student learning behaviors and outcomes.

Question 10

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Outline the sources and availability of relevant learning resources and learning materials.
Learning resources and materials can come from a variety of sources, and their availability may
depend on factors such as location, budget, and the specific needs of learners. Some sources of
learning resources and materials include:

1. Textbooks and reference books: These are traditional print resources that can provide a
comprehensive overview of a particular subject or topic.

2. Online resources: The internet provides a wealth of free and paid learning resources and
materials, including articles, videos, podcasts, and interactive activities.

3. Learning management systems: Many educational institutions and organizations use

learning management systems (LMS) to provide learners with access to digital resources
and materials, including e-books, online courses, and multimedia resources.

4. Libraries: Public and academic libraries often have a wide range of learning resources and
materials, including print and digital books, journals, and databases.

5. Educational publishers: Educational publishers produce a variety of learning resources and

materials, including textbooks, e-books, and interactive resources, that are available for
purchase or through subscription.

6. Open educational resources: Open educational resources (OERs) are free, openly licensed
educational materials that can be used and modified by educators and learners. These
resources can include textbooks, videos, and other multimedia resources.

Availability of these resources and materials may vary depending on factors such as location,
budget, and access to technology. Educational institutions and organizations may provide access to
resources and materials for their learners, while others may need to seek out resources on their own.

Question 11
Explain the theory and practice relating to adult learning
The theory and practice of adult learning, also known as andragogy, emphasizes the unique
characteristics and needs of adult learners. There are several key principles that guide this approach
to learning:
1. Self-directed learning: Adult learners are self-directed and motivated by the desire to
achieve specific goals or solve problems that are relevant to their lives and work.
2. Prior experience and knowledge: Adult learners bring a wealth of prior experience and
knowledge to the learning process, which can be leveraged to facilitate new learning.
3. Relevance and practicality: Adult learners are more likely to engage in learning that is
relevant and applicable to their personal and professional lives.
4. Collaborative learning: Adult learners benefit from opportunities to engage in collaborative
learning experiences that allow them to share their perspectives and learn from others.
5. Reflective learning: Adult learners benefit from opportunities to reflect on their learning
experiences and connect new knowledge to their prior experience and knowledge.
The practice of adult learning is often characterized by flexible and adaptive learning environments

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that allow learners to engage in self-directed learning, collaborate with peers, and receive
personalized feedback and support. Some key practices in adult learning include:
1. Prior learning assessment: Adult learners are given the opportunity to demonstrate their
prior knowledge and experience to receive credit for previously learned material.
2. Competency-based education: Learning is designed around specific competencies that
learners are expected to demonstrate mastery of.
3. Experiential learning: Adult learners engage in learning experiences that involve real-world
problems and scenarios.
4. Blended learning: Learning is delivered through a mix of online and face-to-face modalities
to allow for flexibility and accessibility.
Overall, the theory and practice of adult learning emphasizes the unique needs and characteristics
of adult learners, and seeks to provide a learning environment that is relevant, engaging, and

Question 12
Briefly describe the following training techniques that enhance learning and when to use

Training types Training techniques

Instruction and explanation Instruction and explanation: This technique involves providing
learners with clear and concise instructions and explanations of the
concepts, skills, and tasks they need to learn. It is effective when
learners are new to a topic and need a foundation of knowledge
before moving on to more complex tasks.
Questioning Questioning: This technique involves asking learners questions to
encourage critical thinking and promote active engagement in the
learning process. It is effective when learners need to apply their
knowledge to real-world scenarios and make decisions.
Practice Practice: This technique involves providing learners with
opportunities to practice their skills and apply their knowledge. It is
effective when learners need to develop proficiency in a particular
skill or task.
Written information Written information: This technique involves providing learners with
written materials, such as manuals, handouts, and guides. It is
effective when learners need to review information at their own pace
or when access to digital resources is limited.
Group, pair, and team Group, pair, and team activities: This technique involves organizing
activities learners into small groups or pairs to work on collaborative projects
or activities. It is effective when learners need to develop
interpersonal skills and learn how to work effectively in teams.
Individual activities Individual activities: This technique involves providing learners with
individual learning activities, such as self-assessments, reflection
exercises, and independent research. It is effective when learners
need to develop self-directed learning skills and take ownership of
their learning.
Demonstration. Demonstration: This technique involves showing learners how to

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perform a particular task or skill. It is effective when learners need to

develop a visual understanding of how to perform a task or skill, or
when complex or dangerous equipment is involved.

---End of Written Task Activities---

Provide references to education materials you have used to develop your answers. A reference list
lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list is to allow your
sources to be found by your reader (assessor). It also gives credit to authors you have consulted for
their ideas. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are your own and which
are someone else's, shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting evidence for your
ideas, arguments, and opinions. allows others to identify the sources you have used.

