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Voice - identifies the doer of the action expressed by the verb

● Active- the subj of the verb do the actions- ex.Lebron threw
the ball
Passive-receives the action- the ball was thrown by lebron
Passive voice have by the and to be (u need to put linking
verbs too like was, were, am, is, be, being, been)

Lesson 2
Bias-the action of supporting or opposing a particular
person or a thing in an unfair way, because of allowing
personal opinions to influence your judgement
2 words: “favoritism” “unfairness”
Types of biases:
● Anchoring bias- People rely too heavily on preassisting
information to make decisions.
● Media biased- when journals and news producers select the
events and stories that are reported
● Confirmation- tendency of people to favor information that
confirms their existing beliefs
● Conformity bias- happens when one makes a wrong or
uncomfortable decision to fit in to please the group of
● Halo effect- type of cognitive bias whereby our perception of
someone is positively influenced by our opinion
-referred to as the physical attractiveness stereotype
-attractive tend to be rated
Prejudice- refers to pre-judging before looking at the evidence
● Racism- dominance of one race
● Sexism- form of prejudice based on sex or gender
-when men thinks woman is weak
● Classim- is a prejudice based on estate on life
● Ageism- attitude towards older people,old age, and aging
● Religion- attitude towards a preson or group that is a
different religion

Determining the relevance, truthfulness, and validity of ideas
1. Its okay to doubt
2. Assess whether all the information are accurate, adequate,
or relevant to the issue being discussed
3. Understand different forms of fake news
4. Do research and extensive reading from multiple credible
5. Make conscious judgement

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