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Mary Queen Servino Malaque

Self reflection about Digital Technology

Technology plays a very important role in our society. Digital world or digital technology help
us improves our living, easy access of information, good communication and also help in shaping
our identity. We have the power to create our digital self, it depends on us if we are going to use
it in a good way or bad way. Good citizenship in digital world means participating in good online
platform activities, you are not violating any cyber law.

Digital technology really improve the way I see the world, it made me creative through the
use of different digital arts. I enjoyed exploring different application because of its different and
unique uses.I also improves in communicating because of different social media. My bond with
my family, friend, schoolmates, and other people became strong because I have a good
communication with them because we all know that the key of having peace is a good social
communications. Technology help us to gain knowledge, we are being updated to the current
news, trends, and issues that we are facing inside and outside our country. The essence of digital
citizenship is refers to the norm of the proper use of technology.Technology is also a relaxation,
there's a lot of online games we can learn, when we are having depression or anxiety and we
need to have stress free we can spent to time to play with our online friend, but using this online
games also has a rule that we need to follow, and that's where being good digital citizen will be
needed.We as a user, we must be a responsible when using technology because everything has a
consequence. Have a good behavior when talking to someone even if it is online. We don't know
what everyone's going through, so be kind.
I therefore conclude that digital world is one of the reason why some people behave that way,
we are manifested in everything that is being trend, we copy everything we see. We ought to do
something (good or bad )because some are having a fear missing out. I want us to improve in a
positive way, I'm excited for the future generations and how they view the technology in their
daily lives, and how this social media platform affect their social identity.

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