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Get LinkedIn

Headlines that
Make Prospects
Chase You in 5 min
with ChatGPT
3 min.
Your LinkedIn headline
can help you attract
leads or break deals.

Let’s get you more

leads with these easy
steps →
By the end of this

carousel, you will:

Understand the importance of

your LinkedIn headline

Understand the importance of

your LinkedIn headline

A ready-to-use prompt to

create your unique headline

with ChatGPT.

Have the tools to ensure your

LinkedIn headline attracts leads

and growth opportunities.

Step 1:

Understand the
Importance of a
LinkedIn Headline
A well-crafted headline can
connection requests
networking opportunities
Koek Prosper Piasie • 3rd

copywriter| Ghostwriter|Email marketer|

salesman|I help businesses boost their sales to

make unimaginable profits.

Talks about #sales, #marketing, #copywriting, and


Kévin Moënne-Loccoz • 2nd lemlist

The Cheat Sheet Guy | Follow to unlock your IÉSEG School of

Business Growth | Head of Growth @lempire

(lemlist & lemwarm) $0 → $20M+

bootstrapped in 5 years | Hiring ️

Talks about #sales, #growth, #product, #marketing,

and #cheatsheets
Step 2:

The Key to
Standing Out
Personalize your headline
with ChatGPT.
Avoid generic headlines;
tailor them for speci ficity and

"Marketing Manager"


"Creative Marketer | Helping brands

tell compelling stories | 5 years in
Fortune 500 companies"
Step 3:

Craft the Right

Avoid listing too many roles,
being vague, and lacking a UVP
(unique value proposition)
Include your creative
nickname, UVP, and company
role to build social proof and

"Marketing Manager, Sales

Manager, Business Development |
Making unimaginable pro fits."


"The Brand Storyteller |

Transforming brands into legends |
Marketing Lead at XYZ Corp."
Step 4:

Use Your Headline

as a Lead Magnet
Your headline is the copy of
your ad whenever you
comment on a post.
Make it spark curiosity and
lead to pro file views.
Shivani Vohra Chakravarthy • 3rd+
Regional Vice President, Marketing at NIIT
Does it work with HubSpot Sales Pro? They
already have a sequence feature but this is cooler!

Matt Barker • 2nd

I write to get you leads, not views.
Still millions that need to be educated on this
️Step 5:

Create Compelling
Identify compelling headlines
used by successful LinkedIn
Emulate their strategies while
maintaining your unique value

"Data Analyst"

Chase (Ecommerce Email Structured

Marketing Nerd) Dimond • 2nd

Top Ecommerce Email Marketer | Sent over 1
billion emails resulting in $100+ million in
email attributable revenue.
Talks about #marketing, #copywriting, #socialmedia,
#emailmarketing, and #digitalmarketing
️Step 6:

Inspire ChatGPT
Provide ChatGPT with
examples of good headlines to
guide its creativity.
Clear instructions yield
better, more personalized
Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst."

Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst inspired by the headline

'The Data Wizard | Making data

understandable and actionable |

Data Analyst at BigData Corp."

️Step 7:

Tailor Your Headline

to Your USP (unique
selling point)
De fine your target audience,
how you help them, your
accomplishments, and
follower bene fits.
Use this information to guide
ChatGPT in generating unique
Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst."

Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst helping tech startups

understand their data, with

achievements in predictive modeling

and providing followers with weekly

data insights."
️Step 8:

Create the Perfect

"Headline Prompt"
for ChatGPT
De fine the role, goal, task,
expected format, and tone.
Use the keyword 'variations'
to generate different results.
Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst."

Prompt to ChatGPT:

"Generate a LinkedIn headline for a

data analyst working in tech

startups whose goal is to simplify

data and provide valuable insights.

The headline should be catchy,

professional, and action-oriented."

u l l p ro m
To get the ef link in the pt s
check th nts
→ A prompt to copy and paste to get
the best results possible.

→ Your headline should show your

UVP and how you can help others.

→ It can attract new leads and

growth opportunities.

→ Use a concise format and iterate

on variations for best results.

→ Analyze top content creators’

headlines to inspire ChatGPT.
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Guillaume Moubeche
Want to leverage AI to build multi-million dollar star...

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