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Assessment Task 2
Case Study (Skills and Knowledge Application)
Using the simulated workplace and the scenario in the appendix, provide solutions to initiate, and
implement, practices that support the improvement of learning strategies in an organisational context.
Policies and procedure manual of simulated workplace must be used as the policies and procedures of
the workplace to undertake the following task.
Your role
You work as the manager for the simulated workplace with responsibility for ensuring an organisation
is positioned to conform its long-term viability and success and to initiate, and implement, practices
that support the improvement of learning strategies in an organisational context.

Your Task
Evaluate ways to improve learning practice and manage and monitor the means to improve learning of
simulated workplace
Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to initiate, and
implement, practices that support the improvement of learning strategies in a simulated workplace
1. Access simulated workplace policies and procedures and use the business plan and relevant
policies and procedures to undertake this task.
Customer service policy
Quality assurance policy
Workplace culture policy
Performance evaluation policy
Training and development policy
Health and safety policy

2. Read the case study in appendix and evaluate ways to improve learning practice by
conducting following reviews:
a. Evaluate advances in learning practice within a given vocational, training,
educational or content area.
b. Review existing learning practice and develop a new improved approach of learning
c. Test existing learning practice to challenge and test new improved approaches.

a. Advances in learning practice within a given vocational, training, educational, or content

area refer to new and innovative methods that are being used to enhance the learning
experience. These could include technologies such as virtual and augmented reality,
gamification, and adaptive learning algorithms. To evaluate these advances, you could conduct
research on the latest trends in the industry, attend professional development events, and
consult with experts in the field. It's important to consider the effectiveness, efficiency, and
practicality of these new approaches before implementing them.
b. To review existing learning practice and develop a new improved approach, it's important to
first identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current approach. This could be done through
surveys, focus groups, or data analysis. Once the current approach has been evaluated, you can
start developing a new approach that addresses the weaknesses and builds on the strengths.
This could involve incorporating new technologies or teaching methods, changing the
structure of the course, or adjusting the curriculum to better meet the needs of the learners.
c. Testing existing learning practice to challenge and test new improved approaches is a
critical step in the development process. This can be done through pilot studies, A/B testing, or

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other forms of experimentation. By comparing the results of the existing approach with the
new approach, you can determine which approach is more effective and make further
adjustments as necessary. It's important to gather feedback from learners and instructors
throughout this process to ensure that the new approach is meeting their needs and

3. Analyse case study and identify at least three contextual needs of relevant individuals,
interests, abilities, and relationships with the learning practice.

1. Personal Interests: Personal interests play a critical role in learning. When

individuals are interested in the subject matter, they are more likely to engage in
the learning process and be motivated to learn. Teachers and instructors can
cater to learners' interests by incorporating relevant topics and activities that
appeal to them.
2. Learning Abilities: Everyone has different learning abilities and styles, and it is
important to recognize these differences and accommodate them. For instance,
some learners may prefer visual aids, while others may learn best through
hands-on activities or listening. By recognizing these differences, instructors
can design their teaching methods to suit the learning styles of individual
3. Relationships with the Learning Practice: The relationship that learners have
with the learning practice can significantly impact their motivation and
engagement. When learners feel a sense of connection with the learning
process, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated. Instructors can
create a positive learning environment that fosters collaboration, respect, and a
sense of community to facilitate the development of positive relationships
between learners and the learning practice.

4. Using computer and Internet, conduct research and

a. identify at least two appropriate learning theories and two instructional design
principles that can improve learning practice of Australian Constructions.
b. current vocational, training, and educational learning strategies and
c. assess learner styles with respect to the appropriateness of current VET learning

a. Two appropriate learning theories that can improve the learning practice of
Australian Constructions are:
 Social learning theory: This theory suggests that people learn from observing
and modeling others. In the construction industry, social learning can be
facilitated through apprenticeships, mentorship programs, and on-the-job
training, where learners can observe experienced workers and develop skills
through hands-on practice.
 Cognitive load theory: This theory focuses on the amount of mental effort
required for learning and suggests that learning is more effective when the
cognitive load is optimized. In the construction industry, this can be achieved
by breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps,
providing clear and concise instructions, and avoiding unnecessary distractions.

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 Two instructional design principles that can improve the learning practice of
Australian Constructions are:
 Authenticity: Learning is more effective when it is relevant to real-life
situations. Instructional designers can create learning experiences that simulate
real-world scenarios and provide learners with opportunities to apply their
knowledge and skills in practical settings.
 Active learning: Learning is more effective when learners are actively engaged
in the process. Instructional designers can incorporate activities such as group
discussions, problem-solving tasks, and hands-on exercises to encourage
learners to take an active role in their learning.
b. Current vocational, training, and educational learning strategies in the construction
industry include apprenticeships, on-the-job training, classroom-based training, and
e-learning. These strategies aim to provide learners with the necessary knowledge
and skills to perform their job roles effectively.
c. To assess learner styles with respect to the appropriateness of current VET learning
strategies, instructional designers can use learning style inventories, such as the VARK
questionnaire, to identify learners' preferences for visual, auditory, reading/writing, and
kinesthetic learning. Based on this information, instructional designers can tailor their
learning activities to cater to the diverse learning needs of their learners. For example,
learners who prefer visual learning can benefit from diagrams, charts, and videos, while
learners who prefer kinesthetic learning can benefit from hands-on activities and

5. Identify the chosen qualifications and compare the learning practice to ensure learning
practice reflects the qualification requirements.

