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Results and Discussions

Missionaries and Cannibals is a well-structured problem that has specific goals, a

clearly defined solution paths and clear expected solutions.
There are 3 participants and they have 5 attempts to solve the missionaries and
cannibals game. Each attempt is being timer to get the time they consume in each attempt.

Based on the results of the 3 participants, it shows that participants 1 and 2 solve the
game in just first attempt in less than a minute and participant 3 got 4 attempts in three
minutes and forty-eight seconds which took a bit longer compared to participants 1 and 2.
In conclusion, participants 1 and 2 solve the problem right away while participant 3
struggles in solving the problem. That concludes participant 1 and 2 is focusing on accurate
information of the problem than participant 3 who pays more attention to the wrong
The factors that might be the influence in the accuracy and inaccuracy are possibly
distractions both externally and internally, not listening attentively to the instructions given,
not in his/her best mental and emotional state to solve the problem or lack of capacity to
understand easily the instructions.
In thoughts and general feeling state, participant 1 and 2 is like more chill and
determine to answer immediately the game for the to know the patterns or ways on solving
the game like figuring out how to solve the game than really solving the game and participant
3 is more anxious and distracted while solving the game, focusing more on solving the game
than figuring out how to solve the game.

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