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Movie Day 2023

Rules and regulation

1. Follow the teacher’s instructions at all times: The teacher will provide
instructions on where to sit, when to enter and exit the cinema, and other
important details.

2. Stay with the group: During the trip, you'll need to stay with your group at all
times. This will help ensure that everyone stay safe and that nobody gets lost or
left behind.

3. Bring only what you need: Bring a small bag or backpack. Make sure only to
bring what you require for the trip, such as a jacket or water bottle.

4. Phones on silent mode: Make sure to turn off your phone or switch it to silent
mode. This will prevent any disruptions during the film

5. Cleanliness: Make sure to dispose of all your rubbish in the allocated bins after
the movie.

What to wear

1. Dress comfortably: Choose comfortable clothes that are easy to move in, as you
may need to sit for a couple of hours during the movie. Jeans, or comfortable
pants with a T-shirt.

2. Dress appropriately: You will be representing the school. Make sure that your
clothing is modest and appropriate for the occasion.

3. Wear comfortable shoes: Choose comfortable shoes that are appropriate for
walking and standing in line, such as sneakers.

4. Bring a jacket or sweater: It's always a good idea to bring a jacket or sweater
with you to the cinema, as the temperature can sometimes be chilly.

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