1. Review the training package and the qualifications to gain an understanding of

the expected knowledge and skills.
2. Identify the units of competency included in the qualification and ensure that
the learning practice covers all of them.
3. Determine the assessment methods required by the qualification and ensure that
the learning practice prepares learners for those assessments.
4. Identify any industry-specific requirements or regulations that need to be
incorporated into the learning practice.
5. Ensure that the learning practice aligns with the Australian Qualifications
Framework (AQF) and the relevant industry standards.
6. Review and update the learning practice regularly to ensure that it remains up-
to-date and relevant to the qualification and industry requirements.

6. Identify new technologies for learning and evaluate the role of technologies and how they
impact learning techniques.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI has the ability to personalize learning by

adapting to the needs and abilities of individual learners. AI algorithms can

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analyze data on student performance and provide personalized

recommendations for content, pace, and learning activities.
2. Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR): VR/AR can create immersive
learning experiences that allow learners to interact with digital objects and
environments. This technology can be used in vocational training to simulate
work environments, equipment, and processes.
3. Mobile Learning: Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have made
learning more accessible and flexible, allowing learners to access educational
content anytime, anywhere.
4. Gamification: Gamification involves incorporating game-like elements such as
points, badges, and leaderboards into learning activities to motivate and engage
 The role of technology in learning is to enhance and support the learning process,
not replace it. The use of technology should be driven by learning objectives and
should align with the learning theories and instructional design principles being
used. Technology can enable learners to engage with content in new ways and can
provide opportunities for collaboration, feedback, and assessment.
 However, it's important to recognize that not all learners have access to the same
technology or have the same level of digital literacy. It's important to consider the
accessibility and inclusivity of learning technologies and to provide support and
training for learners to ensure they can use the technology effectively.

7. Identify how learners currently learn and prepare to plan improved learning practice for the

 To identify how learners currently learn and plan improved learning practice for the
workplace, it is important to conduct a needs analysis to determine the current skills
and knowledge of the learners, their learning preferences, and any gaps that need to
be filled. This can be done through various methods such as surveys, focus groups,
interviews, and observation.
 Once the needs analysis has been conducted, the next step is to plan the improved
learning practice for the workplace. This can involve incorporating a range of
instructional strategies and techniques, including:
1. Blended learning: This approach combines traditional classroom learning with
online learning, providing learners with the flexibility to learn at their own pace
and in their own time.
2. Active learning: This approach focuses on engaging learners in the learning
process by using interactive activities such as group discussions, case studies,
and problem-solving exercises.
3. Personalized learning: This approach is tailored to the individual needs and
interests of learners, allowing them to learn at their own pace and in a way that
suits their learning style.
4. Gamification: This approach involves using game-like elements such as points,
badges, and leaderboards to motivate learners and make learning more

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5. Microlearning: This approach involves breaking down learning content into

small, bite-sized chunks that can be easily absorbed and retained by learners.
 By incorporating these instructional strategies and techniques, learners can be
engaged in their learning, acquire new skills and knowledge, and transfer them to
the workplace.

8. Develop a structured plan for improved learning practice based on the experience and
personal interests of the learner

 Developing a structured plan for improved learning practice involves several steps,
such as:
1. Define the learning goals: Identify the specific skills, knowledge, and attitudes
that the learner needs to acquire or improve on. This could be based on the
learner's job role, career goals, or personal interests.
2. Assess the learner's current knowledge and skills: Conduct a needs analysis or
diagnostic assessment to identify the learner's strengths and weaknesses in
relation to the learning goals.
3. Select appropriate learning resources: Identify the most appropriate learning
resources (e.g. textbooks, videos, online courses, workshops, mentoring, etc.)
that align with the learning goals and the learner's preferred learning style.
4. Develop a learning schedule: Create a structured plan that outlines the learning
activities, milestones, and deadlines. This should be realistic and flexible
enough to accommodate any unforeseen changes.
5. Establish feedback mechanisms: Provide regular feedback and support to the
learner to help them stay on track and address any learning gaps or challenges.
6. Evaluate progress: Regularly review the learner's progress and assess the
effectiveness of the learning practice. Use this feedback to make any necessary
adjustments or improvements to the learning plan.
 Overall, the structured plan should be designed to support the learner's ongoing
development and help them achieve their learning goals in a way that is both
engaging and effective.

