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(a) Label the heart structure below. [3M]


(b) Draw the blood flow in the heart with arrows in diagrams below.

(c) Name two blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood. [1M]
(d) Name two blood vessels which carry deoxygenated blood. [1M]
(e) Which chamber of the heart has the thickest wall? Give reasons for your answer. [2M]
(f) What is the structure that separates left side and right side of the heart? [1M]
(g) What is the structure that separates atrium and ventricle? [1M]
The following figure shows the blood circulatory system of humans.

(a) Label the blood circulatory system in the figure using the words provided below. [2M]
Systemic circulation Pulmonary circulation
(b) On the figure given,
(i) label the positions of lungs, the left ventricle and the right atrium [2M]
(ii) show the direction of oxygenated blood flow with arrows (------>) [1M]
(c) What is the name of blood circulation system below? [1M]
(d) Briefly describe how oxygen arrives at the heart, and then reaches the cells in your kidneys. [2M]
(e) What substances are transported by your blood system from the small intestine to your heart? [1M]
(f) What is transported from lungs to the body cells? [1M]
(g) What is transported from body cells to the lungs? [1M]
a. A: Aorta B: Pulmonary artery C: Pulmonary vein D: Left atrium E: Bicuspid valve F: Left ventricle
G: Vena cava H: Right ventricle I: Right atrium J: Tricuspid valve K: Septum
b. Refer video
c. Aorta and Pulmonary vein
d. Pulmonary artery and Vena cava
e. The left ventricles. It has to pump oxygenated blood to the rest of the body (except the lungs).
f. Septum
g. Valves

c. Double circulation system

d. Oxygen from the lungs diffuse into blood capillaries and being carried to heart through pulmonary
vein. Oxygenated blood leaves the heart via aorta and distribute by arteries to cells in kidney.
e. Digested food such as glucose, amino acids in blood plasma.
f. Oxygen
g. Carbon dioxide

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