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Ministry of Education

Regional Directorate of Education of Chiriqui

David Pan American Institute

Chemistry. Observing and Describing Chemical Reactions.

Aya Saheli Ahmad, Miliveth Oviedo, Jesús Valdes, Elena Luckunchang
Teacher: Luis Felipe Ureña
1. Introduction
Laboratory experiences may help students to understand the values and assumptions
inherent in the development and interpretation of scientific knowledge, such as the idea
that science is a human endeavor that seeks to understand the material world and that
scientific theories, models, and explanations change over time on the basis of new
evidence. The lab experience allows students to learn how to plan their actions and to
identify and control variables. During the investigation, they will observe, measure,
classify, and record data. They must conduct all labs following safety guidelines.
Laboratory experiments take place in controlled environments and are the main method
used in the natural sciences such as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. There are
numerous experiments which have been designed to test numerous scientific theories
about the temperatures at which various substances freeze or melt, or how different
chemicals react when they are combined under certain conditions. Laboratory
experiences may also promote a student’s ability to collaborate effectively with others
in carrying out complex tasks, to share the work of the task, to assume different roles at
different times, and to contribute and respond to ideas. So this experiment is about
chemical reactions. Chemical change is the process by which new forms of matter are
formed. Combining baking soda and vinegar, is the experiment through which the
changes and features of chemical reactions are noticeable. These experiments also
distinguishes physical change and chemical change clearly in a matter. The matter's
properties are being understood by observing the chemical changes in them. A
chemical reaction is, a process in which one or more substances, the reactants, are
converted to one or more different substances, the product. A chemical reaction occurs
when atom bonds break and new bonds form. Breaking bonds requires energy, while
forming bonds releases energy.In an exothermic reaction, energy released as the
products form is greater than the energy required to break the bonds of the reactants.The
energy is usually released as heat. In an endothermic reaction, more energy is required
to break the bonds of the reactants released by the formation of the products. When
energy is absorbed, the surroundings become cooler. A way to express or show a
chemical reaction is by using a chemical equation, using formulas and other symbols
instead of words. The formula of a compound identifies the elements in the compound
and the ratio in which the atoms or ions combine. A chemical equation tells you the
substances you start with (reactants) in a reaction and the substances that are formed at
the end (products). In a chemical reaction, all of the atoms present at the start of the
reaction are present at the end of the reaction. Atoms are neither created nor destroyed.
They are rearranged to form one or more new substances. Also there is four types of
chemical reactions wich are synthesis, decomposition, and replacement. In a synthesis
reaction, two or more elements or compounds combine to form a more complex
substance. A decomposition reaction occurs when compounds break down into simpler
products. In a replacement reaction, one element replaces another element in a
compound (single replacement) or two elements in different compounds trade places
(double replacement). So in this report we will summarize and explain our experiments
that we made at the laboratory and the results we got of each experiment like the
changes observed and the procedure of those experiments made.

2. Objectives:
1- Describe chemical change in different experiences based on observed properties.
2- Explain how chemical change occurs through chemical reactions.

3. Theoretical framework
Chemical changes are those where one or more substances are combined to produce a
new substance. At the end of a chemical change, you have a new substance. Chemical
equations represent chemical processes, involving reactants and products. The equations
show the chemical formulas for the reactants and the products, linked by an arrow. The
arrow has equals sign properties, requiring the same number and types of atoms on each
side. A balanced chemical equation has the same number and types of atoms on both
sides of the arrow. To balance, insert coefficients before reactants or products until they
have the same number and types. There is 3 types of chemical reactions that are :
Synthesis reaction involves elements combining to create a new substance.
Decomposition reactions break down a single compound, forming new substances like
elements, compounds, or mixtures. In a single-replacement' (single-displacement)
reaction, an element and a compound will react so that their elements are switched. As a
general rule, metals will replace metals in compounds and non-metals will typically
replace non-metals. The last type is a double-replacement reaction is a reaction in which
the positive and negative ions of two ionic compounds exchange places to form two
new compounds. The most relevant thing in the first experiment of gas release was
when baking soda and vinegar mix, a gas called carbon dioxide is created. The gas
begins to expand in the bottle and begins to inflate the balloon. The more gas that is
created, the bigger the balloon will inflate. In the 2 experiment of the color change of
soda and comercial chlorine the most relevant thing was when we mixed these two
together making it look transparent or clear yellow.Chlorine oxidizes oxygen atoms,
releasing oxygen molecules that break chromophores' bonds, causing them to absorb or
reflect light waves. This changes the structure of the chromophore, making the liquid
transparent, preventing visible light absorption. And about experiment 3 of change in
color of sugar and sulfuric acid the carbon snake is a demonstration of the dehydration
reaction of sugar by concentrated sulfuric acid. With concentrated sulfuric acid,
granulated table sugar (sucrose) performs a degradation reaction which changes its form
to a black solid-liquid mixture. And in the experiment of Translation of effervescence ,
aqueous hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a strong acid. When a strong acid is added to a metal
carbonate compound, carbon dioxide gas is released. And in change in temperature
experiment ,hydrochloric acid (HCl) and potassium hydroxide (KOH) are strong acid
and strong base, respectively. Hence, they give acid-base reaction with each other and
produces potassium chloride (KCl) and water .

4. Materials and Reagents.

6. Results and calculations.
Tabla de datos numéricos y su descripción.
Experiences Time(s) at wich the change Change observed
was observed.
Gas release 42.43 The balloon inflates and
there are bubbles.
Color change (I) soda and 9.99 The soda color changes
cloro from black to clear yellow
likely transparent.
Color change (II) sugar 55.75 First it's Brown then it
and sulfur turns to black due to the
Translation of 68.15 It produces a bit bubbles
effervescence and it makes it cold.
Change in temperature 68.15 It makes it cold.