9. Identify and describe at least three monitoring methods of improved learning practice.

1. Formative assessments: Formative assessments are designed to track learning

progress as it happens, and provide ongoing feedback to learners. These
assessments can take many forms, including quizzes, homework assignments,
classroom discussions, and peer reviews. They allow instructors to identify
areas where learners may need additional support, and adjust instruction to meet
those needs.
2. Self-reflection: Encouraging learners to reflect on their learning experiences can
be a valuable tool for monitoring progress. Self-reflection can take many forms,
such as journaling, group discussions, or one-on-one meetings with an
instructor. Through self-reflection, learners can identify their strengths and

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weaknesses, set goals for themselves, and develop strategies for continued
3. Observations: Observations can be an effective way to monitor learning practice
in real-time. Instructors can observe learners as they work on tasks, participate
in group discussions, or engage in other learning activities. This allows
instructors to identify areas where learners may be struggling, and provide
targeted support and feedback. Observations can also help instructors to identify
areas where their instructional practices may need to be adjusted to better meet
the needs of learners.

10. Role-play activity. Refer to next page for instructions. Meet with the CEO (your assessor)
in a role-play consultation meeting to discuss and explore requirements and to make
recommendations to improve practice.

Australian Construction CEO: Hello, how can I assist you today?

You: Hello, I would like to discuss some ways to improve learning practice at Australian
CEO: Sure, I am happy to help. What do you have in mind?
You: First, I suggest we implement a blended learning approach that combines both face-to-face and
online learning. This will provide learners with more flexibility and access to learning materials at any
CEO: That's a great idea. How do you plan to manage and monitor the process?
You: We can use a learning management system to track learner progress and provide feedback.
Additionally, we can have regular check-ins with learners to discuss any challenges they may be
facing and provide additional support if needed.
CEO: Sounds good. How do you plan to improve learning?
You: We can focus on developing learner-centered activities that are relevant to their interests and
needs. This can include project-based learning, gamification, and simulations. We can also
incorporate real-life scenarios to make learning more practical.
CEO: Excellent suggestions. How do you plan to advocate for improved learning practice?
You: We can start by showcasing success stories and testimonials from learners who have benefited
from the improved learning practice. Additionally, we can involve managers and leaders in the
learning process and provide them with training on how to support and encourage learners.

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CEO: Great approach. How do you plan to mentor colleagues to promote learning practice?
You: We can create a mentorship program that pairs experienced colleagues with learners who need
additional support. Additionally, we can provide training to colleagues on how to mentor effectively
and encourage them to share their own experiences and knowledge with learners.
CEO: That sounds like a comprehensive plan. Do you have any other suggestions?
You: Lastly, I suggest we seek feedback from learners and colleagues regularly to identify areas for
improvement and make adjustments as needed. This will ensure that we are continuously improving
our learning practice.
CEO: I appreciate your suggestions and I think this plan will be very beneficial for our learners. Let's
move forward with it and continue to work together to improve learning practice at Australian

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Role-play -
This activity refers to Activity 10 of your task

This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your
assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with
Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being You undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral
observed communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant manager.
Assumptions to be made Your assessor plays the role of CEO.
Persons involved You and the assessor.
Involvement and Respond to the role-player with responses according to case study information
contribution from role- and task activity of the unit of competency. Assessor is to respond with
play participants. accuracy and relevancy of meeting to discuss and explore requirements and to
make recommendations to improve practice.
Timing for the role- 7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional time
play: required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform
Conditions under which Skills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by
the observation is assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those
conducted in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:
 Workplace or simulated workplace policies and procedures
 relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codes
 workplace documentation and resources relevant to required performance
Foundation skills and  Take active role in role-play and communicate
observable application  Elicit information, explore requirements to improve learning practice
of skills.  Make recommendations to improve learning practice
 Collaborate with role-play participants
 Share knowledge, and experience with role-play participants to develop
improved practice

Activities to perform in the role-play (required observable application of skills)

10. Meet with the CEO (your assessor) in a role-play consultation meeting to discuss and explore
requirements and to make recommendations to improve practice.
a. Discuss ways in which to improve learning practice
b. Explain how the process will be managed and monitored
c. Describe how learning will be improved
d. Describe how improved learning practice will be advocated for
e. Describe how colleagues will be mentored in order to promote learning practice.
f. Seek feedback and respond to feedback.

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Consultation documentation table

Organisation Name

Consultation Officer

Date of consultation

Consultation Topic

Objective of consultation Consulted Information received Responses to consultation

Stakeholder from stakeholder feedback received

---End of Case Study Task Activities---

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Self-Assessment Checklist

Note: The following checklist is for you to confirm your work completion as well as
performance and demonstration of skills. Ensure you carefully check, and tick as completed
and performed before submitting written evidence and while demonstrating skills during
performing the task.
Completed as
Assessment Task Activity

Case Study Yes No

1 Access simulated workplace policies and procedures and use the business
☐ ☐
plan and relevant policies and procedures to undertake this task.
2 Read the case study in appendix and evaluate ways to improve learning
☐ ☐
practice by conducting following reviews:
a. Evaluate advances in learning practice within a given
vocational, training, educational or content area.
b. Review existing learning practice and develop a new
improved approach of learning practice.
c. Test existing learning practice to challenge and test new
improved approaches.

