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Blue Lace Agate

Suggested Chakra: Throat

Color: Light, Powdery Blue to Mid-Blue with some White Veins
Soothes Sore Throats, Reduces quarrels in the home.
Folklore & Uses:
- Helps one to express one's self.. be heard for what you are truly saying.
- Aids peaceful communication between people and promotes harmony within the
household. It
- Works by dispelling negative energies and anger, allowing the argument to be
resolved and creative forces to get to work.
- Especially good stone for public speakers as it greatly enhances one's
communication skills.
- Extremely useful in the treatment of a sore throat, Blue Lace Agate makes an
excellent elixir (tumbled stones only).
Lisa's Tip*
� Tell the stone who you wish to speak with and place it next to the phone... wait
for them to call!
For grounding, the beginning, when there is a need to return to basics, starting
over again, the Root Chakra. When a situation is ended this is the locus from which
to begin again. Can also be used to aid in healing of broken bones and relieving

Blue Lace Agate:

Opening Self-Expression

The throat center is the vehicle through which we express both what we feel in the
heart and think in the mind. When we are afraid to express our thoughts and
feelings, the throat center can become blocked, a condition that can make self-
expression even more difficult. It can also lead to a suppression of true thoughts
or feelings so that one doesn't even have to deal with contemplating their

Of the many stones associated with the throat chakra, blue lace agate is considered
the crystal most connected to the initial opening of this energy center when its
natural function has become limited and its energy congested.

As an agate, it is a grounding stone, and when we feel grounded in our bodies we

often feel more comfortable. This state of ease can allow our energy to flow more
freely. Its color, a pale blue with white streaks, also relates to its qualities.
When I look at this stone, I think of softness, and its energy is very gentle. It's
a very soothing stone for gently allowing for the opening of self-expression.

Often, when communications have been withheld, a charge of anger accumulates, and
the longer the communication is suppressed the greater the anger. It can feel so
explosive that one becomes afraid to communicate.

In such situations blue lace agate reveals its special characteristics. If you
would prefer to express yourself peacefully, and if you are willing to make a
commitment to do so, this stone can help you to do so. Meditate with it,
visualizing yourself speaking calmly and peacefully. Then program the stone, and
have it close at hand for your actual conversation.

Once the throat chakra is open for communication, you may find that other blue and
blue-green stones will be helpful for other levels of conversation. You may find,
though, that, from time to time, somel words are difficult to speak. In such
instances blue lace agate can once again ease your self-expression.
Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquility. Blue lace
agate brings with this calm and tranquility a lessening of anger, even deep anger
issues, and a calming of nervousness.

Spiritually, blue lace agate assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual
planes, communicating with angels and activates the throat chakra. It can help
bring stronger intuition and inner knowing. Inspiration is another hallmark of blue
lace agate and that can assist in inner attunement, and has been said to be useful
for performing miracles.

Blue lace agate is considered a stone of communication. It can ease the harsh edge
off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth
discussions. It also brings tactfulness to speech and written communications. Blue
lace agate is used in crystal healing to reduce or cure stuttering and other
nervous speech habits and patterns.

As with all agates, Blue lace agate is a protective stone. Its protective energies
are more gentle and subtle than some stones, but it is effective nonetheless. It
can be particularly effective when calling upon angels for protection.

In the crystal healing realm, blue lace agate has been used to aid with arthritis,
headaches, digestive issues, growth, and bones.

Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air, the throat chakra, and the zodiac
sign Pisces.

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