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Listen to this lecture given by James Fearing, a psychologist specializing in computer

game obsessions and complete the notes. Write your answers in the table provided below.


Advantages of computer games

 entertaining

 develop concentration

 develop (1) _________________________skills

Reasons for addictions to computer games and Internet chat lines

 avoidance of marital and financial problems

 improved self-esteem through online (2) _________________________

Computer addicts:

 are unable to stop despite (3) _________________________

 are (4) _________________________ about time spent using computer

 adopt (5) _________________________ attitude about computer use

 experience (6) _________________________ when connecting to Internet

 feel guilty after long periods of use

 show irritability if (7) _________________________

 have computer game (8) _________________________


 computer use stopped abruptly

 uses learners to set increasing (9) _________________________on game playing

 admission to clinic for recommended period of (10) _________________________

1 =concentration 2 =personalities 3 =negative 4 =dishonest 5 =a defensive

or problem consequences

6=a rush of 7 =interrupt 8 =dreams 9 =time limits 10 =treatment


0.2x10 = 2 points
Task 1.
Are the sentences true or false? Write the correct letter T or F in the table provided
at the end of the task.

1. Millennials spend more time on smart phones than any other generation.
2. Some people who work in the tech industry are fighting against smart phone
3. The presenter thinks most adults’ behaviour towards their phones and apps is
under control.
4. Babies’ brain development is delayed because they’re looking at screens.
5. We’re likely to see a rise in teenage mental health problems because of social
media addiction.
6. Changing the colour settings on your phone may make you spend less time
on it.

1=F 2=T 3 =F 4 =F 5 =T 6 =T
0.25x6 = 1.5 points

Task 2
Match the expressions (1–6) with their meanings (a–f). Write your answers in the
table provided at the end of the task.

1. I’ll hold my hands up to being one of those people.

2. They’re not in their right mind.
3. It’s a vicious circle.
4. Time to stage an intervention!
5. There are queues round the block.
6. They’re sensitive to highs and lows.

a. It keeps getting worse and we can’t break the pattern.

b. We need to do something about this now.
c. They experience emotions deeply.
d. A lot of people are waiting.
e. I confess that’s something I do too.
f. It’s not a sensible way to behave.

1=e 2=f 3 =a 4 =b 5 =d 6 =c
0.25x6 = 1.5 points


Task 1. Write a number (1–7) to put the things Professor Manson talks about in the

order that you hear them. 0.2 x 7 = 1.4 points

……5……. When memory consolidation takes place.

……7……. How the things we learn become part of our long-term memory.

……3……. The ideal amount of sleep at each stage of life.

……2……. The average time students in the class sleep.

……6……. Conditions that improve memory consolidation.

……1……. A personal memory from the past.

……4……. Reasons why the human body needs sleep.

Task 2. Listen and complete the sentences with the missing information. Between

one and three words might be missing. 0.2 x 8 = 1.6 points

1. Professor Manson remembers having lots of exams and assignments at school but

didn’t organize her revision time very well.

2. Revising for an exam the night before can help short-term memory but a good

night’s sleep is even better.

3. There is a clear link between sleep and memory.

4. Most students in the class sleep between 6-8 hours, whereas the recommended

amount for 14- to 17-year-olds is more.

5. Sleep helps the body regulate its vital functions and also gives the brain a chance

to restructure information.

6. Memory consolidation is when information passes from our short-term to long-

term memories via the hippocampus.

7. Memory consolidation is improved by reviewing information regularly.

8. Memory consolidation takes place during stages of deep sleep.


1. Listen to the radio interview about improving your memory and decide if the
following sentences are true or false. Write the correct letter T or F in the table
provided at the end of the task. 0.20 x 5 = 1 point

1. People use memory in the same manner.

2. There are two different forms of memorisation.
3. We are taught how to improve our memory in history lessons.
4. The example with the Berlin wall is mentioned as an illustration
of the association technique.
5. Writing shopping lists can improve your memory.

1=T 2=T 3 =F 4=F 5=F

2. Listen again to the interview and write the missing word in the right column.
0.20 x 5 = 1 point

1. The speaker explains how to improve our (...). 1) ability of memorise

2. ‘Long-term memory’ is one way in which memorisation 2) occures


3. We can use word (...) to remember a concept. 3) association

4. The last tip that Charles mentions is important for the 4) tuned
student who have (...) in.

5. Following these tips will improve your (...) to 5) ability


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