3 Analyse case study and identify at least three contextual needs of relevant
☐ ☐
individuals, interests, abilities, and relationships with the learning practice.
4 Using computer and Internet, conduct research and:
☐ ☐
a. identify at least two appropriate learning theories and two
instructional design principles that can improve learning
practice of Australian Constructions.
b. current vocational, training, and educational learning
strategies and
c. assess learner styles with respect to the appropriateness of
current VET learning strategies.

5 Identify the chosen qualifications and compare the learning practice to

☐ ☐
ensure learning practice reflects the qualification requirements.
6 Identify new technologies for learning and evaluate the role of technologies
☐ ☐
and how they impact learning techniques.
7 Identify how learners currently learn and prepare to plan improved learning
☐ ☐
practice for the workplace.
8 Develop a structured plan for improved learning practice based on the
☐ ☐
experience and personal interests of the learner
9 Identify and describe at least three monitoring methods of improved learning
☐ ☐
10 Role-play activity. Refer to next page for instructions. Meet with the CEO
☐ ☐
(your assessor) in a role-play consultation meeting to discuss the resources
requirements and clarify the nature and level of resources required according
to business plan.

Assessment Task 3

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Project (Skills and Knowledge Application)

This role-play assessment is an alternative to assess that allows you to engage with your learning in
more concrete ways. This task is more than application of theory and a hands-on task for you to apply
what you have learned in a real workplace or simulated workplace environment .
As part of development and implementation of improved learning practice, you have evaluated ways
to improve learning practice and managed and monitored the means to improve learning in task 2. In
this task, you analyse and advance the adoption of improved learning practice for the simulated
Your role
You work as the manager for the simulated workplace with responsibility for ensuring an organisation
is positioned to conform its long-term viability and success and to initiate, and implement, practices
that support the improvement of learning strategies in an organisational context.

Your Task
Complete the following workplace activities demonstrating skills and knowledge to initiate, and
implement, practices that support the improvement of learning strategies in an organisational context:
Project written work
1. Read the case study and identify the experience and personal interests of the learner


 Some experience with programming and software development.

 Some experience with web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
 Some experience with relational databases.
Personal interests:

 Interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and machine learning.

 Interested in developing skills in data analysis and visualization.
 Interested in exploring new technologies and tools related to software development and
data science.

2. Use improved learning practice you have prepared in task 2 including relevant policies and
procedures to undertake this task.

1. Use learner-centered approach: Focus on the learner's needs, interests, and goals. Use open-
ended questions, active listening, and reflective feedback to engage the learner and gain a
better understanding of their experiences and interests.
2. Use assessment tools: Use assessment tools such as surveys, questionnaires, or self-
assessment exercises to gather information about the learner's skills, knowledge, and
interests. This can help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.
3. Personalize learning: Based on the learner's experience and interests, personalize the
learning experience by providing relevant content and activities that are meaningful and
engaging. Use different teaching methods such as visual aids, hands-on activities, and

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collaborative learning to cater to different learning styles.

4. Provide feedback and support: Provide regular feedback to the learner on their progress and
offer support and guidance when needed. Encourage self-reflection and self-directed
learning by providing opportunities for the learner to set goals and monitor their own
5. Follow relevant policies and procedures: Follow relevant policies and procedures related to
data privacy, confidentiality, and ethics when collecting and using information about the
learner. This includes obtaining the learner's consent, ensuring the security of their personal
information, and using it only for the purpose for which it was collected.

3. Using the provided learner characteristics in the case study in appendix, develop improved
vocational, training, and educational (VET) learning practice.
Learner characteristics Improved vocational, training, and educational
(VET) learning practice
1. Recognition of prior learning. Offer 1. Diverse backgrounds and learning styles.
opportunities for learners to Vary the teaching methods to
demonstrate their existing knowledge accommodate different learning styles and
and skills and receive credit for prior use culturally responsive teaching
learning through competency-based strategies to acknowledge diverse
assessments. backgrounds.
2. Inclusive and accessible learning. 2. Limited prior knowledge and experience.
Ensure that all materials, resources, Begin with foundational concepts and
and learning environments are provide opportunities for hands-on learning
accessible to all learners, including to build skills and confidence gradually.
those with disabilities and those who 3. Motivated and goal-oriented. Work with
speak languages other than English. learners to establish clear goals and
3. Industry-relevant and up-to-date. objectives and provide regular feedback
Stay current with industry trends and and encouragement to keep them
standards to ensure that the motivated.
curriculum is relevant and up-to- 4. Limited time availability. Offer flexible
date, and that learners are equipped scheduling options and self-paced learning
with the latest skills and knowledge modules to allow learners to complete their
needed to succeed in their chosen training at their own pace and on their own
field. time.
5. Technology-savvy. Utilize digital tools and
resources to enhance the learning
experience, such as interactive online
modules, virtual simulations, and social
media groups.
6. Practical application-oriented. Design the
curriculum to include real-world scenarios
and opportunities for learners to apply their
knowledge and skills in practical
Need for collaboration and networking.
Foster a supportive learning environment
that encourages peer-to-peer learning,
group projects, and networking
opportunities with industry professionals.

