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Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the

working environment, employee behavior, and overall
performance of an organization. Understanding the
organizational culture of a specific country provides
valuable insights into its business practices, decision-
making processes, and management styles. This
assignment aims to explore the organizational culture of
Bangladesh, a country located in South Asia, known for its
diverse workforce and unique cultural heritage. Within this
context, we will examine the key elements of Bangladeshi
organizational culture, its impact on business operations,
and its relationship with national values and traditions.
1.Historical and Cultural

To comprehend the organizational culture in Bangladesh,

it is essential to delve into the country's historical and
cultural context.
Bangladesh gained independence in 1971, and since then,
it has developed its distinctive cultural identity.
The society is predominantly influenced by Islamic
traditions, Bengali language, and strong familial and
communal bonds.
These cultural elements significantly shape the
organizational culture within the country.A
2.Key Characteristics
of Bangladeshi

a) Hierarchy and Authority: Bangladeshi organizational

culture tends to be hierarchical, with clear lines of
authority and a top-down decision-making approach.
Respect for seniority and deference to authority are
deeply ingrained in the work culture.
b) Collectivism and Team Orientation: Bangladesh has a collectivist
culture, emphasizing group harmony and cooperation.
Organizations foster a sense of togetherness and teamwork, valuing
consensus-building and collaboration among employees.

c) Respect for Elders and Age Hierarchy: Age is considered a symbol of

wisdom and experience in Bangladeshi society. Older employees are
often accorded a higher level of respect, and their opinions carry weight
in decision-making processes.

d) Personal Relationships and Networking: Personal relationships

play a crucial role in Bangladeshi business culture. Building trust
and establishing personal connections are considered essential for

successful business interactions. Networking through social

gatherings and events is common practice.

e) High Power Distance: Bangladesh exhibits a high power distance

culture, where authority figures are seen as distant and having a
significant impact on decision-making. Subordinates may hesitate
to challenge the decisions or opinions of superiors openly.

f) Respect for Traditional Values: Bangladesh has a rich cultural

heritage, and traditional values such as respect for elders, religious
customs, and social norms influence organizational culture. These
values often guide ethical behavior, interpersonal relationships, and
work-life balance.
Impact on Business
a) Decision-Making: The hierarchical nature of Bangladeshi
organizations leads to centralized decision-making, where top-level
managers hold significant decision-making authority. This may result
in slower decision-making processes and limited employee
involvement in decision-making.

b) Communication and Feedback: Open and direct communication

can be less prevalent in Bangladeshi organizations, particularly when

expressing dissent or disagreement with superiors. Employees may

rely on indirect communication methods to avoid causing offense or
disrupting harmony.

c) Employee Loyalty and Retention: Bangladeshi organizations often

focus on building long-term relationships with employees, fostering
loyalty through job security, paternalistic practices, and employee
welfare initiatives. This loyalty can positively impact retention rates.

d) Work-Life Balance: The collectivist nature of Bangladeshi culture

emphasizes family and community ties. Organizations often support
a reasonable work-life balance, understanding the importance of
personal obligations and celebrations.
Challenges and

a) Gender Dynamics: Bangladesh faces challenges related to gender

equality in the workplace. Organizational culture should strive to
create an inclusive environment that promotes equal opportunities
for both men and women

b) Adaptability to Change: The hierarchical and traditional aspects

of Bangladeshi organizational culture can sometimes hinder

adaptability and innovation. Organizations need to foster a culture
that encourages flexibility, creativity, and the willingness to
embrace change.

b) Adaptability to Change: The hierarchical and traditional aspects

of Bangladeshi organizational culture can sometimes hinder
adaptability and innovation. Organizations need to foster a culture
that encourages flexibility, creativity, and the willingness to
embrace change.

Understanding the organizational culture

of Bangladesh provides valuable insights
into the working dynamics and practices
within the country. The hierarchical
structure, collectivist mindset, respect for
tradition, and strong family ties all
contribute to the unique organizational
culture of Bangladesh. By recognizing and
embracing these cultural aspects,
organizations can effectively navigate the
business landscape and create a
harmonious work environment that
promotes employee engagement,
productivity, and success.
Organizational culture in Bangladesh

Course Name: International management

Course Code: MGT. 415

Submitted To:
Professor Dr. Md. Mohabbot Hossain
Department Of Management
Islamic University, Kushtia

Submitted By:
Name : Md. Akash biswas
Roll : 1805016
Session: 2018-2019
Department of management
Islamic University, Kushtia

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