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2023FA Capstone Agreement

Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Capstone Syllabus, Project Requirements, and Classroom Etiquette


I have read and understand the syllabus, including the breakdown of assignments and expectations, including the expectation
of correct MLA formatting on all assignments unless otherwise noted by instructor.
• Likewise I have read and understand the statement regarding Academic Integrity as defined in item 22 of the Student Code
of Conduct: Click here for link to Code of Student Conduct
• I understand that Capstone is specific and integral to the Richland Collegiate High School charter and that non-participation
in the form of a consistent pattern of missing or incomplete work, or excessive absences is grounds for insubordination
and subject to disciplinary procedures beyond specific classroom instruction, including being denied the privilege of
participating in formal graduation exercises.
• To further clarify, students who do not complete a full 15-page rough draft will not be allowed to present to judges.
Students must fulfill both components: essay AND presentation.

I understand and accept responsibility for my attendance and full participation in the course including, < “Tardy” is not an option.
but not limited to, the RCHS attendance policy (per the official RCHS handbook) and my own Students who are late will be
instructor’s policies regarding late assignments. For example, without documentation of extenuating marked “Absent.”
circumstances, late work is not accepted. No exceptions.

I understand that the Capstone project is a process, with each assignment building on the one before it; therefore, I understand
that missing class or not completing an assignment does not exempt me from being responsible for that step or meeting the
next deadline. If I miss this week’s assignment, even if I earn a score of 0, I understand that I must still complete the assignment
in order to be prepared for the next one. I also understand that periodic folder checks are part of the process as well.

I understand that it is my responsibility to ask my instructor or the Capstone coordinator for help or clarification if I do not
understand as assignment or criteria. Not knowing or not understanding something cannot and will not be an excuse for not
doing an assignment, not turning in an assignment on time, or not turning in assignments of high quality. I will maintain
meaningful communication (written and oral) with my instructor.

If my parents have questions regarding my performance, those questions can be relayed to their student's Capstone instructor.

I understand the 2023-2024 Capstone requirements for the fall: a research proposal, submission of no less than 10 rhetorical
précis over current scholarly research on a weekly basis during the fall as well as completed study questions as assigned, TRAAP
sheets, a mentor interview, end-product proposal (solution), and an exploratory essay of no less than six pages.

I understand the 2023-2024 Capstone requirements for the spring: a 15-page scholarly essay plus a Works Cited page and
presentation to judges in April. Projects and essays will examine an academic issue (education, economic, environmental, social,
medical, or psychological) and relate to my Service Learning experience. Please note that over the course of your research,
your question might evolve even though your broad topic remains fixed.

Instructors reserve the right to ask a student to resubmit a research proposal that is too vague, too broad, NOT typed,
or otherwise inappropriate. The student will then have a limited time to re-frame and resubmit the proposal without necessarily
changing the general topic but rather adjusting the general direction of the research question.

I understand that scheduled independent study days are for the sole and exclusive purpose of Capstone researching and
writing. These days are not to be used as study periods for upcoming tests or assigned work in other classes; likewise, I
understand that I may not skip Capstone class to catch up on assignments for other classes, nor am I allowed to skip other
classes to catch up on work for Capstone.

- Returned work should be kept in an accessible location on your laptop, such as desktop file or folder, and backed up on a flash
drive and/or OneDrive (not Google drive).
- Listen attentively and take notes during class.
- While in class, be present. You should not be on any device other than what you need for class: laptops are only for assigned
course work; students should not be engaged in social media, texting, online chats or other electronic activities without instructor
- Please remember to use formal language when emailing instructors.
- Classroom discussion is encouraged but remember to be mindful of others and to avoid private conversations when someone
else has the floor.

I have read and understand all the above:

Student name: _______________________________________________________

Yitzhak Teshome
Day, Date: ___________________________________________________________

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