4. Determine and describe how you advocate for improved VET learning practice for the
simulated workplace.

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1. Conducting research: Before advocating for improved VET learning practice, it is essential

to have a thorough understanding of the current state of the industry, the challenges faced

by learners and trainers, and the areas that require improvement. Research can be

conducted through surveys, interviews, literature reviews, and analysis of data and


2. Building partnerships: To bring about change in the VET sector, it is crucial to collaborate

with industry stakeholders, including employers, industry associations, education

providers, and government bodies. Building partnerships with these groups can help in

identifying common goals, creating awareness about the need for change, and developing

strategies for improvement.

3. Advocacy and lobbying: Advocacy involves promoting the interests of learners, trainers,

and the industry in general. This can be achieved through lobbying policymakers and

government officials, presenting evidence-based research, and highlighting the benefits of

improved VET learning practice. Advocacy can also involve raising awareness among the

general public, media outlets, and other stakeholders.

4. Developing and implementing policy: Developing policies and guidelines that support

improved VET learning practice is critical to driving change in the industry. These policies

should be evidence-based, taking into account the needs and challenges of learners,

trainers, and the industry. Implementation of these policies will require collaboration

between government, industry, and education providers.

5. Providing professional development: Providing ongoing professional development

opportunities for trainers and assessors is critical to maintaining high-quality VET learning

practice. These opportunities should focus on improving trainers' knowledge and skills in

teaching, assessment, and industry-specific content. Professional development should be

supported by industry associations, education providers, and government bodies.

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5. Conduct further research of improved learning practice as an initiative to improve learning

practice further in accordance with developing learning requirements of the organisation.

1. Review existing literature: Conduct a thorough review of the existing literature on

improved learning practices in VET. This can include academic journals, books, reports,

and other relevant publications.

2. Consult with experts: Identify experts in the field of VET and seek their opinions and

recommendations on improved learning practices. This can be done through interviews,

surveys, or focus groups.

3. Analyze current practices: Analyze the current learning practices in the organization and

identify areas that require improvement. This can be done through an internal audit or by

seeking feedback from learners and trainers.

4. Benchmark with industry standards: Benchmark the organization's learning practices with

industry standards and best practices. This can be done by researching and analyzing the

learning practices of other organizations in the same industry.

5. Develop a plan: Based on the research findings, develop a plan for improving the

organization's learning practices. The plan should include specific actions to be taken,

timelines, and responsibilities.

6. Implement and evaluate: Implement the plan and monitor its progress regularly. Evaluate

the effectiveness of the improved learning practices and make adjustments as necessary.

7. Continuous improvement: Maintain a culture of continuous improvement by regularly

reviewing and updating the organization's learning practices to ensure they remain relevant

and effective.

6. Identify real-world situations from case study and design improved learning practice.

1. Developing safety procedures: As mentioned in the case study, the company has a high rate

of workplace accidents, and it is crucial to develop safety procedures that can minimize the

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risk of accidents. Improved learning practice could involve designing interactive training

sessions that teach workers how to identify and avoid potential hazards on the job. The

training could include virtual simulations and real-life scenarios that help workers

understand the importance of safety procedures.

2. Developing technical skills: The case study mentions that the company has invested in new

technology, and it is essential for workers to have the necessary technical skills to operate

the equipment. Improved learning practice could involve designing hands-on training

sessions that provide workers with practical experience using the technology. The training

could also include troubleshooting and problem-solving exercises that help workers

understand how to operate the equipment efficiently.

3. Developing communication skills: The case study mentions that there is a lack of

communication between workers and management, which can lead to misunderstandings

and errors. Improved learning practice could involve designing training sessions that focus

on developing effective communication skills. The training could include role-playing

exercises and group discussions that teach workers how to express themselves clearly and

listen actively.

4. Developing leadership skills: The case study mentions that the company is experiencing a

shortage of skilled workers and is looking to promote workers to leadership positions.

Improved learning practice could involve designing leadership training programs that

provide workers with the necessary skills to manage and motivate teams. The training

could include modules on effective communication, conflict resolution, and goal-setting.

