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Money Cannot Buy Happiness
Story background Happiness

(A Reincarnation Case Study)

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How much should the AI write at a time?

By Mridu

A little Somewhere in A lot

Happiness is the permanent emotion which does not change with time and does not depend
on any external thing. It is naturally present in human beings, but it is always hidden at the
start and needs to be sought out in order to be visible.
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⌘ + Enter Well, what is the actual difference between happiness and pleasure? They both seem to be the
same, so how do you differentiate between the two? Think about it yourself. Pleasure comes
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to an end naturally, but happiness will not. Whatever you use to get pleasure fades away over
time. But happiness is the result of contentment and there is no limit to it.

If you say that pleasure is happiness, then you are lying. A permanent feeling of contentment
is only derived from happiness, and one cannot be synonymous with the other.

How do we know that when we feel pleasure we are feeling it? We simply feel it. We do not
need to bother about the consequences or the reactions of others. For example, no matter
what people may think of our actions, we still eat out of our own comfort. We do not care

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