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Tanta univercity Faculty of engineering

Hammering of building's
and how to avoid It
The research topic The meaning of hammering and the reasons for it.
is limited to four
main points:

Images of collapses resulting from hammering.

How to avoid the hammering.

A collection of research related to this subject.

The meaning of hammering and the reasons for it :

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Images of collapses resulting from hammering

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How to avoid the hammering

using separation
distance between two
adjacent building

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using collision
shear walls to
minimize seismic
joint separation
using separation distance between two adjacent building
using collision shear walls to minimize seismic separation
in Figure 1 indicating a plan view and a cross section of two adjacent buildings on both sides of the
property line. The building on the right is an existing building built up to the property line with no seismic
separation, whereas the building on the left is a new building utilizing the proposed solution. It has two
‘collision’ shear walls with their long dimensions perpendicular to and extending up to the property line
(zero seismic separation), protruding from the remaining structure (beams, columns, infills) that is built 4.0
cm inside, away from the property line. Do note that the same provision could have been assumed for the
existing building on the right, but it did not—the building on the right has its left side just at the property
line and has no collision walls—just to show that the proposed solution works even in such cases that are
quite common in practice. This is because any potential pounding will take place at the protruding
‘collision’ shear walls of the new building; thus, the most dangerous type of impacts that can cause
shearing of columns of either building by the horizontal massive elements (beam–slabs) of the adjacent
building are avoided, given that all the columns of both buildings are protected by the small seismic
separation (see Figure 1). This solution has been examined briefly by Spiliopoulos and Anagnostopoulos
[20] and was found acceptable. We must note here that some local damage is unavoidable with this
solution. However, the most catastrophic type of failure that can occur when the columns of a building are
sheared at midheight (between floors) pounded by a heavy slab of the adjacent building, especially if this
is the top slab [17, 26], can certainly be avoided. In what follows, the effectiveness of such walls to help
the two colliding buildings avoid major damage due to pounding as well as the consequences of such
pounding is examined.
‫‪Seismic joint‬‬

‫من الموجبات الستخدام الفواصل الزلزالية هو عدم تحقق التماثل ألشكال المباني في المساقط األفقية و الرأسية‪ ،‬وذلك‬
‫ألسباب معمارية‪.‬أو بسبب طبيعية شكل األرض ‪..‬‬
‫و في حالة صغر مساحة قطعة األرض يكون الحل األمثل بضبط توزيع العناصر اإلنشائية الرأسية بحيث يتم تأمين توزيع‬
‫متماثل لصالبات العناصر اإلنشائية و خصوصا في الجدران الخارجية‪.‬‬
‫عموما يستخدم هذا النوع من الفواصل بصورة أساسية في المباني المتجاورة ‪ -‬حتى ال تكون متالصقة ‪ ..‬أو في نفس‬
‫المبنى المؤلف من كتلتين ‪.‬‬
‫و يتراوح عرض هذه الفواصل بين ‪ 25 - 10‬سم ‪ ،‬و يتم حسابها بشكل علمي بحيث تزيد عن المسافة األفقية المحتمل‬
‫للمباني أن تتركها ‪.‬‬
‫يتم في هذه الحالة فصل ( البالطات ‪ -‬الكمرات ‪ -‬األعمدة ) و يترك قرار فصل أو عدم فصل القواعد للمصمم‬
‫حيث أن هذه المباني عادة ما تستند على حصائر أو بايالت‬
‫يتم في كثير من األحيان االستفادة من أحد الفواصل ألكثر من غرض ‪ ،‬بمعنى انه من الممكن االستفادة من الفاصل‬
‫الزلزالي للتمدد أو للهبوط ‪..‬ألنه يؤدي غرضا ً مشابها ً ‪.‬‬
‫عند استخدام الفواصل الزلزالية سواء بين أجزاء المباني الجديدة (بهدف تحقيق التماثل أو أي أسباب إنشائية أخرى)‬
‫أو بين المباني القديمة القائمة والجديدة‪ ،‬فيجب في كلتا الحالتين تأمين مسافة كافية لعرض الفاصل الزلزالي وهذه‬
‫المسافة لها عالقة بارتفاع المبنى و نوع النظام اإلنشائي المستخدم وذلك تجنبا لتصادم المبنيين أو جزئي المبنيين‬
‫يتحدد الفاصل للمباني بالحركة األفقية لقوة الزالزل والرياح كال على حده للمباني العالية وأيضا بتمدد السقف للمساحات‬
‫الكبيرة في الزالزل والرياح‬
‫للمبني بأي من البرامج الهندسية يتم حساب الحركة األفقية ألعلى نقطة في المبني لكل حاالت ‪ model‬وبعد عمل‬
‫التحميل المشار إليها في الكود المعتمد في التصميم مع العلم انه ال يتم جمع الحركة األفقية من الزالزل والرياح ولكن يتم‬
‫حساب كال على حده‬
Red lines indicate the seismic joint
between the base isolated hospital
The photo shows the seismic joint
between the base isolated Hospital
and the fixed base medical office
building (MOB). At the lower level, the
joint width is approximately 30″
between buildings however, at the
upper floors, the joint width is
approximately 54″ to account for inter
story drift during a large earthquake.
From inside the buildings, patrons do
not realize the two are actually
separate structures as seismic joint
technologies accommodate the
potential 30″ movement of the hospital
while creating a seamless
architectural transition
‫بعض الصور للفواصل الزلزالية‬
‫غطاء فاصل زلزالي لألرضية والجدار‬
‫ولكامل الطوابق والجدران الخارجية ‪Roof Slab‬حتى بالطة السطح‬
‫‪Slab on Grade‬يتم تركيب غطاء الفاصل الزلزالي من البالطات األرضية ‪-‬‬
A collection of research related to this subject