Time in wich changes in reactions alerts.

Time in wich changes ocurred

se (I) (II
) e ur
ea ge nc at
el ge sc
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sr han an e pe
h rv
Ga rc rc ffe te
lo lo e
Co Co
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sl ati Ch
Chemical reactions

7. Calculations (Equation of each experiment)

Experiment 1 : Gas Release
C₂H₄O₂+ NaHCO₃ → NaC₂H₃O₂ + H₂O + CO₂
Vinegar Sodium Sodium acetate water Carbon dioxide

Experiment 2 : Color Change (I) Soda and comercial chlorine

2H₂CO₃ + Cl₂ → 2CLCO₃+ 2H₂
Experiment 3 : Color Change (II) (Sugar and Sulfuric acid)
C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ + H₂SO₄ → 12C+11H₂O
Sugar Sulfuric Carbon Water

Experiment 4 : Translation of effervescence

Na₂CO₃ + 2HCL→2NaCL+ H₂O + CO₂
Soduim Water Carbon
Soduim Hydrochloric
chloride dioxide
Carbonate acid

Experiment 5 : Change in temperature.


Potassium Hydrochloric Water Potassium
hydroxide acid

8. Discussion of results
Ultimately, we were able to comprehend with the aid of the findings, that experiment 1
of Gas release is endothermic because it absorbs the heat and so the temperature
reduces. Once the baking soda falls from the balloon into the vinegar carbon dioxide
will be released that will create pressure and inflate the balloon. When we pour the
baking soda from the balloon into the vinegar, the vinegar is made up of water and
acetic acid, so the water reacts with the acetic acid to form a precipitate. In experiment 2
of Color change (Soda and comercial chlorine) its endothermic. Chlorine breaks the
chemical bonds between oxygen atoms (a process called oxidation) This process
releases oxygen molecules that break the chemical bonds of chromophores —a group of
atoms and electrons that absorb or reflect certain light waves that give the molecules
their color —. By changing the structure of the chromophore, the molecules are no
longer able to absorb visible light, making the liquid appear transparent. In experiment 3
of Change color (Sugar and sulfuric acid) an exothermic chemical reaction took place.
The sugar changed color, began to bubble and created a new substance. It also created a
strong odor and gave off a lot of heat. We noticed that sugar turned black this is due to
the concentrated sulfuric acid that performed a dehydration reaction with table sugar.
After mixing, the color changes from white to brownish and eventually to black. The
expansion of the mixture is the result of vaporization of water and carbon inside the
container. In experiment 4 of Translation of effervescence its exothermic . A double
displacement reaction occurs when sodium carbonate is introduced into hydrochloric
acid and forms sodium chloride, Water, and carbon dioxide. This experiment turned hot
because it releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate surroundings to
rise..And the last experiment of change temperature is exothermic reaction.

9. Conclusion
At the end we could say that this experiment helped us to apply our theoretical
knowledge of chemical sciences in carrying out experiments in a logical, sequential,
orderly, safe and collaborative way, through the constant practice of laboratory
experiments of different nature and complexity. This in order to obtain information to
understand a phenomenon or acquire knowledge that allowed us to understand and solve
a problem or need.
Also it helped us read and understand experimentation methods, techniques reported in
a manual or scientific article, handling materials and laboratory equipment, follow-up
and execution of an experimental methodology, obtain information, analyze results and
be able to discuss them. All this through the development of observation skills,
synthesis, comprehension and discrimination of useful information. At the end of this
work we can conclude with the observed changes, gas release makes bubbles and
balloon inflate the time was 42.43 seconds, color change 9.99 seconds that made the
color of sugar change to black when we added sulfuric acid, The second experiment of
color change 55.75 seconds burn the sugar and it change to black due by sulfuric acid,
translation of effervescens 1:08.15 the acid evaporate and it makes cold, change in
temperature 1:08.15 when we put the component it changes to heat to cold. The
objective of an experiment is to obtain quality information, information that allows us to
develop new processes and make decisions on how to improve their quality or scientific
hypothesis. We can learn a lot of the chemical changes and how they happen.

10. References
5. Methodology of each experiment :
Experiment 1: Gas release
Step 1 : To start the Step 4 : Lastly, Lift the
process pour 20ml of balloon and let the
vinegar in a soda baking soda fall on the
bottle. vinegar.

Step 2 : Next, in a Step 3 : The next stage is to

balloon introduce a hold the balloon to the
teaspoon of sodium mouth of the bottle, but be
bicarbonate. careful that the soduim
bicarbonate does not fall on
the vinegar.

Experiment 2 : Color change. (sugar and sulfuric acid)

Step 1 : First, In a glass

container place 10 grams
of sugar.

Step 2 : Then add 5ml of

concentrated sulfuric acid
carefully and slowly.

Experiment 3 : Change of temperature.

Step 1 : First, In a beaker

place 1 gram of potassium

Step 2 : Then carefully add

3 ml of hydrochloric acid. It
touches the walls of the
Experiment 4 : Color Change ( Soda and comercial chlorine)
Step 1 : First of all , Pour
20ml of soda in a test

Step 2 : Then add 5ml of

commercial chlorine.

Experiment 5 : Translation of effervescence.

Step 1 : First deposit a

small amount of sodium
carbonate in a test tube.

Step 2 : Then pour 1ml of

hydrochloric acid slowly and
along the inner walls of the
test tube over the sodium

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