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Anatomy and physiology of Cardiovascular system

The circulatory system is also known cardiovascular system, where cardio or cardi is
refers to the heart which pumps blood, and the vascular is refers to the blood vessels
which carry blood to the body and return it back to the heart again. The cardiovascular
system major function is transport vehicle, the system carries oxygen, nutrients, cell
waste, hormones, and many other substances vital for body homeostasis to and from
the cell. The force to move the blood around the body is provided by the beating heart
and by the blood pressure. As the heart beats, or construct, the blood makes
continuous round trips into and out of the heart, through the rest of the body and back
again into the heart to be sent out again. The heart is a hallow muscular organ that is
divided into four chamber. The two atria and the two ventricles. This chambers helps
blood flow smoothly through the heart, and it is lined with the endocardium. The
superior atria are primary receiving chamber, there role is not important in pumping
activity of the heart, but they assist with filling the ventricles. The blood flow into the atria
under low pressure from the veins of the body and continues on to fill the ventricles. The
inferior, thick-walled ventricles are the discharging chamber, or actual pumps of the
- Sinoatrial (SA) nodes
 Located near the top of the right atrium
 It is at the edge of the atrium near the superior vena cava (vein that
brings oxygen-poor blood from your body to your heart).
 Acts or also known as the peacemaker of the heart.
 It sends the electrical impulse that start the heart to beat
- Atrial Bundles
 Conduct the impulse through the atrial muscles
- Atrioventricular (AV) nodes
 Located near the bottom of the right atrium
 It slows the impulse and allow the delay needs for ventricular filling
- Bundle of His
 Also called atrioventricular bundle
 Branch of fiber (nerve cells) that extends from the AV nodes
 Fiber bundle receives the electrical signal from the AV nodes and
carries it to the Purkinje fibers
- Bundle Branches
 It carries the electrical signal to the bottom of the heart and cause
the ventricles to beat.
 Left bundle branch sends electrical signals through the Purkinje
fibers to your left ventricle.
 Right bundle branch sends electrical signals through the Purkinje
fibers to your right ventricle.
- Purkinje Fibers
 Branches of specialized nerve cells
 Send electrical signal very quickly to the right and left heart


Sinoatrial Atrial Atrioventricul Bundle of Bundle Purkinje

(SA) nodes Bundles ar (AV) His Branches Fibers

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