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Name: Rechell Visto Subject: ENGLISH 10

Section: BSED-SCI 1A Teacher: Mr. Nelson Pastolero


Explore the internet and look for a text which interest you most. After selecting a
text, do a screen shot which will be attached to your submission. Analyze the
material using the General Guide Questions in Evaluating a Text.

 What is the source?

The source of this text is the News Info Inquirer Net
 When was the text published?
It was published on March 23, 2022 at 6:34 PM
 Are there titles or headers, table of contents summaries and abstracts,
introductions, conclusions, headings and subheadings in the source? Is the
source useful? Is the source relevant? Is the source reliable?
Yes. The source is indeed useful. The news info inquirer net is relevant and
reliable in the above text.


 What is the context of the text?

The context in this text says that the running President Marcos Jr. May win
in Quezon province as Suarez says.
 What pieces of information are given that provide the context of the text?
The pieces of information which provide a context of the text is when
Suarez says that “It seems like the turn of events is changing here in the province,”
and “there are a lot of developments and events in our province which is an eye-
opener and this is just one indication”. these two line of Suarez proved a context in
the said text.


 What is the message?

The message of the text is says that there are possibilities that running
president Ferdinand Marcos Jr. will win in the province of Quezon.
 What is the purpose of the message?
The purpose of this message is to give information to all people in different
area of the Philippines about Mr. Marcos Jr. state in the province of Quezon.
 What are the facts or figures that supports the message?
The facts that supports in this text is that it was published in the known site
in the internet which is the Inquirer Net. Another thing is that it was done by Mr.
Neil Arwin Mercado- a reporter.
 How is the message conveyed by the text?
This text was conveyed through words which is very informative. Also it
was conveyed through reporting by the reporter.
 What is the tone of the text?
The tone of the text is formal. It s because it talks about a known person of
the country. It was delivered seriously and formally.
 What words contribute to frame the message of the text?
The words that contribute to frame the message of the text are may win in
Quezon province.
 How do you think the audience might be affected the way the text is
This text might affect in good and bad way to the people. Good way to those
people who supported Mr. Marcos Jr. as a president. By that text the supporters of
Mr. Marcos will get happy. Another is, it may give bad effect to those people who
did not support the said running president. They may think a bad vibes against to
the said person.


 Who is the target audience?

The target audience of this text are the Filipino citizen and voters.
 What information is provided that give you the idea about the target audience
of the text?
Actually, the information that give me an idea to know the target audience
of this text is the the title of the text. In which it was written that “ Suarez says
Marcos Jr. will win in Quezon province this time.” Basically, that title in own give
an idea that Filipino citizen or voters are the audience. It is because Mr. Suarez
simply give information to all Filipinos regarding to the state of Mr. Marcos in


 Who is the author?

The author of this text is Neil Arwin Mercado
 What is the credentials of the author?
The said author is a reporter at inquirer net
 What is the author’s purpose of writing (informational, persuasive or
The author’s purpose of writing is informational. It is because he aimed to
deliver valuable and reliable information to the audience.
 What is / are the author’s major idea/s?
The author just want to deliver an information about the running sate of Mr.
Marcos in the province of Quezon.

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