1 Chetan J. Chitte
2 Anand S.
Jadhav 3 Hemraj R.

Assistant Professor, Dept. Assistant Professor, Dept.

of Civil Eng. RCPIT, Shirpur, of Civil Eng. JIT, Nashik,
Maharashtra, India Maharashtra, India

Investigations of past and recent earthquake damage have illustrated that the building structures are
vulnerable to severe damage and/or collapse during moderate to strong ground motion. Among the possible
structural damages, seismic induced pounding has been commonly observed in several earthquakes.
Seismic pounding between adjacent buildings can cause severe damage to the structures under
earthquakes, when owing to their different dynamic characteristics. During earthquake, the buildings vibrate
out of phase and at rest separation is deficient to accommodate their relative motions. Such buildings are
usually separated by expansion joint which is insufficient to provide the lateral movements of the buildings
during earthquakes. It can be prevented by providing safe separation distances, sometimes getting of
required safe separations is not possible in metropolitan areas due to high land value and limited availability
of land space. If building separations is found to be deficient to prevent pounding, then there should be
some secure and cost effective methods to prevent structural pounding between adjacent buildings. There
are many buildings which are constructed very nearly to one another in Metropolitan cities, because
everyone wants to construct up to their property line due to high cost of land. This study covers the
prevention techniques of pounding between adjacent buildings due to earthquakes. Constructing new RC
walls, cross bracing system and combined RC wall & bracing, dampers, combined system of RC wall and
dampers and combined system of bracing and dampers with proper placement are proposed as possible
prevention techniques for pounding between adjacent buildings.
1 Raghunandan M H
2 Suma Devi

Post Graduate student, Assistant Professor, Civil

Structural Engineering, Engineering, SVCE
SVCE Bangalore, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Karnataka, India

Among the possible structural damages during an earthquake, the seismic induced pounding also has been
one of the commonly observed phenomena. This is because the separation gap between many adjacent
buildings is inadequate to accommodate the relative motions, so buildings vibrate out of phase and collides.
Despite the fact that the seismic pounding between nearby structures is considered in the codal
procurements, the act of development is still an issue in numerous metropolitan zones where the structures
are built with no adequate partition separation which brings about their pounding. In this study E-Tabs
nonlinear software is used for simulation of adjacent multi-storeyed RC frame buildings of G+14 and G+9
storey, the provisions that may reduce the effects of pounding like the separation distance, addition of shear
walls, lateral bracings and variation in storey height of the buildings have been considered for analysis. And
the responses like storey-displacement and pounding force by considering both fixed base and base-
isolated conditions are arrived.
1 2
S. Efraimiadou &
G. D. D.E. Beskos

Post Graduate student, University of Patras,

Structural Engineering, Greece & Academy of
SVCE Bangalore, Athens, Greece
Karnataka, India

examines the collision between adjacent reinforced concrete (RC) buildings under multiple earthquakes.
Furthermore, the effect of the different structures configurations is also investigated. Two five- storey and
two eight-storey frames are examined, which have been combined together to produce 9 different pairs of
adjacent RC structures. These pairs of buildings are subjected to numerous single and multiple strong
ground motions. Various parameters are investigated as the maximum displacements, permanent
displacements, interstorey drift ratios etc. It is concluded that the effect of collision of adjacent frames seems
to be unfavourable for the most of the cases and, therefore, the structural pounding phenomenon is rather
detrimental than beneficial. Furthermore, it is found that the seismic sequences appear to be detrimental in
comparison with the corresponding single seismic events.
Thank you

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