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How to create an Email Signature:

1. Make a design on photoshop

2. Slice it with slide tool and then go to export as web and click preview
3. Export PNGs from export as web option
4. Go to visual studio and of the folder you had exported the slices
5. Create .Html file
6. Copy the code given blow and past it in visual studio
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
<style media="screen" type="text/css">
td{line-height:0; font-size: 0.0em; }
img{dispaly: block; float: left; padding: 0} align:
absbottom; align: texttop; }


<!-- paste code-->

<!-- paste code-->

7. Upload all the slice images to and select the
option direct link

8. After that copy the code from preview you have opened from
(Body-Body tax) and past in visual studio at blank space
9. By pressing control on your keyboard click all the paths of image and
replace it one by one from
10. Save visual studio file by clicking control + S on your keyboard
11. Go to the folder you save it and preview it, Check everything is
ok or not
12. Again go to and see the number of
images you want to add links
13. Copy your desire link
14. Go to the desaire number link in visual studio and at start of
that code press “a and then TAB”
15. The by pressing control + v add the link
16. After that by clicking Control + X cut “<a\>” and put it at the end of
line of that code before </td>
18. Add all the links by this process
19. Save it then check all the thing and if everything is good the
open it in chrome or any browser
20. Simply copy it by pressing first Control + A and then Control +
21. Then go to setting of your Gmail or your desire male and past it
at the section of email signature and save it
22. So your Email signature is good to go
23. For email first write mailto before putting mail
24. For Phone number link write tel before puting number and dont
mut space or dashes in number
25. If you don’t understand then watch the video
26. The size of email will be 600 by 200 pixels or 500 by 200.
27. To add email signature in outlook check this method it works
28. “” how to add email in outlook.
29. To click on any link and it will automatically open in new tab you
need to add target="_blank" after link and semi collan.

30. Make lessthen 24 slices

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