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Name: Ashirvad Kumar Singh

Roll. No: RK20CTB56

Course Code: CSE427

Docker Commands

1) First, we should download Docker by typing sudo – s.

2) apt install docker.

3) Docker version: Now for checking Docker version use “docker version”.

4) docker –version-version of docker

5) Docker ps: For list running containers use “docker ps”.

6) Docker run -help: To run a container use “docker run --help” command.
7) Docker stop: To stop a running container use “docker stop” command.

8) Docker rm: to remove a stopped container.

9) Docker rmi: To remove a image use.

10) Docker pull: To download an image from registry.

11) Docker push: To upload an image for registry use “ docker push” command.

12) Docker build: To build a docker image use “docker build” command.

13) Docker tag: To tag an image with a name use “docker tag” command.
14) Docker logs: To display logs from a container use “docker logs” command.

15) Docker exec: To run a command in a running container use “docker exec”

16) Docker inspect: To return low-level information about a container, image or

network use “docker inspect” command.
17) Docker network: To manage Docker networks use “docker network” command.

18) Docker volume: To Manage Docker volumes use “docker volume” command.

19) Docker attach: To attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a
container use “docker attach” command.
20) Docker commit: To create a new image from a container’s changes use “docker
commit” command.

21) Docker export: To export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive use “docker
export” command.

22) Docker import: To import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem
image use “docker import” command.

23) Docker pause: To pause all processes within a container use “docker pause”
24) Docker port: To list port mappings or a specific mapping for the container use
“docker port” command.

25) Docker restart: To restart a running container use “docker restart command.

26) Docker Start: To Start a stopped container use “docker start” command.

27) Docker top: To display the running processes of a container use “docker top”
28) Docker unpause: To unpause all processes within a container use “docker
unpause” command.

29) Docker wait: To block until a container stops, then print its exit code use “docker
wait” command.

30) Docker save: To save an image to a tar archive use “docker save” command.

31) Docker load: To load an image from a tar archive use “docker load” command.
32) Docker History: To show the history of an image use “docker history”

33) Docker search: To search the Docker Hub for images use “docker search”

34) Docker swarm: To manage a swarm of Docker nodes use “docker swarm”
35) Docker node: To manage Docker nodes in a swarm use “docker node”

36) Docker service: To manage Docker services in a swarm use “docker service”
37) Docker info: Now for Display system-wide information about Docker use
“docker info” command.

38) Docker images: To get list of available images use “docker images” command.

39) Docker pull hello-world: pulling hello world from terminal to print hello
world in it using the code
40) Docker runs hello-world: to print hello word.

41) Docker pull docker/whalesay: to print a whale game saying boo.


docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo: pulling running the code.

42) Docker run docker/whalesay cowsay: “anything you want your whale to
say” can type.

For example – docker run docker/ashirvaad.

43) Docker kill: Kill one or more running containers.

44) Docker manifest: Manage Docker image manifests and manifest lists.

45) Docker secret: Manage Swarm secrets.

46) Docker trust: Manage trust on Docker images.

47) Manage plugin: Manage plugins.

48) Docker rename: Rename a container.

49) Docker builder: Manage builds.

50) Docker config: Manage Swarm configs.


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