7. Develop procedures to test above design of improved learning practice in real-world

1. Pilot testing: The designed learning practice can be tested in a small-scale pilot study to

identify any potential issues or improvements needed before implementing it on a larger

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2. Data collection: Data can be collected from the learners to determine the effectiveness of

the learning practice. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

3. Assessment: The learners can be assessed to determine whether they have achieved the

desired learning outcomes. This can be done through written or practical assessments.

4. Feedback and evaluation: Regular feedback and evaluation can be conducted to identify

areas of improvement and to ensure that the learning practice is meeting the needs of the


5. Continuous improvement: Based on the feedback and evaluation, the learning practice can

be refined and improved to ensure that it remains effective and relevant to the learners'


6. Implementation: Once the learning practice has been tested and refined, it can be

implemented on a larger scale, and the procedures can be updated accordingly

8. Identify individuals who need supports in improved learning practice.

some groups that may benefit from additional support include learners with disabilities or learning
difficulties, learners who speak English as a second language, learners who are unfamiliar with
technology, learners who struggle with time management or organization, and learners who require
additional support in order to complete their training or education. It is important to assess the
individual needs of each learner and provide appropriate support to ensure they can effectively
engage with the improved learning practice.

9. Develop a mentoring plan to mentor colleagues to promote improved learning practice in the
organisation. Use the assessment template provided in appendix 2.

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Mentoring plan
Mentor John Smith Mentee/s Jane Doe

Mentoring period April 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023

Mentees learning goal To develop skills in project management and implementation of

improved learning practices in the organization.

Mentoring method/s Regular meetings and coaching sessions

Learning objective Mentoring strategy Timeframe

To understand project  April 5, 2023: First meeting to discuss Provide

management principles and mentee's learning goals and develop an resources on
develop skills in action plan project
implementing improved  April 15, 2023: Provide resources on management
learning practices in the project management principles principles,
organization.  May 1, 2023: Coaching session to discuss share
progress and provide feedback personal
 May 15, 2023: Shadowing session to experiences
observe mentor's project management and best
practices practices,
 June 1, 2023: Coaching session to discuss and provide
challenges and solutions in implementing feedback on
improved learning practices mentee's
 June 30, 2023: Final meeting to evaluate progress.
progress and develop next steps.

Role-play – Mentoring session for 5-7 minutes per candidate

10. Organise a role-play setting as directed and agreed by the assessor and play the following
a. Using above mentoring plan, conduct a mentoring session for one colleague of the
simulated workplace.
b. Describe learning objectives and your mentoring strategy.
c. Explain current learning practice
d. Describe how to improve future learning practices.

Mentor: Hi John, how are you today?

John: I'm good, thanks.
Mentor: Great. So, today, we're going to have a mentoring session as part of your professional
development. Can you tell me your learning goals for this session?
John: Well, I want to improve my knowledge and skills in project management.
Mentor: Alright. To achieve that, we need to assess your current learning practice. Can you describe
your current approach to learning and development?
John: Usually, I just attend training sessions or read up on materials on my own. I don't really have a
structured plan for learning.

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Mentor: I see. Well, for our mentoring sessions, we'll start by identifying your learning needs and then
develop a plan to address those needs. We'll also set specific objectives for each session.
John: That sounds good. What's our first objective for today's session?
Mentor: Our objective for this session is to develop a plan to improve your project management skills.
We'll start by assessing your current skill set and identifying areas that need improvement. Then, we'll
develop a plan that includes training, mentoring, and practical experience.
John: Okay. How do we go about assessing my skills?
Mentor: We'll use a skills assessment tool that will help us identify your strengths and areas for
improvement. We'll also look at your performance on previous projects to see where you may need
more support.
John: That makes sense. What's the next step after that?
Mentor: After we identify your learning needs, we'll develop a plan that includes a mix of training,
mentoring, and practical experience. We'll also set specific goals and objectives for each component
of the plan, so you know exactly what you need to achieve.
John: Alright. I think I understand. What do you think will be the best way to deliver the training and
Mentor: We'll use a combination of methods, including one-on-one mentoring sessions, group
training, and on-the-job experience. We'll also provide you with access to relevant resources, such as
books, articles, and online courses.
John: That sounds great. How long do you think this plan will take?
Mentor: It will depend on your progress and the level of support you need. But we can review and
adjust the plan regularly to ensure that it's working for you.
John: Thank you for your guidance, Mentor. I'm looking forward to the journey ahead.
Mentor: You're welcome, John. I'm here to support you every step of the way.

---End of Project Work---

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Student Name
Student ID

Role-play -
This activity refers to Activity 10 of your task

This part is a role-play where you must organise role-play settings as agreed and facilitated by your
assessor for a consultation meeting including training room place, tables, chairs, a computer with
Internet, papers, pens, and any other resources as required.

Details of the task being You undertake the active part of the task participating and using oral
observed communication skills in a consultation meeting with relevant manager.
Assumptions to be made Your fellow trainees play the role s of Jaycob, Toby, Nancy, and Chong.
Persons involved You and at least two trainees from your training group.
Involvement and Respond to the role-player with responses according to case study information
contribution from role- and task activity of the unit of competency. Assessor is to respond with
play participants. accuracy and relevancy of how colleagues are mentored in order to promote
learning practice.
Timing for the role- 7 – 10 minutes per candidate plus your assessor will decide any additional time
play: required based on your participation behaviour and ability to perform
Conditions under which Skills in this assessment are demonstrated by the candidate and observed by
the observation is assessor in a simulated environment where the conditions are typical of those
conducted in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:
 Workplace or simulated workplace policies and procedures
 relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and codes
 workplace documentation and resources relevant to required performance
Foundation skills and  Take active role in role-play and communicate
observable application  Elicit information, explore requirements to improve learning practice
of skills.  Make recommendations to improve learning practice
 Collaborate with role-play participants
 Share knowledge, and experience with role-play participants to develop
improved practice

Activities to perform in the role-play (required observable application of skills)

10. Organise a role-play setting as directed and agreed by the assessor and play the following
a. Using above mentoring plan, conduct a mentoring session for one colleague of the
simulated workplace.
b. Describe learning objectives and your mentoring strategy.
c. Explain current learning practice
d. Describe how to improve future learning practices.

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Student Name
Student ID

Self Assessment Checklist

Note: The following checklist is for you to confirm your work completion as well as
performance and demonstration of skills. Ensure you carefully check, and tick as completed
and performed before submitting written evidence and while demonstrating skills during
performing the task.
Completed as
Assessment Task Activity

Project written work

Yes No
1 Read the case study and identify the experience and personal interests of the ☐ ☐
2 and use improved learning practice you have prepared in task 2 including ☐ ☐
relevant policies and procedures to undertake this task.
3 Using the provided learner characteristics in the case study in appendix, ☐ ☐
develop improved vocational, training and educational (VET) learning
4 Determine and describe how you advocate for improved VET learning ☐ ☐
practice for the simulated workplace.
5 Conduct further research improved learning practice as an initiative to ☐ ☐
improve learning practice further in accordance with developing learning
requirements of the organisation.
6 Identify real-world situations from case study and design improved learning ☐ ☐
7 Develop procedures to test above design of improved learning practice in ☐ ☐
real-world situations.
8 Identify individuals who need supports in improved learning practice. ☐ ☐
9 Develop a mentoring plan to mentor colleagues to promote improved ☐ ☐
learning practice in the organisation.
Role-play – Mentoring session for 5-7 minutes per candidate

10 Organise a role-play setting as directed and agreed by the assessor and play ☐ ☐
the following role:
a. Using above mentoring plan, conduct a mentoring session
for one colleague of the simulated workplace.
b. Describe learning objectives and your mentoring strategy.
c. Explain current learning practice
d. Describe how to improve future learning practices.

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1
Student Name
Student ID

(For task 1, 2 & 3)
A reference list lists only the sources you refer to in your writing. The purpose of the reference list
is to allow your sources to be found by your reader (assessor). It also gives credit to authors you
have consulted for their ideas. It helps you to avoid plagiarism by making it clear which ideas are
your own and which are someone else's, shows your understanding of the topic, gives supporting
evidence for your ideas, arguments, and opinions. allows others to identify the sources you have
used. For example, you can use any of the following styles,
Harvard Style
1. Website with an author - Author surname, initials (Year), article title, website name,
Available at: http://website, accessed 10 March 2021.
2. Website without author and no date - Article title (n.d.), website name, Available at:
http://website, accessed 10 March 2021.
3. Book with no author - Title of book, edition (edn), Volume number or number of volumes,
Publisher, Place of publication, page number(s) if applicable.
4. Book with one author - Author, A (Year), Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication.
5. Book with two or three authors - Authors, AA, Author, BB & Author, CC (Year), Title of
book, Publisher, Place of publication.
APA Style
1. Website with an author – Murray, G. (2005). A duty of care to children and young people in
Western Australia: Report on the quality assurance and review of unsubstantiated allegations of
abuse in care: 1 April 2004 to 12 September 2005. Western Australia, Department of Child
2. Website without author and with date - Australia. Department of Health and Aged Care.
(2000). National youth suicide prevention strategy.
3. Whole Internet Site - Goldberg, I. (2000). Dr. Ivan's depression central.
4. Book with an author - Wells, A. (2009). Metacognitive therapy for anxiety and depression in
psychology. Guilford Press.
5. Book with no author - The Blackwell dictionary of cognitive psychology. (1991). Blackwell.
List all references used for assessment task 1, 2 and 3 below (if any)

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Institute of Business and Management (Victoria) | CRICOS: 03785D| TOID: 445516 | | Version 1.1

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